General Secretary's Guidance on Deepening Theme Education, First Observation | Four Surveys, Four Party Courses, First Observation

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:09 AM

In the more than three months since the launch of Xi Jinping's ideological theme education on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping, in combination with four local investigations and investigations, has made profound explanations on the four aspects of the fundamental tasks of thematic education, namely, casting soul by learning, increasing wisdom by learning, promoting work by learning, and putting forward clear requirements, and providing vivid party lessons for the majority of party members and cadres. Promote the solid development of thematic education and step by step.

In April, in Guangdong, it was emphasized that "learning to forge the soul" means "deepening, internalizing, and transforming the study and implementation of the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era". From a ideological perspective, we should rectify the root, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the root, build a solid foundation of faith, supplement the calcium of spirit, and stabilize the rudder of thought ". We should" strengthen our ideals and beliefs "," forge loyalty to the Party ", and" stand firm in the people's position ".

In May, in Shaanxi, the interpretation of "learning to enhance intelligence" means to understand the rules, clarify the direction, learn methods, and enhance wisdom from the scientific theory of the Party, and learn the skills of guarding the family, revitalizing the Party, and strengthening the country. It aims to "enhance political ability," "enhance thinking ability," and "enhance practical ability.".

In June, in Inner Mongolia, we explained the concept of "learning to correct the style", "adhering to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, integrating learning, investigation and reform, identifying gaps in party conduct requirements, identifying root causes of party spirit requirements, clarifying measures in accordance with party discipline requirements, and enhancing the effectiveness of inspection and rectification", "promoting a pragmatic style", "promoting a clean and honest style", and "cultivating a frugal and simple style".

In July, in Jiangsu, a call was made to "promote work through learning", "implement the requirements of" emphasizing practice ", adhere to the integration of learning, thinking, and practice, correct the direction of work, enhance the driving force of work, form a joint force of work, and achieve tangible results in promoting work through learning", "establish a political achievement view that benefits the people", "inspire the spirit of work and entrepreneurship", and "form a good situation of strict implementation".

While carrying out field research and guiding thematic education, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a profound interpretation of the four "learning by learning", focusing on three requirements each time, and clearly answered the directional and principled questions of how to learn and what to learn--

General Secretary's Guidance on Deepening Theme Education, First Observation | Four Surveys, Four Party Courses, First Observation

To promote spiritual baptism through learning, to enhance intelligence and enhance abilities through learning, to promote style change through learning, and to promote career development through learning.

The four principles of "learning" reflect the Party's requirements for party members and cadres in terms of ideology, politics, abilities, and work style in the new era.

"Reflect loyalty to the Party in the practical actions of implementing the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee"

"Taking the satisfaction of the people as the fundamental criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of thematic education"

"Work diligently, lay a solid foundation, and take solid steps"

"Achieve new results in implementation"

General Secretary's Guidance on Deepening Theme Education, First Observation | Four Surveys, Four Party Courses, First Observation


The series of requirements put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping are all aimed at "achieving tangible results".

This time, the general secretary profoundly explained "promoting work by learning" and stressed that "do not engage in greed for foreign countries", "do not engage in flashy but not realistic", "seriously deal with negative phenomena such as being light and afraid of heavy, lying down, perfunctory, and muddling along" and "implementing the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee". It also directly points to formalism and bureaucracy, and points out the right way for the whole party and society.

From the beginning of action, knowledge is achieved through action.

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