[daily learning] to be responsible, responsible and responsible in every party organization, every post party organization | grass-roots | learning

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:45 AM

Xi Jinping: it is necessary to supervise and urge the implementation of the responsibility of administering the party strictly in an all-round way, earnestly solve the problem of the weakening and weakening of the leadership and supervision of the party at the grass-roots level, and reflect responsibility, responsibility, and responsibility in every party organization and every post.

This passage comes from the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on January 13, 2020.

Grassroots party organizations, party members, and the masses are the closest, and they are an important force for the party and government to closely connect with the masses. They are the "last mile" for implementing the decisions, deployments, and requirements of the party central committee. Only when grassroots party members and cadres always remain clear headed and conscientiously carry out their work with a high sense of responsibility, can the party's policies and guidelines be implemented, and the urgent and difficult problems reflected by the people can be solved. The fighting fortress role of grassroots party organizations, as well as their centripetal and cohesive force towards the people, can be truly exerted.

Valuing the construction of grassroots party organizations is a fine tradition and valuable experience of our party.From educating and guiding grassroots party members and cadres to carry out educational and practical activities on the Party's mass line, to the special education on "three stricts and three realities", urging grassroots party organizations to continuously strengthen and standardize political life within the Party, and actively create a healthy and upward political culture within the Party; From combining the implementation of the eight point regulations of the central government, focusing on the problem of some grassroots party members and cadres being mediocre, lazy, lax, slow, and procrastinating in their inaction and disorderly behavior, to requiring grassroots party organizations to regularly listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses, and sincerely help the masses solve practical difficulties encountered in work and life, through unremitting efforts, the problem of the weakening and weakening of grassroots party leadership and supervision has gradually been effectively solved, and the role of grassroots party organizations in various regions and industries has significantly increased. As of the end of 2022, a total of 289000 grassroots party committees, 320000 general branches, and 4.456 million branches were established nationwide, an increase of 11000, 4000, and 114000 respectively compared to the previous year. The organizational structure is more scientific and standardized. The Party Committee of Saihanba Machinery Forest Farm, which was once rated as the "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization," closely relied on 23 grassroots Party organizations and 543 Party members to unite and lead all the staff of the forest farm. Over the past 60 years, they devoted themselves to afforestation and created a miracle of turning wasteland into a sea of forests. In the process of poverty alleviation and comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization, a large number of grassroots party organizations in rural areas fully play the role of battle fortresses and leaders, explore the integration model of "party building+industry", and strive to lead villagers on the road to prosperity and revitalization.

The key to achieving the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation lies in the Party. On the new journey, we must follow the clear guidance of "focusing on grassroots governance" proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, effectively promote grassroots governance led by party building, focus on improving the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations, and build grassroots party organizations into strong fortresses for effectively realizing the leadership and will of the party. We must reflect the requirements of responsibility, compliance, and diligence in the work positions of each party organization and party member, and continuously transform the advantages and vitality of party building work into the effectiveness and momentum of promoting grassroots governance.

Special expert for this issue: Yu Qin, China Integrity Research Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

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