Deepening Friendly Cooperation and Creating a Better Future Cooperation | BRICS | A Better Future

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 05:19 AM

"The path of win-win cooperation between South and Central China will become wider and wider."

"Central and South Africa should be the leaders of unity and cooperation," said Mahasha Lampedi, editor in chief of the African Times in South Africa. He said, "South China relations have become a model of African China relations, South South cooperation, and solidarity and cooperation among emerging market countries. South Africa and China have strong economic complementarity and a solid foundation for cooperation, with broad prospects for cooperation and development in areas such as infrastructure construction, digital economy, technological innovation, and energy transformation. Currently, more and more Chinese enterprises are investing in South Africa, and South African specialty products are constantly entering the Chinese market. We believe that the path of South China cooperation and win-win cooperation will become wider and wider."

The South African National Highways Authority recently announced that the construction of the Mentatu Bridge, the highest bridge on the African continent, has officially begun. The project is being undertaken by the South African branch of China Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd. Peterson, the Southern Regional Manager of the South African National Highways Authority, stated that the construction technology of the Mentatu Bridge is difficult, and the smooth commencement of the project has received widespread attention from the South African government and industry. Chinese enterprises have made positive contributions to the infrastructure construction of South Africa.

South Africa's Lumos Group has close cooperation with China in fields such as healthcare, agriculture, and energy. The CEO of the group, Hilton Klein, stated that there is broad space for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. "We are currently in talks with Chinese companies and hope to sell South African beef, mutton, wine, fruits and vegetables to China, so that more high-quality specialty agricultural products from South Africa can enter the Chinese market.".

Kofi Kuaku, Senior Researcher at the Africa China Research Center at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, stated that in recent years, China has achieved remarkable development achievements in areas such as poverty alleviation, energy transformation, and infrastructure construction. Energy shortage is a major challenge that constrains South Africa's development. China is accelerating the planning and construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic base projects in deserts, Gobi and other areas, continuously improving its clean energy supply capacity, and providing useful reference for South Africa. I believe that through deepening cooperation, Chinese wisdom and solutions will continue to provide strong assistance to South Africa in solving its development challenges.

"To contribute to further improving global governance and defending international fairness and justice"

Marcelo Muller, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Tswani University of Technology in South Africa, stated that the current world situation is complex and ever-changing. Only by adhering to true multilateralism and strengthening international cooperation can countries work together to address global challenges such as climate change, public health security, and uneven development. The BRICS cooperation mechanism reflects the unity and cooperation between emerging market countries and developing countries. He said, "China has played a crucial role in promoting BRICS cooperation. We believe that at this meeting of BRICS leaders, China will work together with South Africa and other BRICS partners to promote the BRICS cooperation mechanism and contribute to further improving global governance and defending international fairness and justice."

Elio Doyle, President of Brazilian Communications, stated that the BRICS cooperation has enhanced the voice and influence of emerging market and developing countries. More and more countries are applying to join the BRICS cooperation mechanism, which will further promote global governance democratization and world multipolarity, and strengthen the voice of developing countries in the new international political and economic order.

"It is expected that China will play a greater role in promoting BRICS cooperation in various fields and improving the BRICS cooperation mechanism." Alexander Lomanov, director of the Asia Pacific Research Center of the Institute of World Economics and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, said that China's initiatives to jointly build the "the Belt and Road" initiative, global development initiative, global security initiative, global civilization initiative, etc., with a view to the common future of all mankind, have made important contributions to the extensive participation of emerging market countries and developing countries in BRICS cooperation and common development.

The African National Assembly's Progressive Business Forum in South Africa is committed to promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in South Africa and helping to open up sales channels for agricultural products in rural areas. "The BRICS cooperation mechanism provides an important platform for promoting exchanges and cooperation among member state enterprises." Chu Nala, CEO of the forum, said that the BRICS countries uphold the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation, bringing important opportunities for practical cooperation in agriculture and other fields. "China has been playing an important role in promoting cooperation among the BRICS countries. Currently, agricultural cooperation between South and China is flourishing, which will help South Africa make greater progress in poverty reduction."

"Joining hands on the path of building a community with a shared future between China and Africa in the new era"

In the past 10 years, a large number of projects such as the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Fonjuni Bridge in Senegal, the Kenya Airport Expressway, and the Mombasa Nairobi Railway have been completed and handed over, benefiting the vast African people and strengthening the bridge of friendship between China and Africa.

In Kenya, the Nairobi Expressway and the Mombasa Nairobi Railway have greatly promoted the exchange of people and goods, injecting vitality into Kenya's economic development. Mwencha also participated in the preliminary work of the headquarters building project of the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention. He stated that this project is crucial for fighting diseases and improving public health in Africa.

"African countries need peace and stability, as well as unity and development. There is enormous room for cooperation between Africa and China. Through the China Africa Leaders' Dialogue, both sides will gather strength and take joint action to promote the construction of a new era of China Africa community with a shared future, which will bring better development prospects to Africa."

"Over the past 10 years, through such frameworks as the Forum on China Africa Cooperation and the the Belt and Road Initiative, Africa and China have worked together on the road to building a community of shared future for China and Africa in the new era, and achieved fruitful cooperation." Paul Frimpong, Executive Director of the Ghana China Policy Advisory Center, said that African countries are striving to achieve industrialization and agricultural modernization, and the construction of the African continent's free trade area continues to advance. I believe that the dialogue between the leaders of China and Africa will promote cooperation between the two sides to a higher level and achieve the above development goals.

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