General Secretary leads high-quality development in this way, and the pattern of the beginning year | Development | General Secretary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:48 PM

Walking in the south of the Five Ridges and traveling thousands of miles in four days, it points out the direction for Guangdong to "take the lead in promoting Chinese path to modernization".

Arriving at Xiong'an New District, we entrust "truly transforming the high standard urban planning blueprint into a high-quality urban development reality picture.".

I went to the ancient capital of Xi'an and specifically listened to the work reports of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and Government, demanding "efforts to achieve new breakthroughs in achieving technological self-reliance and self-improvement, building a modern industrial system, promoting coordinated development between urban and rural areas, expanding high-level opening up to the outside world, and strengthening ecological environment protection.".

The Xinghetao Plain, with two surveys and two meetings, emphasized the importance of building a strong ecological security barrier in northern China, which is the "greatest of the country" that Inner Mongolia must remember.

Looking at the land of plenty, I deeply pointed out that "the key to Chinese path to modernization is scientific and technological modernization", and hoped that Jiangsu would take the lead in making new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, build an important industrial scientific and technological innovation highland in China, and make high-quality development more dependent on innovation driven connotative growth.

To the Land of Abundance, it is emphasized to deepen the transformation of development mode, development momentum, development fields, and development quality, and create a new situation of high-quality development in China.


Development is our Party's top priority in governing and rejuvenating China. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed: "High quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country."

This year marks the beginning of the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up and the 10th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Doing a good job in economic and social development this year, promoting the overall improvement of economic operation, is crucial for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country to start well and take good steps.

The beginning is related to the overall situation, and the beginning determines the future trend.

On July 17th, the semi annual report of the Chinese economy was released. Observing the form and momentum in the transcript: In the first half of the year, the gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 5.5% year-on-year, significantly faster than the economic growth rate of 3% for the entire year last year; Since the beginning of this year, the national economy has continued to recover and overall rebounded, high-quality development has been solidly promoted, industrial upgrading has accumulated and developed, food and energy security has been effectively guaranteed, and the overall social situation has remained stable, laying a good foundation for achieving the annual economic and social development goals.

Seize the Time and Momentum——

"We must fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept"

The welding robot emits arc light in all directions, and the mechanical operating arm can stretch and retract freely. On July 3rd, China's 20th millionth new energy vehicle drove off the Guangzhou GAC Aian production line in Guangdong.

From the first vehicle to the 10th million vehicles, 27 years; From the 10th to the breakthrough of 20 million vehicles, it will take 17 months. The jumping numbers indicate the speed and intensity of "China's intelligent manufacturing".

The development of new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from an automotive powerhouse to an automotive powerhouse.

China has become the world's largest producer, consumer, and exporter of new energy vehicles, driven by continuous innovation in "three electric" technology, low-carbon and environmentally friendly green travel, and rising exports. The new development concept of integrating innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing has made the new energy vehicle industry a vivid window for observing China's high-quality development.

"High quality development refers to the development that can effectively meet the growing needs of the people for a better life, reflects the new development concept, and is driven by innovation as the primary driving force, coordination as the endogenous characteristic, green as the universal form, openness as the inevitable path, and sharing as the fundamental goal."

This is a scientific judgment of time and potential. From "existence" to "good or bad", the development environment and conditions are changing, and the development concept is also advancing according to the times and the situation. The five development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing were formed based on a profound summary of domestic and foreign development experiences and lessons, as well as a profound analysis of the overall development trend at home and abroad. We must fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept.

The new development concept is a strategic guidance and important guideline for promoting high-quality development in the new era. On the new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, the concept is clearer and the path is clearer.

During the visit to the members of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of China (DAB) who participated in the CPPCC meeting, it was emphasized that "we should guide private enterprises and entrepreneurs to correctly understand the Party Central Committee's policies, enhance confidence, take action lightly, and boldly develop, in order to achieve healthy and high-quality development of the private economy."

Advocate innovation and stimulate changes in motivation.

In the Zijinshan Laboratory in Nanjing, Jiangsu, the 6G pulse is exciting and the future scene is desirable.

Innovation "genes" are deeply rooted in the Purple Mountain Laboratory. Completed the world's first 6G photon terahertz 100Gbps real-time wireless transmission communication experiment, released the world's first large-scale network operating system, and in recent years, a number of breakthrough achievements have emerged. Meeting expectations and continuing to tackle key issues, the research team will move towards the maturity and practicality of key technologies.

The weak innovation ability is the Achilles heel of development.

Deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system, strengthening the leading position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and promoting the development of strategic emerging industries, in the first half of the year, the production of aerospace aluminum materials, industrial control computers, and systems increased by 23.3% and 34.1% respectively, while the production of new energy products such as new energy vehicles, solar cells, and charging piles increased by 35%, 54.5%, and 53.1% respectively. The first driving force of innovation is even stronger.

Emphasize coordination and enhance endogenous motivation.

Xiong'an is connected to the national high-speed railway network; Announcement of the list of ecological and environmental measures for the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region in 2023; In May, the three regions signed the "Collaborative Mechanism Plan for Key Industrial Chains in Beijing Tianjin Hebei", jointly strengthening and supplementing the chain, and breaking through "bottlenecks" and "bottlenecks"; In the first half of the year, Hebei undertook 526 units of industrial activities transferred from Beijing to Tianjin, and Xiong'an New Area completed a year-on-year growth of 17.8% in fixed assets investment... The Beijing Tianjin Hebei region on the track is running faster and faster, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region under the blue sky screens "circle of friends", and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region on the industrial transfer chain has boosted popularity and wealth.

China is currently in the stage of transitioning from a middle-income country to a high-income country. International experience has shown that this stage is a period of concentrated outbreaks of various contradictions, with uncoordinated development and many shortcomings inevitable. "To achieve coordinated development, it is necessary to identify weaknesses and make more efforts to fill them. By filling these gaps, we can tap into development potential and enhance development momentum."

Since the beginning of this year, Xiong'an New Area has entered a stage of large-scale construction and undertaking the non capital functions of Beijing. The rectification of prominent ecological and environmental problems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt has been steadily advancing. The construction of the Hengqin, Qianhai, and Nansha Cooperation Zones has accelerated, and the pace of scientific and technological innovation and industrial integration development in the Yangtze River Delta has accelerated. The endogenous characteristic of coordination is even more prominent.

Advocate for green and polish the foundation of development.

Forest and sand compete, green and yellow intertwine, Hetao Plain, and the Yellow River meanders through.At the work report meeting of the Party Committee and Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the General Secretary emphasized that high-quality development, ecological priority, and green development remain the "primary" and "guiding" aspects of the work.

We must explore a new path of high-quality development guided by ecological priority and green development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the construction of ecological civilization has undergone historic, transitional, and global changes from theory to practice.

Supporting high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment and accelerating the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The next five years will be an important period for the construction of a beautiful China.

The coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth. In the first half of the year, the proportion of sections with good water quality in the national surface water assessment increased by 2.1 percentage points year-on-year, and the energy consumption per unit of GDP decreased by 0.4% year-on-year. The environmental quality continued to improve. The "universal form" of green is more distinct.

Thick planting and opening up, supporting internal and external linkage.

Xi'an, Shaanxi, is the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road.

Today, on the Silk Road, highways span mountains, pipelines shuttle through deserts, and China Europe freight trains fly by. The "the Belt and Road" has just the right scenery.

Opening up has become a necessity for China's high-quality economic development, and Chinese path to modernization is a modernization that follows the path of peaceful development. "We must firmly develop an open world economy, share opportunities and benefits in openness, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results."

The "Investment in China Year" series of activities have been launched, and the Consumer Expo and Canton Fair have been successfully held one after another, expanding the "circle of friends" and expanding the development space. As of now, the China Europe freight train has reached a total of 216 cities in 25 European countries; In the first half of the year, the total export of "new three types" products such as electric passenger vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells increased by 61.6%. Opening up this "necessary path" is more smooth.

Promote sharing and accelerate the transformation of well-being.

Maoming, Guangdong, a lychee, savoring the original intention.

Simple language, deep affection and righteousness.

Chinese path to modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people. "Only by adhering to the development concept of putting the people at the center, adhering to the principle of 'development for the people, development relying on the people, and development achievements shared by the people', can we have a correct view of development and modernization."

The affairs of thousands of households are placed on the desk and hung in the heart. At present, 429 cities have completed the preparation of overall solutions for "one old and one small", achieving full coverage at the prefecture and city levels; This year, 156.7 billion yuan will be allocated as assistance and subsidy funds for disadvantaged groups; About 65% of monitoring objects in the first half of the year eliminated the risk of returning to poverty. The fundamental purpose of sharing is clearer.

The heavy answer sheet has attracted international attention. In June, the 14th Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin, and the President of the World Economic Forum, Schwab, stated, "The whole world benefits from China's development."

Implementing the new development concept is the necessary path for China's development and growth in the new era. Implementing the new development concept throughout the entire process and various fields of economic and social development, seeking novelty, progress, and breakthroughs in progress, China is moving forward towards high-quality development on a new journey.

Coordinate quality and quantity——

"We must better coordinate the effective improvement of quality and the reasonable growth of quantity"

Two metaphors about "size" are meaningful.

At that time, with the continuous increase of the total economic output, China encountered a series of new situations and problems in its development, which included a period of shifting growth rate, a period of painful structural adjustment, and a period of digestion of early stimulus policies.

Currently, unilateralism, protectionism, and anti globalization are spreading, and China's development has entered a period of strategic opportunities, risks, and challenges, with an increase in uncertain and unpredictable factors.

How can one become stronger after growing taller? Two metaphors, one pointing to, "One important aspect of our Party's leadership in the governance of the people is to answer the major question of what kind of development to achieve and how to achieve it."

Two major situations are intertwined, and new situations and problems arise one after another.

The transition from quantitative change to qualitative change is an objective economic law.

This is a checkpoint that must be crossed. Looking at the world, since the 1960s, only a dozen out of over 100 middle-income economies have become high-income economies. Those countries and regions that have achieved success have all achieved a shift in economic development from quantitative expansion to qualitative improvement after experiencing a phase of rapid growth. Economic development is a spiral upward process, which is not linear. When quantity accumulates to a certain stage, it must shift towards qualitative improvement.

This is a transformation that must be faced directly. Looking at oneself, the question of whether or not there is something in most fields has been basically solved, and the question of whether it is good or not is even more prominent. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the main contradictions in Chinese society have undergone significant changes. The problem of unbalanced and insufficient development has become more prominent, and the contradictions and problems in development are concentrated in the quality of development. "We must promote high-quality development to adapt to new technological changes and people's new needs, form a high-quality, efficient, and diversified supply system, and provide more high-quality products and services. Only in this way can supply and demand achieve balance at a new level, and China's economy can continue to develop healthily."

Balancing quality and quantity is a must answer question for development, and a challenging question for high-quality development.

At the Political Bureau meeting of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held on April 28th, it was proposed to "combine the effectiveness of policies with the vitality of business entities, and form a strong driving force for promoting high-quality development" and "promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity in the economy".

The Political Bureau meeting of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held on July 24th proposed to make good use of policy space, find the right direction for development, and solidly promote high-quality economic development.

The Outline of the Strategic Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand and the Implementation Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand during the 14th Five Year Plan period have been accelerated, and the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy have been officially issued. The driving force for promoting high-quality development is strong and full of vitality.

At the beginning of the year, various regions and departments implemented the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, adhered to winning with quality, and continuously shaped new advantages for development.

"We will keep in mind our instructions and continue to bravely venture into 'unmanned areas' and win the battle of key core technologies," said Bu Aimin, President of China Electronics Technology Industry Basic Research Institute. The innovative research and development of a series of products has provided solid support for the development of various equipment and digital economy industries such as manned spaceflight, lunar and Mars exploration, Beidou networking, etc.

The effective improvement of quality is an essential aspect of high-quality development. Each region and department relies on technological innovation to improve supply quality, prioritize efficiency, continuously explore new areas of development, and strengthen new driving forces for development.

The effective improvement of quality enhances the momentum of progress.

The development momentum is surging. In the first half of the year, investment in high-tech industries increased by 12.5% year-on-year. The investment in professional technical services and technology achievement transformation services increased by 51.6% and 46.3% year-on-year, respectively; Manufacturing investment increased by 6% year-on-year, with equipment manufacturing investment increasing by 14.4%, providing significant support for the growth of manufacturing investment.

Economic structure improvement. In the first half of the year, economic growth shifted from being mainly driven by industry last year to being jointly driven by the service industry and industry; The contribution rate of service industry growth to economic growth exceeds 60%, significantly increasing.

Release of market vitality. As of the end of May, the number of registered private enterprises in China reached 50.9276 million, an increase of 3.7 times from 10.857 million at the end of 2012. The number of private enterprises in the "four new economies" of new technologies, new industries, new formats, and new models has exceeded 25 million.

Maintain reasonable growth in quantity and lay a solid foundation for achieving high-quality development.

Dialectical understanding and scientific coordination of the relationship between quality and quantity in economic development are important experiences for our party to lead economic work. For a large economy like China, adhering to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability and maintaining reasonable growth in quantity can help ensure smooth economic circulation and maintain overall social stability.

Reasonable growth in quantity strengthens the foundation of stability.

Make every effort to solidify the chassis. This year's summer grain production reached 146.13 million tons, achieving another bumper harvest; In the first half of the year, the total production of primary energy increased by 2.7% year-on-year, and we stabilized the two "rice bowls" of food and energy.

Make every effort to stabilize employment. Expanding job supply in Beijing to promote employment for college graduates; Shaanxi has introduced six new measures, including increasing employment subsidy standards and providing fully subsidized entrepreneurship guarantee loans; In the first half of the year, the stable employment policies of the human resources and social security departments released dividends exceeding 150 billion yuan.

Take multiple measures to cover the bottom line. We will implement a youth employment and entrepreneurship promotion plan with 10 actions as the focus, including improving the quality of employment internships. We will issue the "Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Basic Elderly Care Service System", expand the centralized and quantity based procurement of drugs and consumables, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people.

Integrating the quality and quantity of economic development organically, forming a vivid situation and strong joint force of nationwide competition to promote high-quality development, will definitely continue to stimulate the endogenous driving force of economic development.

Insight into danger and opportunity——

"Accelerate the construction of a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international dual circulation promoting each other"

The changes in the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways.

The contemporary CPC people calmly responded to the accurate understanding of change, scientific response, and initiative to change.

Silicon wafer assembly, photovoltaic focusing, green power transmission to thousands of households. Manufacturing and new energy are intertwined. In the Central Industrial Park of Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia, the focus is on the localization of semiconductor monocrystalline silicon and the research and development is underway.

Small silicon wafers are connected to major strategies.After a series of admonitions and sincere words, he said, "To build a new development pattern, the first step is to do a good job in the domestic circulation, which is the fundamental solution." "We open the door, and anyone who comes to cooperate with us is welcome."

Accelerating the construction of a new development pattern is a strategic decision based on achieving the second centenary goal, coordinating development and security, and is a strategic deployment to seize the initiative of future development.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international dual circulation promoting each other.

The key decision for the overall development of relationships comes from a profound insight into danger and opportunity. From the domestic circulation before the reform and opening up to joining the international circulation, the "world factory" development model has helped to rapidly enhance economic strength. In recent years, economic globalization has encountered a backlash, and the game between major powers has become increasingly fierce. The environmental conditions for large inflows and outflows have changed. To smooth the domestic circulation and strive to cultivate a body that is invincible from all kinds of poisons and invincible from diamond, we can let the international situation change and remain full of vitality for survival and development. No one can defeat us or block us.

The Political Bureau meeting of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held on July 24th pointed out that the current economic operation is facing new difficulties and challenges, mainly due to insufficient domestic demand, operational difficulties for some enterprises, multiple risks and hidden dangers in key areas, and a complex and severe external environment. After a smooth transition in epidemic prevention and control, economic recovery is a wave like development and a tortuous progress.

Strive to nurture opportunities in times of crisis and open up new opportunities in times of change.

The key to building a new development pattern lies in the smooth circulation of the economy.

The two essential guarantees are crucial. Based on oneself, smooth circulation.

The all terrain crane lifts mountains and rivers with force. The General Secretary is very concerned about this major technical equipment.

During this year's National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a representative from XCMG Group, Shan Zenghai, brought good news: "In 2017, the key indicators of the 220 ton all terrain crane you used to inspect XCMG have reached the top in the world, and the localization rate has increased from 71% to 100%."

Upstream, there are over 10000 types and over 100000 components of the entire vehicle body; Downstream, the construction field covers multiple scenarios such as municipal, chemical, and wind power. All terrain cranes, grasp the industrial chain, and smooth upstream and downstream.

"The new development pattern is based on a modern industrial system, and smooth economic circulation requires orderly and efficient connections among various industries."

In the past decade of the new era, the manufacturing industry has ranked first in the world for 13 consecutive years, and the production of over 220 industrial products has ranked first in the world. The endogenous power and reliability of the domestic circulation have been continuously enhanced.

Supplement the supply chain of weak industries, extend the supply chain of advantageous industries, upgrade the supply chain of traditional industries, and build the supply chain of emerging industries. In the first half of this year, 26 out of 41 industrial sectors maintained year-on-year growth in added value, and China continued to move towards a modern industrial system that is independent, controllable, safe, reliable, and highly competitive.

The most essential feature of building a new development pattern is to achieve high-level self-reliance and self-improvement.

Walking non-stop, what worries us along the way is innovation.

Grateful progress, "Hand torn steel" has been reduced from 0.02mm to 0.015mm, and "finger wrapped flexibility" has been further upgraded.

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