Ensuring and Improving Livelihood in Development (Mid year Economic Observation) Elderly Care | Livelihood | Economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 16:10 PM

Livelihood is the foundation of people's happiness and the foundation of social harmony.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the happiness and well-being of the people is the ultimate goal of promoting high-quality development." "We must adhere to the people-centered approach, pay more attention to ensuring and improving people's livelihood in development, make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood, and improve people's livelihood and well-being, so that people of all ethnic groups can truly feel that promoting common prosperity is in action and around."

"The pension has increased again, making elderly care more reassuring." "Third class hospitals and community hospitals are paired up, making it easier to seek medical treatment at home." "Government services are available online and across provinces, making it more convenient for us to handle affairs." In the process of development, we are looking at people's livelihoods. Among the warm stories of people's livelihoods, the people feel the most genuine.

In the first half of this year, the per capita disposable income of residents in China was 19672 yuan, a nominal increase of 6.5% year-on-year and an actual increase of 5.8%; 6.78 million new urban jobs were created nationwide, achieving 57% of the annual target.

The investment in people's livelihood continues to increase, and people's lives continue to improve

In July, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during an inspection tour in Jiangsu, "It is necessary to accelerate the improvement of the social security system, improve the employment promotion mechanism and the employment public service system, and do a good job in the employment of key groups."

Each region and department continues to increase investment in the field of social livelihood, highlighting the work of stabilizing growth, employment, and prices, and continuously improving people's lives. Provinces such as Shanghai, Anhui, and Shaanxi have raised their minimum wage standards, and the 100 day, 10 million recruitment special campaign has daily and weekly recruitment sessions. Various regions are accelerating the standardization of the gig labor market to better promote flexible employment and entrepreneurship for workers.

——Multiple measures have been taken to stabilize growth, and the income levels of urban and rural residents have been continuously improving.

As night falls, the Zijing Night Market in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province is crowded with people. "Business is particularly good, we have to be busy until early morning to close our stalls," said restaurant vendor Xiong Yuanbo. This year, the government has increased its support by holding consumer festivals and promoting live food broadcasts, attracting more customers and increasing revenue. "My small stall of a few square meters has a monthly gross income of nearly 20000 yuan!"

"The revitalization of rural areas has made our farmers' money bags more and more abundant." Zhang Jiafu, a villager from Mushan Village, Guangfu Town, Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province, is full of enthusiasm. "With technicians guiding breeding techniques, government direct subsidies and subsidized loans, this year I have expanded the scale of breeding while planting good food, raising more than 700 geese, and it is expected to earn tens of thousands of yuan more than last year."

Increasing resident income is an inevitable choice to enhance people's well-being and solidly promote common prosperity.

Since the beginning of this year, China has increased the income of urban and rural residents through multiple channels, promoting stable growth and benefiting people's livelihoods. The central government's transfer payments to local governments exceeded 10 trillion yuan for the first time, an increase of 3.6%, providing strong support for grassroots "three guarantees"; Reduce the value-added tax collection rate for small-scale taxpayers to 1%, continue to implement personal income tax preferential policies such as one-time bonuses throughout the year, and use tax "red envelopes" to help more residents increase their income... In the first half of the year, the income gap between urban and rural residents narrowed, and the income level continued to improve.

——Stable employment continues to show remarkable results, and the overall employment situation is stable.

I just received a notification that I have successfully joined the audit department of a company. Through the campus recruitment fair organized by Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, fresh graduate Wen Chao from Anhui University found a satisfactory job. The human resources and social security departments in Suzhou have entered hundreds of universities to organize recruitment, and provided services such as "talent settlement direct transportation" to provide policy support for employment and entrepreneurship for young graduates and others.

Zhu Xing, a retired fisherman from Wujiang District, Suzhou City, successfully took up his post. "I am older, have a lower education, and lack professional skills, making it difficult to find a job." Recently, he walked into the "doorstep" employment service station, and the community human resources commissioner recommended a public welfare position for him. Old Zhu became a water cleaner. At present, there are 79 "doorstep" employment service stations in Suzhou, which helped 14000 people with employment difficulties achieve employment in the first half of the year.

Focusing on employment, the largest livelihood project, popular support project, and fundamental project, all regions and departments actively respond to the pressure of total employment and structural contradictions, and promote the continuous effectiveness of relevant policies.

Expand channels, launch the 2023 Youth Employment Service Campaign for College Graduates and the "100 Day Sprint" for College Graduates Employment, stabilize recruitment scales such as the "Three Supports and One Assistance", "Special Post Plan", and "Western Plan"; Strengthen support and continue to launch a combination of policies such as "reducing, lending, refunding, supplementing, and increasing" to help enterprises reduce burden and stabilize employment; Improving quality and comprehensively carrying out various public employment service activities such as the Spring Breeze Action... The average national urban survey unemployment rate in the first half of the year was 5.3%, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the first quarter.

——Stable price protection is strong, and the "vegetable basket", "rice bag", and "fruit plate" are stable and reliable.

Since the beginning of this year, China has implemented a new round of action to increase grain production capacity by billions of kilograms. Various regions have conscientiously implemented the "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system assessment, ensured the supply of vegetables, fruits, and meat, achieved a bumper harvest in summer grain production, and the people's "vegetable baskets", "rice bags", and "fruit plates" have become increasingly abundant. The market supply of agricultural products such as grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, and tea is sufficient, and prices are basically stable.

Focusing on solving urgent and difficult problems, weaving and strengthening the social security network

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "Modernization depends not only on the index data on paper, but also on the happiness and well-being of the people." All regions and departments should speed up to make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood, improve the basic public service system, weave a tight social security network, solve the urgent and anxious problems around the masses with heart and emotion, and improve the happiness index of the people with practical actions.

——Keeping the bottom line and improving the social security system.

Not long ago, Liu Bixiang, a villager from Group 17, Kongjiatuan Village, Wenping Town, Wugang City, Hunan Province, enjoyed heartwarming care by visiting for a haircut, wiping herself, and sweeping the floor. Liu Bixiang is a stroke paralyzed person who belongs to a very poor family. In March of this year, Wugang City invested more than 3.5 million yuan to pilot the "Village level Elderly Care Commissioner+Five Assistance" model in 62 villages in 3 townships. Village cadres served as care commissioners and led volunteers to provide door-to-door services for disabled and partially disabled elderly people aged 60 and above living in extreme poverty and low-income families in rural areas.

China is continuously improving its assistance and guarantee system for special groups such as disadvantaged groups, fully implementing basic living assistance policies such as subsistence allowances, strengthening care services for extremely poor individuals, and securing the bottom line of people's livelihoods. At the same time, the coverage of social security has been further expanded, and the multi-level social security system has become more sound. Data shows that as of the end of June, the number of insured individuals in basic pension, unemployment, and work-related injury insurance in China reached 1.057 billion, 240 million, and 294 million, respectively.

——Making up for shortcomings and improving the basic public service system.

On July 6th, Ms. Liu, who lives in Qianchuan Street, Huangpi District People's Hospital, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, received diagnosis and treatment from a team of experts from Wuhan Central Hospital. "Finally, the cause of eye swelling and pain has been found, and there is no need to go to a tertiary hospital in the city specifically to seek medical treatment." Ms. Liu was relieved after prescribing the medicine.

On that day, Wuhan Central Hospital and Huangpi District People's Hospital officially signed a contract to establish Wuhan's first digital regional medical consortium. Through medical technology improvement, scientific research project cooperation, and weak professional technical assistance, the digital regional medical consortium will gradually achieve homogeneous development of specialties.

The reform of the medical system continues to deepen, and the capacity of rural medical and health services is further enhanced. Throughout the year, more than 50000 old residential areas will be renovated, and many areas will accelerate the construction of 15 minute convenient living circles. The basic public education service system will continue to improve, with theater performances in rural areas and the construction of urban and rural study rooms. Since the beginning of this year, China has further improved the basic public service system, continuously promoted the equalization of basic public services, and the people's sense of gain is becoming stronger.

——Strong service and continuous improvement of people's livelihood guarantee level.

Ms. Zhang from Yulan Garden in Jinan High tech Zone, Shandong Province, has enjoyed the convenience of a family daycare center in the community. "Putting children in daycare centers before work and picking them up after work is very convenient for families like us who work as dual workers." It is understood that the Jinan Municipal Health Commission is exploring the integration of daycare institutions into residential buildings, promoting the creation of a "community, doorstep" daycare service model. At present, there are 585 childcare institutions in the city, with a total of 40000 childcare facilities.

Promoting the healthy development of elderly care and childcare services is a key focus in ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, and also an important part of promoting high-quality population development. The elderly care and childcare service system in our country is constantly improving, and new steps have been taken towards "nurturing children" and "providing care for the elderly". At present, there are over 75000 institutions in China that provide childcare services, with over 3.6 million childcare units provided; The basic elderly care service guarantee mechanism is gradually improving, and the level of convenience and accessibility of basic elderly care services is constantly improving.

Continuously turning people's aspirations for a better life into reality

"With the development of the times, the people's yearning for a better life is also developing. We must continue to meet everyone's reasonable needs." General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest instructions point out the direction for safeguarding and improving people's livelihood.

——Improve the social governance system and promote modernization of social governance.

In July, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during an inspection in Jiangsu, "We must adhere to and develop the'Fengqiao Experience' and the'Pujiang Experience' in the new era, improve the social governance system, improve the urban and rural grassroots governance system and the coordinated promotion mechanism of rural governance, and promote social governance Digitalization."

The modernization of social governance is an important part of the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and also relates to the vital interests of the people. China is striving to improve its social governance system, establish a grassroots mass autonomy mechanism led by grassroots party organizations, strengthen the construction of grassroots organizations, improve grassroots governance platforms supported by grid management, refined services, and information technology, improve the urban and rural community governance system, and provide high-quality services and refined management at the doorstep of the people.

"Thanks to the multiple communication and coordination between the grid party branch and community party organizations, we were able to timely clear the pipes in the building and restore normal life," said Nan Liang, a resident of Wanfeng Community in Linhe District, Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The small grid serves the people's livelihood, and Bayannur City is exploring the implementation of the "micro grid real grid" governance mechanism led by party building in communities, continuously improving the level of refined community governance and precision services, and effectively enhancing governance efficiency.

As night fell, a special "residential courtyard meeting" was held in Niangxi Community, Xinshao County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province. Community officials and staff from education, housing and construction departments gathered together to discuss the issue of parking difficulties in the community. "Can we add parking spaces in idle land?" "The existing parking spaces also need to be standardized." When discussing the problem and coming up with solutions, resident representative Xu Chaoying was full of confidence. "There are always more solutions than difficulties, and I believe this problem can be solved well."

"Whether it's community development or environmental sanitation improvement, everyone is discussing and taking action. The participation of residents is increasing, and everyone's spiritual outlook is also refreshed!" said Sun Chuanhui, Secretary of the Party Branch of Niangxi Community.

——Adapt to the expectations of high-quality life and enable the people to share the fruits of development.

"From a 'sandwich' to a small park, this green space is very beautiful!" said Yin Bangmei, a resident of Yinzhu Street in the West Coast New Area of Qingdao City, Shandong Province, who is playing happily with children. The "sandwich ground" in everyone's mouth is a messy open space that is 120 meters long and 33 meters wide, once filled with garbage.

In response to the people's expectations for a high-quality life, Qingdao West Coast New Area has invested 5.39 million yuan this year to comprehensively rectify this "sandwich land". Updating green seedlings, setting up parking spaces in the understory space, installing leisure and fitness equipment, children's entertainment equipment, rest chairs, sunshades and other convenient service facilities... Nowadays, the "sandwich land" has become the favorite place for surrounding residents. 105 "micro update" projects like this have been completed in the West Coast New Area.

In Yitang Village, Yitang Town, Pizhou City, Jiangsu Province, the "micro vegetable garden" in front and behind the house is lush with greenery. "Through the governance of rural public spaces, the environment in the village is getting better and better. The idle land that has been renovated has become a small vegetable garden, making everyone's life more convenient and their mood more comfortable," said villager Pan Zhifang. It is reported that Pizhou City has made the governance of rural public spaces an important focus of rural revitalization this year, promoting the extension of environmental improvement to resource integration, improving the living environment, and increasing collective income.

Development is for the people, development relies on the people, and the fruits of development are shared by the people. Balancing urban and rural areas for livability and business, solidly promoting common prosperity, and promoting high-quality development to support high-quality living. Looking forward to the future, the beautiful picture of China unfolds.

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