From "dissecting a problem" to "solving a type of problem" (studying ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements) in the power supply area | problems | strengthening ideology, party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 20:09 PM

The scientific worldview and methodology are the key to our research and problem-solving.

Adhere to the mass line——

From solving the electricity consumption problem of the masses in an independent power supply area to completely solving the problem of 15 independent power supply areas in the province

In the theme education, Party members and cadres deeply learn and understand the problems that exist in their work, adhere to the mass line, ask for needs and plans from the people, scientifically and accurately implement policies, unlock locks with each key, and easily solve some long-term problems that cannot be solved.

"There are problems in the independent power supply area of Huangnitang Town, such as difficulty, high electricity consumption, and frequent power outages for the public. We hope to solve the historical legacy problems as soon as possible." In early April, the party group of Southern Power Grid Company received a letter from the public.

On April 12th, the Party Group of Southern Power Grid Company clearly requested Guizhou Power Grid Company to properly solve the electricity consumption issues of concern to the public in Huangnitang Town, Dafang County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province. Focusing on difficult problems, the Party Committee of Guizhou Power Grid Company conducts in-depth research and seeks solutions to solve the problems——

Convene a special meeting as soon as possible to conduct in-depth research and determine the bottom line; Mainly responsible for leading comrades to visit people's homes, listen to their voices, and draw wisdom from the masses to solve problems; Summarize the situation, analyze the problem, and identify the root cause of the problem.

The formation of the problem gradually became clear: in the 1980s, the Water and Electricity Bureau of Dafang County, Bijie City allocated funds to build the Xihe Hydropower Station. After completion, it, along with the relevant power supply areas, was contracted to individuals for operation and management, forming an independent power supply area in Huangnitang Town. With the rapid development of the economy and society, the demand for electricity by the public has increased. However, the lack of distribution of substations under the jurisdiction of contractor enterprises, insufficient operation and maintenance of line equipment, and lack of capacity expansion and renovation over the years have caused difficulties in electricity consumption by the public.

Historical legacy issues involve multiple parties and can have a ripple effect. Since 2007, the Bijie Power Supply Bureau of Guizhou Power Grid Company has repeatedly attempted to push for a solution, but progress has been slow due to the inability of the Dafang County government and the contractor enterprise to reach an agreement.

How to ensure that work can be pushed forward and implemented effectively? We need to rely on the linkage between government and enterprises to form a joint force.

On April 19th, the Party Committee of Guizhou Power Grid Company and the Party Committee of Dafang County held a special work meeting, and both sides decided to jointly establish a work team to accelerate the construction and transformation of the power grid. On April 24th, the project construction project was fully launched.

How to ensure that the project is completed on schedule and with high quality, given the tight schedule and heavy workload? The project adopts a work model of "party building+infrastructure", and urgently draws party members from various regions to support and let the branch take the lead, with party members taking the lead and taking the lead.

Government enterprise linkage and branch leadership, forming strong execution and combat capabilities. On August 15th, the project was completed, and the public had access to reliable and stable electricity.

How to summarize and apply good experience and practices to promote the resolution of a type of problem after solving it? Using point to area and drawing analogies, Guizhou Power Grid has sorted out the electricity demands of the people in independent power supply areas throughout the province, focusing on thoroughly solving the electricity consumption problems of the people in independent power supply areas——

Divide the existing independent power supply in Guizhou Province into four categories, based on public satisfaction, strengthen communication with relevant parties, formulate policies and plans for each district, and implement them one by one. As of now, all 15 independent power supply areas in Guizhou Province have classified and formulated task plans to orderly promote the construction and renovation of the power grid.

"Only by adhering to the call of the people can we put historical legacy issues back on the agenda; by adhering to scientific and precise policies, putting in a lot of effort, identifying breakthroughs, can we truly solve problems and resolve conflicts," said the person in charge of Guizhou Power Grid Company.

Adhere to a systematic concept——

Efforts will be made to promote the overall quality and efficiency improvement of traffic accident prevention through "breakthroughs in points"

In the first quarter of this year, electric bicycle traffic accidents were concentrated and frequent in Jiangsu Province. The Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security Department has listed the issue of electric bicycle traffic safety as a theme education special rectification project. Starting from April 18th, a 100 day centralized rectification action will be deployed throughout the province.

Strict rectification, starting from strengthening road surface inspection and control——

The public security organs in Jiangsu Province will maximize their police force on the road, focus on 10 key illegal behaviors, continuously rectify them, and resolutely eliminate blind spots in law enforcement and control; Strict management measures will be taken for common illegal behaviors of electric bicycles.

Source supervision, promoting fundamental solutions to problems——

The Jiangsu Provincial Department of Public Security has organized a survey on the basic information of electric bicycle ownership, and on the basis of clear numbers and clear situations, has made every effort to promote source control in the production and sales fields. Strictly in accordance with relevant regulations, electric bicycle license plates of a unified style throughout the province have been issued; If the main performance indicators of the vehicles involved do not meet national standards, relevant personnel shall be held legally responsible in accordance with the law

Traffic safety governance is a systematic project, and it is not feasible to work alone. The public security organs in Jiangsu Province have incorporated the implementation of the Hundred Day Action Plan into public safety governance, strengthened collaborative governance with relevant departments and units, and implemented full chain management through shared responsibility, risk management, and safety sharing——

The Jiangsu Provincial Department of Public Security, in conjunction with the Provincial Department of Education, jointly launched a special campaign to improve traffic safety for primary and secondary school students riding electric bicycles; Collaborate with industry regulatory authorities and industry associations to guide express and takeaway enterprises in improving their delivery assessment systems; Strengthen cooperation and cooperation with market supervision, industry and information technology departments, and hold each link legally responsible in accordance with the law.

With the same mindset and the same effort, relevant departments and units should fulfill their respective responsibilities and work together to promote the smooth achievement of the 100 day action goals. As of the end of July, the number of electric bicycle traffic accidents in Jiangsu Province decreased by 31.8% year-on-year, accounting for a year-on-year decrease of 7.7 percentage points in the total province.

Realizing the 100 day action goal is just the first step. Jiangsu takes advantage of the situation and takes reducing traffic accidents involving electric bicycles as a breakthrough to drive the overall improvement of traffic safety management level——

Through the establishment of regulations and systems, the public security organs in Jiangsu Province have integrated departmental and industry forces to promote the full chain management of road traffic safety. Various regions have jointly issued 36 normative documents with relevant departments and units.

Strengthen the implementation of responsibilities and establish a "one school, four party" joint meeting system for public security, education, schools, and streets; The Jiangsu Provincial Department of Public Security, in conjunction with the Provincial Department of Education, urges all primary and secondary schools to establish and implement the "Six Must Teach" system for road traffic safety education.

"We adhere to collaborative governance, promote full chain management, and focus on using 'breakthroughs in points' to drive the overall improvement of quality and efficiency in traffic accident prevention." The relevant person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department said that we must adhere to learning to promote action, further innovate policies, mechanisms, platforms, and other means, gather more advantageous resources, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Persist in seeking truth from facts——

Fine management of food classification, fundamentally solving livelihood problems from a policy perspective

"This really solves our concerns, and we can finally rest assured to 'shoot cucumbers'!" On July 12th, individual business owner Yu Li saw the newly revised' Food Business License and Filing Management Measures' simplifying the licensing for the production and sale of simple foods such as' shoot cucumbers' and brewing tea. She immediately liked, left a message, and forwarded it.

Behind the small things lies the livelihood of the people. According to the original regulations, catering operators selling "pickled cucumbers" need to obtain a special cold food license. To obtain a permit, it is necessary to have an independent space of no less than 5 square meters, with disinfection facilities for secondary changing, air disinfection equipment, and independent air conditioning facilities.

The original intention of the regulations is good, after all, "safety on the tip of the tongue" cannot be emphasized too much. But for small restaurants, the cost is difficult to bear. As a result, small restaurants are often fined due to lack of operating licenses. Since the beginning of this year, there have been multiple cases of being reported and claimed for selling cold dishes such as "patting cucumbers", and the topic of "patting cucumbers" has made headlines on the internet several times.

How to seek the greatest common divisor between ensuring "safety on the tip of the tongue" and solving the pain points and difficulties of people's livelihood? The Food Business Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation focuses on prominent issues in the food business field such as "patting cucumbers", conducts in-depth frontline research, understands the situation and demands of business entities, and addresses grassroots regulatory difficulties and institutional needs.

Adhering to a scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts, the relevant person in charge conducted research and analysis and concluded that simple food production and sales behaviors such as "patting cucumbers" can be done and sold immediately, without the need for dedicated rooms. Operating in a clean and dedicated operating area can also ensure food safety. Therefore, cold food production and sales can be classified and managed in a hierarchical manner, reducing the certification threshold.

The fundamental purpose of investigation and research is to solve practical problems. Finally, in the process of revising and improving the Measures, the State Administration for Market Regulation took into account food safety and hygiene as well as the actual situation of small and micro catering operators, further optimized the food business license procedures, and made it as convenient as possible to reduce licenses.

Distinguish the production and sale of simple food such as "cucumber patting" from the production and sale of high-risk food that is more likely to breed bacteria, such as Fuqi Feipian (Sliced Beef and Ox Tongue in Chilli Sauce), cold mixed beef, ice cream cake, etc., carry out refined management by classification, and fundamentally solve the livelihood problems by improving policies and systems, so that small and micro catering operators can operate with ease and confidence.

Only by aligning our thinking and methods can we stand high in understanding problems, analyze problems deeply, and carry out work accurately. "We must understand laws, clarify directions, learn methods, and enhance wisdom from the Party's innovative theory, adhere to putting the people at the center, starting from reality in everything, break through fixed thinking patterns, and optimize work processes to solve problems," said the relevant person in charge of the State Administration for Market Regulation.

Guiding the right direction for promoting the development of the international human rights cause -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance triggered a warm response to the high-end forum on global human rights governance
Guiding the right direction for promoting the development of the international human rights cause -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance triggered a warm response to the high-end forum on global human rights governance

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14th, title: To guide the right direction for the development of international human rights -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the Global Human Rights Governance High-end Forum triggered a warm response Xinhua News Agency reporter "China is willing to work with the international community to implement the Vienna Declaration The spirit of the" Program of Action "promotes the development of global human rights governance in a more fair, just, reasonable and inclusive direction, and promotes the construction of a community with a shared future world." On June 14, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance, which triggered a warm response from Chinese and foreign guests. They said that President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter put forward China's propositions on the development of the international human rights cause and global human rights governance, and clarified China's vivid practice of implementing the spirit of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action and respecting and protecting human rights.

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Micro Video | Strengthening the Construction of an Education Strong Country, Comprehensively Improving Population Quality with High Quality | Population | Micro Video

June 11th is China Population Day. Population development is a major event related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The first meeting of the 20th Central Financial and Economic Commission recently stressed that Chinese path to modernization should be supported by high-quality population development. The meeting proposed to regard the construction of an education strong country as a strategic project for high-quality population development, comprehensively improving the scientific and cultural quality, health quality, and ideological and moral quality of the population. High quality scientific and cultural supply is continuously improving the scientific and cultural literacy of the people. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposes to "strengthen youth sports work". Rock climbing, baseball, running, ice sports... Sports activities are gradually being added to students' schedules and becoming an essential part of their learning and life. The 14th Five Year Plan for Cultural Development points out that improving families and schools

The overall stable operation of domestic prices - Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data month | year-on-year | Overall
The overall stable operation of domestic prices - Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data month | year-on-year | Overall

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 9th (Xinhua) -- The overall stability of domestic prices -- Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data. Xinhua News Agency reporters Wei Yukun and Han Jianuo released data on June 9th, showing that consumer demand continued to recover in May, with the national consumer price index rising by 0.2% year-on-year, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month; Excluding food and energy prices, the core CPI increased by 0.6% year-on-year, and the overall operation of domestic prices remained stable. In China's CPI basket of goods, food accounts for a relatively high proportion. In May, food prices increased by 1% year-on-year, an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to the previous month. Among them, the prices of poultry, edible oil, and fresh fruits have increased by 5.6%, 3.6%, and 3.4% respectively, with all increases falling back; The price of pork has decreased from a 4% increase last month

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