Decoding City Samples of Cultural Confidence | Luoyang is the Most Prosperous in Spring -- Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient Capital of Luoyang City Sample Culture | Industry | Ancient Capital

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:33 PM

If you ask about the rise and fall of ancient and modern times, please only look at Luoyang City.

Luoyang, one of the oldest cities in China. With a history of over 5000 years of civilization, over 4000 years of city building, and over 1500 years of capital building, the Silk Road, Wanli Tea Road, and the Sui and Tang Grand Canal intersect here, leaving a red memory of industrial construction in New China.

This is the Dingdingmen Site Museum, filmed on June 6th in Luoyang, Henan Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hao Yuan

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that only by persisting in moving from history to the future and advancing from the continuation of the national cultural bloodline, can we do a good job today.

Nowadays, this civilized city, industrial city, and open city are continuing to write new stories, stirring up the cultural spring tide of the new era, and showcasing Luoyang's new mission and responsibility.

The City of Civilization: A Millennium Axis with a Long Cultural Context

Decoding City Samples of Cultural Confidence | Luoyang is the Most Prosperous in Spring -- Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient Capital of Luoyang City Sample Culture | Industry | Ancient Capital

"Luoyang is the busiest in spring, with 100000 households surrounded by red, green, and shade. Who knows how to cluster flowers like embroidery? People will learn how to cluster flowers with embroidery." In the midsummer, the sound of reading came from the study camp located near Tianjie in Luoyang, Sui and Tang dynasties. Many tourists dressed in Hanfu, experienced the surging cultural heritage of the ancient capital through activities such as tea drinking, cultural and creative activities, and handicrafts.

Tianjie, the central axis street of Luoyang City during the Sui and Tang dynasties, is the busiest street in Luoyang City. In the "Miscellaneous Records of Daye", Tang Dynasty scholar Du Bao once recorded the bustling scene of Tianjie: "It is a hundred steps wide. The road is lined with cherry and pomegranate plants. From Duanmen to Jianguomen, it is nine miles north and south, with a view in all directions."

Looking north from the Dingding Gate, the central axis of Tianjie is grand and grand. A straight yellow brown road leads straight to the sky, dotted with lush green plants. The prosperous era of the Sui and Tang dynasties palace city is once again restored. Today, this millennium old historical axis remains the cultural activity axis of Luoyang.

Hehe Xiadu, Yanshi Shangcheng, Eastern Zhou Wangcheng, Han Wei Gucheng, Sui Tang Luoyang... In Luoyang, the five major city ruins are lined up in a range of more than 30 kilometers along the east and west of the Luo River, depicting the origin of the early dynasties on the land of He Luo with the momentum of "Five Capitals Gathering in Luo", showcasing the brilliant achievements of Chinese civilization.

On June 6th, tourists visited the Summer Capital Site Museum in Erlitou. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hao Yuan

This is a photo taken on June 6th at the Erlitou Xiadu Site Museum. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hao Yuan

Decoding City Samples of Cultural Confidence | Luoyang is the Most Prosperous in Spring -- Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient Capital of Luoyang City Sample Culture | Industry | Ancient Capital

In 1959, the discovery of the Erlitou Site opened up the dusty origins and memories of Chinese civilization.

About 3800 years ago, the Erlitou culture, which was born in the Luoyang area, opened the prelude to the civilization of Chinese dynasties with its earliest urban road network, earliest palace and palace architectural complexes, and earliest bronze ritual vessels.

Afterwards, thirteen dynasties including Shang, Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, and Tang successively established their capitals in Luoyang. This place is at the pinnacle of humanities and unparalleled for a time. Laozi wrote articles and Confucius went to the Zhou Dynasty to pay his respects; Ban Gu wrote the Book of Han, Sima Guang compiled the Comprehensive Mirror of Zizhi, and Ouyang Xiu et al. compiled the New Book of Tang; Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi pioneered the Song Dynasty's Neo Confucianism; The "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" gather here, composing a splendid chapter; Zuo Si wrote a poem titled "Ode to the Three Capitals", which was briefly described as "expensive paper in Luoyang"

"The Heluo culture centered around Luoyang is an important source of Chinese culture and constitutes an important component of Chinese civilization," said Xue Fang, Chief Engineer of Luoyang Cultural Relics Bureau.

The context continues due to upholding integrity, and goes far due to innovation.

Tourists are visiting the Ying Tianmen Site Museum in the Sui Tang Luoyang City National Heritage Park in Luoyang, Henan Province. Shen Jizhong

Decoding City Samples of Cultural Confidence | Luoyang is the Most Prosperous in Spring -- Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient Capital of Luoyang City Sample Culture | Industry | Ancient Capital

Opening the layout map of Luoyang Museum, "cultural treasure troves" emerge before us. With a permanent population of 7.07 million and 102 museums, there is an average of one museum for every 70000 people. With 3 World Cultural Heritage sites and 6 sites, 51 national key cultural relics protection units, 146 provincial-level cultural relics protection units, and more than 9000 immovable cultural relics, Luoyang has a rich historical and cultural heritage, making it known as the "Capital of Oriental Museums".

Relying on its resource advantages, Luoyang has proposed the concept of "disruptive creativity, immersive experience, youthful consumption, and mobile communication". Nowadays, the protection of the Luoyang Grand Site and the construction of the Site Park are highlighted, with a batch of cultural scenes integrating spatial play, intangible cultural heritage experience, immersive interaction, etc. emerging one after another. Excellent cultural and creative projects and products have broken through the "circle". From January to May this year, the total number of tourists received in Luoyang was 61.6774 million, with a total revenue of 45.195 billion yuan.

In the new era, Luoyang solidly promotes the revitalization and utilization of historical and cultural resources, striving to bring to life the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on vast land, and the characters written in ancient books. This will demonstrate greater responsibility in enhancing historical consciousness, strengthening cultural confidence, and inheriting and promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Industrial City: Although the Zhou Dynasty was an old state, its destiny was reformed

The Su style historical architectural complex, modern cultural and creative experience hall... Walking into the Luoyang Tianxin Cultural Industry Park, it feels like entering a "time tunnel". This old factory area, which once gave birth to the first roller in New China, has now become a cultural industry park that integrates catering, entertainment, culture, art, and sports.

In the early 1950s, a group of Chinese and foreign experts came to Luoyang to plan the construction of an industrial base for New China. At that time, the newly developed China began to implement the first Five Year Plan, and groups of students, workers, and cadres from all over the country gathered in Luoyang to write an important chapter in the history of manufacturing in New China.

Decoding City Samples of Cultural Confidence | Luoyang is the Most Prosperous in Spring -- Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient Capital of Luoyang City Sample Culture | Industry | Ancient Capital

During the "First Five Year Plan" period, 7 out of 156 key national backbone projects settled in Luoyang. Along Jianshe Road in Jianxi District, Luoyang, a batch of factories including Luoyang Mining Machinery Factory, First Tractor Manufacturing Factory, and Luoyang Bearing Factory are arranged in a row. On July 20, 1958, the first tractor manufactured by the Chinese themselves, the Dongfanghong 54 tracked tractor, was taken offline here, marking the beginning of China's agricultural mechanization.

Workers are assembling Dongfanghong tractors in the production workshop of China Yituo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Haoran

Nowadays, the Jianxi Soviet style architectural complex in Luoyang has been listed as a national key cultural relic protection unit, some factories of CITIC Heavy Industry and Yituo Group have been rated as the second batch of national industrial heritage, and the Jianxi industrial heritage block has been selected as a famous historical and cultural street in China... These enduring "red memories" in the hearts of the people of Luoyang, after decades of wind and rain, have shone with a unique brilliance.

"Luoyang has preserved a large amount of industrial heritage and historical buildings. These active explorations of industrial construction in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China have outlined the unique urban image of Luoyang and become valuable cultural assets of the new era." said Wang Yunhong, a professor at the School of Humanities of Henan University of Science and Technology and deputy director of the Luoyang Industrial Heritage Cultural Research Institute.

History is rolling forward, and the times are surging and changing.

About 3800 years ago, the raging flames in the melting furnace of the royal capital of Erlitou ignited the earliest bronze civilization of the Chinese nation; At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Luoyang, which created countless treasures of Chinese culture, began to shine with the light of the industrial revolution; At present, Luoyang has stimulated new advantages in the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. A modern industrial city with prominent advantages in heavy industry and emerging intelligent equipment stands tall on the shores of the Luo River.

Decoding City Samples of Cultural Confidence | Luoyang is the Most Prosperous in Spring -- Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient Capital of Luoyang City Sample Culture | Industry | Ancient Capital

A group of traditional enterprises such as Yituo and Luozhou have grown into "new era leaders" through transformation, upgrading, and advantage reconstruction; The overall design of Luoyang Petrochemical's million ton ethylene project has been approved, and the first batch of six provincial-level major projects at Longmen Laboratory have been fully launched. A large number of iconic projects such as Zhongzhou Times, Huawei Technology, and Hailan Group have successfully landed, with supporting enterprises flocking in

In 2022, the scale of the top ten industrial clusters in Luoyang reached 240 billion yuan, and now it is marching towards a trillion level advanced manufacturing base.

Open City: The Silk Road stretches for thousands of miles

On May 18th, a China Europe freight train loaded with 100 standard boxes of photovoltaic materials, bus accessories, mechanical equipment, and other goods departed from Dongfanghong International Land Port and headed towards the five Central Asian countries.

Openness is an important symbol of civilization and the foundation of Luoyang's millennium development. Ban Gu of the Han Dynasty described it in his "Dongdu Fu" as follows: Luoyi is located in the middle of the earth, easy to reach, and converges in all directions.

Superior geographical location nurtures open genes. More than 1900 years ago, Ban Chao set off from Luoyang and headed straight to the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The Silk Road, which had been interrupted for more than half a century since the end of the Western Han Dynasty, was reopened, and since then, there has been a continuous flow of camels and horses.

Decoding City Samples of Cultural Confidence | Luoyang is the Most Prosperous in Spring -- Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient Capital of Luoyang City Sample Culture | Industry | Ancient Capital

In 605 AD, the Grand Canal was excavated, and goods and merchants traveling from south to north converged in the eastern capital of Luoyang, forming a north-south water transportation network radiating northeast and southeast with Luoyang as the center.

At this point, the canal and the Silk Road complement each other, making Luoyang the Luoyang of the world.

Footprints, rutting marks, camel hoof marks... On the Tang Dynasty road surface displayed on the south side of the Dingdingmen Site in Luoyang City during the Sui and Tang dynasties, clear and distinguishable historical traces make people feel as if they can hear the waves of camel bells that came from the Silk Road thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years ago, as one of the starting points of the Silk Road in the East, camel bells and porcelain bottles jingled here. Thousands of years later, as an important node city of the Silk Road Economic Belt and a participant and practitioner of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, Luoyang's foreign trade "circle of friends" has expanded to 215 countries and regions, and 475 kinds of "Luoyang made" goods have gone global. The open development pattern of "five zones linkage" in free trade zones, self created zones, high-tech zones, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive trial zones, and comprehensive protection zones is reproducing the prosperity of merchants and the Silk Road.

Civilization is colorful through communication and enriched through mutual learning. On April 27th, the 4th World Ancient Capital Forum and Asian Cultural Heritage Protection Action Youth Forum closed at the Sui Tang Grand Canal Cultural Museum in Luoyang. Representatives from 17 countries, including China, Cambodia, Iran, and Uzbekistan, attended the meeting to explore the role of youth in the protection and inheritance of ancient capital cultural heritage.

This is the giant peony landscape design of the Sui and Tang City Site Botanical Garden in Luoyang City. Shen Jizhong

Decoding City Samples of Cultural Confidence | Luoyang is the Most Prosperous in Spring -- Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient Capital of Luoyang City Sample Culture | Industry | Ancient Capital

One flower attracts a hundred flowers to bloom. In recent years, Luoyang has accelerated the construction of an international cultural exchange center through cultural exchange festivals such as the Peony Culture Festival, Heluo Culture Tourism Festival, and Zhongyuan International Cultural Tourism Industry Expo. Among them, the Luoyang Peony Culture Festival and its series of activities attract about 20 million domestic and foreign tourists annually.

Openness attracts young people. Luoyang has launched dozens of heavyweight measures to build a youth friendly city: more than 20 youth stations and over 1500 beds are available for young people to stay in Luoyang for free; Within 5 years, 100000 new affordable rental housing units will be established, with priority given to young college students who come to Luoyang for employment and entrepreneurship; Creating a new landmark for youth gathering that integrates leisure and entertainment, cultural experience, and sightseeing

On the land of Heluo, the fusion of history and culture, the collision of tradition and innovation, the burst of youth and vitality, and the combination of openness and integration... Luoyang, which is forging ahead on the new journey of Chinese path to modernization, plays the strongest voice of high-quality development in the new era.

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