General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Qufu Confucius Mansion and Confucius Institute

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 23:53 PM

Former General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Qufu Confucius Mansion and Confucius Institute

The Confucian style and Lu charm, transformed into a new trend to nourish civilization

"The strength of a country or a nation is always supported by cultural prosperity, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation requires the development and prosperity of Chinese culture as a condition."

As a millennium old city, the hometown of Confucius, and the hometown of Confucianism, Qufu has embarked on a vivid practice of inheriting cultural heritage and integrating ancient and modern.

The new and old "three holes" complement each other in radiance

After enduring the baptism of time, the style of the "Old Three Confucius" in the Confucian Temple, Confucian Mansion, and Confucian Forest remains unchanged. The "New Three Confucius", represented by the Confucius Institute, Confucius Museum, and Nishan Holy Land, have the courage to solidify their roots and create new ones, blooming with new charm.

During the summer, the Confucius Museum, which has 700000 cultural relics, is experiencing a peak in passenger flow. Over 20000 visitors a day make more than ten tour guides too busy to eat. On July 6th, Mr. Lin from Beijing arrived early in the morning with his three daughters at the Confucius Museum to experience stone carvings, rubbings, and creative depictions of the Analects of Confucius. "It is very important for children to experience the greatness of Confucius and the profoundness of Chinese culture on the ground," he said

In the holy land of Nishan, a large-scale live performance combining sound and light, "Golden Sound and Jade Vibration," vividly depicts the life experience of an ordinary person who went from ordinary to holy under the influence of Confucianism and ritual and music culture, allowing the audience to appreciate the unique charm of Chinese civilization

"In the first half of this year alone, there were over 3 million visitors to the 'Three Confucius', many of whom were study tours. The' Three Confucius' has become an important destination for excellent traditional cultural study tours," said Xu Yi, Deputy Director of the Qufu Public Cultural Service Center.

Studying has become an important way for deep learning to experience traditional culture. At present, there are more than 30 research and study tourism bases in Qufu, receiving over 300000 students annually.

The three Confucius, old and new, are interconnected and reflect on each other, becoming a vivid portrayal of promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Excellent Traditional Culture Governance and Education

The soul of the country is transformed and forged through culture.

"Confucius said, 'If one's body is upright, they will act without orders; if one's body is not upright, they will not obey orders.' Only by abandoning greed and profit can officials set an example, win the hearts of the people, and govern their country..." Dozens of party and government leaders nodded frequently, pondering.

The Qufu Cadre Political Ethics Education Center, with the theme of "promoting excellent traditional culture and cultivating cadres as political ethics," has emerged.

General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Qufu Confucius Mansion and Confucius Institute

"We have built 16 on-site teaching sites based on the 'Three Confucius', the Zhou Gong Temple, and the Confucius Institute, telling the essence of Confucianism learning, clean governance, and other ideas. Students can directly appreciate the charm of excellent traditional Chinese culture in front of cultural relics, draw wisdom from self-cultivation, moral education, and governance. Currently, nearly 100000 party members and cadres from all over the country have received excellent traditional cultural education here." said Li Hao, Deputy Director of the Qufu Cadre Political Ethics Education Center.

In recent years, as an academic institution specializing in the study of Confucianism, the Confucius Institute has focused on academic topics such as "Analects of Confucius Studies", "Chinese Rites and Music Civilization Research", and "Confucius Family Language Research", strengthening the excavation and elucidation of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and compiling and publishing more than 100 academic works of various types. In particular, the "Translate China" project, led by scholars of Confucianism, has provided a cross-cultural philosophical terminology tool for the world to understand Confucianism and for China to explain Confucianism to the outside world, generating widespread international influence.

Drawing on tradition to nourish a new trend of civilization

Nurture oneself with culture and virtue.

"The last word of the names of the eldest Zhang Wanren, the second Zhang Wanyi, and several brothers in my family, combined together, is' Ren, Yi, Li, Zhi, and Xin '. In the family tradition exhibition room of Wujia Village in Xiaoxue Street, Qufu, villager Zhang Wan'an pointed to the family portrait on the wall and introduced them. The elders used the simple way of naming to teach them the principles of being a good person, and also continued the Zhang family tradition.".

The Zhang family still uses such family teachings to educate their descendants, such as "ordinary, thrifty, simple, filial piety, kindness, and authenticity". No matter what profession they engage in, their character of being diligent, frugal, and loyal in managing their family and being a good person cannot be lost.

Showcasing family traditions and shining family teachings. 470 new era civilization practice stations in Qufu have generally built exhibition rooms for family traditions, and organized volunteers to go door-to-door to listen to stories and summarize, compiling family traditions and teachings into books, and cultivating civilized rural customs.

"The use of propriety, harmony is precious." In Qufu, when the "harmony is precious" mediation center was mentioned, everyone was aware of it. From neighborhood disputes and marital disputes, to property purchase disputes and salary disputes, any dispute can be resolved through mediation. There are 483 "peace is precious" mediation rooms in urban and rural areas of Qufu, which draw on the essence of traditional culture, such as "peace is precious" and "no litigation", and do the mediation work before the intensification of conflicts and disputes.

At present, the "Harmony is Precious" mediation room in the city has mediated more than 7200 cases, with a mediation success rate of over 98.5%, basically achieving the work goal of "not leaving the village for small matters, not leaving the town for major events, not submitting conflicts, and not suing if possible". "Practice has proven that excellent traditional Chinese culture is a valuable resource for enhancing social governance capabilities," said Han Guanghong, Deputy Director of Qufu Social Governance Service Center.

"Qufu will always bear in mind the instructions of General Secretary and, in accordance with the requirements of 'two combinations', promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and hand over the Qufu answer sheet for the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation." Li Lixin, Secretary of the Qufu Municipal Party Committee, is full of heart.

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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