Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters -- News Report|

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:26 PM

The young people of the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team" of China Aviation Industry Corporation's Shenfei still vividly remember the scene of November 13th last year - everyone either read aloud, repeatedly pondered on their phones, or excitedly shared it with family and friends, and then posted it on their social circle

Today, as we walked into the Shenfei factory area, we could see the flag of the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team" everywhere. Beside each flag, there was a group of young people who were brave enough to shoulder heavy responsibilities, diligent in learning, and good at innovation. They implemented the spirit of General Secretary's reply, worked tirelessly, day and night, and planted youthful wings for Chinese fighter jets.

The members of the assault team inspected the wings. Aviation industry, provided by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation

Bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities - "Our assault team is going to gnaw on hard bones."

On November 23, 2012, the J-15 carrier based aircraft successfully took off and landed for the first time on the Liaoning aircraft carrier. Two days later, the aircraft carrier docked and everything was in celebration. Luo Yang, Chairman and General Manager of Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, who served as the overall commander of the research and development site, had just left the aircraft carrier when he suffered a sudden myocardial infarction and died on duty.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters -- News Report|

Shortly after Luo Yang's sacrifice, a group of young people in the Shenyang Aircraft Company where he worked during his lifetime solemnly put away their mourning couplets and launched a banner of "Luoyang Youth Assault Team".

A member of the Luoyang Youth Assault Team at work. Aviation industry, provided by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation

Brave shoulders require strong skills. In a training room at the standard parts factory of Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, the wooden floor under the control panel has long been worn off by everyone's shoes. This is the first stop for Fang Wenmo to lead young people to practice their skills as fitters. As the captain of the Luoyang Youth Assault Team, Fang Wenmo has tailored a training plan for everyone, using his lunch break and evening time to help everyone practice basic skills.

Any work that comes into the hands of Fang Wenmo's team is an urgent, difficult, and dangerous task. In recent years, he and his colleagues have achieved one breakthrough after another in tasks such as docking a certain type of sunroof cover, docking an aircraft engine, repairing skin rivets, and measuring the size of the aircraft control system's return to normal. Fang Wenmo also won the National May Day Labor Medal. Three members of Fang Wenmo's team have won the championship and gold medal in the National Vocational Skills Competition. Their 0.00068mm file tolerance has led the ultimate precision in aircraft component processing in China.

Fang Wenmo in the workplace. Aviation industry, provided by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation

Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters -- News Report|

"We are excited to receive a reply, but more importantly, it is a sense of responsibility and mission to shoulder heavy responsibilities." Kang Kai, director of the metallographic room at Shen Fei's Physical and Chemical Testing Center, was one of the first members of the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team". Kang Kai brought the reporter to Shen Fei Physical and Chemical Testing Center while speaking. Entering the lobby on the first floor, there is a prominent production task tracking dashboard that scrolls through the pending work tasks, responsible persons, and work deadlines accurate to the hour. Seeing a task turn red, Conkey explained that it indicated that the task had entered the sprint phase.

Kang Kai graduated from Northwestern Polytechnical University with a major in Materials Physics and worked at Shen Fei Physical and Chemical Testing Center for 12 years. His job is to solve difficult problems. "Simply put, my job is to perform physical examinations on metals, specifically addressing issues such as breakage, wear, and deformation," said Kang Kai.

Kang Kai in the workplace. Aviation industry, provided by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation

Not long ago, the production system issued an order to complete residual stress testing of three large parts within a week. This test has a long cycle, multiple processes, and high technical difficulty.It has become a habit for them to push forward when facing difficulties. Four members of the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team" from different departments formed a temporary research and development team, working in shifts 24 hours a day, pushing forward like four gears meshing with each other. After 6 days and nights, the work task was finally successfully completed within the required time frame.

"In fact, the experiment is still very boring, but the thought of this component being used on a fighter jet, soaring in the blue sky, still excites me," said Kang Kai.

Diligent in learning - "Our goal is to be far ahead!"

Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters -- News Report|

"I would like to report to the General Secretary that in the past six months, my team and I have won 11 more patents." After receiving a reply from the General Secretary, Sun Ming, a member of Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team" and the head of the 17th Factory Vehicle Works Class, has gained a lot in the past six months.

When Sun Ming entered the factory, he was a vocational school graduate. Now, he has grown into a top-level skills expert in the aviation industry, a national technical expert, a national youth position expert, and the leader of the "Sun Ming Model Worker Innovation Studio". He is also one of the first members of the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team".

In Sun Ming's studio, there is a wall bookshelf filled with various professional books and technical materials. "These materials need to be updated and replaced in less than half a year. Nowadays, CNC machine tools iterate rapidly, and new models and tasks require us to constantly learn. We cannot let new machines use old technologies," said Sun Ming.

There are three hours a day during which Sun Ming and the members of the assault team are steadfastly studying, before breakfast, after lunch, and before going to bed. In recent years, while completing his job, Sun Ming has designed and manufactured more than 30 specialized fixtures, improved more than 50 process methods, proposed more than 100 production tips, applied for nearly 10 technological innovation projects, improved product processing quality and efficiency, and saved several million yuan in funds for the factory.

Enter the program code on the operation screen, and the machine tool starts working. Through the observation window, it is almost impossible to see the parts being processed. This key component is called "big rice grains" by the Sun Ming team. Only special shaped parts with the size of big grains of rice need to achieve a machining accuracy of 1/15 of the hair. The Sun Ming team needs to reprogram the machine tool, develop fixtures, and select cutting tools. More than ten young men have put in a marathon effort to carve "big grains of rice". Experiments, failures, and failures have been repeated. After more than ten attempts, they finally succeeded. Sun Ming has participated in such work countless times. "While working, we are learning. Our current accuracy is already world-class, but we still need to achieve an accuracy of 1/20 of our hair. Our goal is to be far ahead! We have the ambition," said Sun Ming.

Sun Ming is in the CNC machine tool production workshop. Aviation industry, provided by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation

Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters -- News Report|

"Learning is a necessary path for every young person to grow and become talented." Under the leadership of Sun Ming, the young people in the team have joined the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team" and have repeatedly achieved excellent results. The Sun Ming team completed 2127 tasks throughout last year, with an average annual working hours of 4320 hours and no quality issues.

In addition to his job, Sun Ming also serves as a volunteer guide for the Shenyang Aviation Expo Park. Every week, he explains the history, aviation knowledge, Luoyang spirit, and the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team" to young students who come to visit. When it comes to General Secretary's reply, Sun Ming is always very excited: "Our ideal is to serve the country by air, our responsibility is to sacrifice ourselves, our hard work is to study and practice hard, and our struggle is to overcome difficulties!"

Good at innovation - "Technological innovation is not waiting for us!"

Liu Yanmei, Chief Metallurgical Engineer of Shen Fei and a top-level technical expert in the aviation industry, is not tall and has short hair. She walks quickly and speaks quickly, earning her the nickname "Welding Woman Hero".

After graduating with a PhD from Harbin Institute of Technology, Liu Yanmei came to Shen Fei and voluntarily applied to start as a welding technician. The female doctor became a welder and quickly spread a good story in Shen Fei. In 2013, Welding "Nvxia" joined the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team".

"We have read deep instructions and expectations in General Secretary's reply, stating that 'we will bravely climb the path of promoting self-reliance and self-improvement in aviation technology, and actively contribute to the high-quality development of the aviation industry'.".

Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters -- News Report|

Liu Yanmei at work. Aviation industry, provided by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation

Not long ago, Liu Yanmei led the assault team to conduct the final verification of a certain model of domestically produced laser processing equipment. The small jagged edges of a component caught everyone's attention.

"It should be due to unstable light path."

"Will there be any issues with robot trajectory planning?"

"Perhaps it's a coordination issue between robots."

Liu Yanmei and more than 10 technicians almost grew up in the workshop, repeatedly demonstrating experiments until the sawtooth of the components disappeared and became smooth as new. Another set of domestically advanced processing equipment that fills the gap has finally been finalized.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters -- News Report|

Innovation in aviation technology cannot be just talk on paper, it needs to be implemented from the production line to the front line. The more sparks and noise in the workshop, the more creative Liu Yanmei's ideas become. Liu Yanmei's work experience on the welding front line has made her more targeted in identifying and solving problems, and she also has more solutions. This year, she has led her team to successfully develop two types of processing equipment, further improving the localization level of key equipment in Shenyang Aircraft; Conducted multiple research projects, achieved the promotion and application of a certain welding technology, solved the deformation problem of a certain welding component, and effectively improved the production quality of a large part... Although her position has changed, her colleagues in the workshop rarely call her the chief engineer, but still prefer to call her the "female hero".

"Technological innovation is urgent! After receiving the reply from General Secretary, our sense of urgency has become stronger. During this period, the development of new models is constantly advancing, new technologies and materials are being tackled, and the localization of six materials has been preliminarily completed." Liu Yanmei said. At the place where Liu Yanmei works, there is a flag of the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team" that has been hanging next to the clock.

When tired, Liu Yanmei will come to the final assembly plant to see the soon to be produced battle eagles. "A fighter jet is composed of millions of components, and although some small parts are processed and produced by us, once assembled on the aircraft, they cannot be seen at all. However, I am also happy because there is my contribution here," said Liu Yanmei.

A member of the Luoyang Youth Assault Team at work. Aviation industry, provided by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation

At Shen Fei, the "Luoyang Youth Assault Team" is not a fixed team. Whenever there are difficulties, young backbone members from various departments of the company will gather and form an assault team. Everyone thinks and works together to solve the problems. Over the past decade, Shen Fei has formed over 2000 "Luoyang Youth Assault Teams", with over 50000 young employees joining the team, with an average age of 35.

The J-16 fighter jet formation soaring at the Changchun Airshow. Photo by Li Yang from People's Daily Online

Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters Follow General Secretary to See China | Shen Fei's "Luoyang Youth Assault Team": The Youth Wings of Chinese Fighters -- News Report|

On the morning of July 26, 2023, the Changchun Air Show opened. The advanced domestically produced fighter jets, such as the J-11 and J-16, produced by Shenyang Aircraft, roared one after another, and a series of stunt actions drew cheers from the audience. Fang Wenmo, Kang Kai, Sun Ming, Liu Yanmei, and more than ten members of the Luoyang Youth Assault Team gathered together to watch the live broadcast. Every takeoff and action of the fighter jet would attract applause.

Outdoor, the scorching sun is like fire. In Shenfei Park, a statue is protected by a shade of trees, which is a statue of Luoyang. He smiled as if waiting for new good news and good grades.

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