Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:44 PM

The flood situation is an order, and the responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai.Party members and cadres should play a pioneering and exemplary role, step forward and charge ahead, always fighting at the forefront, and fully guarantee the safety of people's lives and property and the overall stability of society.

On July 29, K1178 train started from Yinchuan. On July 30, it was delayed due to rainstorm in Beijing, and stopped at Yanhecheng Station to stop at platform 1. That afternoon, there was a shortage of dinner supply on the train. At around 17:00, Yanhecheng Station supplied 100 pieces of instant noodles, 20 boxes of Babao Congee, 5 pieces of mineral water, 2 boxes of ham sausage and 200 eggs for the train, which were distributed to passengers free of charge. Yanhecheng Station is a small station with only three staff members and limited supplies. Coupled with the long time of being trapped, the emotions of the passengers began to get excited. Faced with the complex emotions of passengers, the flight attendants thought of playing the leading role of party members.

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

Ni Peng, Deputy Captain of the Beijing Fleet of Yinchuan Passenger Transport Section: Around 20:00, we will broadcast a call to gather passengers inside the carriage to see if there are any party members, retired or active military personnel. The purpose is to play the role of the party organization, help everyone overcome difficulties together, and do a good job in comforting passengers.

Soon, 13 party members gathered in the carriage, including 9 train attendants and 4 passengers. With everyone's efforts, the emotions of the passengers have been relieved. At 14:30 on July 31st, train K1178 was informed to set up a temporary resettlement site in Yanhecheng Village, 4 kilometers away from Yanhecheng Station, and wait for notification before personnel transfer. At this moment, the active party member Cui Lu took the initiative to explore the way, and with the accompaniment of Peng Tiansheng, the station master of Yanhe City Station, the two of them set off.

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

Due to the mudslide blocking the road, it was difficult to transfer, so passengers still stayed on the train. At 10:00 on August 1st, more than 500 cadres and employees of the Beijing Bureau were transporting rescue supplies on foot to the train. At 16:00, the plane began airdropping rescue supplies, but due to the complex terrain, the airdrop was not smooth.

Ni Peng, Deputy Captain of the Beijing Fleet of Yinchuan Passenger Transport Section: The mineral water box fell on the road and exploded directly, and the instant noodles were blown away because they were relatively light. In the end, they chose to pour mineral water onto the riverbed of the Yongding River, which was adjacent to it and was very fast at that time.

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

At this time, the active party member Cui Lu once again took the initiative to pick up airdropped supplies.

At 6:41 am on August 2nd, the rescue train departed from Shacheng. At 10:40 on August 2nd, party members organized passengers to safely transfer from the stranded K1178 train. At 17:20 on August 2nd, after more than 70 hours of waiting, train K1178 finally arrived at Beijing North Station with 841 passengers.

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

"In times of crisis, charge ahead, I am a party member, I go first." has never been an empty slogan, but a solemn commitment engraved in the hearts of every party member.

Xiangyangwu Village, Matou Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, is one of the most severely affected villages in Zhuozhou due to its low terrain and close proximity to the Beijuma River. Although the water level in the village has gradually decreased in the past two days, some of the ground still has accumulated water. The villagers at the resettlement site have gradually returned to the village because they are concerned about their families.

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

Qiao Lianjie is the party branch secretary of Xiangyang Wucun and also an old party member. Since the flood season, he has been feeling tired from working all night. In the past few days, as more and more residents have returned to the village, Qiao Lianjie has become increasingly busy. As soon as the flood receded, he quickly mobilized his forces to clear the roads in the village, which was also the most urgent task for Xiangyangwu Village at present.

In order to work more efficiently and orderly, the village party members held a party member meeting on the spot and quickly took action. In a day and a half, most of the village roads were cleared. Qiao Lianjie travels around the village every day, constantly keeping an eye on the progress, hoping to tidy up his home and welcome the villagers back home as soon as possible.

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

Another task for village party members is to always pay attention to villagers in need and provide them with assistance. Villager Li Haiying and his wife are both in poor health. Their daughter is working outside, and no one is cleaning up the thick mud at home. Qiao Lianjie found several young villagers to help Li's family, which relieved the worried Li.

The ground in the village is very slippery, and the mud is mixed with debris washed down by floods, making it easy to prick feet. These past few days, Qiao Lianjie has been running back and forth in such a pair of slippers, and his rain shoes have been given to the villagers.

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

With everyone's efforts, in less than an hour and a half, Sister Li's yard was cleared out. Although very tired, for Qiao Lianjie, the most tiring thing is not work. This flood caused four households in the village to collapse, and other villagers also suffered varying degrees of damage, which made Qiao Lianjie very sad.

Qiao Lianjie, Secretary of the Party Branch of Xiangyang Fifth Village, Wharf Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province: I cannot shed tears in front of them. Who makes us party members and cadres.

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

Although the village party members and cadres have also suffered damage to their own homes, they should show optimism in front of the villagers, help them build confidence, and rebuild their homes.

On his daily day, Qiao Lianjie made more than 30 phone calls, including dredging, disinfection and sterilization, and material collection, but he and the party members gathered together to make the danger disappear and make the villagers feel warm.

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

Grassroots party organizations are battle fortresses. Since the outbreak of the flood, the vast number of party members and cadres have been moved by the flood, bravely taking on responsibilities, leading the masses to face difficulties and overcome them together. The harder the rain is and the higher the waves are, the more you see the stream flowing through the pillars. At present, the current rainfall process has significantly eased, but flood control is still at its most difficult time. Party committees and governments at all levels still need to shoulder their responsibilities, with party members and cadres charging ahead and achieving the final victory in flood control and disaster relief.

Editor | Ma Yimeng, Guo Changjiang, Niu Qiaogang, Zhao Yuan

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

Camera | Fu Peng, Li Haonan, Xu Guofei, Chen Peng

Editing | Zheng Yumiao Jialiang

Focus Interview | Moved upon Hearing the "Flood" and Charge at the Former Party Branch | Flood Situation | Focus Interview

Planning | Yu Renshan

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