First Observation General Secretary Xi Jinping Proposes New Mission and Task for Network Power Construction First Observation | Network Letter

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:05 AM

The National Conference on Cybersecurity and Information Technology was held in Beijing from July 14th to 15th, during which this important instruction was conveyed. Let's learn and understand the profound meaning behind it together.

——Raise the flag and gather the hearts of the people

The Internet is the most dynamic area of our times, and also the biggest variable we face.

"The Internet has become the main battlefield of public opinion struggle." In August 2013, at the National Propaganda and Ideological Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping stood at the height of our party's long-term governance and made a profound conclusion. He proposed that "we must strengthen the management of the network society in accordance with the law, strengthen the management of new network technologies and new applications, and ensure that the Internet can be managed and controlled. Control to make our cyberspace clear".

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, relevant departments have firmly grasped the leading and initiative of ideological work on the Internet. The comprehensive governance system for the Internet has been basically established, and the network ecology has continued to improve. The positive energy and main theme of the Internet have become stronger, and the voice of the Party has become the strongest voice in the online space.

Today, we are closer than ever before to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and more confident and capable than ever before in history to achieve this goal. Only by widely consolidating consensus, rallying people's hearts, and gathering strength can our cause be invincible.

On the new journey, we must strive to "raise the flag and gather the hearts of the people", build a concentric circle online and offline, gather the vast number of netizens around the Party, and work together to achieve the great cause of national rejuvenation.

——Prevent risks and ensure safety

Network security, one thing affects the whole body.

From proposing "no cybersecurity, no national security", to clarifying "accelerating the enhancement of cybersecurity defense capabilities", and then emphasizing "fully implementing the overall national security concept"

First Observation General Secretary Xi Jinping Proposes New Mission and Task for Network Power Construction First Observation | Network Letter

Under the guidance and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, my country's network security guarantee system and capacity building have continued to strengthen, and a network security protection system covering networks, systems, terminals, and applications has been initially established, and key information infrastructure in the fields of finance, energy, power, communications, and transportation The level of facility security protection has been continuously strengthened.

It cannot be ignored that currently, network security threats and risks are becoming increasingly prominent worldwide, and major network security incidents occur from time to time. The situation and tasks require us to "prevent risks and ensure security", and solidly build a national cybersecurity barrier.

——Strengthening governance and benefiting people's livelihoods

Currently, the number of internet users in China has exceeded 1 billion, forming the world's largest and most vibrant digital society. Digital life has become an important way of life for the people.

In April 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the National Cyber Security and Informatization Work Conference that the development of cybersecurity and informatization must implement the people-centered development thinking, and take the promotion of people's well-being as the starting point and goal of informatization development.

Build a nationwide unified and multi-level interconnected data sharing and exchange platform, and achieve "less people running errands" through "more data running"; "Internet plus" has been deeply integrated into education, pension and other fields, and information technology has helped bridge the digital divide... In recent years, China's online information industry has focused on improving people's livelihood and optimizing public services, and information services that are accessible, affordable and well used are benefiting more people.

The Internet provides a platform for communication and interaction for mankind, brings unprecedented convenience and challenges. On the new journey, we should further improve the level of national governance by "strengthening governance to benefit people's livelihood", so that hundreds of millions of people will have more sense of gain in sharing the achievements of Internet development.

——Boosting momentum and promoting development

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the Internet and information industry represents new productivity and new development directions. It should take a step forward in practicing the new development concept, focusing on building a modern economic system, achieving high-quality development, accelerating the development of informatization, and driving and upgrading as a whole. The development of new industrialization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization.

Since the new era, China has made positive progress in core technological innovation in the information field, accelerated the pace of network infrastructure construction, and maintained a strong momentum in the development of the digital economy. At the same time, it is also important to be aware that some key core technologies are still subject to human constraints, which hinders the development of informatization.

First Observation General Secretary Xi Jinping Proposes New Mission and Task for Network Power Construction First Observation | Network Letter

Looking to the future, we still need to accelerate breakthroughs in core technologies, focus on building a digital China, better leverage the leading role of informatization, "increase momentum to promote development," and help promote high-quality economic and social development.

——Seeking cooperation to achieve mutual benefit

With the acceleration of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, the Internet has turned the world into a "global village", and countries share weal and woe in cyberspace.

On December 16, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the major proposition of "building a community with a shared future in cyberspace" at the opening ceremony of the second World Internet Conference, pointing out that "cyberspace is the common activity space of mankind, and the future and destiny of cyberspace should be controlled by all countries in the world".

China has promoted the establishment of a community of shared future in cyberspace, actively participated in global Internet governance, and its international voice and influence in cyberspace are growing. China's philosophy, China's propositions, and China's plans have won more recognition and support.

Adhering to the principle of seeking win-win cooperation and building a community with a shared future in cyberspace, China and other countries will work together towards a better "digital future".

The mission, tasks, and important principles proposed by General Secretary have strong political, strategic, and guiding significance. They not only focus on the current situation but also consider the future, pointing out the direction for doing a good job in the new era and new journey of online communication work, and providing fundamental guidance for promoting the realization of a strong online country.

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