Focus on Implementation, Promote Innovation, and Strengthen Confidence - Three Department Leaders Respond to Hot Topics in Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy Economic Development | Entrepreneurs | Departments

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:44 AM

Beijing, July 20th (Xinhua) - Focus on Implementation, Promote Innovation, and Strengthen Confidence - Three Department Leaders Respond to Hot Topics in Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy

Xinhua News Agency reporters Yan Fujing, Zhang Xinxin, and Fan Sixiang

The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy were released on the 19th. How to effectively implement measures to promote the development of the private economy? How to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises towards specialization, refinement, and innovation? How to stabilize expectations and strengthen confidence in private enterprises? At the press conference of the State Council Information Office held on the 20th, relevant department heads responded to the aforementioned hot issues.

Implementing Measures to Promote the Development of Private Economy

Li Chunlin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the opinions issued this time have put forward a total of 31 measures in eight aspects, which will effectively promote the development and growth of the private economy. We must grasp the development direction well and implement practical measures well.

Li Chunlin stated that we will focus on implementing the opinions from four aspects to ensure that the policy effects of the opinions are fully unleashed:

Establish sound mechanisms, strengthen responsibilities, establish and improve working mechanisms to promote the development of the private economy and private enterprises, further clarify and strengthen departmental responsibilities, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and strengthen central and local linkage;

Closely monitor, optimize supporting facilities, strengthen statistical monitoring, continuously carry out dynamic tracking of document implementation, improve third-party evaluation mechanisms for policy implementation effects, continuously study new situations, summarize new experiences, and solve new problems;

Continuously supervise, strengthen incentives, and strengthen the implementation of policies that have been introduced, with a focus on promoting the development and growth of the private economy, protecting property rights, and promoting the spirit of entrepreneurship in detail;

Widely promote, do a good job in interpretation, document interpretation and public opinion promotion, tell the stories of private enterprises and entrepreneurs, and create an atmosphere of concern and support from the whole society to promote the development and growth of the private economy.

In addition, the National Development and Reform Commission will launch relevant supporting policy measures in the near future: firstly, launch several recent measures to promote the development of the private economy; The second is to formulate and issue policy documents to promote private investment, focus on key areas, improve factor guarantee mechanisms, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment.

Li Chunlin stated that the "1+N" supporting measures for the above two documents as opinions will soon be introduced. Through the centralized implementation of policy measures, multiple measures will be taken simultaneously, and multiple approaches will be taken together to effectively promote the implementation and effectiveness of the opinions, and promote the high-quality development of the private economy.

Promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises towards specialization, refinement, uniqueness, and innovation

Enterprises are the main body of innovation, and specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises are the vanguard of innovation. More than 90% of private enterprises are small and medium-sized enterprises. It is important to stimulate the innovation power of private enterprises and increase efforts to promote their development towards specialization, refinement, and innovation.

Xu Xiaolan, Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology, said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology guides small and medium-sized enterprises to focus on casting expertise, strengthening industries with supporting facilities, and winning the market with innovation, achieving specialized, refined, and innovative development. As of now, more than 12000 specialized, refined, and innovative "little giant" enterprises have been cultivated in five batches, driving the local cultivation of nearly 90000 specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. In the first half of this year, the operating revenue and profit growth of specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises were higher than those of industrial enterprises above designated size.

Small and medium-sized enterprises are often small in size, and it is better to promote resource aggregation in order to stronger promote collaborative innovation. She said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has collaborated with 11 departments to carry out activities such as "Hand in Hand Action" to promote the integration and innovation of large, small and medium-sized enterprises, and to build a platform for communication, docking, cooperation, and service for small and medium-sized enterprises. The "Three Empowerments" actions include digital empowerment, scientific and technological achievement empowerment, and quality standard brand empowerment for small and medium-sized enterprises, accelerating the transformation and aggregation of scientific and technological achievements to small and micro enterprises.

In terms of improving the financing environment, we will focus on key industrial chains and carry out "one chain, one policy, one batch" financing promotion actions for small and medium-sized enterprises. Support the listing and financing of specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, leverage the guiding role of the National Development Fund for Small and Medium sized Enterprises, and drive more social capital to invest in early, small, and innovative investments.

"We are urgently studying and formulating several measures to promote the high-quality development of specialized, refined, and new small and medium-sized enterprises, continuously increasing support for specialized, refined, and new enterprises, and expanding the group of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises." Xu Xiaolan said that through forms such as publishing lists, we will build a collaborative innovation platform between large enterprises, universities and colleges, and small and micro enterprises, creating a good development ecology of "big rivers have water, small rivers are full, and small rivers have water, big rivers are full".

Enable private enterprises to seek development with peace of mind

Only with stable expectations and sufficient confidence can private enterprises seek development with peace of mind. Propose practical measures to stabilize, inspire, and unite people's hearts.

An Lijia, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, stated at a press conference that this year, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce will make "stabilizing expectations and strengthening confidence" a key focus of its work throughout the year, strengthen ideological guidance, and help private entrepreneurs form a correct understanding; Ensure legal protection to promote the actual progress and effectiveness of the rule of law construction, and effectively improve expectations; Make good communication and negotiation, and strive to solve problems for private enterprises and entrepreneurs; Carry out positive publicity, create a favorable atmosphere of respecting and valuing business in the whole society, and effectively promote the development and growth of the private economy.

The rule of law is the best business environment. A good legal environment is necessary to better safeguard the property rights of private enterprises and the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs, stabilize the expectations of private enterprises, and enhance their confidence. In recent years, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce has made positive progress in participating in legislative consultations, promoting legal education, and strengthening legal rights protection through a series of work.

An Lijia said that in the next step, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce will focus on promoting education on law-abiding integrity and improving legal and commercial literacy, promoting equal protection of property rights and optimizing the legal environment, promoting compliance and prevention of internal corruption in private enterprises, promoting legal rights protection and chamber of commerce mediation, and promoting support for independent innovation and protection of innovation rights in private enterprises. This will provide strong support for private enterprises to operate, govern, and protect their rights in accordance with the law.

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