Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Providing Comprehensive and Full Cycle Health Services for the People General Secretary | People | Comprehensive

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 19:22 PM

Learning keeps us energized forever

Serving the people is an essential requirement for building the Party for the public and governing for the people, fully demonstrating our Party's firm stance on the people. CCTV's "Daily Learning" has launched a special series of plans for "Practicing the People with Diligence", focusing on the happiness of people's livelihoods and understanding the aspirations of the people and the direction of politics together with you.

Ensuring people's health is not only a matter of vital interest to the people, but also an inherent requirement for promoting high-quality development and creating a high-quality life. Human beings are the most active factor in productivity and the practical foundation of social development. We must start with promoting and ensuring people's health, and prioritize people's health in our strategic development.

The issue of seeking medical treatment is one of the most concerning livelihood issues for the people, and it is also deeply concerned by General Secretary.

Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Providing Comprehensive and Full Cycle Health Services for the People General Secretary | People | Comprehensive

In Desheng Village, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, when the General Secretary heard villager Xu Haicheng say that "the main cost of family expenses is for the spouse to see a doctor," he specifically advised, "In rural areas, medical insurance for major illnesses should be affordable, so as not to return to poverty due to illness."

In Yongfeng Village, Taihe Town, Meishan, Sichuan, the General Secretary walked into the village health station and inquired in detail about the price of medicine. He said with concern, "Clothing, food, housing, and transportation, as well as medicine, are the things that the people are most concerned about. We need to develop more new varieties, innovative drugs, and domestically produced drugs to stabilize drug prices and benefit the people."

Ask for the people, ask for advice from the people. In recent years, guiding documents such as the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Medical Security System, the 14th Five Year Plan for National Medical Security, and the Opinions on Further Improving the Medical and Health Service System have been released, ushering in a new stage of development for medical public services for urban and rural residents in China.

At the same time, the reform of China's medical and health system continues to deepen, and the total amount of medical and health service resources continues to grow. China has built the world's largest and universal basic medical security network; The three-level network of medical and health services covering urban and rural areas is continuously improving, and 90% of households can reach the nearest medical point within 15 minutes; The number of insured individuals in the national basic medical insurance has reached 1.34 billion, and the proportion of personal health expenses to total health expenses has decreased to 27.7%; The country has launched drug price negotiations and centralized bidding for drug procurement, resulting in a significant reduction in drug prices.

Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Providing Comprehensive and Full Cycle Health Services for the People General Secretary | People | Comprehensive

Medical treatment has become more convenient, the burden has been reduced, and medication prices have become cheaper. The public's sense of health gain has increased, and the expectation of having a medical treatment for illness has become a reality.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed for the first time the new proposition of "improving policies to promote people's health", which regards adhering to the principle of facing people's lives and health as an important part of accelerating the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

Standardize the "Internet plus+medical" service model, promote the incremental improvement of the quality of the medical team, and widely apply advanced medical technology... China's medical service capacity continues to improve, the comprehensive reform of public hospitals has been carried out in an all-round way, medical resources have moved from wide coverage to high quality, and gradually achieve "good doctors for diseases".

On December 20, 2022, in the "fever clinic" of Ningxia Internet Hospital, doctors provide online consultation services for patients.

The number of medical personnel is constantly increasing and their quality is constantly improving. At the end of 2022, there were 4.4 million practicing physicians and assistant physicians, and 5.2 million registered nurses in China. At the same time, grassroots doctors leverage the institutional advantages of medical consortia to continuously improve their diagnostic and treatment skills through expert guidance and further education at higher-level hospitals.

The medical technology capability and medical quality level continue to improve. A group of medical technologies that have reached or led the international advanced level have been widely applied in clinical practice, filling multiple regional technological gaps.


Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Providing Comprehensive and Full Cycle Health Services for the People General Secretary | People | Comprehensive

From "difficult and expensive to seek medical treatment" and "delaying minor illnesses and enduring major ones" to "spending less money, traveling less, and curing illnesses", it is more convenient, affordable, and efficient for the general public to seek medical treatment. The national average life expectancy has increased from 74.4 years in 2012 to 78.2 years in 2021, and the healthy foundation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is constantly being consolidated.

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Planning by Liu Zhen

Editor Wang Zhuojie

Visual | Hao Fenglin

Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Providing Comprehensive and Full Cycle Health Services for the People General Secretary | People | Comprehensive

Proofreading | Liu Zhen, Sun Jie, Yan Tiantian, Song Chunyan, Fan Lijun, Li Yingzhuo

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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