Enabling Private Enterprises to Have a True and Realistic Sense of Gain (Policy Interpretation) Elements | Market | Private Enterprises

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:41 PM

On July 19th, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy were released. In order to effectively promote the high-quality development of the private economy, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the State Administration for Market Regulation, the State Administration of Taxation and other departments, recently jointly issued the "Notice on Implementing Several Recent Measures to Promote the Development of the Private Economy" as a supporting policy measure to implement the "Opinions", which was released to the public on August 1. Regarding the "Several Measures", the National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference and relevant department heads interpreted it.

28 specific measures in 5 aspects, deepening and refining the implementation of relevant policy measures

"Starting from the needs of the private economy and focusing on solving prominent problems in private enterprises, the" Several Measures "propose 28 specific measures from five aspects: promoting fair access, strengthening factor support, strengthening legal protection, optimizing enterprise services, and creating a good atmosphere, aiming to be practical and effective in the near future." Wang Shancheng, Director of the Comprehensive Department of System Reform of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced that the "Several Measures" further deepen, refine, and implement relevant policy measures based on the implementation of the "Opinions"——

Further strengthen the main responsibility, determine the division of labor for each task, clarify who will do it, and make private enterprises understand who to turn to when encountering problems. For example, in response to the strong feedback from private enterprises regarding outstanding payments, it is clear that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will take the lead in promoting solutions. Among them, it is specifically proposed that the audit department should accept the debt clues reflected by private enterprises and strengthen audit supervision.

Further clarify the implementation details and guide the specific implementation of measures. For example, the Opinions put forward the requirement of encouraging private enterprises to "carry out key core technology research and actively undertake major national science and technology projects according to regulations". The Several Measures further listed specific areas to support private economies to take the lead in science and technology research, namely industrial software, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, gene and cell medicine, and new energy storage. The policy scope is more clear.

Further launch more powerful measures. For example, the Opinion proposes to "smooth the channels for professional title evaluation in private enterprises", and the Several Measures further clarify that "private enterprises should be granted the right to evaluate their professional titles, and private enterprises above designated size with strong technical capabilities should be allowed to form professional title evaluation committees independently or jointly to carry out independent evaluations". For example, the Opinion proposes that "government service matters shall not be converted into intermediary service matters", and the Several Measures further propose the establishment of a list management system for intermediary service matters related to enterprise administrative licensing. Matters not included in the list shall no longer be accepted as conditions for administrative approval.

Further implement incentive constraints. The "Several Measures" propose to include the implementation of support for the development of private economy in various regions in the annual comprehensive inspection of the State Council, supervise and rectify the problems found, and promote good experiences and practices. In addition, it is proposed to establish a special incentive support program for promoting private investment within the central budget, providing incentive support to a group of cities and counties with fast growth, high proportion, strong vitality, and practical measures for private investment every year. These measures will mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties to support the development and growth of the private economy by rewarding advanced individuals and setting examples.

Promote fair access, strengthen factor support, and address prominent issues in bidding and tendering

Market access is the core link for private economy to engage in market activities. Several measures have been proposed around promoting fair access. "In recent years, some progress has been made in relaxing the access of private enterprises, but some regions and departments still have unreasonable access restrictions on private enterprises. The recently issued" Opinions "propose to" continuously break down market access barriers "to solve various problems encountered in the market access of private enterprises." Wang Shancheng said that he will quickly launch the revision of the fifth version of the negative list of market access and continue to promote the reduction of list items; Comprehensively carry out efficiency evaluation and accelerate the formation of systematic access arrangements in key areas; Further increase the investigation, collection, notification, interview, and rectification efforts of typical cases, and create a more fair market access environment for the healthy development of the private economy.

Since the beginning of this year, the tax department has implemented various tax and fee support policies that benefit the private economy. "In the first half of the year, private economy taxpayers, including small and micro enterprises and individual businesses, added 704.9 billion yuan in tax reduction, fee reduction, and deferred tax refunds, accounting for 76% of the total, which is the main beneficiaries of the policy. Dai Shiyou, Director of the Policy and Regulations Department of the State Administration of Taxation, stated that the" Several Measures "have clarified some tax policy measures, such as increasing the July prepayment declaration period as a policy point, allowing enterprises to declare additional deductions for research and development expenses incurred in the first half of the year, etc." The tax department will use greater efforts, more favorable policies, and better services to accurately and effectively support the development and growth of the private economy. "

The "Several Measures" propose to carry out special governance of prominent issues in engineering construction bidding and tendering. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission has initiated this work in conjunction with relevant departments. "According to the requirements, local governments and relevant departments will conduct spot checks on projects that must be tendered in accordance with the law since the beginning of this year, with a proportion of no less than 10% in principle, to verify whether there are any illegal or irregular situations in these projects throughout the bidding process." Meng Wei, Director of the Regulations Department and spokesperson of the National Development and Reform Commission, stated that the special governance focuses on identifying problems, correcting deviations, addressing shortcomings, and implementing measures to achieve practical results. For example, in response to serious disruptions to market order such as collusion and collusion in bidding, and the attachment of qualifications, administrative supervision departments at all levels will resolutely crack down with a zero tolerance attitude. Cases that have a negative impact will be punished severely in accordance with the law and reported for exposure.

"Throughout 2022, 70% of enterprises withdrew from the market through the simplified deregistration process." Zhang Shu, a second level inspector of the Registration Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, stated that in recent years, the State Administration for Market Regulation has jointly launched multiple deregistration facilitation measures with multiple departments, implementing classified policies to promote the "one thing" reform of enterprise deregistration. "Next, we will further improve the ordinary deregistration system by optimizing process design, reducing announcement waiting time, clarifying the main responsibility of enterprises, improving post relief channels, and strengthening credit punishment measures, while ensuring the safety of market transactions, to improve market exit efficiency."

Accelerate the construction of a unified national market and promote market-oriented allocation of factors

Promoting the development and growth of the private economy is a systematic project that involves a wide range, a long policy chain, and multiple work processes. "For a long time, the National Development and Reform Commission has not only focused on solving the difficulties faced by private enterprises, but also continuously provided a good institutional environment for the development of the private economy through the construction of a unified national market and the reform of factor market-oriented allocation." Wang Shancheng introduced the relevant progress and next steps.

Accelerate the construction of a unified national market. In 2022, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a National Unified Market were issued and implemented. The National Development and Reform Commission organized various regions to carry out self-examination and cleaning, and issued a series of supporting policies around strengthening the unity of market basic institutional rules, promoting the unity of factor and resource markets, promoting high-level unity of commodity and service markets, and promoting fair and unified market supervision. A number of prominent problems were rectified. The next step is to establish a system for rectifying improper intervention in the construction of the national unified market and reporting typical cases through interviews, and accelerate the improvement of supporting policies.

Promote market-oriented allocation of factors. The pilot work of deepening the entry of rural collective operating construction land into the market has been fully launched, and the policy of opening up and expanding urban household registration has been steadily and orderly implemented. The reform of the stock issuance registration system has been comprehensively implemented, and the responsibilities for reviewing and supervising the issuance of company and enterprise bonds have been unified. We have also promoted the formation of an interconnected technology trading network and accelerated the construction of a unified data infrastructure system. In recent years, reform measures in various element fields have been implemented one after another. Next, we will improve the unified land and labor markets for urban and rural areas, accelerate the development of a unified capital market, accelerate the cultivation of a unified technology and data market, break down the segmentation and multi track operation of factor markets, and promote the coordination of factor market systems in various fields in policy orientation, mutual promotion in implementation, and mutual benefit in reform effectiveness.

"The National Development and Reform Commission has established a communication and exchange mechanism with private enterprises, which will adhere to the extensive collection of problems encountered by private enterprises, effectively help them solve problems, and give them a genuine sense of gain." Wang Shancheng said.

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