Economic Essay | Nine Sentences to Help You Understand China's Half Year Economic Report High Quality | Development | Economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:13 AM

From the latest released data, it can be seen that in the first half of this year, the overall operation of the Chinese economy has rebounded and improved, demonstrating strong resilience. At the same time, the external environment is still complex and faces many risks and challenges.

The following nine sentences may help you better understand this semi annual report on the Chinese economy.

Economic Essay | Nine Sentences to Help You Understand China's Half Year Economic Report High Quality | Development | Economy

At the beginning of the year, the transition of epidemic prevention and control was completed, and China's economy and society fully resumed normal operation. Globally, the direct hindrance of the COVID-19 epidemic to economic activities has gradually passed, but the derivative impact of this century's epidemic has not "left on the same train" as the epidemic itself. For example, the three-year epidemic has had a certain impact on the income of many enterprises and residents, resulting in a decrease in their financial situation. For example, in the past three years, the macroeconomic policies of some major economies in Europe and America have undergone drastic adjustments, and their spillover effects have spread to this day. It has been difficult for the Chinese economy to overcome the impact and recover in the past six months.

The Chinese economy is not operating in a vacuum. Since the beginning of this year, the global economic recovery has been weak, trade and investment have slowed down, and global demand has shrunk. This means that the adverse effects of international environmental changes on the Chinese economy are further deepening. In the past six months of the Chinese economy, in addition to the efforts of foreign trade itself, the key is that domestic demand has been "boosted". The possibility of a major reversal in the sluggish recovery of the world economy in the second half of the year is unlikely. For the Chinese economy, on the one hand, foreign trade should continue to leverage its strong production and supply capabilities to capture and create advantages in unfavorable situations; On the other hand, it is still important to make domestic demand more awesome.

Economic Essay | Nine Sentences to Help You Understand China's Half Year Economic Report High Quality | Development | Economy

The sustained recovery of the Chinese economy in the first half of the year was not easy. Summer grain production, just before the harvest, encountered a "rotten rain" locally, relying on the active response of the whole country, and achieved the second highest harvest in history. The effectiveness of various macroeconomic policies has been demonstrated through the combination of punches. Last year's Central Economic Work Conference deployed six "better coordination" measures, none of which were relaxed. Entrepreneurs work hard, overcoming difficulties and seizing opportunities. The recovery in the first half of the year was not a result of waiting or colliding, but rather a result of doing something and seizing it.

Looking at the economic situation, it is worth keeping a close eye on "form" and "momentum". "Form" is present, "momentum" is long-term. "Form" reflects the result of the previous effort, while "momentum" is related to the expectations for the next stage of progress. In the first half of the year, the driving force of consumption on economic growth has significantly increased. The equipment manufacturing industry has grown rapidly, new industries have grown and grown, and new formats have remained active. There is significant pressure on employment, but the overall situation is gradually improving. The current situation of the Chinese economy is recovering and improving, and the long-term positive fundamentals have not changed. The trend of high-quality development is becoming more apparent.

Economic Essay | Nine Sentences to Help You Understand China's Half Year Economic Report High Quality | Development | Economy

The pandemic of the century has brought unprecedented impact to the entire world, which is why there is the saying of economic recovery. And "recovery" does not mean returning all data to its pre pandemic state. The economic operation needs to gradually return to its previous level and normal track, and the practice reflected by more data is not looking back, but looking forward. The optimization of structure, cultivation of new driving forces, more resilient connections between industrial and supply chains, higher levels of regional coordinated development, more security and greenery in development, and so on, are particularly valuable data that reflects the "forward-looking" aspect in the "semi annual report".

The essence of "looking forward" is to pursue "high quality". Under the interweaving of the century long changes and the century long pandemic, the recovery of the Chinese economy may go through more twists and turns and encounter more difficulties than before. In the semi annual report, there are some data reflecting the short-term fluctuations and structural difficulties of the current Chinese economy, which should be taken seriously. At the same time, it is important to note that there is a large amount of data that reflects the improvement of development quality from multiple dimensions. In the more than three years of competing with the impact of the epidemic and the counter current of globalization, we have not delayed in promoting high-quality development and building a new development pattern. From a historical perspective, this point is particularly valuable.

Economic Essay | Nine Sentences to Help You Understand China's Half Year Economic Report High Quality | Development | Economy

By reading the "China Economic Half Year Report", one can see efforts, gains, highlights, as well as risks, challenges, and difficulties. It is worth looking forward to a group of targeted, combined, and collaborative policy measures that are committed to promoting sustained economic recovery and improvement, and are on the way. The "dry goods" in the policy toolbox are being orderly taken out and put into use, while continuously increasing reserves. The many reform measures that were continuously promoted in the opening year will help stimulate the endogenous driving force and vitality of economic development. Building a new development pattern is a development issue, essentially a reform issue.

It is not only the makers of macro policies, but also billions of business entities who have written this "China Economic Half Year Report". They have been struggling in the ups and downs of the market economy, carrying employment, creating wealth, promoting innovation, and reflecting social responsibility. Whether it is the service industry or the manufacturing industry, whether it is traditional industries or strategic emerging industries, which industry lacks a vibrant business entity? One of the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies is to see if they can sustain and widely stimulate the vitality of business entities. In one sentence, never underestimate the resilience and creativity of the majority of business entities. Respect them, help them, and trust them.

Economic Essay | Nine Sentences to Help You Understand China's Half Year Economic Report High Quality | Development | Economy

The Chinese economy is currently in a critical period of economic recovery and industrial upgrading. Faced with the complex world political and economic situation, as well as the interweaving and overlapping of structural problems and cyclical contradictions, economic recovery will not be smooth sailing. The Chinese economy has never walked along a smooth path with ease.

At this time, it is particularly important to maintain strategic composure, enhance development confidence, face challenges head-on, and overcome difficulties. Looking at the Chinese economy comprehensively, dialectically, and in the long run, its positive trend is certain. This is determined by the enormous potential that the Chinese economy can see and touch, the strategic consideration of promoting high-quality development, and the continuous implementation and effectiveness of various decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

Economic Essay | Nine Sentences to Help You Understand China's Half Year Economic Report High Quality | Development | Economy

This determination also inevitably comes from the diligent perseverance and bold creativity of the vast participants in the Chinese economy.

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