Follow General Secretary to See China | Make Good "Chinese Medicine" to Safeguard People's Health -- News Report | Follow General Secretary to See China | Make Good "Chinese Medicine"|

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:34 PM

In the summer of Shijiazhuang, Hebei, there are lush trees and vitality.

When he saw Liu Wenfu, a technical expert at Shijiazhuang International Biomedical Park, he was hurrying to attend a business negotiation meeting. "Nowadays, companies come to negotiate cooperation matters almost every day. It is an unprecedented period of great opportunities, and we must strive to seize them."

Shijiazhuang has a strong foundation and outstanding advantages in the pharmaceutical industry, and is one of the first national biological industry bases, known as the "North China Pharmaceutical Capital". In recent years, the city has promoted the transformation and upgrading of the biopharmaceutical industry through innovation and green development, accelerating the cultivation of a hundred billion level biopharmaceutical industry cluster: 5 enterprises have been shortlisted for the top 100 of China's pharmaceutical industry, 189 enterprises on the scale of the biopharmaceutical industry, and 18 national enterprise technology centers; The Shijiazhuang International Biomedical Park, with a total planned area of 28000 acres and a large number of high-quality biopharmaceutical enterprises and projects, has been established with high standards; A mid to high end industrial system covering biopharmaceuticals, high-end formulations, biological vaccines, modern traditional Chinese medicine, and medical devices has been formed

Nowadays, small pills have made brilliant appearances on the big world stage. Hebei, with this shining "business card" of the biopharmaceutical industry, is walking on the path of high-quality development.

Firmly grasp the lifeline of the development of the biopharmaceutical industry in our own hands

We need to strengthen the construction of basic research and technological innovation capabilities, and firmly grasp the lifeline of the development of the biopharmaceutical industry in our own hands. We must adhere to the principle of putting people first and life first, and develop and produce more "Chinese medicines" that are suitable for the inheritance of Chinese people's life genes and physical fitness characteristics, especially to strengthen the inheritance, innovation, and development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Yan

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"The company has an annual R&D investment of about 4 billion yuan and has obtained nearly 1000 patent authorizations. In the next five years, more than 40 innovative drugs will be approved." The person in charge of Shiyao Group introduced that the company has built eight major technology platforms, including nanomedicine, mRNA, ADC, etc., focusing on fields such as cancer, psychiatric, cardiovascular, immune and respiratory, metabolism, and anti infection. The company is researching more than 300 new drugs.

The drugs displayed in the planning exhibition hall of Shijiazhuang International Biomedical Park. Photo by Zhu Longchao, a journalist from People's Daily Online

In the planning exhibition hall of Shijiazhuang International Biomedical Park, a series of innovative biopharmaceutical products are eye-catching, and the biopharmaceutical industry in Shijiazhuang has achieved fruitful scientific and technological innovation.

"This product has gone through 17 years of research and development, breaking the monopoly of foreign technology." The person in charge of North China Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. introduced a product in the exhibition hall, stating that after injection into the human body, the drug can quickly neutralize the rabies virus in the wound area. When used in combination with the rabies virus vaccine, it can effectively improve the protective effect.

"The warm care of General Secretary has given us tremendous motivation. We will definitely strive to promote key core technology research and accelerate the development of biopharmaceutical products such as genetically modified albumin and tetanus vaccine, and continue to write new glory for Huayao!" said Gao Jian, Deputy General Manager of North China Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Innovation is the primary driving force for development. The development of the biopharmaceutical industry cannot be separated from technological innovation. Persistently promoting innovative research and development has become the norm in major pharmaceutical companies. At present, all six biopharmaceutical backbone enterprises in Shijiazhuang have been recognized as national enterprise technology centers, and the total number of national innovation platforms has reached 18.

"General Secretary encouraged us to adhere to independent innovation. As a biopharmaceutical enterprise, only by adhering to independent innovation and developing more and better biopharmaceuticals can we firmly grasp the lifeline of the biopharmaceutical industry development in our own hands, truly protect the health of the people, and live up to General Secretary's instructions." said Li Chunlei, Chief Scientist of Shiyao Group.

The new drug is approved and industrialized in Shijiazhuang City, with a maximum reward of 120 million yuan; Construction of major industrial projects, with a maximum subsidy of 100 million yuan for industrial funds; After being recognized, a national level innovation platform built by enterprises will be rewarded with 10 million yuan... In order to accelerate the gathering of innovative elements, Shijiazhuang City has issued several measures to support the breakthrough of the new generation electronic information industry and biopharmaceutical industry, providing "real gold and silver" to support industrial development.

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Shijiazhuang has formed a relatively complete biopharmaceutical industry chain

Entering Shijiazhuang International Biomedical Park, project construction is booming.

The intelligent manufacturing "Lighthouse Factory" project of Shiyao Group, with a total investment of billions of yuan, is accelerating construction; The Shijiazhuang Siyao Group Hebei Guolong Pharmaceutical New Formulations and Biopharmaceutical Industry Park project is being orderly promoted; High quality biopharmaceutical enterprises are settling in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province

Based on the traditional biopharmaceutical industry foundation in Shijiazhuang, the international biopharmaceutical park with a planned area of 28000 acres has built a full chain industrial ecosystem that integrates research and development, incubation, industrialization, sales, and supporting services. A group of high-tech enterprises with world leading technologies, such as Green Leaf Pharmaceutical and Huapu Biotechnology, have successively settled in. The park has gathered 243 biopharmaceutical enterprises and has undertaken more than 60 biopharmaceutical transformation projects in Shijiazhuang, a research and development center in Beijing and Tianjin.

"Shijiazhuang has formed a relatively complete industrial chain with the ability to manufacture and transform products. We must firmly believe and resolve to transform General Secretary's care into a strong driving force for entrepreneurship, and never let down General Secretary's expectations!" said Liu Wenfu.

The R&D personnel of the Central Institute of Pharmaceutical Research of Shiyao Group are working. Photo by Zhu Longchao, a journalist from People's Daily Online

"Next, the high-tech zone will actively seize major opportunities such as the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and gradually build the biopharmaceutical park into an important base for the transformation of Beijing Tianjin biopharmaceutical technology achievements and a professional biopharmaceutical park with international influence," said Yang Wenbin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shijiazhuang High tech Zone.

Zhang Chaochao, Secretary of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee, stated that efforts should be made to accelerate the construction and development of the park, deepen reform and innovation, accelerate optimization and integration, guide enterprises and projects to enter the park, and achieve large-scale and clustered development; To optimize the functional layout of the park, improve infrastructure such as water, electricity, gas, and communication, reasonably reduce the cost of industrial land, gas, and electricity, improve the level of sewage, waste residue, and exhaust gas disposal, and create a low-cost park with strong supporting service capabilities, truly enabling enterprises to take action with ease.

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In recent years, more and more high-quality innovative drugs developed by Hebei pharmaceutical companies have entered the global market: Shiyao Group has established a globally integrated R&D system, with an annual R&D investment of about 4 billion yuan. 15 innovative drugs are being clinically developed overseas, 9 products have obtained the orphan drug qualification certification issued by the US FDA, 14 products have obtained ANDA approval, and the annual export value is about 1 billion US dollars; North China Pharmaceutical actively strengthens its international market development. In 2022, the company passed three international certifications and achieved overseas market sales of 1.589 billion yuan; Yiling Pharmaceutical is accelerating the pace of traditional Chinese medicine going global. The company's innovative patented new drugs, such as Lianhua Qingwen, Tongxinluo, Shensong Yangxin, and Qili Qiangxin, have been registered and listed in more than 50 countries and regions worldwide

It is understood that Shijiazhuang City will further increase policy support to support biological manufacturing enterprises in building green factories, intelligent factories, and unmanned factories. It will accelerate the layout of a new track of "biotechnology+information technology", second-generation vaccine research and production platforms, synthetic biology technology applications, and other high-end biological manufacturing industries, break through a number of "bottleneck" key core technologies, comprehensively improve the level of high-end, intelligent, and green development of the biopharmaceutical industry, form the "three major capabilities" of research and development innovation, pilot and industrialization, and market transformation, seize the high ground of modern biotechnology, open up the path of industrial transformation of cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, and promote the rapid development of intelligent biotechnology towards practicality and industrialization.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Should Bold Innovate on the Basis of Inheritance

Outside the window, the sunshine is warm, and summer flowers sway.

Inside, Wang Hongtao, Vice President of Yiling Medical Research Institute, is leading colleagues to conduct anti-aging drug evaluation experiments using an epicardial electrode mapping system.

"The basic theoretical research of traditional Chinese medicine, especially the study of collateral diseases, cannot be separated from the support of modern science and technology." Wang Hongtao said that the combination of traditional Chinese medicine theory innovation and modern science and technology has enabled Yiling Pharmaceutical to form a unique core competitiveness in the development of patented new drugs, and has also driven the multi-channel research and development of compound Chinese medicine, component Chinese medicine, and monomer Chinese medicine.

"General Secretary attaches great importance to the work of traditional Chinese medicine and has issued a series of important statements. This face-to-face exchange has made me more deeply understand General Secretary's care and support for traditional Chinese medicine." Jia Zhenhua, President of Hebei Institute of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and President of Hebei Yiling Hospital, was deeply touched.

Jia Zhenhua is discussing business with researchers. Photo by Sun Yangyang

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"Traditional Chinese Medicine should boldly innovate on the basis of inheritance!" Zhang Yunling, Executive Vice General Manager and Chairman of Health Technology of Yiling Pharmaceutical, is full of confidence. "Currently, Yiling Pharmaceutical has established a new model of academic innovation and transformation of traditional Chinese medicine that integrates' theory+clinical+new drugs+experiments+evidence-based ', and has formed a series of patented drug clusters in different research and development stages."

As a province with large resources of traditional Chinese medicine, in recent years, Hebei Province has always taken "inheriting the essence, maintaining integrity and innovation" as the basic policy to promote all work.

——Implement the "Seedling Cultivation, Assistance, and Strengthening" plan, build 51 provincial-level characteristic schools for traditional Chinese medicine culture on campus, and train more than 80 "Apricot Forest Ambassadors" characteristic teachers for traditional Chinese medicine culture on campus.

——The "2023 Action Plan for the" Caring "Project of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Culture Communication" has been issued, which aims to promote the continuous improvement of the level of traditional Chinese medicine health culture literacy among the public by carrying out a rich and diverse range of "caring" actions that are close to grassroots and the masses.

——31 demonstration hospitals for traditional Chinese medicine culture will be established, 5-10 national and provincial-level bases for promoting traditional Chinese medicine culture will be established, 1 national demonstration zone for traditional Chinese medicine health tourism, 24 demonstration bases for traditional Chinese medicine health tourism, and 18 traditional Chinese medicine health and elderly care bases will be established.

"A single flower does not make a spring, a hundred flowers bloom together, and spring fills the garden." Jin Wenlong, a second level inspector of the Hebei Provincial Health Commission, said that in the next step, Hebei will focus on implementing actions such as promoting the strengths and weaknesses of traditional Chinese medicine at the grassroots level, innovating traditional Chinese medicine research, promoting the coordinated development of traditional Chinese medicine in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, high-quality development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, promoting the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and nursing, promoting traditional Chinese medicine culture, and piloting provincial innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine, continuously deepening traditional Chinese medicine reform and fully leveraging the unique advantages and role of traditional Chinese medicine.

Focusing on optimizing the business environment, increasing policy support, guiding industrial agglomeration and development, a large number of high-quality biopharmaceutical enterprises and projects have taken root... In 2022, 119 large-scale biopharmaceutical enterprises in Hebei Province achieved a revenue of 109.09 billion yuan. At present, a regional industrial layout with Shijiazhuang High tech Zone as the focus and related areas as supporting facilities is accelerating its formation.

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