Follow General Secretary to See China | Days Crossing Mountains and Gullies Get Red and Red Zhang Guanghong | Apple | General Secretary

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 13:54 PM

In the summer of northern Shaanxi, the clear wind and cicadas chirp, and the clear sky stretches for thousands of miles.

Facing the morning mist, heading west from the urban area of Yan'an, drive 24 kilometers to reach Nangou Village in Gaoqiao Town, Ansai District. Along the way, there are undulating mountains and lush greenery. After several bends, driving into the smooth and straight rural asphalt road, a small village surrounded by green mountains leaps into view. Here, agricultural modernization is steadily developing, rural tourism is bursting with vitality, and labor education and practical activities are in full swing... There are more and more ways to become rich, and villagers are working hard and living a more prosperous life.

Photo by Ju Peng, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Orchards are more technologically advanced, and rural industries are becoming popular

"How many bags did you put in this year?" Zhang Guanghong, a resident cadre at the Nangou Village Party and Mass Service Center, shouted over the phone, his tanned face adorned with a cheerful smile, and his unique loud voice was that of a man from northern Shaanxi.

You can estimate how much income comes from the number of bags the apples are packed in. Upon hearing the villagers say they had put on many apple bags, Zhang Guanghong also smiled and said, "You can do it. You can make a lot of money this year!"

Follow General Secretary to See China | Days Crossing Mountains and Gullies Get Red and Red Zhang Guanghong | Apple | General Secretary

In the demonstration park of apple dwarfing and dense planting cultivation in Nangou Village. Bagging apples can effectively prevent apple diseases and pests, maintain a smooth and tender skin, and reduce pesticide residues in the fruit. Photo by Wei Xin, a journalist from People's Daily Online

In 2011, at the age of 30, Zhang Guanghong came to Nangou Village to be responsible for rural reform work. He had been working for nearly 13 years, and the backward and dilapidated small village had undergone a tremendous transformation.

Nangou Village belongs to the Yan'an half hour economic circle, with the Wanhua Mountain Scenic Area to the south and the Zaoyuan Revolutionary Site to the north. The Huangyan Expressway passes through the village, giving it natural geographical advantages.

"The villagers are all very serious!" Since the development of the apple industry, Nangou Village has steadily embarked on the road to wealth. "The income has been increasing year by year. In 2022, the per capita disposable income is 15950 yuan, and it is expected to reach 22000 yuan this year.".

Nowadays, the Nangou Village apple dwarf dense planting demonstration park is equipped with a brand new intelligent water and fertilizer integration system, achieving efficient water-saving and fertilizer saving production. With unique natural advantages and standardized and refined management, it has created a sweet and delicious apple quality.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Days Crossing Mountains and Gullies Get Red and Red Zhang Guanghong | Apple | General Secretary

Zhang Guanghong introduces the integrated water and fertilizer facilities in the apple dwarfing and dense planting demonstration park in Nangou Village. Photo by Wei Xin, a journalist from People's Daily Online

"Since the beginning of this year, we have integrated a water and fertilizer integrated system with a big data monitoring platform, which can accurately diagnose tree nutrients, timely supplement the necessary nutrients, and ensure the healthy growth of trees." Zhang Guanghong introduced that the Nangou Village Apple Dwarf and Close Planting Cultivation Demonstration Park has introduced new technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and big data. We have built big data platforms such as visual traceability, meteorological observation, and soil nutrient rapid measurement, and created a "three modernizations" smart orchard that integrates information technology, automation, and intelligence.

"In order to sell apples at a better price, we have vigorously promoted the apple adoption model. Through the newly added traceability system in the park at the beginning of the year, adopters can observe the entire management process of apples in real time." Zhang Guanghong introduced.

In the Nangou National Soil and Water Conservation Demonstration Park, climbing a three story small building to overlook, the cherry blossom and apple orchards are covered with new hail prevention nets, effectively improving the ability of fruit trees to resist natural disaster risks.

The cherry orchard and apple orchard are covered with hail nets, effectively improving the ability of fruit trees to resist natural disaster risks. Photo by People's Daily White Pigeon

"Ansai District has a universal policy for installing hail nets, with a subsidy of 4000 yuan per acre and 2000 yuan from the government." Zhang Zhihai, Deputy Director of the Ansai District Fruit Industry Technology Service Center, said, "Nangou Village also has specific discounts. We are responsible for purchasing all materials, and villagers only need to hire people to install them."

Follow General Secretary to See China | Days Crossing Mountains and Gullies Get Red and Red Zhang Guanghong | Apple | General Secretary

"Here, I feel a great sense of happiness. The villagers in northern Shaanxi are not good at expressing themselves, but I can feel their passionate hearts." Zhang Guanghong said, "I must always remember the care and instructions of General Secretary, further improve the modernization level of agriculture in Nangou Village, expand and strengthen the apple industry, and make more people's lives as red and sweet as Yan'an apples!"

Life opens a new chapter, and fellow villagers' wallets bulge up

Zhao Yongdong, a villager from Nangou Village, is in the orchard. Photo by People's Daily White Pigeon

"Last year, my annual income was over 50000, and this year I have packed 130000 bags alone!" Sitting under the big tree in the village, Zhao Yongdong smiled and calculated, "In addition to planting apples, I am also responsible for pruning more than 2600 cherry trees in the park, earning over 10000 yuan a year. I used to work as a teacher, and this year I started explaining basic agricultural knowledge to students who come to the village to experience labor. One class costs 200 yuan, and I can earn another 10000 yuan in a year!"

The money bag is getting bigger and bigger, and Zhao Yongdong's life is also becoming more comfortable.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Days Crossing Mountains and Gullies Get Red and Red Zhang Guanghong | Apple | General Secretary

"I'm also tired after a day, but I'm in a good mood and making money!" Zhao Yongdong said, leaning on his chair and laughing. "With money, I'll reward my grandchildren for achieving good grades. The kids love to stick to me!"

"This year, Lao Zhao's income is very considerable!" Other villagers also joked on the side.

After walking for a while, we arrived at the orchard of villager Gao Zhongsheng's house. In addition to apples, the orchard also planted cherries, grapes, watermelons, and so on. "Eating a bite of our own fruit on a daily basis is called a sweet one.".

Speaking of the changes in the village over the years, Gao Zhongsheng didn't hesitate to say, "That must be good, it's good to catch up every year!" During his leisure time, he would also go to Ansai to stroll around the park, watch others play waist drums and dance, and the entertainment life would become increasingly rich.

"It's convenient to go anywhere now. I want to retire next year and enjoy life," said Gao Zhongsheng with a simple smile.

In order to fully activate the development potential of Nangou Village, a new sightseeing trail was built in the "Saibei Ranch" in the village at the beginning of this year, and 20 acres of aviation breeding giant pumpkins were planted. More than 100 acres of overwintering rapeseed are being cultivated. In April next year, a large "rapeseed flower sea" will appear here on the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi, attracting tourists to visit and take photos.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Days Crossing Mountains and Gullies Get Red and Red Zhang Guanghong | Apple | General Secretary

Aviation breeding giant pumpkins and sightseeing trails in the "Saibei Pasture" of Nangou Village. Photo by People's Daily White Pigeon

In addition, the industrial development of Nangou Village has also driven the employment of surrounding villagers. Zhao Yinshan and Hu Yongping are villagers from Gaoqiao Village, Gaoqiao Town. They are now responsible for the management of the sheep farm in the "Saibei Ranch", taking care of nearly 200 lake sheep every day, and can earn more than 6000 yuan per month.

Sheep manure is a natural fertilizer for fruit tree growth, and tourists can also interact with sheep here. "These lake sheep eat alfalfa grass, which can be sold at a good price. Tourists bring their children to experience the feeling of hand feeding the sheep, which is also very interesting!" Zhao Yinshan smiled.

The "Saibei Pasture" in Nangou Village has brought more employment opportunities to the surrounding villagers. Photo by People's Daily White Pigeon

"I remember the words of General Secretary in my heart, and I feel that my heart is really sweet. I want to pass them on to future generations, and a happy life lasts for thousands of years..." Shaanbei folk songs are singing in the forest, and the villagers' money bags are getting bigger and bigger, and life will also be like what is sung in the song.

Entering the Orchard in the Classroom, Labor Education Practice Becomes Popular

Follow General Secretary to See China | Days Crossing Mountains and Gullies Get Red and Red Zhang Guanghong | Apple | General Secretary

During the interview, three buses passed by the mountain road next to the Nangou Village Village Village Committee. About fifteen minutes later, Zhang Guanghong's phone rang.

"A training team has arrived and I need to go to the park to give them a lecture," Zhang Guanghong said apologetically after hanging up the phone.

After driving along the mountain road for about 10 minutes, we arrived at the ecological agriculture demonstration park on the mountain. 111 ideological and political theory teachers from 21 coal colleges across the country sat on a small horse, looking forward to Zhang Guanghong's sharing.

From the "three transformations" reform that transformed Nangou Village, to the modern management of high standard orchards, and then to the apple industry driving the high-quality development of Nangou Village... Zhang Guanghong's lecture was still full of ideas, and the teachers listened with great interest.

Zhang Guanghong gave lectures to 111 ideological and political theory teachers from 21 coal colleges and universities across the country. Photo by Wei Xin, a journalist from People's Daily Online

"This is a vivid on-site teaching experience. We need to invite the practical workers who are rooted in the front line of practical work to our university's ideological and political theory classroom, and give a vivid ideological and political lesson to college students in the new era." Yang Qiusheng, Dean of the School of Marxism at Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology, said that only by combining practice can ideological and political theory courses be elevated to new heights.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Days Crossing Mountains and Gullies Get Red and Red Zhang Guanghong | Apple | General Secretary

Rows of low-density dwarf apple trees are neatly arranged, each apple grows comfortably in protective bags, and integrated irrigation pipes with water and fertilizer extend for several meters... In the modern agriculture exhibition area, 11 teachers and students from Tsinghua University's Tanwei Academy are here to observe the achievements of rural revitalization and conduct industrial development research.

"The mountains in Nangou Village are green, and the water in the dam is clear. Compared with the old photos of thousands of valleys and flying loess in the past, we can clearly see the changes in China's overall ecological environment, which is very shocking." Dai Yiyao, a 2021 undergraduate student at Tsinghua University's Tanwei Academy, admitted that seeing Nangou Village at first glance changed his stereotype of the Loess Plateau.

Eleven teachers and students from Tsinghua University's Tanwei Academy conducted summer social practice activities in the Nangou Village Apple Dwarfing and Dense Planting Demonstration Park. Photo by Wei Xin, a journalist from People's Daily Online

Through in-depth practice, Dai Yiyao has gained a deeper understanding of rural revitalization work: "Soil" means adapting to local conditions and selecting industries suitable for local development. In Nangou, it is the apple industry; "Special" means creating distinctive features, in the revolutionary old area of Yan'an and Nangou Village, to develop the apple industry with its own characteristics; "Industry" refers to the development of industries. Nowadays, Nangou Village has three major business models: modern agriculture, labor education, and rural tourism, realizing that every household has industries and everyone has work to do.

"After returning to school, we will actively participate in the practical achievement summary and sharing meeting, spreading the Yan'an spirit of 'self-reliance and hard work' in the new era to more students, inspiring more students to firmly believe in their ideals and beliefs, better complete their studies in the future, and go towards the places that our country needs." said Zhang Shiqian, a counselor at the Tanwei Academy of Tsinghua University and a master's student of the School of Public Administration in 2023.

In recent years, the Nangou Village Ecological Agriculture Demonstration Park has been successively rated as a national comprehensive practice base for labor education in primary and secondary schools, a research and practical education base for primary and secondary school students in Shaanxi Province, a training base and on-site teaching base for rural revitalization education in Shaanxi Province, and a village level practice exchange base for consolidating and expanding poverty alleviation achievements. The park has developed a standardized and efficient reception workflow and formed a professional reception team with resident cadres and agricultural experts as full-time speakers.

Follow General Secretary to See China | Days Crossing Mountains and Gullies Get Red and Red Zhang Guanghong | Apple | General Secretary

Since the beginning of this year, the park has received a total of 350000 tourists, trained 8000 people, practiced labor for 60000 people, and received a comprehensive income of 22 million yuan.

The evening sunset falls on the mountain walls, casting a golden light and shadow, fainting a warm background. In the distance, the sky is high and the clouds are wide, and the mountains are as beautiful as E's. Nangou Village is walking on the main road of a new journey, painting a beautiful new era answer sheet.

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