Exploring the happiness code behind the smiling face, "Follow the footsteps and return to the next visit" series report No. 3: Xi Jinping | Comrade | Smiling Face in Qujiang

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:58 AM

Photo by Chao News reporter Ye Xiaoqian

Letters and visits, also known as "door-to-door mass work.".

In the book "Xi Jinping in Zhejiang", there is a sentence recorded: "Through the work of letters and visits, every time we solve a demand of the masses, the factor of social harmony will increase by one point."

In just one sentence, it left a deep impression on the people of Qujiang.

In the past 17 years, Qujiang has become a typical example of vividly interpreting this concept through unremitting exploration and practice, by deepening the visitation of leading cadres, transforming petitions from the masses to leaders, and from passive reception to active visitation.

In mid-July, the reporter came to Qujiang to follow the footsteps of the general secretary's visit to find the "happiness code" behind the smiling faces of the people ".

A notice for visitors from ten miles and eight townships

Today, banners such as "Solidly carrying out leadership visits and effectively safeguarding the interests of the people" are hanging high at Qujiang District Industrial and Trade Vocational School in Quzhou City. Local people come with demands and return with satisfaction and understanding.

——Excerpted from the front page report of Zhejiang Daily on August 16, 2006

At that time, Qujiang, which had been under construction for less than 5 years, was in a period of adjustment and development, with many problems and strong public opinions.

In early August 2006, Qujiang solicited the demands of the people and carried out pre registration through local media and public announcements for several consecutive days.

"As soon as the announcement was made, the whole region immediately caused a sensation, and the news that the Provincial Party Secretary would personally come to Qujiang to visit the masses quickly spread throughout the ten miles and eight townships." Xu Weitian, former director of the Qujiang District Petition Bureau, recalled, "The people went around telling each other that a total of 167 batches and hundreds of people came to register and register in the whole region."

"We found the school with the most convenient transportation and best conditions at that time for centralized reception." Xu Weitian said that a total of 15 reception rooms were set up for the reception, mainly involving land demolition, safety production and environmental protection, labor and social security, grassroots organization construction and anti-corruption, agriculture, forestry and water conservancy, transportation infrastructure, and legal and litigation related matters.

Obviously, in this year, the leadership's visits and reception have gained a high level of awareness, both among local officials and among visiting masses, and the entire reception process has always been standardized and orderly.

Exploring the happiness code behind the smiling face, "Follow the footsteps and return to the next visit" series report No. 3: Xi Jinping | Comrade | Smiling Face in Qujiang

"Comrade Xi Jinping went to the grass-roots front line to promote the resolution of contradictions, which deeply touched the cadres and masses at the scene." Xu Weitian said. Comrade Xi Jinping received the visiting masses and made clear on the spot the responsible units or departments that took over the issue of letters and visits, and never used "research" and "talk about it later" to perfunctory the past.

"This visit activity tells us that only by truly visiting the people and doing things sincerely can the people trust us, trust what we say and support what we do. In this way, the petition work is more than half successful." Zhang Yifan, deputy director of the Bureau of Letters and Calls of Qujiang District, told reporters that it was precisely under the example of Comrade Xi Jinping that leading cadres took the lead in taking the initiative to sink, to receive the masses in places where the contradictions of letters and visits are prominent, and to work on-site in places where the work of letters and visits is relatively weak. Has become a norm.

In recent years, Qujiang has actively explored the full cycle governance of grassroots party building leading petition work, focusing on building a "party building+petition" governance system, relying on the "three link project", comprehensively promoting all district and township cadres to form groups to serve the village community, all village committees to integrate into the grid, all party members to connect with the masses, go to the village, enter the grid, go to households, carry out information investigation, conflict resolution and other work.

The scene of "visiting from ten miles and eight townships" is no longer repeated, but the "trickle" of opening the door to receive visits also touches people's hearts.

At the Qujiang District Social Governance Center, the reporter found that every working day, a district level leader sits here to receive visitors, warmly, patiently, and attentively facing the petitioners, effectively solving difficulties.

Behind the on-site visits, there is also a complete set of guarantee systems: Qujiang pioneered the "daily cleaning and daily settlement" work mechanism for district leaders to receive visits, implementing a three color classification of tasks, from receiving tasks from leaders to receiving tasks from responsible units, and then to specific disposal. Green issues are reported on the first day, yellow issues are reported on the third day, and red issues are reported on the seventh day. It is clear that conflicts and disputes are "first asked and responsible, and things are not left overnight", so that the masses come with demands and return with satisfaction and understanding.

Wu, a villager from Yunxi Township, recently went to report the issue of land transfer costs. The leaders of the working area, through the comprehensive application of grassroots intelligent governance, coordinate relevant departments and townships to communicate and implement, and solve problems on the spot. "It's really convenient to report and solve problems now, there's no need to run around anymore," Wu said with satisfaction.

Since last year, the district has received over 58000 letters, visits, online and electronic petitions, with a completion rate of 100% on schedule. In 2022, all 403 key petitions were reviewed, resolved, and their numbers were cleared and cancelled, creating a region with no accumulated petitions in the province.

The reporter and the visitors who were received back then returned to the scene to revisit the story of the reception. Photo by Chao News reporter Ye Xiaoqian

A river of clear water, witnessing the sentiment of serving the people

Visiting with emotions, receiving and persuading with genuine emotions, truly and properly handling various conflicts of interest, resolving conflicts of interest, and forming a harmonious atmosphere.

——Excerpted from the front page report of Zhejiang Daily on August 16, 2006

Wang Xuede from Hunan Village in Hunan Town was the second villager to enter the first reception room that year. Returning to the original site again, although the school name has been changed, the teaching building remains unchanged.

On that day, Wang Xuede and another villager learned from the news that the provincial leaders were visiting and specifically came to reflect on issues such as the impact of water resource protection in the Wuxi River reservoir area on the production and income of the residents in the reservoir area.

Exploring the happiness code behind the smiling face, "Follow the footsteps and return to the next visit" series report No. 3: Xi Jinping | Comrade | Smiling Face in Qujiang

After listening carefully to their opinions, Comrade Xi Jinping said: "the people in the reservoir area have taken into account the overall situation and made contributions to the protection of the ecology. Party committees and governments at all levels must earnestly care about the production and life of the people in the reservoir area, and implement policies to support the development of the reservoir area and the lives of the people, including further increasing the intensity of going down the mountain to get rid of poverty. We should not only protect the green mountains and rivers, but also help the reservoir area to open up new ways of production and life, so that the people in the reservoir area can become rich and well-off as soon as possible. At the same time, the masses of the reservoir area should also rely on their own efforts, work hard, and get rid of poverty and become rich through hard work."

The water reservoir of Wuxi River is currently illuminated. Photo by Chao News reporter Ye Xiaoqian

Today, Wang Xuede and other villagers have already settled down in the town. "Nowadays, there are supermarkets, schools, and health centers right next to where we live, and work can be done in factories nearby. Life is getting better and better," said Wang Xuede excitedly.

For some unreasonable and high demands, we should work confidently, but we must pay attention to the methods and methods. "A good word brings warmth in three winters, while a bad word hurts in six months." We must work with deep emotions.

These words are always remembered in the hearts of leaders and cadres at all levels in Qujiang, and they are tirelessly striving for them.

In Qujiang, the direct public transportation service set up in towns and streets has become a "internet celebrity" in the eyes of the local people. The reporter saw that after modification, this car is equipped with various devices such as a computer, printer, law enforcement recorder, etc., resembling a mobile mediation room. The team following the train consists of 5+1+X personnel, who are assigned five fixed positions along the train: duty leader, experienced veteran cadres, experienced young cadres on duty, police officers, and volunteers; "1" means that each business line and village has a designated liaison officer, and the village level liaison officer is generally the village party branch secretary; "X" refers to several mobile personnel such as village committee cadres, respected veteran party members, and township elites.

"As long as the public dials the direct hotline for public relations, the direct train will rush to the scene to coordinate and handle the situation as soon as possible." The staff explained that the "direct train" implements mechanisms such as first inquiry responsibility, emergency response, and joint follow-up. All incidents are handled immediately, and if they cannot be completed on the spot, a "acceptance receipt" will be issued and followed up and resolved by the person in charge of the specific line.

Gengshan Village in Lianhua Town often experienced incidents of illegal excavation of sand and stone materials. Village officials took turns patrolling at night every day, but the ban persisted. After receiving help, the "People's Express" coordinated and resolved the regulatory problem within two days. Villagers no longer petitioned, and village officials were able to "reduce their burden".

To connect the "last mile" of service, we also need to ensure the "first step" of handling petitions. In recent years, Qujiang has taken "incorporating legal petitions into village regulations and agreements" as a starting point to build an "honest petition system", forming a "positive and negative list", guiding villagers to petition in accordance with laws and regulations, and thus creating a good petition ecosystem.

With a single instruction, every matter will be implemented and responded to

When leaving, Xi Jinping also asked the relevant departments of Quzhou City, Qujiang District, and the provincial level to strictly implement their responsibilities for the letters and visits received during this visit, pay attention to the follow-up, supervision and completion rate, and handle them in a timely and proper manner.

——Excerpted from the front page report of Zhejiang Daily on August 16, 2006

"Everything has its place, and everything has an answer." This is the order of Comrade Xi Jinping to the relevant departments of Quzhou City, Qujiang District and the provincial level at the end of the interview that day.

The assigned letters and visits have already been fully and properly handled that year. But this exhortation has always been remembered and implemented by Qujiang.

Exploring the happiness code behind the smiling face, "Follow the footsteps and return to the next visit" series report No. 3: Xi Jinping | Comrade | Smiling Face in Qujiang

Over the past 17 years, Qujiang has kept in mind Comrade Xi Jinping's earnest instructions, firmly established the concept of "having power must be responsible, having responsibility, and being held accountable for failure to do so", comprehensively constructed and improved the responsibility implementation system for letters and visits, strengthened source prevention, consolidated the grass-roots foundation, improved the quality and efficiency of initial letters and visits, achieved remarkable results in resolving accumulated cases, and gradually optimized the ecology of letters and visits.

On the desk of the Secretary of the Party Committee of Lianhua Town, Chi Jianfeng, the reporter saw a thick book called "Three Knowledge and One Account" in Lianhua Town, which detailed the basic situation of each village in the town.

"This is the general ledger that the town has, and each village has a separate ledger, which completely solves the problem of unclear grassroots numbers." Chi Jianfeng told reporters that in recent years, many major projects in Qujiang have settled in Lianhua Town, resulting in various grassroots conflicts and disputes, hindered the progress of key projects, and tense relations between the cadres and the masses.

The opportunity to break through this dilemma comes from the inspiration of the system of leading cadres visiting and receiving visits. "We guide cadres to go to the grassroots and frontline more, identify the root causes, identify hidden dangers, and resolve conflicts and risks at the grassroots level and prevent them from sprouting." Chi Jianfeng said that the core of grassroots conflict resolution is "on-site", and the most important thing for cadres to change their work style is "on-site". The most important thing for the people is to "solve problems on site". "Solving problems on site is not only a need to change the thinking and work style of cadres, but also a need to improve the relationship between cadres and the masses and strengthen grassroots governance."

To ensure that everything is settled and there is a response, Qujiang conducts follow-up visits and solicits evaluation opinions on all initial letter and initial visit cases one by one, and requires the main leaders of the unit to sign and endorse. Conduct a thorough investigation of any inaccuracies or even misunderstandings in the initial visit and verification of Chuxin; After the initial visit and verification of Chuxin, if there are repeated visits, they will all be upgraded for verification, in order to effectively improve the resolution rate and satisfaction rate of Chuxin's initial visit. From January to June 2023, the participation rate of petition matters in the entire region was 99.54%, the satisfaction rate was 99.26%, and the resolution rate of initial petition matters reached 97.3%.

At the same time, Qujiang has also innovatively promoted the "two-way standardization and two-way accountability" mechanism, starting from the supervision of the listing of key letters and visits, seriously investigating and punishing acts of inaction and slowness, and making the "new officials handling old accounts" of letters and visits a normalized work to prevent the last step of solving the problem from being stuck in a "gap".

At the same time, we will carry out "double inspections and three suggestions", meticulously review historical cases, and regard solving historical legacy problems as a "double test" of cadres' ability and responsibility, to enhance the sense of responsibility and consciousness of party members and cadres in doing a good job in petition work. At present, after rectification, there have been no follow-up visits to 30 letters and visits under supervision, and a total of 5 typical cases of ineffective performance have been reported. 22 party members and cadres have been investigated and dealt with.

The essence of petition work is mass work.

Continuously enhance the foresight, systematicity, and pertinence of work, truly regard the process of solving petition problems as the process of practicing the Party's mass line and doing a good job in mass work. This is the greatest inspiration for Qujiang to adhere to innovation and practice the "Pujiang experience", and also the mystery behind Qujiang's continuous creation of new situations in petition work.

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