From here, we can see the future of rural areas - Zhejiang Beautiful Countryside Survey Walking Pen Countryside | Zhejiang | Million Project

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:22 PM

Hangzhou, June 18th, Xinhua News Agency - Seeing the Future of Rural Areas from Here - A Survey of Beautiful Villages in Zhejiang Province

Xinhua News Agency reporters Huang Yao and Huang Xiao

In summer, the scenery in Jiangnan is picturesque.

In the 20 years since the implementation of the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project, thousands of rural areas in Zhejiang have completed a beautiful transformation, unfolding a picture of clean village appearance, increased entrepreneurship and income, civilized rural style, and livable and business friendly.

Starting from 2021, the "Ten Million Project" will shift towards the stage of "Thousand Villages for the Future, and Ten Thousand Villages for Common Prosperity". Through various explorations in rural areas of Zhejiang, reporters have seen the future of rural areas.

Efficient display on one screen

The Beautiful Life Center in Meilin Village, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City is equipped with digital public facilities such as 24-hour rural digital libraries, smart health service stations, unmanned gyms, and unmanned supermarkets.

"In the past, we had to go to the city for medical treatment, and the cost of medicine and transportation was a significant expense. Now, smart healthcare in the village can solve it, and there are medicines provided by urban hospitals here," said Wei Laifa, a 65 year old villager.

From here, we can see the future of rural areas - Zhejiang Beautiful Countryside Survey Walking Pen Countryside | Zhejiang | Million Project

Through digital means, villagers are provided with health portraits, and a health grid grading management system is used to monitor and warn the population of chronic diseases. Chronic and basic diseases can be detected and intervened in a timely manner within the village.

The scenery of Meilin Village in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, captured on June 7th.

Digitization has already become the label of Meilin Village. In addition to enjoying convenient living, villagers are also more actively participating in rural governance.

"Why aren't the street lights on tonight?" This is a message posted by the villagers by scanning the "Digital Cockpit" mobile app and saying "People call me code". In less than half an hour, the duty village cadres immediately dispatched staff to repair and provided real-time feedback on the situation in the background.

Such small things often happen at both ends of the screen. In silent communication, problems are efficiently resolved.

In Xiaogucheng Village, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, the digital platform "People's Meeting Hall" released a topic on "improving the overall style of the basic environment along the Pan Double Line", which attracted many villagers to participate in online discussions. Everyone expressed their opinions on details such as the style of the wall and the scope of renovation.

In the backstage of the conference hall, you can see details such as the progress of issues, types of issues, and distribution of participant roles, which is a convenient way to enable more and more villagers to participate in village affairs management.

Cultural integration into daily life

From here, we can see the future of rural areas - Zhejiang Beautiful Countryside Survey Walking Pen Countryside | Zhejiang | Million Project

Entering Anqiaotou Village, Sunduan Street, Shaoxing City, Lu Xun vividly unfolded interesting childhood stories in his works - the June 1st Public Tavern, the "Jiang and the Bird" Bamboo Jiang Square, and the Social Drama Stage

Awakening the dormant cultural genes, in this "Ten Million Project", the former Houjin Village has created various business models around the "Lu Xun Grandma's Home" characteristic brand, attracting more and more tourists to come and explore Lu Xun's colorful childhood.

On June 7th, tourists visited Lu Xun's grandmother's house in Anqiaotou Village, Sunduan Street, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cai Yang

55 year old villager Jin Youren always arrives early at the social theater stage, waiting for his favorite program "Xianglin Sao" to start. The village's social drama stage performs various performances such as Yue Opera, aerobics, singing and dancing every weekend, and Lu Xun themed plays are always popular.

"Next, we will continue to delve deeper into the vivid character images in Lu Xun's works, such as opening a blessing store for Changma based on" Blessing "and selling cultural and creative products with blessings," said Wang Xuedan, Deputy Director of Sun Duan Street Office.

Located near the Kuaiji Mountains, Potang Village exudes a strong artistic atmosphere amidst its quaint and picturesque scenery. Beside the narrow village road, there are colorful discarded tires hanging, and the manhole covers on the ground are also painted with various patterns. The originally inconspicuous walls are painted with green trains

"We invite artists to settle in the countryside and carry out 'micro renovation and fine upgrading'. We will carry out small-scale, small-scale, and gradual artistic transformation of old platforms, old residential buildings, and dilapidated factories in the village, turning them into cultural and artistic spaces such as rural museums, rural art galleries, and Shulan bookhouses." Luo Guohai, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Potang Village, told reporters that villagers are gradually inspired and will carefully consider the decoration of their own courtyards, restaurants, or homestays.

The rich cultural elements not only bring opportunities for the development of Po Tang, but also deeply integrate into the daily lives of villagers.

From here, we can see the future of rural areas - Zhejiang Beautiful Countryside Survey Walking Pen Countryside | Zhejiang | Million Project

Xinxiang people report for duty

"The most obvious change in Hengshanwu Village in the past two years is that there have been more young people, not only returning from wandering outside, but also more from Xinxiang," sighed Cai Mingfu, Secretary of the Party Branch of Hengshanwu Village in Lingfeng Street, Anji County, Huzhou City.

On June 5th, in Xiaoyi Banri Village, Hengshanwu Village, Lingfeng Street, Anji County, Huzhou City, tourists took photos inside a homestay. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cai Yang

Xiang Zilin, a young entrepreneur born in the 1990s, is a "magician" in the eyes of villagers. After her attire, the idle farmhouse for over two years has turned into a traditional Chinese style coffee bar. Since its launch on the first day of the Lunar New Year, this "one acre coffee" has had an average monthly revenue of over 100000 yuan.

In the Yucun Digital Nomad Commune not far from Hengshanwu Village, groups of young people sit in the public area brainstorming. The natural and simple village customs light up the life they long for.

In the process of deepening the "Ten Million Project", more and more rural areas are attracting young people from both domestic and foreign sources, and new and returning villagers have become new forces in rural revitalization.

In the view of Ding Wenwen, who returned to his hometown to participate in future rural operations, the countryside today has a natural environment that people aspire to, convenient transportation, and complete facilities. More people will choose to start businesses and live here, connect with the countryside, and create a different and exciting life.

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