Follow the General Secretary to learn history | The light of civilization shining in Sanxingdui, learning from the past and knowing the vicissitudes of life | Archaeology | Sanxingdui

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:38 AM

On the Chengdu Plain, by the Duck River, when the wind of the Bronze Age blew over this weathered land, the "Three Stars Accompanying the Moon" shone brightly, leaving a unique mark of civilization.

There used to be an ancient legend circulating here that goes, "Silkworms and fish and ducks, the founding of the country is boundless." The golden crow inhabits the heavenly divine tree and flies through the sky to inquire about thousands of years of time.

On the afternoon of the 26th, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was on an inspection tour in Sichuan, came to the Sanxingdui Museum to learn about the excavation and research of historical and cultural sites, the protection and restoration of cultural relics, and so on. Following in the footsteps of the General Secretary, we knocked on the door of ancient Shu, brushed away the dust of the years, and felt the appearance of the splendid civilization through the reproduction of the auspicious plume.

Exploring the Source of Civilization

From the accidental discovery of jade artifacts by villager Yan Daocheng in 1929, to the "Hanzhou Excavation Briefing" written by American professor Ge Weihan in the 1930s, to Professor Feng Hanji's speculation after the establishment of the People's Republic of China that this area was "likely to be a central capital of ancient Shu", to the "shocking" discovery of two sacrificial pits in 1986... The discovery of the Sanxingdui site made the true and false ancient Shu history a reliable history, reconstructed the civilization map of the Bronze Age in China, and advanced the civilization history of Sichuan region for more than 2000 years.

If the Sanxingdui Site reproduces the sacrificial scenes of the ancient Shu Kingdom, then the ancient ritual system, as a component of the cohesion of the Chinese nation, enriches the connotation of Chinese civilization in the process of worshipping rituals and upholding righteousness. Whether it is the oracle bone inscriptions of Yin Xu in Anyang, or the Western Zhou He Zun inscribed with "Zhaizi China", whether it is the "temple jade pendant, sacrificial myth" of Niuheliang Site, or the "ritual props, nuo ritual worship" of Liangzhu Site... Looking back deeper into history, the source of Chinese civilization is as bright as stars in the sky.

Follow the General Secretary to learn history | The light of civilization shining in Sanxingdui, learning from the past and knowing the vicissitudes of life | Archaeology | Sanxingdui

The Chinese civilization has a long and rich history, and only when we know, can we know where we go.In June of this year, during an inspection at the Chinese Academy of History, General Secretary emphasized the need to implement major projects such as "Comprehensive Research on the Origin and Early Development of Chinese Civilization" and "Archaeological China", and do a good job in researching and interpreting the origin of Chinese civilization.

"I believe that our civilization has a longer history. It has been passed down to the present and we will continue to pass it down." As far as the General Secretary can see, there are millions of years of human history, 10,000 years of cultural history, and more than 5,000 years of civilization.

Witness the cultural exchange

Some people say that the development history of Sanxingdui is a history of cultural exchange between ancient Shu.

On the one hand, the abstract bronze statues and mysterious symbolic patterns in Sanxingdui reflect the distinct regional characteristics of ancient Shu culture, becoming a vivid portrayal of the diversity and richness of Chinese culture. On the other hand, the grass snake grey line left by history reveals the "cultural dialogue" between Sanxingdui and the Central Plains and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The winged bronze dragon unearthed from Sanxingdui has a unique style and is quite similar to the form of the Huaxia dragon, reflecting the cultural identity of the ancestors of ancient Shu towards the "descendants of dragons", confirming that ancient Shu culture is an important component of Chinese culture, and highlighting the excellent traditional Chinese culture of "the unity of nine provinces and diversity".

Looking at the broader world historical coordinates, Sanxingdui, as the "Eastern Legend" at 30 degrees north latitude, has also opened a magnificent window for the world to understand China. Since its debut at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1993, the Sanxingdui cultural relics have continuously expanded their overseas circle of friends, attracting attention from all over the world to Chinese culture time and time again.

Follow the General Secretary to learn history | The light of civilization shining in Sanxingdui, learning from the past and knowing the vicissitudes of life | Archaeology | Sanxingdui

Looking east, we can see the broad and inclusive spirit of Chinese culture, the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation in drawing on the strengths of others, and the broad vision, pattern, and sentiment of a leader of a great country with a broad mind.

Guarding the Light of Cultural Relics

"Lying for a thousand years, hoping to meet you; watching a thousand times, guarding the ancient Sichuan mulberry fields." It can be said that every stunning "awakening" of the Sanxingdui site is related to the "two-way journey" of cultural relics and archaeologists.

The exploration and excavation in the last century opened up the tip of the iceberg, making Sanxingdui one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. In recent years, Sanxingdui Archaeology has been updated, with over ten thousand numbered cultural relics unearthed from six pits, making "the latest discoveries and interpretations of Sanxingdui Archaeology" one of the "Top Ten Research Hotspots in Chinese History in 2021".

Integrity and innovation are the key to the revival of ancient charm. The multidisciplinary research and protection of the Sanxingdui site has become a vivid example of building "Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style" archaeology, from a high-tech "archaeological shelter" to AI assisted cultural relic restoration and simulation splicing. In recent years, the Sanxingdui Museum has been continuously promoting cultural digitization, from ancient times to the present, from underground to the cloud, empowering historical relics with technology to achieve "cyber immortality", and seeking the answer of "why China" in the dialogue between ancient and modern times.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that understanding the long history of Chinese civilization and perceiving the breadth and depth of Chinese culture is inseparable from archaeology.

Follow the General Secretary to learn history | The light of civilization shining in Sanxingdui, learning from the past and knowing the vicissitudes of life | Archaeology | Sanxingdui

Archaeology is a bridge that connects ancient civilizations with the new era. Through a corner of history, we can glimpse how symbols have evolved into characters over the long years, how tribes have grown into nations, and how our ancestors have paved the way for mountains and forests. Inheriting the Chinese cultural heritage and guarding the light of cultural relics, we can foresee the future as far as we can see the past.

Author: Kuang Xixi

Checked by: Wu Yue

Photo Photography: Ju Peng, Xie Huanchi, Li Tao

Visual: Lai Xiangdong, Li Yan

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