Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization -- News Report | Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal|

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 02:40 AM

In the scorching summer season, taking a car into the Taihang Mountains, the mountain breeze blows gently, and cicadas chirp from time to time. The majestic Taihang Mountains become even more tranquil. The car took a turn and suddenly heard a bustling crowd as the Red Flag Canal arrived. Singing red songs by the Red Flag Canal and reviewing the oath of joining the Communist Party in front of the Youth Cave, the bustling crowd stopped in front of the stone wall engraved with "mountain tablets", pondering in front of the quietly flowing canal water, listening to the echo of the Red Flag Canal spirit of the times.

In the 1960s, the people of Linzhou spent 10 years building the Red Flag Canal on the cliffs of the Taihang Mountains. The "artificial Milky Way" that has been flowing for over half a century has converged into the Red Flag Canal spirit of "self-reliance, hard work and entrepreneurship, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication", flowing in the blood of the people of the Central Plains.

He said that the Red Flag Canal is a monument that records the heroic spirit of the people of Lin County who do not accept their fate, do not accept defeat, and dare to fight against heaven and earth. We must use the spirit of the Red Flag Canal to educate the people, especially the vast number of young people. Socialism is achieved through hard work, hard work, and sacrifice. This is not only true in the past, but also in the new era.

Photo by Ju Peng, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Bacon's Soul Casting Red Flag Canal Spirit Blooms Comprehensively

"Don't be fooled by the mediocrity of this small basket, it is woven from the 'lifting basket' used during the construction of the Hongqi Canal. It has made great contributions to the construction of the canal. On August 3rd, in the research class of the Hongqi Canal Spirit Camp in Linzhou City, children sat around a small basket, and the teacher taught the weaving method while recounting the scene of the past.".

After 10 years of repairing the canal, the people of Linzhou have maximized their self-reliance and non reliance. Without tools to make their own, local people took local materials and woven baskets with thorns and vines. They also explored suitable basket sizes, allowing the people responsible for transporting materials such as sand and lime to lift them more easily.

"It took me two or three days to make a small basket that was as big as a palm. How much effort did the people who built the Red Flag Canal put into making so many baskets? Compared to them, what reason do I have not to work hard?" After finishing my graduate school class, Chang Jiahui, a ninth grade student from Yuhua Middle School in Handan, Hebei Province, deeply felt this.

Weaving baskets and willow hats, creating miniature landscapes, and experiencing "flying danger"... At the Red Flag Canal Spirit Camp, various research courses that simulate the scene of building the Red Flag Canal in the past are popular among young people. Through the combination of education and entertainment, children experience the hardships of their predecessors and enhance their understanding and insight into the spirit of the Red Flag Canal.

Cultural corridors, characteristic courses, and labor practices... Anyang will inherit and promote the spirit of the Red Flag Canal throughout the entire process of red education in primary and secondary schools throughout the city. The Red Flag Canal Spirit Camp has also attracted research and learning teams from all over the country. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 191700 young people have come to the campsite to receive the baptism of the Red Flag Canal spirit.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization -- News Report | Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal|

The spirit of the Red Flag Canal appeals not only to young people. "How to carry out the project? After the cadres have tried it well, they can lead the masses to work together. The daily food supply for cadres is two liang less than that of the masses. This is a vivid example of how the Party and the people have always maintained a close relationship when repairing the canal." On August 3rd, at the Hongqi Canal Memorial Hall, the students from the training class for young and middle-aged cadres of China Railway Shanghai Group Co., Ltd. were filled with emotions.

Tourists lined up in front of the Youth Cave in Hongqi Canal. Map supply for Hongqi Canal Scenic Area

"We need to transform the spirit of the Red Flag Canal into a source of strength for future work and entrepreneurship, and work hard in the railway industry with a more rigorous and pragmatic style, a spirit of courage to take responsibility, and a spirit of seeking truth and innovation!" said Gu Weijun, the party branch secretary of the company.

Red tourism is revitalizing with new vitality. Since April this year, the Hongqiqu Scenic Area has received over 1.2 million tourists, an increase of 230% year-on-year from 2019, achieving a historic breakthrough.

A new chapter on the integration of culture and tourism, focusing on safeguarding the roots and souls of civilization

Photo by Ju Peng, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

General Secretary emphasized, "We should better inherit excellent traditional culture through cultural relic excavation, research and protection work."

Not only should it be displayed well, but also protected well. At the Yinxu Technical Defense Monitoring Center, 2650 high-definition cameras provide a panoramic view of the 29.47 square kilometer Yinxu Site Protection Area. "The high-altitude observation camera has strong depth of field and infrared night vision function, which can automatically track suspected vehicles and personnel," said Deng Xinghua, Executive Deputy Director of the Yinxu Management Committee.

The Yin Ruins Management Committee has also divided 66 villages within its jurisdiction into 180 fourth level grids, and grid personnel are equipped with dedicated mobile phones for "guarding Yin Ruins", which are connected to the smart Yin Ruins patrol system to move forward the security checkpoint for protecting cultural relics. A monitoring drone that can be deployed at any time, a domestic first-class site intelligent security project built with an investment of 120 million yuan, and a mass prevention and governance system jointly participated by public security, cooperative management, grid personnel, and others... The Yin Ruins continuously weave a dense cultural relic safety protection network.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization -- News Report | Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal|

The magnificent palace complex, the massive royal tomb area, highly developed bronze artifacts, mature oracle bone inscriptions, and a well-defined handicraft system... The ancient "treasure of the Shang King", spanning over 3000 years, is still stunning.

Mr. Zhang, a tourist from Zhejiang, has been to Yinxu for the fourth time. "When I was a child, I learned about the Yin ruins in my textbook and became fascinated the first time I came. I brought my child here specifically, hoping to sow a seed of love for Chinese civilization in his heart."

Carrying the genes and cultural heritage of Chinese civilization, the Yin ruins bloom with splendor. Since the beginning of this year, the passenger flow of Yinxu Scenic Area has shown an explosive growth. As of the end of July, the number of visitors reached over 600000, an increase of 153% compared to 2019. "Many tourists say that they have touched the root and soul of the Chinese nation and are full of national pride through field visits," said Wang Fei, deputy general manager of Yin Xu in Anyang Scenic Area Management Co., Ltd.

A new Yin Xu Museum, covering an area of 262.5 acres and a building area of 51000 square meters, has been erected across a river from the ruins of the Yin Xu Palace. The main project has been completed and internal decoration and exhibition layout are currently underway.

"The new museum is planned to open at the end of October and will comprehensively showcase the Yin ruins, helping tourists to have a deeper understanding of the contribution of Yin Shang culture to Chinese civilization and even world civilization," said Guo Weibing, Deputy Director of the Yin Ruins Museum.

Entering the Chinese Language Museum, a unique "oracle bone school" has attracted many tourists to participate. Learn to write the twelve zodiac characters in oracle bone script and DIY Shang Dynasty element bags, allowing tourists to experience the beauty of Chinese characters in the game. On November 16, 2022, the Chinese Language Museum was completed and opened, becoming a new window for showcasing Chinese culture. During this year's May Day holiday, the average daily number of visitors reached 20000.

Anyang City vigorously promotes the integration and development of culture and tourism, making the Yin ruins, oracle bone inscriptions, and Chinese characters lively, useful, and popular.

30000 3D digital collectibles jointly developed by Yinxu Scenic Area sold out within 5 seconds; Oracle bone script emoji packs, blind boxes, ice cream and other series of cultural and creative products have become popular products; The large-scale musical "Oracle Bone Script" and other artistic masterpieces continue to emerge

Setting a high benchmark and benchmarking against first-class standards, Anyang focuses on strengthening its characteristic cultural tourism, making every effort to build a "Chinese Capital" urban theme cultural brand, and promoting major project construction around the Yin Ruins and oracle bone inscriptions world heritage sites, making Anyang more and more international.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization -- News Report | Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal|

During the May Day holiday, Anyang City received a total of 2.3753 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 456.02% and 196.61% compared to the same period in 2019. The comprehensive tourism revenue was 2.413 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1084.18%.

Continuing the Legend and Running Well in Rural Revitalization "Relay Race"

Can you imagine these fashionable elements appearing simultaneously in a village deep in the mountains, such as tea houses, cafes, and music festivals? Miaohuacun in Linzhou City has achieved it.

In August, the scorching sun is like fire, and the deserted temple village is bustling with tourists. Walking along the winding and tidy village roads, looking at the quaint and elegant village houses, tasting delicious food, and blowing the mountain breeze, tourists enjoy the spiritual dwelling in this charming village.

Nowadays, Miaohuacun is known as a "National Key Village for Rural Tourism" and the "Most Beautiful Village in Henan", as well as a well-known "Internet celebrity check-in destination". However, more than a decade ago, as the village was named, "temples are barren, even temples are barren.". The farmland in the village has thin soil and thick rocks, making it unsuitable for cultivation. The scenery is difficult, and some villagers only add salt to their meals and have never eaten seasoning. Later on, only over 70 people remained in the natural village with over 300 people. In 2011, Miaohuang Village was established as a provincial-level impoverished village.

"We are not afraid of poverty or famine, as long as we find the right path and are willing to work hard, we are also afraid of not looking forward to a good day. Since we have completed the construction of the Red Flag Canal, what else can be more difficult than repairing it? As descendants of the builders of the Red Flag Canal, we cannot embarrass our ancestors!" Yu Linying, the secretary of the village party branch and director of the village committee, encouraged the villagers.

Miaohuang Village is backed by the Taihang Mountains, and the Red Flag Canal passes through the village. Relying on this unique resource advantage, Miaohuang Village uses the spirit of the Red Flag Canal to stimulate the endogenous motivation of impoverished people, and utilizes the red brand of "Red Flag Canal Spirit" to develop rural tourism. After several years of hard work, Miaohuang Village finally lifted the "poverty hat" in 2018, and the per capita income of the villagers reached 13000 yuan.

Nowadays, the deserted temple village has become a well-known "internet celebrity check-in spot". Photo by Wang Pei, a journalist from People's Daily Online

After poverty alleviation, new problems have emerged: tourism in the Taihang Mountains is highly seasonal and lacks momentum for development.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization, Run the "Relay Race" for Rural Revitalization -- News Report | Follow General Secretary to See China | Promote the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal|

How to solve the problem and run the "relay race" of rural revitalization well? "Developing rural characteristic industries and expanding channels for farmers to increase their income and become prosperous." Yu Linying, as a representative of the 20th National Congress, found the answer in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Miaohuacun preserves the unique residences of the Taihang Mountains in good condition. Here, stone stairs, towers, and walls can be seen everywhere. Can we make good use of these elements to create new tourism highlights? After door-to-door mobilization, the villagers agreed to vacate old houses and transform them into homestays. The village invited a professional design team from Beijing to upgrade and transform rural tourism.

"While strengthening the development of the tourism industry, we are preparing to develop characteristic industries and form a rural research and learning tourism industry chain that integrates Hongqi Canal research, ecological tourism, rural tourism, homestays, and picking, to do a good job in rural revitalization." Yu Linying is full of confidence.

The continuation of spirit is the best inheritance. Nowadays, the temple deserted village is no longer barren, with an annual comprehensive income exceeding one million yuan, and the villagers are getting more and more prosperous.

The transformation of Miaohuacun is a vivid epitome of Anyang City's promotion of rural revitalization. Since the beginning of this year, Anyang City has focused on the renovation of rural back streets and alleys, striving to achieve the goal of "going out is the way, and not getting stuck in mud with both feet". 381 villages have been renovated, 10494 roads have been hardened, and full coverage of administrative village renovation will be achieved by the end of the year; Promoting the "three transformations" reform in rural areas, the collective economic income of 30 city level pilot villages reached 23.9 million yuan, with an average of 796000 yuan per village.

By the Red Flag Canal, the children's childish gaze gazed at the cliffs and cliffs where their ancestors had shed blood and sweat. The canal water never stopped, and their spirit was eternal; In the Yin Ruins, a large-scale sacrificial ditch was discovered for the first time in the archaeological excavation of the Huanbei Shangcheng, and this century long journey of seeking the roots of civilization will continue; In villages like deserted temples, various rural reforms are gradually deepening, inspiring the magnificent power of rural revitalization. Anyang, on this land where people have lived for thousands of years, is continuing to write a new chapter.

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