Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy | Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy -- News Report|

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 17:54 PM

In the summer season, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, is shaded by green trees and cool and pleasant. Entering the Central Industrial Park located in Saihan District, the "garden style" park is refreshing. The road is paved with black and white small gravel, with carefully trimmed black pine trees standing proudly on both sides. Strolling into the exhibition hall of the industrial park, what catches your eye are sparkling monocrystalline silicon rods and crystal clear quartz crucibles.

The Central Industrial Park in summer is lush and vibrant with green trees. Photo by Kou Yanan from People's Daily Online

The Central Industrial Park is one of the six key industrial cluster projects cultivated by Hohhot City. The park has been under construction since 2009, with a total investment of 46 billion yuan. It focuses on the layout of the photovoltaic new energy industry and semiconductor materials industry, and has gradually cultivated and introduced 16 well-known photovoltaic and semiconductor enterprises. It has 10 high-tech enterprises, 1 national technology innovation demonstration enterprise, and 1 main board listed enterprise. In 2022, the total industrial output value exceeded 50 billion yuan, with a production capacity of 2500 tons of semiconductor single crystal, 95GW of photovoltaic single crystal, and 28GW of photovoltaic single crystal wafers. The number of employed people exceeded 12000.

Zhonghuan Crystal Phase V Single Crystal Factory. Provided by the interviewed unit

In the exhibition hall of the park, the General Secretary listened to the introduction of local development of new energy and materials industry, promotion of industrial structure optimization and adjustment, and promotion of green and low-carbon development. Subsequently, the General Secretary visited the production workshop to inspect the product production process and gain a detailed understanding of the research and development and production of semiconductor and photovoltaic materials and other products in the park enterprises.

Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy | Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy -- News Report|

As an advanced manufacturing base for integrated circuit semiconductor monocrystalline silicon, new energy photovoltaic monocrystalline silicon, and related supporting industries, Zhonghuan Industrial Park vigorously develops green energy and continuously promotes the development of the new energy industry.

"The General Secretary said that the enterprises and parks are doing well, and I feel very uplifted after seeing them. This has made our new energy enterprises more motivated." Wang Jianxun, an employee of the Central Industrial Park, told reporters, "The General Secretary said that adhering to green development is the only way. The new energy industry is a sunrise industry, and the overall development situation is very good. We will work harder in our work positions and creatively do our job well."

"I have been working in the Central Industrial Park for nearly 10 years since 2014." Wang Jianxun was an operator when he first joined, and later transferred to the debugging team. Now he has arrived at the Central Dawn Power Station.

Zhonghuan Industrial Park Shuguang Power Station. Provided by the interviewed unit

Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy | Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy -- News Report|

The Zhonghuan Industrial Park Shuguang Power Station, which covers an area of over 1000 acres, operates non-stop day and night. With the improvement of efficiency, only 5 staff members are needed in the power station now: one station manager, one shift supervisor, one safety officer, and two operation and maintenance personnel.

Walking inside the power station, the solar cells are arranged neatly in a square array, surrounded by lush green grass, and sometimes villagers come here to graze their flocks of sheep. Wang Jianxun said, "This type of photovoltaic power generation land also has ecological benefits. We will promote and apply our green energy in various scenarios according to the instructions of the General Secretary. Moreover, the application of photovoltaics itself is relatively flexible, which can achieve complementary effects between wind and solar, agricultural and forestry."

Wang Jianxun stated that the Central Industrial Park aims for "green development", investing heavily in scientific research from early development to later application, and continuously improving the industrial chain through practice. "Photovoltaic power generation has a positive significance for ecological protection, and the overall development of the photovoltaic industry is very good, which is also being vigorously promoted nationwide." He believes that his work prospects are broad and the future is promising.

"Do a good job of 'mentoring' and submit a more satisfactory answer sheet"

Dong Pengfei is currently engaged in employee training at the Central Industrial Park. In the energy industry for 12 years, Dong Pengfei has been a veteran and has also witnessed the development process of Inner Mongolia's energy industry. "General Secretary's concern has given us more motivation, and I will strive to achieve better results in my position, deliver a more satisfactory answer sheet, and live up to General Secretary's expectations."

Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy | Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy -- News Report|

Dong Pengfei was interviewed by People's Daily Online. Photo by Kou Yanan from People's Daily Online

One on one "mentoring" is the main method for cultivating new employees in the Central Industrial Park. Old employees are the "masters" of new employees, "imparting" corporate culture and fine traditions, "helping" work methods and specific operations, "guiding" theoretical application and hands-on practice. Dong Pengfei's master gave him a lot of help during his confusion, inspiring him to continue this spirit of "passing on help and guidance". "I really enjoy my current position and enjoy communicating with some young people who have just joined, sharing my experiences and insights with them."

Today, Dong Pengfei has trained a large number of new employees in the workshop with the aim of meeting the needs of the workshop, helping them grasp substantive content, avoid risks in the production process, and quickly enter the workshop's production, building a personnel ladder. Dong Pengfei patiently and meticulously teaches new employees his years of work experience and workshop operation requirements in stages.

In recent years, a team of nearly a thousand engineers in the Central Industrial Park has been continuously improving, learning, and improving, constantly surpassing themselves. "We believe that under the guidance of the national energy strategy, as a sunrise industry, we can achieve greater development in the future." Dong Pengfei is full of confidence.

"Contribute to promoting green and intelligent manufacturing"

Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy | Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy -- News Report|

Photovoltaic monocrystalline silicon rod. Provided by the interviewed unit

Wang Fubao, an employee of the Central Industrial Park, is engaged in quality management of monocrystalline silicon rods: "Monocrystalline silicon rods are used in the photovoltaic field, cut into silicon wafers, and applied to downstream cells, modules, and power stations."

Entering the production workshop, rows of single crystal furnaces are arranged neatly, above the semi-circular single crystal furnaces. The lifting head rotates continuously, and the silicon material in the furnace is heated and melted. The seed crystal head extends into the liquid surface, and through a series of growth processes such as fusion and crystallization, single crystal silicon rods are drawn one by one.

"The industrial application of diamond wire cutting technology is our company's global initiative, which effectively reduces silicon material loss and optimizes the working environment of employees. The previous mortar cutting method used particles in viscous liquids as the cutting edge for silicon material cutting, making it easy for employees' clothes and faces to get dirty with mortar. However, after using diamond wire instead of mortar, this situation basically does not exist," Wang Fubao explained.

In recent years, the Central Industrial Park has continuously increased investment in scientific and technological research and development. At present, a globally leading research and manufacturing center for photovoltaic monocrystalline silicon materials has been established, with a complete range of categories, advanced process technology, manufacturing methods, and per capita efficiency.

Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy | Following General Secretary's View of China | Hohhot Central Industrial Park Vigorously Developing Green Energy -- News Report|

"General Secretary highly recognizes our work, and in the next step, we will be guided by high-quality development, using advanced tools and methods to improve production efficiency. As pioneers in the industry, we need to constantly explore new paths and make our own contributions to promoting green and intelligent manufacturing." said Wang Fubao.

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