Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 21:28 PM

How clear is the question channel? To have a source of fresh water.

The Geladan Winter Snow Mountain at an altitude of 6621 meters has melted into a source of fresh water, with a trickling stream that flows eastward and gradually becomes a floodplain in Tanggulashan Town, Golmud City, Qinghai Province. This is the source of the Yangtze River, with high altitude and cold weather, extreme environment, and fragile and sensitive ecology.

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

"Hello children from all over the country! Hello children from Hubei! My name is Ciyanglam, and I am a child from Changjiang Source Village in Qinghai Province. The Yangtze River is our mother river. Let's work together to protect the Yangtze River and our beautiful home! Welcome everyone to come and take a look at the source of the Yangtze River and be a guest at our home!"

On July 22, 2023, at home in Changjiangyuan Village, Tanggulashan Town, Golmud City, Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, a 12-year-old Tibetan girl named Ciyanglam enthusiastically said.

Xinhua News Agency pictures

"Hello Grandpa Xi, I love you," said 5-year-old Ciyanglam confidently.

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

On July 22, 2023, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China called on children from all over the country to work together to protect the Yangtze River through camera calls. Photographed by Wang Zheng

On July 22, 2023, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China wrote a paragraph in a journalist's interview book, calling on children from all over the country to work together to protect the Yangtze River.

"Because of the ecological protection of the Yangtze River, there is the Yangtze River Source Village," said Bai Maduojie, the mayor of Tanggulashan Town. In November 2004, in order to implement the policies of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, 128 households and 407 herdsmen who had been living by water and grass for generations were relocated from the high-altitude area at the source of the Yangtze River to the southern suburbs of Golmud City under the leadership of party members and cadres.

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

"If you sneeze at the source of the Yangtze River, the entire Yangtze River will catch a cold. The source of the Yangtze River is an important ecological security barrier in China, and the destruction of its ecological environment will directly threaten the ecological security of the Yangtze River Basin and restrict its high-quality development." Recently, Professor Deng Hongbing, director of the Regional Economic and Investment Environment Research Center at China University of Geosciences, said in an interview with reporters.

Deng Hongbing once conducted scientific research and social investigations in the source of the Yangtze River, and has been observing and reflecting on the construction of ecological civilization in the Yangtze River Basin for many years. He believes that the great protection of the Yangtze River should start from the source of the Yangtze River and must pay attention to it.

"Our village is named 'Yangtze River Source Village', which has both the meaning of coming from the source of the Yangtze River and the meaning of not forgetting the gratitude of the Party when drinking water," Li Zhibin, the first secretary stationed in the village, told reporters.

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

Residential upgrading, income doubling by more than ten times, development of green animal husbandry processing and rural tourism, and a long and happy life for villagers in the source of the Yangtze River

Entering Changjiang Yuan Village, the roads here are clean and the houses are grand. Centered around the lives of villagers, ethnic schools, nursing homes, village office buildings, cultural squares, health clinics, village history museums, and bus stops have been built in the village. In the current Yangtze River Source Village, villagers can settle down and settle down. They work as teachers, manage agricultural and livestock products, go out for transportation, open tea houses, and do small businesses. They have diverse professions and multiple sources of income.

"Compared to the first year after just moving here, the income of our villagers has increased by more than ten times. After ecological migration, we have lifted ourselves out of poverty, improved our material life, and elevated our spiritual realm," said Bai Maduojie.

The spacious and tidy roads in Changjiang Yuan Village. Photographed by Wang Zheng on July 22, 2023

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

"Before ecological migration, we lived in tents, slept on the ground, used earth stoves, ate tsamba, drank river water, and ordered sheep oil lamps. Afraid of getting sick, we rode horses and oxen to find the nearest hospital, which would take at least one day." Baima Dorje told reporters that when he was in his teens, he moved down the mountain with his parents and moved into the source village of the Yangtze River. Recalling the scenes of life back then, he couldn't help but sigh.

Nowadays, ecological migration in Changjiang Source Village has been going on for nearly 20 years. Villagers work, live, settle and develop here, and the population has increased to 221 households and 602 people.

On July 22, 2023, in front of the Yangtze River Source Village Cultural Square, Bai Maduojie, the mayor of Tanggulashan Town, introduced the development and changes of Yangtze River Source Village. Photographed by Wang Zheng

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

The concept of ecological priority and green development has been vividly practiced in Changjiang Source Village, which extends industries to cities. Li Zhibin introduced that in 2020, Yangtze River Source Village established the path of green animal husbandry processing and rural tourism development. In 2022, the annual income of the village's collective economy has reached 720000 yuan. "We have also planned a tourism industry area of over 300 acres in addition to the villagers' living areas. In the future, Yangtze River Source Village will be developed into a preferred destination for rural ecotourism in the province," said Li Zhibin.

"The grass is growing well now, and there are more wild animals," Cairen Zha, a villager from Changjiang Source Village, told reporters. Cairen Zha team worked as a village cadre in Changjiang Yuan Village for 15 years, and after retirement, became an ecological ranger responsible for guarding 10000 acres of grassland. The Cairen Zha team travels 800 kilometers back and forth up the mountain, patrolling there for three to four days. "When you arrive at the Tuotuo River, carefully observe the nearby grasslands and you can see wild yaks and Tibetan wild donkeys," said the Cairenzha team.

Tibetan antelopes near the Tuotuo River. Photographed by Wang Zheng on July 23, 2023

Tibetan wild donkeys near the Tuotuo River. Photographed by Wang Zheng on July 23, 2023

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

"Tibetan antelopes, yellow sheep, lynx, red crowned crane, spotted goose... There are more and more wild animals here, and the source of the Yangtze River has become their paradise." When the reporter was surprised to see Tibetan antelopes and wild donkeys captured near the Tuotuo River on July 23, Tang Haiping, the chairman of the People's Congress of Tanggulashan Town, smiled and said.

On July 22, 2023, in front of the Yangtze River Source Village Cultural Square, the Party Secretary of Tanggulashan Town, Suo Nandong, shared his experiences in participating in the ecological protection of the Yangtze River. Photographed by Wang Zheng

The Party Secretary of Tanggulashan Town, Suo Nandong, told us that the concept of protecting the Yangtze River will continue to thrive from the source, starting from childhood

The reporter continued southwest from Yangtze River Source Village and after driving for over 400 kilometers, arrived near the Yangtze River Source Extra Large Bridge on the banks of the Tuotuo River in Tanggulashan Town.

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

The Yangtze River Source Bridge is 1389.6 meters long and is the first railway bridge on the source of the Yangtze River, connecting the "Tianlu" Qinghai Tibet Railway. Standing in front of the stone tablet at the source of the Yangtze River, gazing out, the bridge exudes a majestic aura, like a rainbow flying across the Tuotuo River. Trains occasionally gallop over the bridge.

The Yangtze River Source Extra Large Bridge. Photographed by Wang Zheng on July 23, 2023

Xu Congguo, Deputy Chief Engineer of China Railway Third Bureau, who participated in the construction of the Yangtze River Source Extra Large Bridge in the past, said in an interview with reporters that the Yangtze River Source Extra Large Bridge was built in permafrost areas of the plateau for many years. They overcame the global technical difficulties of building bridges in permafrost areas and witnessed the wonders of world railway construction history.

"The Yangtze River Source Extra Large Bridge not only displays a physical height, but also a spiritual height, reflecting the pioneering spirit of our country's exploration of mountains and bridges," said Chen Shuxiang, a second level researcher at the Hubei Provincial Institute of Archaeology.

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

On the banks of the Tuotuo River and in the outskirts of the road, reporters have seen herdsmen and villagers bend down to pick up the garbage on the ground multiple times. "If garbage doesn't fall, Qinghai will be more beautiful. The cadres, people of all ages and genders here have this habit, and the protection of the Yangtze River has become a habit and culture that has been integrated into our daily lives." Tang Haiping told the visiting research team.

"3694 plastic bottles, 1202 iron cans, 363 aluminum cans, 306.58 kilograms of paper waste, and 362.79 kilograms of other waste." Zhang Xirong, a staff member of the Yangtze River Source Water Ecological Environment Protection Station, summarized the "performance" of local garbage collection last year.

The Yangtze River Source Water Ecological Environment Protection Station and the Yangtze River No.1 Post Office. Photographed by Wang Zheng on July 23, 2023

Suo Nandong told visiting reporters that for residents of the source of the Yangtze River, the most important festival every year is World Environment Day on June 5th. In order to celebrate this special festival well, Changjiang Source Village actively holds various environmental protection activities and extends the festival to 7 days.

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

"During this period, all staff, herdsmen, villagers, and ecological managers will go to the Tuotuo River to carry out environmental protection activities in a two point, one line approach between the village and the town, and one vertical and one horizontal approach between the 109 National Highway and the Tuotuo River," said Su Nandong.

On July 22, 2023, Li Jun, the principal of the Yangtze River Source Ethnic School in Golmud City, explained the school's campus culture characterized by ecological civilization. Photographed by Wang Zheng

Establishing the concept of protecting the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River Source Ethnic School starts from being a child. Principal Li Jun told reporters that for many years, the school has continued to carry out ecological civilization education activities such as the "First Yangtze River Guard" and the "River and Lake Long Guard". Children go to public places in the village to promote environmental protection concepts, go to the banks of the Tuotuo River to pick up garbage, and return home to complete garbage classification and recycling tasks with their parents.

"A drop of water at the source is like a river in the world. We hope to create a good situation of educating a child, influencing a family, and driving the entire society to protect the source of the Yangtze River," said Li Jun.

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping

Next to the Yangtze River Source Water Ecological Environment Protection Station is the Yangtze River No.1 Post Office, which provides rest, communication, mailing and other services for tourists visiting the Yangtze River Source. After years of development, the "Changjiang No.1" post office has become a platform for ecological and environmental protection, as well as a platform for cultural exchange and tourist check-in.

On July 23, 2023, at the "Changjiang No.1" post office, a woman mailed a postcard with the theme of Yangtze River ecological protection. Photographed by Wang Zheng

"We are the world's first themed post office named after the sequence of river flows, which is a pioneering example of Yangtze River culture. We hope to spread more information about the source of the Yangtze River through various means such as philatelic collection and postcard delivery, and interact with the entire Yangtze River to protect it together," Zhang Xirong told reporters.

Follow the general secretary to see China, a drop of water at the source, a river in the world-feeling general secretary Xi Jinping's feelings of the Yangtze river at the source of the Yangtze river | protection | Xi Jinping
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