Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 18:30 PM

From July 29 to August 2, Fangshan, Mentougou, Changping and other places in Beijing suffered from extremely heavy rainstorm. The extreme values during this rainfall process even broke the record for the highest instrumental measurement in the Beijing area in 140 years. Many villages and towns have been submerged by floods, and villagers have to urgently relocate and resettle. At present, all affected areas are accelerating the restoration of production and living order, and making every effort to promote post disaster reconstruction. How are the villagers affected by the disaster now?

Because of the extremely heavy rainstorm on July 31, more than 500 villagers from Su Village and Tianjiayuan Village in Doudian Town were urgently relocated to Beijing Network Vocational College in Doudian Town, Fangshan District, Beijing. This dormitory building vacated for students' summer vacation has become a temporary home for the affected villagers.

Most of the villagers live on the fifth and sixth floors, while elderly people with limited mobility are specially arranged on the first floor. The food is being distributed by Lv Haibo and his wife, a villager from Su Village, but at this moment, their other identity is volunteer.

Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview

This is an action of mutual assistance. On July 31, a sudden extremely heavy rainstorm fell in Fangshan District, causing the water of Dashi River dike to burst out of the dike. Lv Haibo's family was immediately flooded. With the help of the village, the couple were moved to a safe area.

Four hours later, the neighboring Tianjiayuan Village was also flooded due to the rise of the Dashi River.

The roaring flood hit more than 20 households living by the river, including Tian Chunying's home. Like the Lv Haibo couple, Tian Chunying's family has also been relocated from the village. On the day of the interview on August 8th, she planned to go home and take a look, which was also her first time returning home since the spontaneous flood.

Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview

According to statistics, on the day of the heavy rainstorm, more than 7600 villagers from 7 affected villages, including Su Village and Tianjiayuan Village, were urgently moved to safety. Although the people are fine, where will so many people be placed? This tests the emergency response capability of the Doudian Town government.

Due to its high terrain, well-equipped facilities, and abundant rooms, the town government of Beijing Internet Vocational College has decided to arrange for the villagers of Su Village and Tian Jiayuan Village, which were the hardest hit, to be located here. Although the incident occurred suddenly, as soon as the school received a notice from the town government, it immediately began preparations, and many teachers and staff who had already taken leave were urgently recalled.

So, over 600 frightened villagers finally moved into their dormitories in the early morning. Due to being in a hurry, almost everyone had nothing to bring, so the college specially distributed necessary supplies such as towels, bedding, food, and water to each villager.

Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview

In order to take good care of the disaster stricken villagers, the school has also formulated temporary management regulations to ensure that their clothing, food, housing, transportation, medical care, security and other aspects are guaranteed, and the overall situation is orderly. For example, in order to ensure good food for everyone, the cafeteria has specially added 6 employees, increased food procurement, and extended service hours.

Although several days have passed since the flood, people still have lingering fears when recalling that experience. In order to alleviate the psychological harm caused by the disaster, the government of Doudian Town has specially arranged mental health experts to provide psychological counseling for the villagers.

"Don't worry," is the most commonly said word by doctors. In order to ensure the privacy and targeted nature of psychological counseling, the psychological counseling team has also specially prepared a psychological counseling mini program called "Warm Wings" for everyone. Villagers can use it to directly connect with a psychologist and receive one-on-one help.

Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview

In addition, the town government has arranged for a doctor and a nurse to be stationed at the college, providing 24-hour services to the villagers.

At the same time, all sectors of society have not forgotten these affected villagers. During the interview, a Beijing citizen happened to deliver 50 pieces of mineral water.

After breakfast every day, most of the villagers at the resettlement site will return to the village to carry out post disaster reconstruction. The reporter also followed volunteer Lv Haibo and his wife back to Su Village. Su Village was severely affected by the disaster, and almost every household was flooded.

Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview

At present, the most important work of the whole village is to first ask professional institutions to check whether the houses are safe. Each household will push the unusable items and mud onto the road, and people from the PLA, the armed police, China Railway Construction Group and other units will gather to transport them away and disinfection and sterilization them, before the reconstruction can begin. The person in charge of the village reconstruction work is Dong Wenge, the secretary of the village party branch. When the reporter saw Secretary Dong, the first thing he noticed was the injury on his leg.

Because wearing rain boots was too painful due to injury, Secretary Dong hurriedly walked around with a pair of pants legs. As the head of the village, he not only needs to appease the villagers at any time, but also constantly finds ways to solve problems of all sizes.

In fact, Secretary Dong's own home has also been flooded. But because he was too busy with work, he never had time to go home to handle it, and all the burden fell on his wife.

Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview

Working side by side with everyone, there are also professional forces from the People's Liberation Army, the People's Armed Police, and China Railway Construction Group. They are the main force in post disaster cleanup work, and journalists can always see their figures when interviewing in the village. Because many roads are very narrow and large equipment cannot be driven in, soldiers can only rely on each shovel to move step by step, and no one is sweating profusely.

Since receiving orders on July 31st, a certain detachment of the Beijing Armed Police Force has dispatched 1450 people to fight on the front line, participating in rescue efforts in the early stage, and now it is post disaster dredging, working more than ten hours a day.

The People's Liberation Army is another important force for post disaster dredging.

Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview

Liu Yongqi, Chief of Staff of a certain regiment in the Beijing Garrison: In the past three days, we have cleared a total of 27 roads, covering an area of 28000 square meters, with over 700 cubic meters of silt and over 1300 cubic meters of waste, and comprehensively cleared all roads.

As the college is about to start soon, the villagers need to leave the temporary resettlement site of Beijing Network Vocational College. Before the reconstruction work is completed, they will be transferred to another resettlement site. In order to reassure everyone, the town has invited village representatives to take a look first. However, Secretary Dong still felt uneasy. At 9 pm, he came to the college again to communicate with the villagers.

We will always be fellow villagers, such a simple sentence, and also such a resounding one. This is not only a warm family affection, but also a resounding promise. When the flood strikes, we are fellow villagers who never leave or abandon us; When rebuilding after a disaster, we are fellow villagers, helping each other. In the future, we will still be fellow villagers, working together to create a new life.

Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview

Editor | Ning Ke

Camera | Xu Peng

Editing | Zheng Yu and Zhao Yunlong

Focus Interview | Working Together to Rebuild Homeland and Garden Village | Tianjia | Focus Interview
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