Focus Interview: Fighting against the Current to Rescue and Rescue | Personnel | Focus Interview

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:35 PM

CCTV News: Affected by Typhoon Du Suri, extreme rainfall has occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other areas recently, causing floods and geological disasters, resulting in significant casualties in Beijing, Hebei and other areas. Infrastructure such as transportation, water, electricity, and communication have been damaged to varying degrees.Due to the widespread impact of this flood, rescue and relocation work are facing many challenges.

On the afternoon of August 3rd at 4 o'clock, the reporter followed more than ten firefighters from the Xingtai Fire Rescue Detachment in Hebei Province to the dock town of Zhuozhou City for rescue.

Dock Town is located in the northeast of Zhuozhou City, at the intersection of Beijing and Hebei. Four rivers, namely Beijuma River, Dashi River, Xiaoqing River, and Liuli River, intersect here in the upstream, and then flow into the downstream Baigou River.

The special geographical location caused severe waterlogging in Wharf Town during the heavy rainfall, and villages and communities were surrounded by floods, resulting in power and water outages, making it one of the most severely affected areas in Zhuozhou. Many houses in Xiliuzhuang Village, where rescue workers are heading, are also surrounded by water.

Focus Interview: Fighting against the Current to Rescue and Rescue | Personnel | Focus Interview

There are usually over 700 people living in Xiliuzhuang Village. In recent days, after various rescue efforts, most of the trapped people have been successfully evacuated, but there are still some villagers who are unwilling to leave due to various reasons.

According to the weather forecast, there will be more rainfall in the local area in the near future, and the situation remains dangerous. Persuading these villagers and safely transferring them out is the task that rescue personnel and village officials need to complete this time. The village has been without water or electricity for three or four days, and the villagers who remain in the village are also in short supply. Rescue personnel have also brought supplies with them on board. Due to poor communication, we were unable to reach these villagers, so village officials and firefighters worked together to guide them.

The water on the road is deep and turbid, making it difficult to determine the underwater situation. The continuous high temperature has caused a layer of mist to rise on the water surface, making the line of sight blurry. Every step forward carries various unpredictable risks.

The intense scratching tore the rubber boat and water began to seep inside. But thinking that the villagers urgently needed to replenish supplies, the firefighters still decided to persevere and go back to repair after this trip.

Focus Interview: Fighting against the Current to Rescue and Rescue | Personnel | Focus Interview

The road was completely submerged, with occasional obstacles appearing, and the stormboat struggled all the way.

After a journey of over an hour and constant danger, the firefighters finally arrived at Liuzhuang Village in the west. Their task is to persuade and assist villagers in evacuating as much as possible. For those villagers who refuse to leave due to their relatively safe housing and environment, they will leave behind some living materials.

Mr. Yan's family has just built a new house, and he is reluctant to leave his new home. Firefighter Liu Ziwei and village officials repeatedly persuaded, but Grandpa Yan still refused to evacuate.

Helpless, Liu Ziwei and the village officials left living supplies for Grandpa Yan and repeatedly reminded him to pay attention to safety.

Focus Interview: Fighting against the Current to Rescue and Rescue | Personnel | Focus Interview

The village cadres have also included Mr. Yan as a key focus of attention every day to ensure that no dangerous situations occur.

Leaving Grandpa Yan's house, rescue personnel continued to advance towards the village.

At 7 pm, rescue personnel arrived at the deepest part of Xiliuzhuang Village. There are several villagers here who are also unwilling to leave their homes. Rescue workers and village officials advised for a long time, but they still decided not to evacuate. But these firefighters who came to rescue, their hardships and hard work were seen by the villagers.

It was already evening, and firefighters distributed supplies to the villagers who insisted on staying, and then continued to search for villagers who were willing to evacuate.

Focus Interview: Fighting against the Current to Rescue and Rescue | Personnel | Focus Interview

At this moment, Mr. Qu and his family in the village sought help from rescue workers. Uncle Qu has been bedridden for nine years. Due to his limited mobility, the family had never planned to evacuate, but now they have heard that there will be rain again, so they have decided to move out. It's already past 7 pm and it's already dark, so it's not a good time to transfer. Kewan has been raining repeatedly, and the accumulated water continues to rise, making it more difficult to transfer. So, the rescue workers decided to make every effort to send Mr. Qu and his family out as soon as possible.

After several hours of driving during the day, several rubber boats were scratched to varying degrees. The firefighter placed Mr. Qu on the best condition rubber boat.

The night is dark and the water is deep, and the difficult journey continues.

In order to ensure safety, the villagers' boats were arranged in the middle position, with boats guarding the front and rear. But at night, there is heavy fog, poor visibility, and the underwater situation cannot be perceived, so all boats rely on the bow boat to explore the way.

Focus Interview: Fighting against the Current to Rescue and Rescue | Personnel | Focus Interview

Due to continuous scratches, the bow ship has started to seep, making it difficult to control the direction and occasionally colliding with trees on both sides.

Everyone was very nervous, and the firefighters driving the boat were extremely careful. This more than three kilometer road took more than two hours to walk.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, the firefighters finally safely transported Mr. Qu and his family to the car at the resettlement site.

After the flood in Zhuozhou, more than 300 professional emergency rescue forces and 6913 people participated in the on-site rescue in Zhuozhou.

Focus Interview: Fighting against the Current to Rescue and Rescue | Personnel | Focus Interview

While making every effort to rescue and rescue, the resettlement work of the affected population is also being carried out in an orderly manner. At present, Zhuozhou City has set up 56 centralized resettlement sites to meet the living needs of the people as much as possible. Some of the disaster stricken residents in Dock Town, which were previously photographed by the reporter, have been resettled at the resettlement site of Zhuozhou Third Middle School. The reporter conducted a visit here.

At present, the centralized resettlement site of Zhuozhou Third Middle School has restored water and power supply, which can meet the basic living needs of residents and ensure the continuous transportation of materials.

Central departments and local governments continue to invest in rescue efforts and make every effort to do a good job in rescue and rescue work.

The National Disaster Reduction Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management have dispatched disaster relief teams to Hebei to guide and assist in disaster relief, medical insurance, insurance claims, and other related work.

Focus Interview: Fighting against the Current to Rescue and Rescue | Personnel | Focus Interview

The National Fire and Rescue Bureau has launched a cross regional reinforcement plan for fire rescue teams.

On August 1st, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management urgently allocated 110 million yuan in central natural disaster relief funds.

The National Development and Reform Commission has arranged 200 million yuan in advance, specifically for emergency recovery and reconstruction after the Beijing Tianjin Hebei disaster.

On August 4th, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Water Resources urgently issued 450 million yuan of central government water conservancy disaster relief funds.

Focus Interview: Fighting against the Current to Rescue and Rescue | Personnel | Focus Interview

As of 8:00 on August 4th, Hebei Province has dispatched a total of 3385 working groups, mobilized materials worth 150 million yuan, and transferred 1.5402 million people.

At present, we are facing a severe situation in flood and typhoon prevention along the coastal areas of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Northeast China, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In the face of danger, we must work together, selflessly contribute, and work together to achieve ultimate victory.

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