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Release time:Apr 14, 2024 22:58 PM

In the midsummer season, all things are in glory, the beautiful Yangtze River, and the scenery is picturesque.

On the morning of July 25th, just after dawn, 61 year old Xiong Genrong and several team members piloted a steam turbine to patrol the nearly 60 kilometer long river.

Xiong Genrong is the captain of the fishing ban patrol team in the suburbs of Tongling City, Anhui Province. Four years ago, he retired from fishing with other fishermen and became a fisherman. The transformation of his role has made Xiong Genrong feel firsthand that "protecting the ecological environment of the Yangtze River is protecting our future livelihood.".

"For a considerable period of time now and in the future, we must prioritize the restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River, jointly focus on major protection, and refrain from large-scale development."

Protecting the ecology well and leveraging its advantages is the key to achieving high-quality development. The implementation of the ten-year fishing ban plan on the Yangtze River requires the relevant work to be done well, so that the majority of fishermen are willing to go ashore and can stay stable and become rich after landing.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ye

As an important node province in the Yangtze River Economic Belt that connects the east and the west, in recent years, Anhui Province has focused on solving prominent ecological and environmental problems, focusing on "clear water," "green banks," and "excellent industries." It has implemented graded control of the "1 kilometer, 5 kilometers, and 15 kilometers" coastline of the Yangtze River, set up three ecological defense lines, and worked hard for a long time to protect the green mountains and clear waters on both sides of the river.

After 7 years of governance, the beautiful picture of "clear water and green banks, fish soaring shallow at the bottom" is slowly unfolding in the Anhui section of the Yangtze River.

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Shuiqing: Systematic Governance, Safeguarding the Clear Water of a River

The Yangtze River flows 416 kilometers through Anhui. When the river reaches the section of Ma'anshan, Tianmen is interrupted and it turns north. The east bank is Xuejiawa in Ma'anshan, and the west bank is Fusha Weir.

On the evening of July 27th, after a shower, the air was fresh and the cool breeze was blowing. Standing on the observation platform of Xuejiawa Ecological Park, one could gaze into the distance and see a rainbow hanging in the air on the vast river, with green mountains reflecting each other. Passing boats flowed endlessly, creating a unique scene.

At this moment, Mr. Han, who lives in Ma'anshan, is taking his younger brother from out of town with his wife to record this beautiful moment on his phone. "Before, this place was dirty, messy, and dirty. On sunny days, it was covered in dust, and on rainy days, it was covered in mud. Every time my younger brother came to Ma'anshan, we didn't want to bring him here." Mr. Han shook his head as he talked about Xue Jiawa's past.

On the display board in front of the observation platform, multiple old photos depict the unbearable scene of Xuejiawa in the past: illegal docks are everywhere, and "scattered and dirty" enterprises are standing.

A few years have passed, and Xuejiawa has transformed into a magnificent place, becoming the "urban ecological living room" and a popular spot for citizens to check in and relax on the internet.

After the butterfly transformation, Xuejiawa has clear water and green banks. Photo by People's Daily reporter Miao Zijian

In Ma'anshan, the name "Three Girls" is well-known to everyone. "Three Girls" Chen Lanxiang and her husband once made a living by fishing and lived in Xuejiawa, Ma'anshan City for more than 20 years.

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In 2019, with the theme of ecological environment improvement in the Yangtze River, Ma'anshan City initiated the return of fishermen from the main and important tributaries of the Yangtze River to production. The city dismantled 5651 fishing boats of various types, and more than 10000 fishermen, including the "Three Girls," returned to shore.

In 2020, with strong support from government departments, "Sanguniang" and eight other fishermen who went ashore jointly invested in the establishment of Sanguniang Labor Service Co., Ltd. The fishermen became shareholders and everyone became wealthy together. Now, the company has achieved a revenue of nearly 5 million yuan, and over the past two years, shareholders have distributed 300000 yuan in dividends.

The Yangtze River finless porpoise is affectionately known as the "smiling angel" by people. In the past, due to industrial and ship pollution, the water quality of the Yangtze River deteriorated, and the population of the finless porpoise gradually declined. According to the 2017 Yangtze River finless porpoise scientific research data, the population of Yangtze River finless porpoises is about 1012, which is less than that of giant pandas and is in an extremely endangered state.

In the Tongling section of the Yangtze River, Yangtze finless porpoises jump out of the water to play. Photo by People's Daily reporter Miao Zijian

"Since the central government held a symposium to promote the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in January 2016, we have launched an unprecedented battle for the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River with the determination of a brave warrior. With a systematic approach, we have comprehensively implemented the '7+1' action of prohibiting new construction, reducing inventory, closing pollution sources, entering industrial parks, building new green areas, integrating unified management, strengthening mechanisms, and protecting biodiversity, in order to solve the prominent ecological and environmental problems of the Yangtze River." Gu Qun, the ecological environment protection and supervision commissioner of Anhui Province, said that over 21000 'scattered pollution' enterprises have been shut down, more than 3000 sewage outlets along the Yangtze River have been rectified, 231 urban black and odorous water bodies have been completely treated, and 294 production and operation docks have been completed in the past seven years. "Ship sewage and garbage collection and transportation achieve full coverage

Nowadays, the water quality in the Anhui section of the Yangtze River is getting better and better. According to data provided by the Department of Ecology and Environment of Anhui Province, the water quality of the Anhui section of the Yangtze River main stream continues to maintain Class II. In 2022, the proportion of excellent water quality in the national examination section of the Yangtze River Basin exceeded 94.8%, which is the best level since the national examination.

"When fishing in the past, it was difficult to see wild Yangtze River finless porpoises. Now, every now and then, you can see them floating in groups on the water, indicating that the water quality here is getting better and better." Xiong Genrong, who has been fishing in the Yangtze River for more than 30 years, took out his phone to show the photos to the reporter and sighed.

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A set of data validated Lao Xiong's perception: The results of the 2022 Yangtze River finless porpoise scientific expedition showed that the population of Yangtze River finless porpoises in the entire Yangtze River basin has recovered to 1249, an increase of 23.42% in the number over the past five years compared to 2017.

The ten-year fishing ban has demonstrated its effectiveness, and the Yangtze River finless porpoises, known as the "Water China Treasure," are now playing in the Anhui section of the Yangtze River, which has become the norm.

Green shore: long-term achievements, jointly protecting the green mountains on both sides

In Jiangcheng Wuhu, the Ten Mile River Bay has become the city's "beauty" responsibility and ecological business card. Every morning and evening, many citizens and tourists gather here to exercise and relax. Many couples also consider this place as their first choice for taking wedding photos.

Wuhu Shili Jiangwan Health Trail. Photo by People's Daily reporter Miao Zijian

At the confluence of the Yangtze River and Qingyi River, the ancient Zhongjiang Pagoda, modern fish bridges, and rows of tall buildings shimmer with neon lights, reflecting like a painting in the river water, forming a beautiful picture of "Ten Mile River Bay".

"What you are seeing now is the scene after renovation. A few years ago, shipyards, boats, and small docks were built here, with sewage flowing horizontally and the environment being 'dirty, messy, and poor'. Wang Zhaocai, a citizen who has lived in Wuhu for nearly 30 years, sighed. Although his home is nearby, he used to be hesitant about this place. After the renovation, he almost comes here every day to exercise and appreciate the scenery.".

The changes in Shili Jiangwan are a microcosm of the Yangtze River protection in Anhui Province.

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Over the past 7 years, Anhui has cleared over 234 illegal docks along the river, returned nearly 5.7 million square meters of water, and released nearly 66.7 kilometers of coastline. Completed ecological restoration of over 110 abandoned mines within a 10 kilometer radius along the Yangtze River, with a governance area of 14000 acres.

"This used to be a freight terminal, with ships coming and going, and oil pollution everywhere. Later, the terminal was demolished and a riverside library of over 1500 square meters was built on the original site." Li Chencheng, Deputy Director of the Tianjing Lake Scenic Area Management Office in Tongling City, pointed to a three story glass shaped building by the river.

Entering the library, more than one hundred readers are reading books attentively. Through the huge french window on three sides of the room, you can see the river scenery at a glance. On the observation platform on the first floor, many tourists and readers are using their phones to capture the beautiful river view under the sunset glow.

"Our place is open to the public from 9am to 7pm, with air conditioning on all day and attracting hundreds of readers to read books every day. There are over 7000 books in our collection, which are provided by the city library and regularly replaced." Ms. Zhang, the administrator of the Binjiang Branch of Tongling City Library, told reporters that not only students and parents, but also other citizens and tourists come here to read books. "If you're tired of reading, you can order a drink or coffee here, rest and watch the river scenery."

The Binjiang Branch of Tongling Library is located on the riverbank, where many freight docks and shipyards were gathered a few years ago. After the implementation of the Yangtze River protection policy, all these buildings were demolished, the original site was renovated, and the coastal ecology was gradually restored, becoming a Binjiang Park. "The municipal government has invested more than 200 million yuan in ecological restoration of the river bank. Now it is a good place for citizens to relax and exercise, with birds singing and flowers fragrance, clean water and green banks." Li Chencheng said.

Tongling demolished the polluted freight terminal by the riverside and built a riverside library on the site, which is deeply loved by the citizens. Photo by People's Daily reporter Miao Zijian

Industrial advantages: Green development, forcing industrial transformation

The right bank shoreline of the Tongling section of the Yangtze River is 56.72 kilometers long, but there were 20 chemical production enterprises in the 1-kilometer area of the shoreline, which was relatively dense.

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In the process of cracking down on the "chemical industry surrounding the river", Tongling City has taken an iron hand in pollution control and carried out comprehensive rectification of 20 chemical enterprises, including the closure and demolition of 5 chemical enterprises and the renovation and upgrading of 15 chemical enterprises.

"To shut down and transform, the first thing to change is the development concept," said Xu Shenghuai, director of the Yangtze River Office of the Development and Reform Commission of Tongling City. To prioritize ecological and green development, it is necessary to break the trap of "chemical engineering surrounding the river.".

Tongling Nonferrous Gold Crown Copper Industry Branch is a smelting enterprise located on the banks of the Yangtze River, producing products such as copper and sulfuric acid. In recent years, under the background of green development and iron fisted pollution control, enterprises have achieved green smelting goals such as comprehensive utilization of smelting slag, wastewater recycling, low-temperature waste heat recovery in acid production systems, and ultra-low emissions of exhaust gas through technological transformation, improvement of process technology, extension of industrial chain, and improvement of metal recovery rate. They have also achieved good economic and social benefits and environmental protection effects.

Nowadays, Tongling is actively introducing copper based new material deep processing projects, gradually breaking away from the primary processing stage of raw materials, and forming multiple industrial chains such as plates, strips, tubes, rods, wires, foils, and powders. Recently, Tongling has introduced a plan to promote the deep integration of copper based new materials industry with new energy vehicles, electronic information, and high-end equipment industry, and increase product added value.

The beautiful environment along the Yangtze River in Ma'anshan attracts citizens to come for leisure and sightseeing. Photo by People's Daily reporter Miao Zijian

Ruitai Ma Steel New Material Technology Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Ma Steel Refractory Materials Factory, located near Xuejiawa in Ma'anshan City. It was once a heavily polluting enterprise.

In 2017, Ruitai Technology and Ma Steel Group jointly established Ruitai Ma Steel, and subsequently relocated to the industrial park as a whole. In recent years, the company has transformed into a high-tech enterprise through transformation and upgrading, building a smart factory.

The success or failure of ecological environment protection ultimately depends on the economic structure and mode of economic development. In the view of Huang Huafeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Ma'anshan Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, high-quality ecological environment is a prerequisite for supporting high-quality development. "In terms of target positioning, we unify protection and development, and in terms of work promotion, we force industrial transformation through environmental protection rectification. By rectifying prominent environmental problems, we have created an environmental protection army and cultivated the development of emerging industries."

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The high-quality ecological environment is attracting more and more high-end talents to return to Ma'anshan. "In the past three years, we have had a net inflow of ten to twenty thousand people every year. Last year, the net inflow population was 29000 people, most of whom came from cities in the Yangtze River Delta, and 27% were from Nanjing." Huang Huafeng said that once he visited the president of a university in Nanjing, and the other party told him that more than 60 faculty and workers had purchased real estate in Ma'anshan City. "Nowadays, many university teachers and graduates in Nanjing are attracted by the ecological and business environment here, and choose to buy properties and start businesses in Ma'anshan."

High quality development forces Ma'anshan enterprises to transform and invest in the environmental protection industry, building an environmental protection iron army. According to statistics, there are currently more than 140 new energy and energy conservation and environmental protection enterprises in Ma'anshan City, including 100 large-scale enterprises. In 2022, the output value scale exceeded 60 billion yuan, forming four major sectors: technology research and development, equipment manufacturing, environmental services, and resource recycling. A group of new energy and energy conservation and environmental protection enterprises are growing rapidly, and the industrial agglomeration effect is constantly emerging.

"We have dealt with pollution with iron fists, lost 10 billion yuan in output value, but gained over 60 billion yuan in environmental protection industry," said Huang Huafeng.

Both sides of the Yangtze River are gradually achieving clear water and beautiful shores. At the same time, with the rise of new industries and surging new momentum, various regions in Anhui are competing to embark on the path of green development.

Overlooking Ma'anshan Port. Photo by Zhang Jun, a journalist from People's Daily Online

Since 2016, Anhui has written a new "green answer sheet" for high-quality development through proactive reduction, mergers and acquisitions, transformation and transformation, relocation and transformation, and other means: the province has eliminated more than 11 million tons of backward steel production capacity, more than 14 million tons of coal production capacity, more than 3.9 million tons of cement production capacity, more than 4.1 million tons of flat glass production capacity, more than 1.07 million kilowatts of electricity production capacity, and 51000 tons of paper production capacity, which has driven a 27.2% decrease in energy consumption per unit of industrial added value in the province since 2016, freeing up more space for the development of emerging industries.

At present, the Yangtze River region in Anhui Province has gathered 70% of the province's manufacturing profits and emerging industry bases, 80% of high-tech enterprises, and 90% of listed companies. The advantageous industries such as automobile manufacturing, photovoltaic, and electronic information contribute 50% to the growth of large-scale industries.

"Practice has proven that ecological environment protection and economic development are not contradictory relationships, but dialectical unity. Strengthening the protection of the ecological environment not only does not affect economic development, but also promotes the transformation of old and new driving forces and high-quality development." said the relevant person in charge of the Yangtze River Department of the Anhui Provincial Development and Reform Commission.

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Deeply promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt is both a tough battle and a protracted one. After 7 years of iron fisted pollution control and green transformation, the sky in Anhui has become bluer, the rivers and lakes have become clearer, and the driving force for green development has become stronger.

Anhui has increased the "gold content" of development with the "green content" of its industry.

The rolling Yangtze River, with its clear waters flowing eastward!

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