Escort Vitality in Zhejiang, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" Series Review 8: Good Law and Governance | Zhejiang | Series

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:51 AM

The Wenzhou team of the Zhejiang Daily Group's "Post-2000 Close Look Democracy" summer practice came to the grassroots legislative contact point located in Wuma Forum to experience legislative practice firsthand. Photo by journalist Yao Yingkang and Shen Yin

In the process of exploring the modernization of social governance, democracy and the rule of law are like two wings of a bird.

Last summer to this spring, Zhejiang Newspaper Group organized three "Post-2000 Close Look Democracy" activities, attracting more than 200 students from more than 50 universities across the country to practice the entire process of people's democracy in Zhejiang. They walked into democratic and rule of law villages, participated in on-site consultations, and engaged in dialogue with representative committee members, immersing themselves in the details of democracy, tracing back to the construction of "rule of law in Zhejiang", and experiencing the vitality of social governance firsthand.

Through the event, Wang Ying, a student from Tsinghua University, deeply felt the vitality and effectiveness of Zhejiang's democratic and legal practice. She said, "Democracy is not an abstract concept, it truly takes root in the soil, closely connects with the people, and is closely related to China's national conditions, bringing real sense of gain and happiness to the people."

Through this window in Zhejiang, vivid scenes are connected, and the beautiful picture of socialist democracy and rule of law construction is vividly displayed.

The time goes back to 2003, when Xi Jinping, secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, stressed in the "August 8 Strategy" that Zhejiang's environmental advantages should be further brought into play to effectively strengthen the construction of the rule of law, credit construction and organ efficiency; in 2006, under the proposal of Comrade Xi Jinping, the provincial party committee made the decision to build a "rule of law in Zhejiang" ...... For 20 years, Zhejiang has always insisted on taking the people as the center, grasping the construction of the rule of law, grasping the grass-roots, and strengthening the rule of law, to build the cornerstone of grass-roots social governance with democratic cohesion.

From building a "rule of law Zhejiang" to building a highland for people's democratic practice throughout the entire process, Zhejiang has embarked on an exploratory path of promoting the modernization of grassroots governance systems and governance capabilities in economically advanced areas.

On site of Shangtian Village Shared Court in Lin'an District, Hangzhou City. Photo by Correspondent Chen Dehui

The power of the rule of law, solving governance problems

We should focus on safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people, take solving the most concerning issues of the people as the starting point for promoting the construction of "rule of law Zhejiang", so that the construction of "rule of law Zhejiang" benefits the people from the beginning and makes them feel the actual effect.

-- Report of Xi Jinping at the 10th Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee on April 25, 2006

Taking buses and subways, visiting museums and libraries, and applying for social security subsidies... Now, with a social security card, residents in the Yangtze River Delta region can share integrated convenient services. On October 1st last year, the "Zhejiang Province Promotion of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Social Security Card Resident Service Card Regulations" were officially implemented. This means that using social security cards as a carrier, the "same city treatment" for residents in the Yangtze River Delta has legal protection.

For the past 20 years, the successive Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee has adhered to the construction of a "rule of law Zhejiang" as a major strategic task, actively utilizing the rule of law thinking and methods to deepen reform, promote development, resolve conflicts, and maintain stability, providing vivid grassroots practice for the construction of a rule of law China.

Escort Vitality in Zhejiang, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" Series Review 8: Good Law and Governance | Zhejiang | Series

Legislation is the foundation of the rule of law. Zhejiang has established a sound mechanism for scientific, democratic, and lawful legislation, promoting development and ensuring good governance through sound laws.

The first comprehensive local regulation in the field of "streamlining administration, delegating powers, and improving services" nationwide, the first comprehensive regulation in the field of medical security nationwide, the first local regulation in the field of public data nationwide, and the first local regulation in the express delivery industry nationwide

Local regulations closely related to the well-being of the people and the reform and development of the province have been successively introduced, with more than 20 of them being innovative and recognizable nationwide.

In January of this year, the Provincial People's Congress unanimously passed the Zhejiang Province Regulations on Promoting the Development of Small and Medium sized Enterprises, which officially came into effect on March 1st. For nearly 3 million small and medium-sized enterprises in Zhejiang, this legislation is a reassurance and a big gift package.

Zhejiang is a province with a large private economy. While private enterprises are getting involved in the market, they have also encountered many growth troubles earlier. Zhejiang, make good use of the rule of law to protect the private economy from difficulties. From the promulgation of the "Regulations on Promoting the Development of Private Enterprises in Zhejiang Province" in 2020 to the inclusion of the "Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment in Zhejiang Province" in the annual legislative work plan this year, Zhejiang has closely followed the word "law" and created a business environment for private entrepreneurs with rules, expectations, and a future.

"The rule of law is the best business environment and plays an important role in 'solidifying the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and promoting long-term benefits'," said Wang Jianyi, Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of the Provincial Chamber of Commerce.

At present, the three "number one projects" are being deeply promoted. In the process of deepening the construction of "rule of law in Zhejiang", Zhejiang is accelerating the construction of a modern government governance system. It has taken the lead in launching and implementing four rounds of administrative approval system reform nationwide, innovatively carrying out the "four lists and one network" and "at most once" reforms, comprehensively deepening digital reform, and building a "province for handling affairs", "province for handling offices", and "province for handling governance".

Zhejiang, which is building a demonstration zone for the rule of law in China, is recognized as one of the provinces with the highest degree of rule of law in the country. It has become one of the provinces with the least approval items, the highest efficiency in handling affairs, the best investment environment, and the strongest sense of gain for the people and enterprises.

On the land of Zhejiang, the light of fairness and justice under the rule of law shines into the daily lives of the people.

With just one internet cable and one screen, one can file a lawsuit. A few years ago, it was still a news "shared court" nationwide. Now, it has spread to urban and rural areas in Zhejiang, with 27000 shared courts covering 100% of towns and streets. As of the end of May this year, it has guided and mediated 401700 times, resolved 308300 conflicts and disputes, and used "small fulcrums" to leverage social "big governance".

Chu Guojian, Deputy Director of the Law Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee and member of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee's Expert Advisory Committee on Rule of Law, believes that as a leading region in the reform and opening up, Zhejiang is adept at using legal thinking and methods to respond to the problems encountered in development. The construction of a "rule of law Zhejiang" system promotes scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, fair judiciary, and law-abiding for all, effectively ensuring the smooth development of Zhejiang's socialist modernization cause. At the same time, we always adhere to the leadership of the Party, promote the construction of a safe and rule of law as a whole, consolidate the grassroots foundation, highlight the governance connotation and institutional advantages of the rule of law, and contribute a lot of Zhejiang experience and wisdom to promoting the construction of the rule of law in China.

At the legislative liaison station of Houzhai Street, residents are discussing the draft anti food waste law. Sharing Alliance Yiwu Station Image Supply

People's democracy, responding to the expectations of the people

Escort Vitality in Zhejiang, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" Series Review 8: Good Law and Governance | Zhejiang | Series

To improve the democratic system, enrich democratic forms, expand orderly political participation of citizens, and safeguard the rights of the people to participate in democratic elections, decision-making, management, and supervision in accordance with the law.

-- On December 3, 2002, Xi Jinping's speech at the meeting of Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the current constitution

Recently, Yiwu Municipal People's Congress representative and director of Zhejiang Wangshuo Law Firm, He Biwen, came to the live broadcast room as scheduled. This live broadcast room, hosted by National People's Congress representatives, does not sell goods, but specifically solicits suggestions from the public on various draft laws and regulations and carries out legal education activities.

One end is connected to the grassroots masses, and the other end leads to the highest legislative body. Three years ago, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Yiwu City became a grassroots legislative contact point established by the Legal Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and also the first "national brand" grassroots legislative contact point in Zhejiang. To this end, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Yiwu City organized a team of legislative information collectors with tens of thousands of people.

"You can see the sparks of public opinion and legislation in the live broadcast room." As a legislative information collector, Representative He Biwen deeply feels that the public's attention and participation in legislative work have greatly increased compared to before.

As of now, this grassroots legislative contact point has received more than 3600 opinions and suggestions submitted by various departments and individuals. After sorting them out, a total of 2461 suggestions have been submitted to the National People's Congress, of which more than 170 suggestions have been absorbed and adopted by 27 laws.

Nowadays, Zhejiang is iteratively upgrading its National People's Congress representative and legislative grassroots contact points, creating a basic unit for practicing the entire process of people's democracy.

People's democracy stimulates the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the masses to participate in grassroots governance.

During Comrade Xi Jinping's work in Zhejiang, the practice of democratic innovation at the grass-roots level was highly active, and many original democratic practical experiences such as Wenling's "democratic talks" and the post-Chen village affairs supervision committee emerged, which had a wide influence throughout the country.

Over the past 20 years, in the process of implementing the "88 Strategy", Zhejiang has comprehensively strengthened the exploration and practice of provincial socialist democracy, effectively promoting the democratization and rule of law of grassroots governance, and taking the lead in forming a provincial socialist democratic development pattern that is in line with the full chain, all-round, and comprehensive people's democracy.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that the development of people's democracy throughout the process is one of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization. In 2022, Zhejiang proposed the goal of "building a highland for people's democratic practice throughout the entire process" earlier in the country.

He Xianming, former president of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, believes that as an important birthplace and leading practice place for the entire process of people's democracy, Zhejiang shoulders the mission of building an "important window" and high-quality development to build a demonstration zone for common prosperity. It has the responsibility and conditions to continue to play a leading demonstration role in comprehensively promoting the construction of people's democracy throughout the entire process, actively explore and innovate the implementation forms of grassroots democracy, and integrate the concept of people's democracy throughout the process into the practice of building a demonstration zone for common prosperity.

In the construction of the highland of people's democratic practice throughout the entire process, Zhejiang has further stimulated the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in social governance, with continuous new recruits.

Escort Vitality in Zhejiang, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" Series Review 8: Good Law and Governance | Zhejiang | Series

Not long ago, the people of Zhejiang suggested that the "Zhezhihui" application be officially launched. The public only needs to log in to relevant platforms or scan the code directly to provide opinions and suggestions on economy, culture, ecology, social life, etc., and transmit them to various functional departments for processing in real time. More suggestions from the masses have become important references for scientific and democratic decision-making by the Party committee and government.

The concept of "people first" is deeply engraved in the vivid practice of people's democracy throughout the entire process in Zhejiang, responding to the expectations of the people and consolidating their wisdom and strength.

At the Xianfeng Community Happiness Elderly Care Service Center in Maqiao Street, Haining City, the elderly are content and enjoy their old age in peace. The landing of this center was thanks to the first consultation activity on elderly care themed "People's Livelihood Conference Hall" held in the street in 2020. "Over the past three years, we have turned negotiations into a 'series' and solved one problem after another," sighed Gan Chaobiao, the leader of the performance group of the Maqiao Street Committee of the Haining Municipal Political Consultative Conference.

Negotiate with the people, negotiate for the people. The People's Livelihood Conference Hall, which was first established nationwide and originated in Haining, Jiaxing, has covered all towns and villages in the province. It conducts consultations on issues related to the interests of grassroots people, promoting the resolution of urgent and difficult problems for a group of people, and becoming an effective platform for grassroots people to negotiate and promote grassroots governance.

The secretaries of four villages and one community, including Xiaogucheng Village, Panbanqiao Village, Caoqiao Village, Qiushi Village, and Qiaotou Community, held a "discussion under the camphor tree" in Yuhang District, Hangzhou City. Photo by journalist Dai Ruiyun

Window of Zhejiang, showcasing China's governance

Grassroots conflicts should be resolved through grassroots democracy, and this important principle must be well grasped. In this sense, promoting grassroots democracy construction is an important guarantee for achieving political stability and social harmony. The more sound grassroots democracy is, the more harmonious society will be.

——On October 11, 2006, in the "Zhijiang Xinyu" column of Zhejiang Daily, "Grassroots contradictions should be resolved through grassroots democratic methods"

In the summer evening, under the big camphor tree, villagers sit around a table and discuss enthusiastically, with a sign hanging above that reads "Meeting under the Camphor Tree". This is not a casual chat after meals, but a vivid scene of grassroots democratic consultation in Xiaogucheng Village, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City.

Since that year, Xiaogucheng Village has kept in mind its instructions and explored the "four discussions and six steps" democratic deliberation method for joint consultation and construction. The walls of the small ancient city have been lowered, the villages have become more beautiful, and the villagers have become wealthy. In 2022, the collective income of Xiaogucheng Village exceeded 10 million yuan, and the per capita disposable income of farmers reached 52760 yuan.

Behind the transformation of small villages is the vitality stimulated by innovation in grassroots governance in Zhejiang.

Democracy and the rule of law embody vitality in order and order in vitality. Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang has been promoting democracy and the rule of law, which has not only fully stimulated the vitality of governance with broad participation from the masses, but also stabilized and orderly grassroots society, making every social cell healthy and active. In the bustling grassroots life, the people of Zhejiang have explored and created one grassroots democratic practice after another with a smoky atmosphere.

In the village rules and regulations museum of Shangyang Village, Kecheng District, Quzhou City, 10 versions of Shangyang Village rules and regulations are neatly displayed. "This is our village governance secret," said Huang Yuehua, the secretary of the village party branch and director of the village committee, proudly.

Escort Vitality in Zhejiang, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" Series Review 8: Good Law and Governance | Zhejiang | Series

The 10 versions of village rules and regulations must be negotiated and approved by the villagers, party members, representatives, and village committees at all levels for each revision. Finally, they will take effect after being voted on item by item by all party members and village representatives. "Everyone's sense of ownership is becoming stronger and stronger, and when encountering problems, we can solve them together." Huang Yuehua said that in recent years, village rules and regulations have been "planted" in the hearts of villagers, and the village has also received honors such as National Democratic and Legal Demonstration Village, National Civilized Village, and National Rural Governance Demonstration Village.

In May of this year, Zhejiang took the lead in carrying out a major event nationwide - issuing the "Zhejiang Province Village level Consultation Norms and Guidelines", which provided detailed regulations and guidance on how and what to discuss in village level consultations.

The characteristic of urban and rural governance in Zhejiang is that everyone's affairs are discussed by everyone, and the "Window of Zhejiang" showcases the charm of "Chinese governance".

Professor Lang Youxing from the Department of Political Science at the School of Public Administration of Zhejiang University has long been concerned about grassroots democratic practices in Zhejiang. He said, "These creative grassroots practices have demonstrated unique charm and further transformed into governance effectiveness, providing a 'local plan' for the modernization of national governance and a directional reference for global governance and development."

The more sound grassroots democracy and rule of law are, the more harmonious and stable society is. More and more "village governance strategies" originating from Zhejiang have been elevated to "national governance strategies".

Ninghai initiated the implementation of "36 items" in the power list of village level microenterprises nationwide, which was written into the No. 1 central document of the central government; The Chencun Village Supervisory Committee system after Wuyi was written into the Regulations of the CPC on the Work of Rural Grass roots Organizations; The "Three Governance Integration" practice in Tongxiang, written in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the outline of the 14th Five Year Plan... These grassroots practices with a soil like atmosphere, go out of one village and one region, go out of Zhejiang, and go to the whole country, constantly enriching and improving the experience of urban and rural governance in the new era.

Democracy lays the foundation for the rule of law; The rule of law provides guarantees for democracy. In recent years, the concept of co construction, co governance, and sharing has penetrated into the grassroots of Zhejiang, integrating into economic and social development and people's lives. Zhejiang has become the only province in China to implement a special action to enhance the legal literacy of citizens at the provincial level.

Gazing at the countryside, Zhejiang was the first in the country to hire legal advisors. Now, "one village, one legal advisor" is fully covered, bringing about changes in grassroots governance; The province has advanced the construction of democratic and rule of law demonstration villages with high standards, and more than 4880 provincial-level and above democratic and rule of law demonstration villages have been built.

Looking at the city, Zhejiang has explored negotiation mechanisms for new industries and employment groups, promoting their transformation from "governance objects" to "governance subjects". The concept of democracy and the rule of law is not only implemented in major issues, but also in subtle aspects of grassroots governance.

On the vast land of Zhejiang, a social governance landscape with democracy and the rule of law as its bright background is full of vitality and harmonious order, showcasing the vitality of "Chinese governance".

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