During his visit to Jiangsu, Xi Jinping stressed that he should take the lead in promoting Chinese-style modernization and write a new chapter in the modernization of "strong, rich, beautiful and high" new Jiangsu. China | Modernization | Jiangsu

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:31 AM

Former Xi Jinping stressed during his visit to Jiangsu

Take the lead in promoting Chinese path to modernization and demonstrate

Compose a new chapter in the modernization construction of Jiangsu Province with the theme of "strong wealth, beautiful height"

Cai Qi accompanied the inspection

We should fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, continue to set an example in reform and innovation and promote high-quality development, strive to set an example in serving the country to build a new development pattern, take the lead in achieving socialist modernization, strive to promote the new practice of Chinese path to modernization, and write a new chapter of "strong, rich, beautiful and high" new Jiangsu modernization.

From July 5th to 7th, Xi Jinping, accompanied by the Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee Xin Changxing and Governor Xu Kunlin, went to Suzhou, Nanjing and other places to conduct research in industrial parks, enterprises, historical and cultural blocks, and scientific laboratories.

We will continue to expand international cooperation and strive to build a world-class high-tech park that is open and innovative.

He said that the modernization construction of the country has provided a broad stage for young people. At the right time, everyone should seize historical opportunities, showcase their skills, and bravely climb the heights of technology. In the future, you will definitely be proud of your contributions to national rejuvenation.

The Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District, located in the northeast corner of Suzhou Ancient City, has a history of over 2500 years.He said that the excellent traditional Chinese culture has been passed down from generation to generation, demonstrating resilience, patience, and determination, which is a part of the spirit of the Chinese nation.

On the small square by the street, the music is melodious, and local residents and tourists are enjoying the Suzhou Pingtan performance. Seeing the General Secretary coming, everyone greeted him one after another.Suzhou has done a great job in combining tradition and modernity, not only inheriting historical and cultural heritage, but also showcasing high-tech innovation and high-quality development, representing the direction of future development. He told local officials that the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District is a precious asset for inheriting and promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture and strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. It should be well protected, excavated, and utilized, not only in material form, but also in the heart.

He arrived at the Zijinshan Laboratory, walked into the exhibition hall and 6G comprehensive laboratory, and gained a detailed understanding of the progress of major scientific and technological tasks.

NARI Group Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise in the field of energy and Internet under the State Grid Corporation of China.He pointed out that energy security and safety are closely related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and they are the "great things of the country" that cannot be ignored for a moment. We need to accelerate the iteration and upgrading of key technologies and core products, as well as the empowerment of new technology wisdom, to improve the country's energy security and security capabilities.

When leaving the company, Xi Jinping encouraged young R & D personnel to say that everyone is high-spirited and vigorous. They must be determined, down-to-earth, and move forward step by step. With the tenacity of ten years of sharpening a sword, with the persistence of "doing one thing in a lifetime", Tackling high-tech technology and achieving a valuable life.

On the morning of the 7th, Xi Jinping listened to the work reports of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and affirmed the achievements of Jiangsu's various tasks. He hoped that Jiangsu would make new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, and show new achievements in the strong chain and the chain. Explore new experiences in building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and achieve new improvements in promoting the modernization of social governance.

Jiangsu should take the lead in achieving new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, creating an important industrial and technological innovation highland in the country, and making high-quality development rely more on innovation driven connotative growth. We need to strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, promote the gathering of innovative elements in enterprises, and continuously improve the level of scientific and technological achievement transformation and industrialization. We need to deepen the reform of the science and technology system and the talent development system and mechanism, form a basic system that supports comprehensive innovation, diversify and increase investment in science and technology, strengthen the legal protection of intellectual property rights, and fully stimulate the innovation vitality of various talents.

To smooth the domestic and international dual circulation, actively break through bottlenecks and connect breakpoints, continuously innovate new ways and measures to attract foreign investment and expand opening up, build a two-way open hub with global aggregation power, promote innovative development of foreign trade, and continuously consolidate and expand the international market.

Jiangsu should strengthen the protection, inheritance, and innovative development of excellent traditional culture, actively participate in the construction of the two national cultural parks, the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal. We must vigorously develop modern technology and education, and comprehensively enhance the scientific and cultural literacy of the people. To promote the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and industries, we will continue to promote the standardization and equalization of public cultural services in urban and rural areas, solidly carry out the creation of spiritual civilization in urban and rural areas, strengthen the construction of civic morality, promote the construction of a scholarly society, and improve the level of modern civilization in society.

We need to accelerate the improvement of the social security system, improve the employment promotion mechanism and public service system for employment, and do a good job in the employment of key groups. We must adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" and "Pujiang Experience" of the new era, improve the social governance system, improve the urban-rural grassroots governance system and the rural governance collaborative promotion mechanism, and promote the digitization of social governance. We need to promote the modernization of emergency management system and capabilities, carry out in-depth special rectification of safety production, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of major safety accidents.

Meanwhile, some areas are experiencing severe drought, increasing the risk of forest fires. Each region and department should focus on preventing major floods, combating major droughts, and rescuing major disasters, adhere to the principle of putting people first and life first, and take responsibility for safeguarding the land, ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. Efforts should be made to strengthen the inspection and elimination of disaster hazards, make various emergency preparations in advance, and minimize all kinds of losses. The transportation department should strengthen the safety protection of important infrastructure, and the energy and power departments, especially central enterprises, should make every effort to ensure the supply of energy and electricity, ensuring that the economic and social operation is not greatly affected.

Party organizations at all levels should educate and guide party members and cadres to implement the requirements of "emphasizing practice", adhere to the integration of learning, thinking, and application, and the unity of knowledge, belief, and action, correct the orientation of work, enhance the motivation of work, form a joint force of work, and achieve tangible results in promoting work through learning. One is to firmly establish the concept of political achievements that benefit the people, adhere to the development concept centered on the people, adhere to high-quality development, and not engage in greed, reckless behavior, and sensationalism; Persist in seeking practical results through practical measures, and avoid being flashy but not practical, opportunistic, or falsifying data; Persist in laying a foundation for long-term benefits, and do not rush for quick success, focus solely on fishing, or waste money. The second is to muster up the spirit and spirit of work and entrepreneurship, fulfill their duties, take on responsibilities, face difficulties, dare to struggle, seriously rectify negative phenomena such as being picky and afraid of the heavy, lying flat and throwing blame, being perfunctory, and just getting by, and improve the mechanism of taking responsibility as an incentive and protection. The third is to form a good situation of vigorously implementing, fully implementing the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, actively taking the initiative to implement, gathering all efforts to implement, using the spirit of nailing nails to implement, focusing on practical problems to achieve new results in implementing.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the Central Committee, accompanied the inspection.

Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, and officials from relevant departments of the central and state organs accompanied the inspection, while officials from the Sixth Guidance Group of the Central Committee for Theme Education attended the report meeting.

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