Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness -- News Report | Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness|

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:59 PM

The Three Rivers Plain at present, with fertile fields and plains, is full of new greenery.

When he saw Zhang Jinghui, a grower of the Sanjiang Qixing Farm built by the Beidahuang Group, he was going to his own land to observe the growth of rice. This year, Zhang Jinghui applied efficient fertilization technology in his contracted 352 acres of rice fields, and the rice growth was even better than last year. "I am now a technology demonstration user of the Seven Star Branch. I need to actively learn new planting technologies and drive more farmers to use them well. I dare not let go of my energy for a moment."

Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., which grew up in black soil, is the largest national important commodity grain base and strategic reserve base for grain production in China, with the strongest comprehensive production capacity and the largest cultivated land scale. For many years, Beidahuang has been striving to maintain national food security and modernize agricultural exploration. In 2022, Beidahuang achieved a "nineteen consecutive harvests" in grain production, with a total grain output of 45.13 billion catties. This has ensured the stable and stable development of the "Chinese rice bowl" filled with millions of acres of fertile land.

Storing grains and increasing grain production through technological means

Every time I think of the scene of meeting with the General Secretary, Zhang Jinghui, who has been farming in the Northern Wilderness for 28 years, deeply feels it. With the encouragement of General Secretary, I have become more and more confident in farming in recent years. I am willing to conduct experiments on new varieties and technologies in my own field. Because I dare to take risks and try, Zhang Jinghui has now become a "national grain grower".

Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness -- News Report | Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness|

Zhang Jinghui observed the growth of rice in the experimental field. Photo by People's Daily reporter Han Tingpeng

Starting from 2019, Zhang Jinghui has specially allocated 100 acres of rice fields to participate in the comparative testing of the national key research and development plan project "Integration and Demonstration of Intelligent Mechanized Reduction and Efficiency Enhancement Technology for Fertilizer and Pesticide in the Sanjiang Plain Rice Area". The project achieved weight loss and drug reduction by 18%, and after production control, it increased production by more than 15% compared to conventional paddy fields.

Zhang Jinghui said that there is a "little trick" to high-yield rice in one's own country - choosing high-quality rice varieties. From 2019 to 2022, Zhang Jinghui planted high-quality rice varieties for four consecutive years, accounting for 70% of the total field area, with an increase in benefits of over 30 yuan per mu.

The way out for grain production lies in technology. In recent years, the Beida Huangjian Sanjiang National Agricultural Science and Technology Park has continuously made new breakthroughs in agricultural technology, with a contribution rate of 79.6% to agricultural scientific and technological progress.

Zhang Shaobo is conducting soil available phosphorus testing. Photo by People's Daily reporter Han Tingpeng

Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness -- News Report | Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness|

Seeds are the key to food security. "We always insist on writing papers on black soil, so that Chinese grain can be used with Chinese varieties," said Zhang Shaobo. Currently, the science and technology park has introduced more than 300 high-quality crop varieties, and through comprehensive research on variety adaptability, high yield, and stress resistance, it provides technical reference for local farmers' variety selection. Zhang Shaobo and his colleagues have established a technical system for high-quality, high-yield, and efficient cultivation of rice varieties. Currently, multiple high-quality and high-yield rice varieties have been selected, including Longjing 31, Longjing 46, Longken 2021, and Suijing 18. The cumulative promotion area has reached 5.1 million mu, increasing economic benefits for farmers by 280 million yuan.

Digital production covers the entire process of agricultural production

Currently, it is a critical period for the growth of grain crops and the formation of yield. In the vast fields of the Northern Wilderness, intelligent plant protection drones can be seen everywhere for paddy field plant protection operations. Technicians generate a grass distribution map through drone field patrols combined with active imaging technology, and at the same time, generate a variable pesticide prescription map in conjunction with plant protection technology, allowing drones to operate according to the map, achieving precise plant protection and cost saving effects.

Intelligent plant protection drones are used for paddy field plant protection operations. Photo by Su Jinggang, a journalist from People's Daily Online

In recent years, Jiansanjiang has focused on leading technological innovation, continuously putting efforts into agricultural informatization and intelligence, improving the application level of digital technology in agricultural production, and leading farmers on the path of increasing income and becoming prosperous.

Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness -- News Report | Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness|

When it comes to intelligent and digital production, Zhang Wei, a grower at the Yalu River Farm in Sanjiang, is an absolute beneficiary. "I have been using stacked tray darkroom seedling cultivation since spring plowing this year, which has been both worry free and effortless! In the past, everyone used to soak seeds and promote germination in the field by themselves. The temperature control was not good, and the germination was uneven, making it difficult to control the growth of rice in the later stage." Zhang Wei said that this year's rice seeds soaked in warm soup soaking experiments not only had strong roots, sprouted early, and turned green quickly, but also were more environmentally friendly, effectively avoiding water pollution caused by seed coating on the Honda field. "Look at these rice plants. When they were planted in the field, they didn't slow down the seedlings. How strong they are now!"

The intelligent rice leaf age diagnosis equipment accurately and comprehensively grasps the growth process of rice. Photo by People's Daily reporter Han Tingpeng

In order to provide technical support for promoting the full process intelligence of rice production, the Sanjiang National Agricultural Science and Technology Park has developed and established the "Intelligent Rice Leaf Age Diagnosis" and "Harmful Gas Monitoring" systems, collected field image information and conducted field investigations, and established an intelligent leaf age diagnosis data model. In recent years, Jiansanjiang has focused on the entire process of agricultural planting, implemented and promoted 22 new agricultural technologies, and achieved close integration of the entire industry chain, including agricultural conditions, farming, agronomy, and agricultural machinery.

"The science and technology park has applied emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things in agricultural scientific research management. It has developed and established a big data platform for agricultural scientific research management, realizing the visual expression, digital design, and intelligent management of laboratory data, survey records, scientific research results, talent information, etc." said Zhang Shaobo.

This year, Jiansanjiang Digital Agriculture covers various production processes including cultivation, planting, management, and harvesting. "Planters have great expectations for intelligent agricultural machinery operation and intelligent field management. We need to work towards a more concise and convenient direction on the basis of existing intelligent machinery and digital agricultural management cloud platforms," said Cang Yun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Jiansanjiang Branch of Beidahuang Group.

Following the direction of green development and promoting the quality transformation of modern agriculture

Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness -- News Report | Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness|

Strengthening the "Chinese rice bowl" is indispensable for the fertile black soil. The vast number of farmers in Jiansanjiang keep in mind the earnest instructions of General Secretary, and their awareness of protecting black soil is gradually increasing. More and more green prevention and control technologies are emerging in the fields.

In recent years, the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides has decreased, not only providing a reserve for land, but also improving the quality of grain. Speaking of the benefits of reducing fertilizers and pesticides, Sun Mingjiang, a grower in the third management area of Qixing Farm, has calculated a clear account: with the improvement of grain quality, his brand of japonica rice has been exported to more than 10 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Sichuan. In addition, rice fields without fertilizers can also be used to raise ducks, fish, and crabs, and can achieve multiple harvests per acre, increasing profits by more than 100 yuan.

"Whether it's a 'rice bag' or a 'vegetable basket', they cannot do without fertile land. The farm's grain production is abundant every year, and the contribution of black soil is indispensable!" Li Dongguang, the Secretary of the Party Committee of Qixing Farm Co., Ltd., said that in order to protect and make good use of black soil, the farm adheres to adapting measures to local conditions, combining use and cultivation, technological support, and comprehensive measures, has established a black soil protection laboratory, continuously exploring and promoting "good laws, methods, and techniques" for black soil protection. Through engineering, agronomy, biology and other measures, efforts are made to create a "seven star model" for black soil protection.

Rice cultivation cannot do without water, let alone scientific irrigation. Reasonable utilization of water resources is an important measure for the sustainable development of modern agriculture.

The Qinglongshan Irrigation District irrigates thousands of hectares of farmland. Provided by Beidahuang Group Jiansanjiang Branch

Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness -- News Report | Following the General Secretary to See China | Real Grain Reserves, Technological Development, and Great strides in Agricultural Modernization in the Northern Wilderness|

Jiansanjiang Qinglongshan Irrigation Area is the largest irrigation area in Heilongjiang Province, with a designed irrigation area of 5.3274 million mu. Recently, Jiansanjiang Qinglongshan Irrigation Area was selected as one of the first batch of pilot irrigation areas in China to deepen the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices and promote the construction of modern irrigation areas. The irrigation area has achieved joint scheduling and utilization of surface water, groundwater, and rainwater resources, which is more energy-efficient and water-saving than conventional irrigation areas.

"Previously, rice cultivation was done by pumping water from underground, and the low water temperature was not conducive to seedling growth. Now, the river water is introduced from irrigation channels, which is pollution-free. This rice is 1 centimeter to 2 centimeters higher than when irrigated with well water in previous years." Rice grower Che Xingyue from Qixing Farm said that this year, he has signed an order planting contract with the rice cooperative for the 365 acres of rice he contracted. The rice grown with good water quality has a good taste and fewer yellow grains, and has achieved the goal of selling rice before it is produced.

"To promote the development of modern agriculture, modernization of water conservancy is an important component." Zhang Baolin said that the construction of Sanjiang has established six water conservancy demonstration areas, including the "Forward Farm Digital Twin Irrigation Area Demonstration Zone" and the "Qinglongshan Farm Smart Water Conservancy Demonstration Zone". The three major irrigation areas have preliminarily completed the basic communication link and network infrastructure construction from the management center to each station, and have also completed the monitoring and control of important node water level and flow. A smart platform for irrigation area application has been preliminarily established, and the application of big data, remote sensing, Internet of Things, and cloud computing technology in the field of water conservancy business continues to deepen.

A bountiful harvest of ten thousand acres of fertile land is in sight in Jiansanjiang. Photo by Su Jinggang, a journalist from People's Daily Online

The wind blows through the rice waves, and the vast fields are full of vitality.

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