Follow the General Secretary to See the Standardization of Revitalization of Tayuanzhuang Village in China | Tayuanzhuang Village | General Secretary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:05 AM

The surging Hutuo River cuts through the Taihang Mountains and winds its way into the sea, nourishing countless villages. Tayuanzhuang Village on the north bank of the Hutuo River is one of them.

Tayuanzhuang Village, located 15 kilometers south of Shijiazhuang City and 1.5 kilometers east of Zhengding County, looks like a pagoda when viewed from the air. This may be the origin of the name Tayuanzhuang Village. Tayuanzhuang Village was once an extremely ordinary village on the North China Plain. After nearly half a century of development, Tayuanzhuang Village has now become a well-known civilized village, beautiful village, and happy village in Hebei Province and even throughout the country.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has forged an indissoluble bond with Tayuanzhuang Village. In the early 1980 s, when Comrade Xi Jinping was working in Zhengding County, Hebei Province, he often rode a bicycle to investigate the area of Tanyuanzhuang Village. In January 2008 and July 2013, Comrade Xi Jinping visited Tanyuanzhuang Village twice, cordially visited the villagers and gave important instructions.

A period of concern spanning over 30 years has tightly linked the people's leaders and Tayuanzhuang Village.

How did Tayuanzhuang Village develop?

——Following the path of a "semi suburban" economy, the great development of strong villages and prosperous people has been achieved, and a new chapter of transformation and upgrading has been opened under the guidance of the goals of "industrialization of agriculture, marketization of elderly care, and standardization of tourism"

Entering Tayuanzhuang Village, one can see a clean street, towering buildings, and a plethora of visitors. The exhibition hall for rural revitalization, smart farm, study camp, food street, water carnival, and other facilities are all in place, like a beautiful painting of "cars walking in the forest, people swimming in flowers, and homes living by the river".

Looking back to the early 1980s, this place was completely different: the village was surrounded by vast wastelands, with over 2000 people and only 760 acres of arable land. The population was high and the land was scarce, and the villagers lived a tight life. Although the village is not far from Zhengding County and the provincial capital Shijiazhuang, the roads are blocked, the ideology is closed, and the economic development lags behind. Li Xiaolu, a 70 year old villager, recalled the situation back then: "There was no easy way to walk, all were dirt roads with big pits and small pits, climbing slopes first and then going downhill. With all this fuss, eggs had to be sold for five cents, and furniture had to be scattered."

The situation in Tayuanzhuang Village at that time was a common portrayal of villages in North China at the beginning of the reform and opening up.In order to gain a deeper understanding of the rural situation, he visited over 200 villages in the county, among which Tayuanzhuang Village was the village he focused on and provided assistance to.

He explained the "semi suburban" economy as "relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water, and relying on cities to eat cities", summarizing it as the 20 word policy of "catering to their preferences, meeting their needs, taking their strengths, filling their weaknesses, and responding to their changes". Since then, Tayuanzhuang Village has planted greenhouse vegetables, built a breeding farm, and was the first in the township to have access to tap water and the first to carry out village planning, beginning to enter the fast lane of development. Li Xiaolu said, "The changes in our village started from that time."

Although the first step of development has been stabilized through the development of a "semi-suburban" economy, this historically "congenitally deficient" Tayuanzhuang Village still has Comrade Xi Jinping's long-term concern.

Follow the General Secretary to See the Standardization of Revitalization of Tayuanzhuang Village in China | Tayuanzhuang Village | General Secretary

On January 12, 2008, shortly after Comrade Xi Jinping became a member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, he set the place for his first trip to Beijing at the grass-roots level. Seeing that the cadres of the "two committees" of tayuanzhuang village are leading the villagers to build a new countryside, Comrade Xi Jinping deeply encouraged: "I hope you can play a good role as a fighting fortress and lead the masses to a well-off society as soon as possible."

At that time, Tayuanzhuang Village proposed the goal of striving for a moderately prosperous society ahead of schedule.

The "Three Modernizations" goal tailored to Tayuanzhuang Village is like a brand new lighthouse, pointing the way for Tayuanzhuang Village to achieve transformation and upgrading. The people of Tayuanzhuang have always remembered the instructions of General Secretary, steadfastly implemented them, and delivered a brilliant answer sheet on "Three Modernizations" with practical actions.

——Industrialization of agriculture. Vigorously developing characteristic, leisure, green, and smart agriculture, vegetable factories, bean sprout factories, and tofu factories have successively been built and put into operation, developing modern agricultural technology and rural e-commerce, registering the "Zhending Tayuan Zhuang" trademark, deepening and expanding projects such as three-dimensional soilless cultivation plants and fish vegetable symbiotic planting, and creating a demonstration zone for rural revitalization with smart agriculture as its characteristic, continuously improving the level of agricultural industrialization.

——Making elderly care market-oriented. Build a new elderly care service model of "financial elderly care+home-based elderly care", invest 1.5 million yuan to build an elderly care service center, which not only serves the elderly in the village, but also radiates to surrounding areas. The fitness square, health clinic, supermarket, multi-functional entertainment hall and other facilities are fully equipped. The elderly living in the elderly care service center exclaimed, "This is even better than the elderly apartments in the city!"

——Standardize tourism. Tayuanzhuang Village relies on the rich tourism resources of Zhengding County and the advantages of the landscape on both sides of the Hutuo River, focusing on developing rural tourism with characteristics such as red tourism, leisure and entertainment, rural scenery, and rural customs. In 2022 alone, it received over 1.8 million tourists.

The basic achievement of the "Three Modernizations" goal has further improved the quality and quality of rural revitalization in Tayuanzhuang Village. In 2022, the collective annual income of Tayuanzhuang Village increased to 32 million yuan, and the per capita disposable income of villagers reached 35000 yuan.

"Every step of the development of Tayuanzhuang Village is inseparable from the care and guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping." Yin Jiping, Secretary of the Party committee of tayuanzhuang village, said that in the past period of time, tayuanzhuang village has achieved rapid development. In the next step, we should strive to build tayuanzhuang village into a new model of Rural Revitalization in the new era.

How to start by changing the old appearance?

——Tayuanzhuang Village has solved the problem by strengthening the construction of the village's "two committees", not only forming a fast and stable "locomotive", but also activating a good atmosphere of unity among village cadres and the masses, work hard and start businesses

From a poor and impoverished village to a well-known well-off village, Tayuanzhuang Village has written the legend of rural development through decades of unremitting struggle. When we return to the starting point where Tayuanzhuang Village has achieved today's achievements, we will become more aware of the extremely unusual significance behind this transformation.

Follow the General Secretary to See the Standardization of Revitalization of Tayuanzhuang Village in China | Tayuanzhuang Village | General Secretary

At that time, for impoverished mountain villages like Tayuanzhuang, where should we start to change the face of poverty and backwardness?The second is to solve the problem of Communist Party members serving the people wholeheartedly. The third is to solve the problem of unhealthy and abnormal organizational life of the Party. The fourth is to solve the problem of laxity and weakness.

And Tayuanzhuang Village has also verified the importance of grassroots party organization construction through practical experience, fully interpreting the principle that "trains run fast, all rely on the locomotive; rural revitalization requires the branch to be the key".

In the 1990s, the "two committees" of Tayuanzhuang Village underwent frequent changes, resulting in loose thinking and weak combat effectiveness, leading to the loss of collective assets and a decline in economic income. In 2000, Yin Jiping, a capable villager engaged in construction business outside, responded to the government's call and returned to his hometown to become the village party branch secretary, forming a fast and stable "locomotive" that led Tayuanzhuang Village onto a path of rapid development.

Secondly, emphasis should be placed on strengthening the sense of responsibility among cadres, implementing the annual target "commitment list" for village cadres. At the beginning of the year, the village "two committees" team will formulate annual work goals, form a "commitment list", and publicly display it on the wall. Every quarter, they will receive acceptance from all village party members and village representatives; Finally, the team members set an example, lead by example, and strive to create a fair, united, pragmatic, and hardworking development atmosphere. For example, promoting the renovation of old villages, how to demolish old houses and how to divide new houses is a major challenge. The village "two committees" first demolish houses from their own homes, and when dividing houses, they select them in the order of villagers, party members, and then "two committee" cadres. More than 400 households are divided without causing any disputes.

These honest, pragmatic, and dedicated measures quickly gained widespread recognition from the villagers of Tayuanzhuang Village. Over the past 20 years, the village has undergone seven elections, but it has been found that in each election, the original team of the village "two committees" established in 2000 were all re elected without exception.

These practices of strengthening the construction of grass-roots party organizations in Tanyuanzhuang Village have been affirmed by General Secretary Xi Jinping. In July 2013, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Tanyuanzhuang Village, he said affectionately: "It is very important to do a good job in basic work at the grassroots level. As long as every grassroots party organization and every Communist Party member has a strong sense of purpose and responsibility, they can Play the role of a fighting fortress and a vanguard and exemplary role, our party will be very powerful, our country will be very powerful, and our people will be very powerful, the ruling foundation of the party can be as solid as a rock."

In 2016, the Tayuanzhuang Village Party Branch was awarded the title of "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization". In 2021, Yin Jiping was awarded the title of "National Excellent Communist Party Member". These honors not only encourage and affirm the past achievements of the "Two Committees" of Tayuanzhuang Village, but also serve as incentives and expectations for the "Two Committees" of Tayuanzhuang Village to better drive village development and create new models of rural revitalization in the future.

Why introduce market forces?

——Tayuanzhuang Village, together with Tongfu Group, has achieved a rural revitalization story of "Tongfu and Development" through the two-way efforts of famous villages and strong enterprises

To find the right direction economically and establish solid political guarantees, Tayuanzhuang Village needs to achieve higher quality development, introduce market forces, and strengthen talent support.

In December 1983, Comrade Xi Jinping wrote in reply to all the students of Zhengding nationality of Hebei Agricultural University: "Especially in rural areas, the situation of cultural backwardness and technological backwardness has not fundamentally changed, and the shackles of the old small-scale production and management methods have not been achieved. A fundamental breakthrough. What is the basis for changing all this and building a modern socialist agriculture? The key one is to rely on the promotion and application of modern science and technology, and to rely on professionals who master these science and technology."

Follow the General Secretary to See the Standardization of Revitalization of Tayuanzhuang Village in China | Tayuanzhuang Village | General Secretary

More than twenty years later, Yin Jiping flipped through this article and had a deep understanding of the principles of introducing technology and professional talents. At that time, Tayuanzhuang Village was already a well-known well-off village, but it also faced problems such as weak village industry, insufficient momentum, low management level, and entering a bottleneck period of development. "Solving these problems not only requires a large amount of funds, but also requires specialized teams." Yin Jiping hopes to attract more market, technological, and talent forces into the village through mechanism innovation.

After long-term investigation, Yin Jiping has set his sights on Tongfu Group, which has been deeply involved in the field of agricultural product processing for a long time and has strong advantages in funding, management, and market network. At the same time, Tongfu Group, which has always adhered to the development concept of "Healthy China, Same Fortune for the World" and the business philosophy of "seeking benefits through righteousness and repaying righteousness with benefits", is actively seeking opportunities to cooperate with well-known villages and give back to the villagers. "The advantages of Tayuanzhuang Village, such as a good geographical location, a strong village committee team, a good foundation of integrated resources such as rural tourism, and a nationally renowned reputation, have deeply attracted us," said Liu Shanguo, Chairman of Tongfu Group.

The two-way efforts of famous villages and strong enterprises have created a story of rural revitalization with "common prosperity and development".

In January 2020, Tayuanzhuang Village and Tongfu Group jointly established Hebei Tayuanzhuang Tongfu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. Tongfu Group's monetary capital contributed 70% of the shares, while Tayuanzhuang Village utilized the collective construction land and idle asset usage rights in the village to contribute 30% of the shares. The Tayuanzhuang Tongfu Rural Revitalization Demonstration Park was built to promote deep integration of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries.

The idle factory opposite the Tayuanzhuang Village Committee has built a rural revitalization exhibition hall, and a new automated production line called the "central kitchen" has been installed. The intelligent greenhouse has been transformed into a smart farm by replacing the "core"... In Tayuanzhuang Village, new changes can be seen every day. Wu Feng, Administrative Deputy General Manager of Hebei Tayuanzhuang Tongfu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that the Tongfu Park in Tayuanzhuang Village has arranged for more than 300 surrounding villagers to be employed. The project plans to achieve a sales revenue of 500 million yuan in the next three years, directly and indirectly solving the employment of tens of thousands of people. The per capita income of Tayuanzhuang villagers will increase at a rate of 30% annually.

The arrival and implementation of Tongfu have brought advanced management concepts, important capital, and cutting-edge agricultural technology to Tayuanzhuang Village. It not only directly promotes the upgrading of village industries, employment of villagers, and collective economic development, but also allows village "two committees" cadres to have more time and energy to focus on the management of village social affairs.

Researcher Xi Yinsheng from the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, who conducted a special research on the "village enterprise cooperation" model in Tayuanzhuang Village, summarized several characteristics of the model: implementing "party committee leadership, market operation, farmer participation, and sharing achievements" in the system, implementing "government, enterprise, technology, finance, insurance, and farmer handshake" in the mechanism, effectively integrating agricultural and rural resources with social capital in the economy, and clarifying property rights and organizational structure. "Tayuanzhuang Village and Tongfu Group have joined hands, belonging to the strong alliance. They have explored and innovated the cooperation mode of 'famous villages+strong enterprises', which has positive reference significance for other villages to introduce enterprises to achieve resource sharing and complementary advantages." Xi Yinsheng said.

What is the happy life in Tayuanzhuang Village like?

——"I don't have to worry about employment, the environment is good." "There are many benefits, and my life is worry free." "My heart is at ease, and my value is full." More than 1600 men, women, and children in the village are beaming with brilliant smiles

In the early 1980 s, villagers often saw a young young man riding a bicycle to and from the village-he was Comrade Xi Jinping.

To enter the village, you must first cross the river. At that time, there was no bridge in the Hutuo River, and the river was filled with sediment.

Follow the General Secretary to See the Standardization of Revitalization of Tayuanzhuang Village in China | Tayuanzhuang Village | General Secretary

From "I am most concerned about the disadvantaged masses" to "making people's lives happy is the 'great responsibility of the country'", from "the country is the people, the people are the country" to "the greatness of a great country, there is also the importance of a great country. The myriad of things, ultimately, are the affairs of thousands of households", the leaders of a great country have always been filled with a strong sense of farmer sentiment, full of special care for Chinese farmers.

In recent years, the rapid development of the village has brought villagers a sweeter life than honey. The village has also formed a tradition of regularly taking "family photos".

At the Tayuanzhuang Village History Museum, the reporter saw this special "family portrait", which contained the figures of more than 1600 villagers in a less than two meter long scroll, each with a happy smile on their face. The staff at the side said: "Since 2013, all the men, women and children in the village have gathered together every three years to take a picture. The latest fourth picture was taken in the Mid Autumn Festival in 2022. These pictures are more prosperous, brighter and more spiritual."

Standing in front of this special "family photo", the reporter was lost in thought. Isn't these over 1600 smiling faces a vivid portrayal of the happy life of the villagers in Tayuan Village?

This smile comes from the saying "I don't have to worry about employment, the environment is okay".

Tang Xiuying, who is 64 years old this year, started vegetable wholesale with her husband in the early years. She started early and worked tirelessly, with fluctuating prices and frequent losses. After the completion of the Tayuanzhuang Tongfu Rural Revitalization Demonstration Park project, Tang Xiuying became a seedling administrator at the Smart Farm. "It's no longer an 'old trick' of digging and eating in dirt, but a high-tech approach such as soilless cultivation, fish and vegetable symbiosis, and southern and northern fruit cultivation. With the guidance of technicians, we quickly got started." Tang Xiuying cherishes her work at the Smart Farm, which not only earns a stable income of over 3000 yuan per month, but also has a good environment, is close to home, and the work is not tiring.

This smile comes from the saying "abundant benefits, worry free life".

On the streets of Tayuanzhuang Village, the reporter met several elderly people from the village. They all say, "Life is really good now, I couldn't even think about it before.". In 2013, Tayuanzhuang Village completed the renovation of old houses, and each household was able to obtain two sets of houses for free, with a high-rise area of 98 square meters and a low floor area of 128 square meters, effectively solving the housing problem. In recent years, the collective economy of the village has continued to grow, especially after the introduction of Tongfu Group, which can receive at least 10 million yuan of guaranteed dividends every year.

The cake is bigger, and dividing it well is even more crucial. The "Two Committees" of Tayuanzhuang Village will distribute a bonus of 3000 yuan per person at the end of the year, based on the number of heads, of which 6 million yuan will be distributed. As long as there is a household registration in the village, the elderly and children will have it. The remaining 4 million yuan will be used for public affairs expenditure and social welfare distribution. The property fees, water fees, heating fees, elevator fees, etc. of all villagers shall be borne by the village collective; Distribute daily necessities such as flour, rice, edible oil, and vegetables to villagers for free every month, and organize free physical examinations every year; Elderly people over 60 years old, in addition to receiving pensions from the higher-level government, receive monthly pensions ranging from 200 to 700 yuan in the village; College students who are admitted to the top 150 universities in the country in the village can also receive tuition subsidies. With the support of collective economy and sufficient welfare protection, the villagers of Tayuanzhuang have truly achieved the goal of "having children, education, income from labor, medical care for illness, care for the elderly, housing, and assistance for the weak".

This smile also comes from "having peace of mind and full of value".

The social reputation of Tayuanzhuang Village continues to increase, with a continuous stream of people visiting, inspecting, and learning, with over 20000 visitors on the most recent day. Both village officials and villagers are filled with a strong sense of pride in their hometown. A villager told a reporter, "I used to think about where to take my children to play every day during holidays. Now there are various fun things at my doorstep, and I can play and learn at the same time, which is no worse than in the city."

Follow the General Secretary to See the Standardization of Revitalization of Tayuanzhuang Village in China | Tayuanzhuang Village | General Secretary

Gao Jie, a girl born in the 1990s, is a foreign daughter-in-law from Tayuanzhuang Village. A few years ago, she worked at the Shijiazhuang high-speed railway station and ran away every day, unable to take care of her infant child. For this reason, she resigned from her job and returned to her hometown to become a tour guide for the Tayuanzhuang Tongfu Rural Revitalization Demonstration Park. "In the past, I felt that rural revitalization policies were far from my life. Now, I have witnessed the rural revitalization of Tayuanzhuang Village in the park and explained rural revitalization to tourists, further feeling my connection with rural revitalization and finding the ideal of life to strive for in the future." Gao Jie is very satisfied with her current life, and she specially changed her WeChat nickname to "Being in Fuzhong".

The happy scene of Tayuanzhuang Village has been transmitted to Beijing.


Looking back at the development process of Tayuanzhuang Village, one cannot help but feel uplifted and moved. Before the revitalization, Tayuanzhuang Village had no distinctive resources, no industrial foundation, and no transportation benefits. It is such a village on the North China Plain that can't be more ordinary, but it has become a shining model in the era of rural revitalization. Exploring the revitalization code of Tayuanzhuang Village in the historical scene undoubtedly has positive reference significance for other ordinary rural areas in the country to compose revitalization stories. From the development practice of Tayuanzhuang Village, the following insights can be drawn:

We need to focus on the theme of economic development. To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development. No matter when or where, a solid material foundation is a powerful support for a happy life. Looking back at the development process of Tayuanzhuang Village, according to the summary of local cadres and masses, it can be roughly divided into three stages: from the mid-1980s to 2008, it followed a "semi suburban" development path; From 2008 to 2013, we followed the path of building a new countryside; After 2013, the focus is on heading towards a moderately prosperous society ahead of schedule. Each of these three steps is based on development as the premise and centered on economic construction. Only by continuously consolidating the economic foundation and material guarantee for rural development, can rural revitalization not become a "rootless tree" and better reflect on reality.

We need to highlight the focus of branch construction. The key to Tayuanzhuang Village's ability to achieve leapfrog development step by step lies in having a strong team of village committees. The village "two committees" have fully played the driving role of the "locomotive" by strictly enforcing the work style and discipline of cadres, innovating the village management system and mechanism, and creating a united and upward atmosphere, effectively consolidating the fighting spirit and enthusiasm of the whole village to create a better life. It can be said that Tayuanzhuang Village is a typical Party building leading village, and the village "two committees" have played an important role in the development of Tayuanzhuang Village.

We must make good use of the magic weapon of reform and innovation. Reform and innovation are important tools to continuously open up new prospects in promoting the work of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. Entering a new stage of development, rural development has ushered in important opportunities. How to combine the new situation and innovate the development path is a major issue facing countless rural areas in China. Tayuanzhuang Village has introduced Tongfu Group and innovated the "village enterprise co construction" model, which not only leverages the advantages of the enterprise's funds, management, technology, and market network, but also revitalizes the idle assets of the village and stimulates the confidence of villagers to create a better life, further highlighting the brand value of Tayuanzhuang Village. "Tayuan Village" and "Tongfu" have joined hands to explore a path of village enterprise co construction that is observable, practical, sustainable, and replicable. This has positive reference significance for other villages to make good use of local and external resources and achieve mutual promotion and win-win development.

We should aim for the goal of common prosperity. Common prosperity is an essential requirement of socialism, which should be upheld not only at the macro level of national development, but also at the micro level of village revitalization.There are both guaranteed village collective income dividends based on individual heads, as well as social welfare payments that provide special care for different groups such as the elderly, children, and students, truly achieving the satisfaction of all men, women, and children in the village, and experiencing the joy of common prosperity.

This is a legend of an ordinary village in North China for over thirty years, and it is also a story that countless Chinese villages are interpreting. Tayuanzhuang Village will also continue to write new exciting stories in this era of rural revitalization.

Author: Farmers Daily, China Agricultural Network reporter He Lansheng Shi Weiyu to Xiangdong Meng De Cai

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