Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" | Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" -- News Report|

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 22:05 PM

On a Wednesday morning in August, the summer sun shone into the handicraft activity room on the eighth floor of the Fuzhou Social Welfare Institute in Fujian Province, warm and bright. In front of a handmade table, the elderly Liu Xiaolan, who is already in her eighties, is holding a paintbrush and carefully coloring a pure white cartoon plaster.

The process was not difficult, and Liu Xiaolan quickly got started. She placed the colored cartoon ornaments on the display cabinet behind her. After admiring for a while, he pointed to a digital oil painting the size of a hanging picture not far away and said to the reporter, "This painting is quite eye-catching. I took seven days to finish it." Then he smiled and asked, "Is it pretty?"

On the display cabinet, there are scattered works completed by the elderly in the welfare home during each handicraft class, including oil paintings, flower arrangements, cartoon ornaments... The full collection of works records the elderly's "learning" time in the welfare home.

The handicraft activity room of the welfare home is filled with display cabinets showcasing the works of the elderly. Photo by Liu Qing, a journalist from People's Daily Online

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Tao

On the display board at the Fuzhou Connection site, the words "Happy Elderly in a Blessed State" are written, which is the vision for the development of elderly care in the local area. Recently, whether entering social welfare institutions or grassroots communities, journalists can feel that Fuzhou is building an elderly friendly city, making the vision of "a blessed state with happy elderly" a reality step by step.

Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" | Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" -- News Report|

Elderly care: "I feel like the welfare home is as warm as home."

On the day of the connection, Liu Xiaolan was wearing a red down jacket and a red scarf, sitting on the scene decorated with "good luck", feeling both nervous and happy in her heart.

Photo by Liu Qing, a journalist from People's Daily Online

The elderly Gao Heming who participated in the connection also felt the same way. "General Secretary Gao Heming said, 'Whether a society is happy or not, it is important to see whether the elderly are happy or not.' Fortunately, we have become the 'happy elderly' of the 'blessed state.' Gao Heming said that he and his wife have lived in the welfare institution for nearly 12 years and feel that it is' very warm, just like home '.".

In order to better serve the elderly, the welfare home recently held a "pro elderly activity", bringing the elderly and their families together to provide suggestions and suggestions for the work of the welfare home.

"Through this meeting, our hospital leaders and family members have face-to-face communication, asking them to raise their needs and opinions, so that our work can have more direction." Chen Xiaojun, Director of the Nursing Department of Fuzhou Social Welfare Institute, said that General Secretary's instructions are like a "heavy burden", making everyone feel more responsible and motivated.

Welfare institutions further institutionalize daily management norms. Chen Xiaojun introduced that in order to ensure the daily life and living of the elderly, on the one hand, the welfare home has increased the frequency of inspections, conducting health or safety rounds every two hours. On the other hand, by evaluating five-star caregivers, the enthusiasm of caregivers can be improved. At the same time, quality control management has also been carried out, selecting nursing leaders from nurses and caregivers, strengthening the management and supervision of caregivers, and making the lives of the elderly more comfortable.

Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" | Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" -- News Report|

Liu Xiaolan said, "By the end of the year, the cafeteria and internal landscape of our welfare institution will be renovated, and we can go to the new cafeteria to eat." "I feel like the system is more perfect now and the service is more up to par," said Gao Heming.

Both inside and outside the welfare institution are undergoing upgrades and renovations. Photo by Liu Qing, a journalist from People's Daily Online

Gao Heming likes to paint, from pen and pencil painting to colored lead painting, and then to ink painting, effortlessly. In the calligraphy and painting room of the welfare institution, he would stay for half a day when he became interested. The calligraphy and painting room has a door leading to the balcony, and standing on the balcony, one can overlook the outside of the welfare institution. "In the past, I used to go to the park outside to sketch, but in the future, I don't have to go out and can sketch in the courtyard."

Lao Youwei: "I feel happier and more valuable now."

Zhu Xiaoran, the person in charge of the social work station at the Fuzhou Social Welfare Institute, is a post-90s generation who has been working as a social worker for 5 years. She has felt the change in the concept of social elderly care.

"What the elderly need the most is attention and companionship. In the past, the elderly care industry may have focused more on ensuring that they eat well and wear warm clothes, but now they are paying more attention to their pursuit of spiritual and cultural life," said Zhu Xiaoran. Since 2009, the welfare institution has established a social work station, which has made the work of meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of the elderly more professional and standardized.

The elderly in the welfare home are taking handicraft classes. Photo by Liu Qing, a journalist from People's Daily Online

Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" | Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" -- News Report|

On the wall display board of the social work station in the welfare home, it is written "Let the elderly 'move and have fun'.". For these six words, Zhu Xiaoran racked her brains: arranging different experiential courses every day according to the needs of the elderly; Try to set up a stage for the elderly and arrange programs with them at every holiday and important time point, in order to mobilize their enthusiasm as much as possible.

"Some elderly people are willing to perform, while others prefer to be spectators. The needs of the elderly are different, and we hope to let them 'enjoy their old age' and maintain a good mentality and mental outlook," said Zhu Xiaoran.

In the activity area on the eighth floor of the welfare home, a space has also been specially opened as the "home of veteran party members", which has become the most frequently visited place for exchange and learning among veteran party members. Every Monday morning, the "Old Party Member's Home" will hear the voices of the elderly reading and discussing, and the old Party members gather together to learn the new spirit of the central government.

Liu Xiaolan is the convener of the "Home of Old Party Members". She has organized photos of every activity of old Party members, flipped through the album, and told reporters that although she is old, she still needs to "keep up with the new situation and keep up with the pace of the Party.".

Party members must be pioneers, and the same goes for welfare institutions. Just last month, veteran party members formed a "Silver Age Mutual Aid Group" to visit the entire nursing area of the welfare institution to offer condolences to disabled elderly people. Everyone was very dedicated and prepared four programs with their own writing, directing, and acting.

"General Secretary said that we need to 'enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly'. Through learning about the Party's knowledge and the process of 'mutual assistance among the elderly', I feel happier and more valuable," said Liu Xiaolan.

There is a copper plaque prominently hanging on the wall of the calligraphy and painting room in the welfare institute, which reads "Creating an Art World for the Elderly and Adding Bricks and Tiles to Public Welfare". This bronze plaque comes from a public welfare organization in Fujian Province. Gao Heming said, "I donate my words and paintings to public welfare organizations free of charge to help children with leukemia in difficult families."

Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" | Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" -- News Report|

If one wants to satisfy their spiritual and cultural life, it is essential for the elderly to feel that they have something to do. In welfare homes, the elderly are utilizing their surplus energy to pursue their self-worth; In grassroots communities, elderly people who have made progress are also striving to be the pioneers of "silver hair".

Every year during the "Jiujie Festival" in Fuzhou, Han Yanling, an elderly person living in Pingshan Community, Huada Street, Gulou District, Fuzhou, is always particularly busy.

Han Yanling took the initiative to cook Congee for the elderly in the community. Prepare the ingredients the day before, cook the peanuts in a pressure cooker in advance, and wake up early the next day to remove the ingredients from the pot. In the morning, Congee must be loaded and distributed to the community's elderly canteen, so that the elderly can drink hot Congee.

After a busy life, there was some back pain and soreness, but Han Yanling enjoyed it as much as she liked.

"The community trusts me and is willing to entrust things to me, which makes me feel very happy," said Han Yanling. When she first retired, she always felt like there was nothing else to do. Now, she has joined the community's "Micro Elderly Volunteer Service Team" to serve the community and make full use of her spare energy, which makes her feel a sense of achievement.

Chen Mingfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Pingshan Community, introduced that the team of the micro elderly volunteer service team is becoming increasingly large, and more and more elderly people voluntarily participate in community services, guarding the "big family" of the community together, while also enjoying it, truly "elderly people have something to do".

Old age brings joy: "Retirement life is not boring at all."

Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" | Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" -- News Report|

At 11 noon, the elderly cafeteria in Zhongtian Community, Jinshan Street, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City suddenly became lively. In the pick-up area, Zhang Hu, an elderly man, leads his old companion to queue up for a meal.

"Drip!" After scanning their faces and paying, the two of them held their own meals and looked for seats to eat.

"The weather is hot, and the elderly couple don't want to cook. The community elder cafeteria can satisfy everyone with a meal of 10 yuan per person, which is very affordable," said Zhang Hu.

In Fuzhou, the community collaborates with the central kitchen to deliver meals to the community elderly cafeteria, with approximately 9-12 dishes per day, ranging in price from 10 to 18 yuan, cheap and nutritious.

"In order to make the elderly cafeteria as warm as home, we have tailored the diverse needs of the elderly, such as their physical characteristics, dietary habits, and seasonal changes, and provided reasonable recipes and delivery services. With the warmth of a meal, we protect the elderly's' happiness on the tip of their tongue '." Chen Hui, Secretary of the Zhongtian Community Party Committee, told reporters.

Zhang Hu, an elderly person, is having a meal at the senior cafeteria in Zhongtian Community, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City. Photo by Liu Qing, a journalist from People's Daily Online

Walking up to the second floor of the Zhongtian Community Elderly Canteen, there is a clean and tidy dance room, a spacious and bright choir room, and it has become a favorite place for Lin Aizhen and her companions to come.

Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" | Follow General Secretary to See China | The "Happy Old Man" Who Defends the "Blessed State" -- News Report|

"I joined the community choir and had regular classes every week. There were also professional teachers to teach us how to sing, and retirement life was not boring at all," Lin Aizhen said with a smile.

"Retirement without leaving home" is becoming an increasingly popular choice for elderly people. In Fuzhou, the "Elderly Canteen+School" elderly care service brand, which is the first in the country, closely adheres to the dual material and spiritual needs of the elderly, explores the practice of "9 o'clock desks and 11 o'clock dining tables", introduces teaching resources from provincial and municipal elderly universities, and through scientific staggered management, allows the elderly to enjoy eight types of high-quality courses such as calligraphy, vocal music, smart life, health and wellness, legal rights protection, and financial management in addition to meals, achieving on-demand conversion of desks and dining tables.

"There is a doctor right at my doorstep now"

On the early morning of August 3rd, the elderly canteen in Pingshan Community was very popular, and the elderly gathered in groups of three or five: in the northeast corner, the violin group was practicing playing music; In the northwest corner, the calligraphy group's brush strokes and ink splashing, exchanging ideas and skills; There is also a free clinic area in the corner of the hall, where the elderly are queuing up for consultations.

The first night, Ma Wanqing saw in the community group that a doctor from Fuzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital came for a free consultation today. Coincidentally, his neck was not feeling well recently, so he came to take a look. The doctor quickly prescribed the right medicine and asked the nurse to perform an on-site aromatherapy on her. After about ten minutes, Ma Wanqing moved her neck and felt "much more relaxed".

"Previously, I didn't specifically go to the hospital to see some minor ailments. Now, there are doctors right at my doorstep who come over to help me if I feel uncomfortable," Ma Wanqing said.

Pingshan Community in Huada Street, Gulou District is conducting free clinics. Photo by Liu Qing, a journalist from People's Daily Online

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Chen Mingfeng introduced that the community is building a new model of "Party building+" elderly care services, exploring medical resources of Party building alliance units, implementing a rotation system for medical personnel, providing residents with convenient volunteer services such as free clinics, health consultations, and traditional Chinese medicine health lectures combined with 24 solar terms, achieving zero distance services from medical treatment to elderly care.

The elderly cafeteria in the Fuzhou community further integrates community resources, extends service functions such as care, medical care, and intergenerational care, meets the diverse needs of the elderly, and enables elderly people who live at home to seek medical treatment at their doorstep.

In Zhongtian Community, the community health service station is only separated by a wall from the elderly cafeteria. Cangshan District is exploring the trial implementation of the "state-owned enterprise group operated medical" model, expanding industrial sectors through state-owned enterprise operated health service stations, rehabilitation centers, characteristic specialties and other medical business fields, and forming a health security pattern that promotes and develops together with government run medical institutions.

"Many elderly people have minor illnesses and pains in their daily lives. They can register for medical treatment and receive medication at their doorstep, as well as receive medical insurance reimbursement, which provides better protection for their health," said Wen Meijiang, a community worker at Zhongtian.

The trend of respecting, respecting, loving, and caring for the elderly is becoming increasingly popular. The elderly in the "blessed state" are becoming "happy elderly people".

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