Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 20:48 PM

CCTV's "Lianbo+" program has specially planned a series of articles titled "Exploring Chinese Civilization with General Secretary" to help you appreciate the vastness and profoundness of Chinese civilization.

The text is recorded in the object, with the essence attached to it.

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure

In his view, cultural relics carry splendid civilization, inherit historical culture, and maintain national spirit, which are precious legacies left by our ancestors and profound nourishment for strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.

Through cultural relics, not only can we inherit culture and boost confidence, but we can also recall history, interpret our original intentions, connect China and foreign countries, and enhance friendship. The General Secretary is well aware of the importance of cultural relics and the necessity of protecting them. He emphasized, "The merit of protecting cultural relics lies in the present and the benefit lies in the future."

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure

The Jinding was unearthed in 1974 at Tomb 253 of the Liulihe Site. "Jin" was a vassal of the first Yan Marquis "Ke", and the inscription on the cauldron recorded Jin's journey to the capital of Zhou to offer food. As the vessel was made by Jin, the cauldron was named "Jin Ding". The Jin Ding is a simple and elegant bronze ritual vessel unearthed in the Beijing area, which is the largest and heaviest.

Boju Li was unearthed in 1975 at Tomb 251 of the Liulihe Site. "Bo Ju" is a nobleman of the Yan state. The same inscription is cast on the inside of the lid and the inner wall of the neck, which records the historical fact that the Marquis of Yan rewarded Bo Ju with a shell coin on the day of the Wuchen Festival, and Bo Ju used it as a tool to commemorate his father. The various parts of the Li are decorated with cow head patterns, with a total of seven cows. The artistic design and casting techniques are extremely advanced, making it the pinnacle of Western Zhou bronze art in Beijing.

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure

In the on-site photos, the ones in the same frame as him are the Jin Ding and Bo Ju Li.He emphasized the need to attach great importance to compiling history and chronicles while exhibiting, allowing cultural relics to speak and share historical wisdom with people, inspiring our national pride and confidence.

In 1974, the Terra Cotta Warriors of the Qin Dynasty came back to life and shook the world. Since its discovery, this underground military formation has carried and witnessed the progress of ancient Chinese civilization and modern technology, reflecting the unique spiritual value, thinking mode, and aesthetic orientation of the Chinese nation. Nowadays, the Terracotta Warriors continue to go abroad and have increasingly become carriers and disseminators of Chinese culture, playing an increasingly important role in promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure

"If you don't look at the pyramids, you don't really have been to Egypt. If you don't look at the Terracotta Warriors, you don't really have been to China."

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure

He Zun, unearthed in Baoji, Shaanxi in 1963, is a famous ritual vessel from the early Western Zhou Dynasty. The bottom of the vessel is inscribed with 12 lines of 122 characters, including the sentence "Home in China", which is the earliest written record of the two characters "China" discovered.

On June 2, 2023, a special exhibition named after the inscription "Homestead in China" by He Zun of the Western Zhou Dynasty was exhibited at the Chinese Academy of History, showcasing artifacts such as stone, pottery, jade, bronze, and a collection of thousands of years of civilization.

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure

Yin Ruins is the first capital site of the late Shang Dynasty in Chinese history that has been documented and confirmed by archaeological excavations. Oracle bone script, also known as Yin Rui inscriptions, Yin Rui script, Qi script, Yin Qi, and so on. It is engraved on the bones of turtle shells and is the earliest, most complete, systematic, and able to express complete thoughts discovered so far. It is the source of Chinese characters and the root of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

At the Yin Ruins Museum, the General Secretary carefully observed the unearthed cultural relics, and oracle bone inscriptions were one of them. He pointed out that the oracle bone inscriptions unearthed from the Yin Ruins have preserved the characters from 3000 years ago, pushing forward the development of Chinese history for about 1000 years. "The Chinese script is very impressive."

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure

Some of the large mouth pottery statues unearthed in Mengcheng, Anhui have symbols, while others do not. The symbols depicted on Tao Zun are "sun," "moon," and "mountain," which are abstract expressions and combinations that go beyond simple drawings. Some experts believe that this may be the embryonic form of Chinese characters. According to archaeology, this type of pottery carving symbol is a unique symbol of Dawenkou culture.

In the exhibition hall, General Secretary walked along the "Avenue of History" and carefully inquired about the latest archaeological excavation results and the protection of cultural relics and exhibits. The commentator pointed to a pottery exhibit and introduced it to the General Secretary, saying, "This is a large mouth pottery statue unearthed from the Weichi Temple site in the Neolithic period in Mengcheng, Anhui, dating back approximately 4800 years." The General Secretary asked, "Is China the country with the earliest origin of pottery in the world?"

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure


"either 'one of the earliest' or 'the earliest'?" The general secretary asked again.

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure

"Yes, early pottery discovered in other parts of the world was mostly spread after its origin in China."

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | Chinese treasure general secretary | Xi Jinping | treasure
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