From "mass leader" to "people's servant" mass | Xi Jinping | leader

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:07 PM

Xi Zhongxun once told his son Xi Jinping: "No matter how big an official you are, don't forget to serve the people diligently, truly consider the people, contact the masses, and be approachable."

This statement is a request from the father to his son and a legacy passed down between two generations of Communist Party members.

"He is a leader who emerged from the masses."

In October 1945, Mao Zedong introduced Xi Zhongxun to party comrades and said, "We should choose a young comrade to serve as the Secretary of the Northwest Bureau, that is Xi Zhongxun. He is a leader who emerged from the masses."

Born in a time of national crisis, this proletarian revolutionary, who grew up as a descendant of farmers, has a deep affection for the people, especially the peasant community. He often says, "I am the son of a farmer."

Li Dunbai, an American scholar who once and Xi Zhongxun rushed all the way from Suide to Yan'an, recalled: "Wherever he went, it seemed that there were people he knew in every village. He met this person and said, has your mother-in-law's illness recovered? The person said, has your father's waist pain recovered."

"All the people in Guanzhong, both adults and children, know him and like him." An organizational appraisal material preserved in Xi Zhongxun's archives vividly reflects Xi Zhongxun's deep love for fish and water with the masses.

In the exhibition hall of the former site of the Suide Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, a line of characters stands out: "Sitting on the side of the common people with your butt up.". This is what Xi Zhongxun said.

"End to end, this is Guanzhong dialect, steady and upright." In September 2021, Xi Jinping said during an inspection tour in Yulin, Shaanxi.

In 1943, just as Xi Zhongxun took office as the Secretary of the Suide Municipal Committee, he put forward the requirement of "serving 520000 people". He demanded that cadres at all levels should not be "officials" or "masters", but rather go out of the "yamen", go deep into the countryside, truly think of ways for the people, and do practical things.

From "mass leader" to "people's servant" mass | Xi Jinping | leader

In the book "Xi Zhongxun and the Mass Line", there is a documentary that goes: "He has visited many counties and cities in eastern Guangdong, northern Guangdong, western Guangdong, the Pearl River Delta, and Hainan. Many places are not ordinary grassroots, but very poor. He has run to poverty-stricken limestone mountainous areas with poor natural conditions, such as Dongshan in Yangshan County and Baiwan in Qingyuan County."

When conducting research in Meixian, Guangdong, he was wearing a straw hat, rolling up his pants and walking in the dirt. When farmers see such a big leader, they sometimes shake hands with him, and Xi Zhongxun also shakes hands with both hands. He said to local officials, "The urgent task now is to ensure that the people have enough food and pocket money."

Xi Yuanping wrote in an article recalling his father Xi Zhongxun: "My father participated in the completion of the party's two major historical missions throughout his life: one was to create the well-known Shaanxi-Gansu border revolutionary base with Liu Zhidan and Xie Zilang; and the other was to create the Guangdong Special Economic Zone under the personal support of Deng Xiaoping and Ye Jianying and the direct leadership of the central government."

These two major historical missions revolve around the "people", the former for the liberation and freedom of the people, and the latter for the happy life of the people.


As Xi Yuanping said, "the father is the son of the farmer, and the people are the root of the father". Xi Zhongxun always pretended to be the people in his heart, which also deeply affected Xi Jinping.

"Wherever I go, I will always be the son of the yellow soil."

The thickness and grandeur of loess have nurtured generations of great working people.

In 1969, Xi Jinping, under the age of 16, went to the rural areas of northern Shaanxi to jump the queue.

"365 days a year, there is almost no rest except for illness. It is raining and windy, cutting grass in the cave, watching animals and herding sheep at night, doing all the work." In northern Shaanxi, Xi Jinping ate, lived and worked with the villagers, farming, pulling coal, picking dung, digging dams, digging wells, and building biogas digesters ...... In-depth understanding of farmers, rural areas, and the truest side of the most basic level of Chinese society at the time.

From "mass leader" to "people's servant" mass | Xi Jinping | leader

For him, this land is not only the place where he has worked, but also the hometown of his soul. There are not only simple villagers here, but also spiritual siblings.

Many years later, Xi Jinping wrote in a reminiscence article: "As a public servant of the people, the Northern Shaanxi Plateau is my root, because it has cultivated my unchanging belief: to do practical things for the people!" He also said: "No matter where I go, I will always be the son of the Yellow Earth."

His deep concern for the farmers and the land has become the driving force deeply rooted in his heart. The starting point and foothold of "the people" took root and sprouted from the loess soil, laying a solid foundation for his subsequent governance ideas.

He is well aware that without investigation, there is no right to speak. Only by going deep into the masses can he know what they need and better serve the people.

In Zhengding, Hebei, he rode his bicycle to the countryside to conduct research, placed a table on the street, and dealt with and answered public questions on site; In Ningde, Fujian, he followed the thorny mountain road cut with a firewood knife to "enter the party three times" and threw himself down to lead the practice of the "four grassroots" system; After taking office in Zhejiang, he led provincial leaders to "visit Pujiang" and actively listened to the conflicting issues reflected by the visiting masses. In over a year, he traveled to 90 counties and cities in the province

In the scorching summer of this year, Zhongxun, who was most afraid of the heat, braved the scorching heat and ran through 23 counties in a row. I knew in my heart that Zhongxun was working hard.

Father is not only a symbol of spirit and strength, but also a motivating and guiding role model.

"Serving the people", "going deep into the masses" and "doing practical things for the masses" have always been a tacit understanding between Xi Jinping and his father.

On November 15, 2012, the world's attention focused on China.

At the meeting between the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 18th Central Committee and Chinese and foreign journalists, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a solemn promise that "the people's yearning for a better life is our goal", declaring his firm determination to lead the Communist Party of China to govern for the people.

From "mass leader" to "people's servant" mass | Xi Jinping | leader

"Remember the word 'people' in front of the government."

"The masses have weight in the hearts of cadres, and cadres have weight in the hearts of the masses."

"As long as there is still one family, one household, or even one person who has not solved their basic living problems, we cannot be complacent; as long as the people's aspirations for a happy life have not yet become a reality, we must not slack off in uniting and leading the people to struggle together."


Thousand reminders, full of the sincere heart of the people's leaders towards the people.

"Serving the people is the greatest filial piety to parents!"

"Fight for a lifetime, be happy for a lifetime; struggle every day, be happy every day", these 16 words are Xi Zhongxun's summary of his life in his later years. After Xi Zhongxun's death, this passage written by Qi Xin was engraved on the back of the statue in Xi Zhongxun's cemetery.

In the years since Xi Zhongxun left, he has been missing him all the time with his children. Qi Xin wrote in his article recalling Xi Zhongxun: Zhong Xun said to his children many times in his last days: "I didn't leave you any wealth, but I left you a good reputation!" With his own practice, he taught his children how to be a pure and beneficial person to the people.

Xi Zhongxun's influence on his children is silent.

"Serving the people is the greatest filial piety to parents!" This is Xi Zhongxun's response and expectation to his son Xi Jinping.

From "mass leader" to "people's servant" mass | Xi Jinping | leader

He often said that as an "official", one should benefit one side, always bear in mind the worries and the trust of the people.

On the grain drying field of the villagers, facing the elderly and fellow villagers sitting around him, he proposed for the first time "precision poverty alleviation", a new exploration to break free from absolute poverty, which was launched and spread throughout the country.

In Yan'an, Shaanxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "It is the unshirkable responsibility of our party and government to let the rural poor in the old districts get rid of poverty and become rich as soon as possible, and to ensure that the people in the old districts enter a well-off society in an all-round way with the people of the whole country."

In Jinggangshan, Jiangxi, villagers took General Secretary Xi Jinping's hand and said excitedly, "Thank you for coming to see us. You are the head of the country." The general secretary said: "It is the people who are the masters of the country. We are the servants of the people and help you run things."

In Sanhe Village, Sanchahe Township, Zhaojue County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "We are engaged in socialism to enable the people to live a happy and beautiful life, and to build a well-off society in an all-round way. A nation, a family, and a person cannot be less." "The promises made by the Communist Party to the people must be fulfilled!"

In Fumin New Village, Gulang County, Gansu Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "The Communist Party serves the people and works for the people. It is the cause of the Communist Party to make people's lives happier."


He keeps the people in his heart, implements his promises, remembers his father's advice, and always practices the purpose of "serving the people wholeheartedly" with practical actions.

The life of the common people is getting better and better, but Xi Zhongxun, the "son of the farmer", still deeply misses the countryside.

After returning, Qi Xin reported the investigation to Xi Zhongxun. Xi Zhongxun expressed that he wants to personally go back to Yan'an to have a look!

From "mass leader" to "people's servant" mass | Xi Jinping | leader

In May 2019, Yan'an bid farewell to absolute poverty.

During the National Two Sessions in May 2020, talking about the past, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Our generation has such a complex. We must help our people, especially our farmers. There is no shortage on the socialist road., Common prosperity, comprehensive well-off, everyone takes this road together."

On September 13, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again came to the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi.

Along the way, the rice on the mountain ridge was heavy, the apples on the mountain were red, the terraced fields were stacked layer by layer, and the reservoir was rippling with blue waves... In front of the revolutionary site in Yangjiagou, he said, "Come here to see, but one wish came true."

The father and son generations, from being "leaders of the masses" to "servants of the people," have inherited a deep sense of people's sentiment and the original aspiration for the people. No matter when or where, the people are always their common concern and strength.

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Planning, Sun Xiaoyuan, Cai Chunlin

Editor | Sun Xiaoyuan

From "mass leader" to "people's servant" mass | Xi Jinping | leader

Vision-Liu Jingjing

Proofreading, Meng Li Zheng, Lu Yang Lou Hao, Song Chunyan, Liang Yaqin, Huo Yunxia

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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