General Secretary's request for a journey to forge "hard steel" in China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:01 AM

Time is the most faithful recorder.

From Shikumen to Tiananmen, from Xingye Road to Fuxing Road, a red ship carrying the trust of the people and the hope of the nation, crosses rapids and treacherous waters, and becomes a towering ship that guides China's steady and far-reaching journey. The CPC united and led the Chinese people to write the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

On the occasion of the 102 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, on behalf of the Party Central Committee, extended festive greetings to the broad masses of Communist Party members across the country and put forward new requirements for "deepening the new great project of party building in the new era.

History has fully proved that without the CPC, there would be no new China and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The key to comprehensively building a socialist modernized country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lies in the Party and the people. A large party and a great country are not only advantages for us to accomplish great things and build great achievements, but also enable us to face many unique challenges in governing the party and the country.

"We are such a big party, leading such a big country, and shouldering the arduous task of leading the people of all ethnic groups across the country to achieve national prosperity and national rejuvenation. The whole party must unify its thinking, will, and action." In April of this year, at the work conference on studying and implementing Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the general secretary clearly stated that it is necessary to "jointly forge the party into an invincible and invincible hard steel".

More unified in ideology

Unity is the life and strength of the Party. And ideological unity is the most profound, enduring, and reliable guarantee for the unity of the Party.

"In terms of ideology, the Party has established the guiding position of Mao Zedong Thought in the entire Party, and has written Mao Zedong Thought into the Party Constitution." Then in Yan'an, reviewing historical materials, General Secretary sighed, "Every time I am spiritually baptized.".

△ On October 27, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping and others visited the "Great Course-The Thirteen-Year History of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Yan'an" at the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall.

General Secretary's request for a journey to forge "hard steel" in China

Tightening the overall switch of ideological party building, adhering to arming the whole party with the latest achievements of Marxism's sinicization and modernization, guiding practice, and promoting work, is an important experience for our party to create history and achieve brilliance.

If you loosen your mind one inch, you will loosen your actions one foot.He repeatedly emphasized that "without ideals and beliefs, if ideals and beliefs are not firm, one will suffer from 'calcium deficiency' and 'chondropathy' in the spirit." "To cultivate a 'diamond like body', one must arm the mind with scientific theories and continuously cultivate our spiritual home.".

Nowadays, the education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is being carried out in depth throughout the party.

Regarding the purpose of learning, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "it is all about application and turning this idea into a powerful ideological weapon for transforming the subjective world and the objective world".

General Secretary attaches great importance to the development of this thematic education and has repeatedly emphasized the need to achieve practical results in shaping the soul through learning, enhancing intelligence through learning, improving the atmosphere through learning, and promoting work through learning——

During his inspection in Guangdong in April this year, he emphasized the need to firmly uphold his ideals and beliefs, cultivate loyalty to the Party, and stand firm in the people's position regarding "learning to forge a soul";

In May, while listening to the work report of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and Government, he further explained the concept of "enhancing intelligence through learning" and sent a message: "We should understand the rules, clarify the direction, learn methods, and enhance wisdom from the scientific theory of the Party, and learn the skills of guarding the family, revitalizing the Party, and strengthening the country.";

In June, during his research in Inner Mongolia, he emphasized the importance of promoting the whole party to solve prominent problems in party conduct with the spirit of self revolution through centralized education, and put forward specific requirements for "focusing on learning and rectifying the style", "promoting a pragmatic style", "promoting a clean and honest style", and "cultivating a frugal and simple style".

The people of the CPC who rely on learning to go to today will also rely on learning to go to the future. Faced with the complex international and domestic situation, arduous and arduous tasks of reform, development, and stability, as well as various uncertain and unpredictable risks and challenges, the vast number of party members and cadres must bear in mind the overall requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", adhere to the unity of learning, thinking, application, knowledge, belief, and action, and strive to create a new situation for career development.

General Secretary's request for a journey to forge "hard steel" in China

More politically united

To govern our big party and our great country well, it is crucial to ensure the unity and concentration of the party, and to uphold the authority of the central committee of the party. At all times and under any circumstances, we must adhere to the banner of the Party, the direction of the Party, and the will of the Party.

"There is probably only one 'higher education institution' in the world, with cave dwellings as classrooms, stone and brick tables and chairs, lime and mud walls as blackboards, and school buildings that are not afraid of bombing." American journalist Edgar Snow described this' cave dwelling university 'in his book' Journey to the West '. This university was renamed as the Chinese People's Anti Japanese Military and Political University in January 1937. Mao Zedong also served as the chairman of the school's education committee and personally taught some courses to the students.

"In 1938, Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out at Yan'an Anti-Japanese Military and Political University when answering" What should I learn in the Anti-Japanese University? "," The first is to learn a political direction '." In October last year, when paying homage to the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Site, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the requirement that "all comrades in the party must adhere to the correct political direction.

The political direction is the top priority for the survival and development of the Party; Obeying the core and maintaining the core is obeying and maintaining the overall situation, which is the greatest politics. "As a Marxist political party, our party's emphasis on politics is a prominent feature and advantage." General Secretary said earnestly, "Is the Communist Party still called the Communist Party if it doesn't focus on politics?"

"When the Red Army was crossing the grassland, the cooks got up together and didn't ask if there was any rice to cook today, but asked whether to go south or north first. This shows that in the Red Army, even a cook knows that the question of direction is more important than what to eat." General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the eternal subject of "the party's political construction.

△ On April 3, 2023, a conference on learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics was held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.

Speaking of politics is concrete, and the "two safeguards" should be reflected in resolutely implementing the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities, and in effectively carrying out their own work, as well as in the daily words and actions of Party members and cadres.

To forge iron, one must be hard on their own. "Our party must always be the vanguard of the times, the backbone of the nation, and the governing party of Marxism. We must always be strong ourselves."

General Secretary's request for a journey to forge "hard steel" in China

Grasping iron with marks, leaving footprints on stones.

In the 2022 National Bureau of Statistics public opinion survey, 97.4% of the people expressed satisfaction with the effectiveness of comprehensive strict governance of the Party, construction of Party conduct and clean governance, and anti-corruption work, an increase of 22.4 percentage points from 2012.

Looking around the world, no political party can take self construction as seriously as the CPC, and promote self revolution in a scientific and systematic manner with such a high degree of consciousness. This is the significant advantage of our party and the way to lead the times.

Dare to carry out self revolution, dare to turn the blade inward, dare to scrape bones and heal wounds, dare to break the wrist with courage... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, through comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, the Party's creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness have been continuously enhanced.

More consistent in action

The building of socialism with Chinese characteristics requires four beams and eight pillars to support, and the Party is the overall framework that runs through it. The Party, government, military, and civil education, as well as the schools in the east, west, north, south, and north, are all led by the Party. A rigorous organizational system is the advantage and strength of Marxist political parties.

In April 2020, a photo of "five level secretaries in the same frame" flashed across the screen - in Pingli County, Shaanxi Province, spring rain had just stopped.People can see from the picture the sentiment of a leader of a great country who cares about poverty alleviation and cares about the people, and also feel the power of "those who share the same desire from top to bottom win".

△ On April 21, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to a tea garden in Jiangjiaping Village, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province to inspect the situation of poverty alleviation.

Poverty alleviation is an unprecedented feat. The key to winning this battle is unity and cooperation from top to bottom. From top-level design to deployment of troops, from the Party Central Command to the grassroots "last mile"... The whole country played a game of chess, with 22 provinces, regions, and cities issuing "military orders" to the Party Central Committee. 255000 village work teams, more than 3 million first secretaries, and village cadres charged and fell into battle with rural cadres.

General Secretary's request for a journey to forge "hard steel" in China

In the front line of the fight against the COVID-19, a large number of party members and cadres from government agencies, enterprises and public institutions settled down in the community, and 244000 temporary party organizations were established. More than 25000 outstanding people swore to join the party on the front line, and the party flag flew high.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "Only when the Party's central, local and grass-roots organizations are strong and fully functional can the advantages and power of the Party's organizational system be fully reflected. Only when the Party's organizations at all levels are sound and strong, and form a tight organizational system that is well-connected from top to bottom and has strong implementation, can the Party's leadership be 'like an arm, like an arm and a finger '."

"Our modernization is both the hardest and the greatest." On October 17, 2022, when participating in the discussion of the Guangxi delegation of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping sighed like this.

It can be foreseen that on the road ahead, we will inevitably encounter a large number of new topics that have never appeared before, encounter various difficulties and obstacles, and endure many major tests such as high winds, waves, and even rough waves.

Fearless of wind and rain, steady and steady. The CPC is the most reliable backbone for our great achievements.

The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will surely ride the wind and waves, set sail for a long journey.

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