Focus Interview | Spread the "Two Mountains" Concept and Practice Ecological Civilization Strategy | Ecology | Civilization

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 21:56 PM

August 15th this year is China's first National Ecological Day. The theme of the first National Ecological Day event is "Green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets".Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, there have been historic and global changes in China's ecological civilization construction. The important concept of "green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets" has deeply rooted in people's hearts, guiding the modernization process of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and profoundly changing the land of China. Why do we establish National Ecological Day? What ideological connotations and concepts are contained? After the establishment of National Ecological Day, what role will it play in future development?

On August 15th, the first National Ecological Day event was held in Huzhou, Zhejiang. The theme of the event was "Green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver", and a series of ecological protection and green low-carbon related content were set up.

Song Bo, Secretary General of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Ecological Civilization Office in Zhejiang Province: Over the past 18 years, Huzhou has steadfastly adhered to the concept that green waters and mountains are as valuable as gold and silver, and has explored a sustainable development path that follows the green path, thrives with the green, is full of gold, and benefits the people with the green.

Focus Interview | Spread the "Two Mountains" Concept and Practice Ecological Civilization Strategy | Ecology | Civilization

Over the past 18 years, the "Two Mountains Theory" has produced fruitful practical results in Huzhou and even throughout the country. On June 28th this year, the third meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress decided to establish August 15th as National Ecological Day.

Liang Ying, Director of the Administrative Law Office of the Legal Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress: National Ecological Day is established by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in the form of a decision, fully demonstrating its authority and seriousness.

Green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, this concept has become a consensus among the entire party and society. Through continuous exploration and practice, various regions have transformed their thinking and embarked on a path of coordinated environmental protection and economic development.

Focus Interview | Spread the "Two Mountains" Concept and Practice Ecological Civilization Strategy | Ecology | Civilization

The Danjiangkou Reservoir is the core water source of the South to North Water Diversion Project, and the quality of water is related to the water safety of dozens of cities along the route. At the monitoring center at the head of the canal in Xichuan County, Henan Province, the monitoring data confirms the good water quality of the reservoir. However, just a few years ago, this clear water channel also faced the threat of pollution. Zhang Xiaowei, a villager in the reservoir area, told reporters that just ten years ago, there were still a large number of fish cages scattered throughout the reservoir.

At the end of the last century, net cage fish farming was once a prosperous industry supported and developed by Xichuan County, becoming the main source of livelihood for the residents in the reservoir area. Later, more and more people joined the ranks of net cage fish farming. Around 2013, a water restaurant also developed on the surface of the water, and Zhang Xiaowei also opened one, with a booming business. Excessive aquaculture combined with household waste from aquatic restaurants has led to increasingly severe water pollution in the storage area.

The fundamental issue of ecological environment is the mode of economic development. When the underground is determined to change this way of development. In 2013, Xichuan decided to completely ban net cage fish farming and water restaurants.

Focus Interview | Spread the "Two Mountains" Concept and Practice Ecological Civilization Strategy | Ecology | Civilization

A strong man who breaks his wrist will inevitably experience labor pain. In order to create a pool of clear water, the local government led the villagers to explore new paths of development. They are based on local resources and guide and support villagers to develop the forest and fruit economy. With the support of the local government, Cao Yangling planted over 100 acres of economic forests, increasing her income every year. Recently, she just sold a batch of trees. According to the good ecology of the Toku area, villager Zhang Xiaowei has also opened a farmhouse near the reservoir, and the restaurant is always full during peak season.

Protect the ecological environment like protecting the eyes. In order to clear this canal, Xichuan County has banned more than 20 water catering boats, more than 50000 fish net cages, and more than 600 breeding farms in the reservoir area. It has also shut down more than 350 polluting enterprises.In recent years, Xichuan County has continued to restore its ecology, restoring an effective storage capacity of 5.3 million cubic meters and restoring over 500000 acres of ecological wetlands. Yiku Bishui has also attracted more and more merchants to invest.

Zhou Dapeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Nanyang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Xichuan County Party Committee, said: Protecting the water quality of the Danjiangkou Reservoir is the foundation of protecting the development of Xichuan and improving the happiness index of the people. We adhere to the path of ecological and ecological development, protecting while developing, and developing while protecting.

Focus Interview | Spread the "Two Mountains" Concept and Practice Ecological Civilization Strategy | Ecology | Civilization

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's ecological civilization construction has entered a fast lane, and the "Two Mountains Theory" is writing more new chapters of green development on the land of China.

Traveling northeast along the Lingshan Mountains in Shangrao, Jiangxi, passing through numerous hills, a mountain peak with suspended pavilions comes into view. This is the Wangxian Valley Scenic Area, where the green mountains and waters of the canyon are full of scenery. 44 year old Zhou Libin is a local and he and his wife have opened a homestay near the Wangxian Valley scenic area.

It's hard to imagine that this elegant and graceful valley was still a mine covered in devastation, ravines, and sewage 10 years ago. At that time, Zhou Libin was engaged in granite mining in the mine. At that time, stone mining was the main industry in the local area and also the main source of livelihood for the people. This valley has 270 stone processing production lines during peak hours. Due to outdated production technology, the wastewater from stone processing is directly discharged without any treatment, causing a transformation of the landscape here.

Focus Interview | Spread the "Two Mountains" Concept and Practice Ecological Civilization Strategy | Ecology | Civilization

There is no substitute for the ecological environment, and economic development cannot be achieved at the cost of sacrificing the ecological environment. The local government has made up its mind and decided to gradually shut down all stone production lines in a few years. The closure of the mine caused many villagers to lose their sources of income for a while, and young people like Zhou Libin chose to go out to work at that time.

Huang Huaxiong, Deputy District Mayor of Guangxin District in Shangrao, Jiangxi: There have even been cases of family relocation, resulting in the emergence of hollow villages. After the closure of the quarrying industry, how to solve the problem of employment and livelihood for the masses is an urgent problem that our district committee and government need to solve.

Protecting the ecological environment is protecting productivity, and improving the ecological environment is developing productivity. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the local government has accelerated the pace of ecological restoration and continuously increased investment in ecological governance and infrastructure construction around Wangxian Township.

Focus Interview | Spread the "Two Mountains" Concept and Practice Ecological Civilization Strategy | Ecology | Civilization

In the same year, the local government introduced a professional team and developed ecotourism based on the unique peak forest landscape, starting to create Wangxian Canyon and Feipu Cliff Dwelling.

The good ecology, unique scenery, and cultural atmosphere have led to the rapid development of tourism in Wangxian Valley, with a daily reception of over 45000 tourists. In 2019, Wangxian Valley was rated as a national 4A level tourist attraction. With the popularity of Wangxian Valley, Wangxian Township has transformed from a remote and impoverished area into a famous tourist destination. The tremendous changes in the mountainous areas have also attracted many migrant villagers to return to their hometowns to start businesses. Seeing the changes in the mines, Zhou Libin decided to give up the clothing business in other places and opened a homestay in her hometown.

Since 2021, there have been over 150 households in Zhangjian Village that have renovated their own homes, including homestays and farmhouses. It is difficult to find a bed during peak season, and the annual revenue of the entire village is nearly 60 million yuan. Nowadays, tourism in Wangxian Valley has driven the employment of more than 40000 people in surrounding villages and towns. From "selling stones" to "selling ecology", "green mountains and clear waters" are becoming a "happy pillar" for local people.

Focus Interview | Spread the "Two Mountains" Concept and Practice Ecological Civilization Strategy | Ecology | Civilization

Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver.While the ecological environment quality has significantly improved, the total economic output has jumped to the level of 120 trillion yuan. In the future, the establishment of National Ecological Day will play an important role in how to further deal with the harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature in the high-quality process of promoting Chinese path to modernization.

Hao Dong, Deputy Director of the Strategic Philosophy Teaching and Research Office of the Central Party School: The establishment of National Ecological Day is to reflect the strategic determination to build a beautiful China. We need to recognize that there are still many problems that need to be solved urgently, and green development is a foundation for development. We need to have strategic determination. The more we encounter phased challenges in economic and social development, the more we face new pressures and obstacles in our production and lifestyle, as well as green and low-carbon development. The more we need to have such strategic determination.

The Chinese nation has always respected and loved nature. The emergence of National Ecological Day reflects the important position of ecological civilization construction in the new era and the firm determination to comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful China. Today, we have the responsibility, motivation, and ability to achieve harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The establishment of National Ecological Day is not only a symbol, but also a driving force that inspires us to pay more attention to the ecological environment at a new starting point, assist in the construction of ecological civilization, and promote the formation of a good social atmosphere that advocates ecological civilization for everyone, everything, at all times, and everywhere, making beautiful China more charming.

Focus Interview | Spread the "Two Mountains" Concept and Practice Ecological Civilization Strategy | Ecology | Civilization
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