Focus Interview: Moving towards Informatization as a Cyber Power | Ideology | Network

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:26 AM

CCTV News: The Internet is developing with each passing day, and the informatization wave is sweeping the world.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, significant achievements have been made in China's cybersecurity and information technology undertakings, and new steps have been taken in the construction of a strong cyber country. In the new era and new journey, the important position and role of the internet information industry are increasingly prominent.

The National Conference on Cybersecurity and Information Technology was held in Beijing from July 14th to 15th.

Zuo Xiaodong, a professor at the School of Public Affairs and the School of Cyberspace Security of the University of Science and Technology of China: "This is the second time that the central government has held a cyber security and informatization work conference. The last time it was held was on April 20 and 21, 2018. At the last meeting, the general secretary systematically explained the profound connotation and main content of the important idea of network power. After the past few years, the situation has undergone tremendous changes, and the driving and leading role of informatization in economic and social development has become more prominent. At the same time, the risk of cyber security threats has further increased, and the cyberspace game confrontation has further intensified. In the face of the development of the new situation, it is necessary to form further and more targeted guidelines to better guide the next step of work and be more systematic and comprehensive. Respond to current risks and challenges."

Focus Interview: Moving towards Informatization as a Cyber Power | Ideology | Network

Hao Dong, deputy director of the Strategic Philosophy Teaching and Research Office of the Central Party School: "This time, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on cybersecurity and informatization work systematically summarized the historic achievements and historical achievements we have made in cybersecurity and informatization work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. On the other hand, it systematically answers a series of fundamental questions about what kind of cyberspace and cyberpower to build in the new era, and how to build cyberspace and cyberpower, A blueprint for the next step in the construction of a network power has been outlined."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has reviewed the situation and proposed to build a network power into a network power. He attaches great importance to the Internet, the development of the Internet, the governance of the Internet, the overall promotion of network security and information work, put forward a series of groundbreaking new ideas, new ideas and new strategies, profoundly answered a series of major theoretical and practical questions related to the development of the network information industry, and formed General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on the network power.

Hao Dong: "for example, it puts forward the important principle of the party's management of Internet work; it is proposed that in the work of network science and technology, we should adhere to self-confidence and self-reliance, have our own technical system, and train our own talents; constantly promote network standards and promote the modernization of network governance; General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively put forward the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind in cyberspace."

Focus Interview: Moving towards Informatization as a Cyber Power | Ideology | Network

The Party has comprehensively strengthened its leadership over online information work, consolidated and strengthened mainstream ideological and public opinion in the cyberspace, and basically established a comprehensive network governance system.

The network security guarantee system and capabilities continue to improve, and the pace of technological self-reliance and self-improvement in the field of network information is accelerating. China's research and application of supercomputers and quantum communication have entered the international leading ranks, and artificial intelligence technology continues to innovate. From building the world's largest fiber optic broadband and 5G network, to realizing the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain, informatization has achieved a significant leap from "following" to "leading" in some fields.

The leading role driven by informatization is effectively played. Digital technology is empowering thousands of industries and injecting strong momentum into high-quality economic and social development. The smart farm built on 5G network has achieved unmanned farmland management; "Cloud consultation rooms" allow villagers to enjoy high-quality medical services without leaving the village; The integrated government affairs registration platform has more than 1 billion registered users, and more than 90.5% of provincial administrative licensing matters have been handled online and "run at most once". The Internet has become a "sharp tool" for benefiting, benefiting and facilitating the people. The scale of China's digital economy has reached 50.2 trillion yuan, ranking second in the world for several consecutive years and accounting for 41.5% of the gross domestic product. The digital economy is becoming the most active, fast-growing, and widely influential field in China's innovation. At the same time, the degree of rule of law in cyberspace continues to improve, the international discourse power and influence of cyberspace have significantly increased, and new steps have been taken in the construction of a strong cyber country.

Focus Interview: Moving towards Informatization as a Cyber Power | Ideology | Network

The world's largest and vibrant digital society, with over 1 billion internet users and the largest e-commerce and mobile payment transactions in the world... This series of remarkable achievements has witnessed the resounding progress of a major internet nation.

Professor Liu Deliang from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law said, "We are already and will continue to face the Internet era. The current Internet era is still different from the network ten years ago. From a technical perspective, it is now under the new technological background of big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and smart cities, which is different from the traditional Internet era. The industrial pattern is also different, and fierce competition is taking place in the fields of big data, artificial intelligence, and big data industry."

Technology is developing, challenges are increasing, and achieving the second centenary goal is a critical moment. How to do a good job in network communication, how to further promote the construction of a strong network country, and how to safeguard the achievement of the second centenary goal?

Focus Interview: Moving towards Informatization as a Cyber Power | Ideology | Network

Hao Dong: "This mission and task, on the one hand, is a summary of the past work experience in online communications, and also an important requirement for future online communications work. These five items involve who the Internet is for, who is responsible for its management, and what role the Internet should play, including how to organically combine virtual space and real space in the process of promoting Chinese path to modernization. What attitude should we take to deal with these developments in the future in the face of technological development and the forward development of online space?"

They are to adhere to the Party's management of the Internet, adhere to the Internet for the people, adhere to the path of governance with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the overall development and security, adhere to positive energy as the general requirement, management is the absolute principle, and good use is the real skill, adhere to building a solid national network security barrier, adhere to the role of information driven leadership, adhere to the legal network, run the network according to law, and access the Internet according to law, adhere to promoting the construction of a community of shared future in cyberspace, and adhere to building a loyal, clean and responsible team of Internet information work.

Zuo Xiaodong: "At the National Cyber Security Publicity Week in 2019, the General Secretary gave an important instruction of 'four insistences' on cyber security. This' ten insistences' not only involves cyber security work, but also covers informatization, cyber content construction, and international governance of the Internet. The coverage is very comprehensive, and systematically summarizes some important ideas and methods that have made our cause successful over the years."

Focus Interview: Moving towards Informatization as a Cyber Power | Ideology | Network

Hao Dong: "These 'ten persistences' reflect the systematic thinking of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core on the construction of a network power. We use the form of systematic concepts to do a good job of specific methodologies for network power and form a systematic understanding, which provides effective tools and methods for the next step in promoting the construction of a network power, and is the golden key to promoting high-quality network information work and building a network power in the new era."

The core of the "Ten Adherences" is to adhere to the Party's management of the Internet.

The pace of network infrastructure construction is accelerating, and the development of the digital economy is strong, but at the same time, it is also facing security issues. Therefore, General Secretary Xi Jinping specifically proposed in the "Ten Persistences" to "adhere to overall development and security".

Focus Interview: Moving towards Informatization as a Cyber Power | Ideology | Network

Hao Dong: "General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to coordinate development and security. On the one hand, it promotes the development of the Internet and follows up the development of the Internet. This is what must be faced, caught up and surpassed to achieve high-quality development; on the other hand, we must also pay attention to security in development. Development without security is a castle in the air and a mirage. In the process of promoting the construction of a network power, special attention is also paid to the construction of network security."

In the "Ten Persisting", General Secretary Xi Jinping also emphasized that adhering to positive energy is the general requirement, being able to manage is the last word, and using it well is the real skill.

Hao Dong: "What kind of cyberspace should we build and what kind of cyber power should we build? To adhere to the positive energy of the cyber power, we should adhere to the important guiding ideology of Marxism in the construction of the cyber power, and create a clean and healthy cyberspace. Secondly, in the face of major risks and challenges, we must be able to manage them, have a bottom line thinking, and a fighting spirit. We can withstand them at a critical moment, can handle them, and it is really our ability to use them well. For example, how to handle the relationship between virtual space and physical space, how to handle the relationship between virtual economy and the real economy, how to handle the relationship between virtual technology and modern social governance, which is whether we can manage the Internet well. An important proposition."

Focus Interview: Moving towards Informatization as a Cyber Power | Ideology | Network

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to vigorously promote the high-quality development of the Internet and information industry, and make new contributions to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with new achievements in building a network power.

Liu Deliang said, "Talents are the foundation, technology is the guarantee, and industry is the core. Under the premise of security, how to fully develop and utilize the potential of the data factor productivity provided by the times is the key to achieving a strong network country."

A good wind is the time to set sail.

Focus Interview: Moving towards Informatization as a Cyber Power | Ideology | Network
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