Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Education with Quality to Strengthen General Secretary | Needs | Education

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:34 PM

Learning keeps us energized forever

Serving the people is an essential requirement for building the Party for the public and governing for the people, fully demonstrating our Party's firm stance on the people. CCTV's "Daily Learning" has launched a special series of plans for "Practicing the People with Diligence", focusing on the happiness of people's livelihoods and understanding the aspirations of the people and the direction of politics together with you.

Our people love life every day, hoping for better education, more stable jobs, more satisfactory income, more reliable social security, higher levels of medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions, and a more beautiful environment. We hope that children can grow better, work better, and live better. The people's longing for a better life is our goal of struggle

Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Education with Quality to Strengthen General Secretary | Needs | Education

Building an education powerhouse is based on basic education.At this school where elementary and middle school were spent, the General Secretary emphasized the two important meanings of basic education - the cause of cultivating morality and talents, and the foundation project for improving national quality.

According to data from the Ministry of Education, as of 2022, there are a total of 20.16 million schools in China's compulsory education stage, with 10.6546 million full-time teachers and 159 million students, making it the longest and most populous stage in the entire education system. On the basis of comprehensive popularization, compulsory education in our country takes balanced development as its strategic task. After achieving basic balanced development in counties, it is moving towards a stage of high-quality and balanced development.

This is General Secretary's on-site teaching and participation in discussions at the Li De Lou Guan Mo Ideological and Political Course Smart Classroom.

Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Education with Quality to Strengthen General Secretary | Needs | Education

Building a strong education country, the leader is higher education. On the occasion of the upcoming May Fourth Youth Day in 2022, General Secretary visited Renmin University of China for inspection. In this first new formal university founded by the CPC, the General Secretary stressed that China has a unique history, unique culture and unique national conditions. To build a world-class university with Chinese characteristics, we should not follow the example of others, but simply take foreign universities as the standard and model. Instead, we should take root in China and blaze a new path to build a world-class university with Chinese characteristics.

In the ten years since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has built the world's largest higher education system, and higher education has entered the universally recognized stage of popularization. More than 800 graduate training units across the country have sent over 600000 doctoral and 6.5 million master's students to the main battlefield of economic and social development, providing strong talent support for the development of the Party and the country.

To build an education powerhouse, vocational education is an important growth pole.

In the past decade of the new era, China's vocational education system has provided over 61 million high-quality workers and technical skilled personnel for various industries. These graduates with unique skills have gone to industries such as advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, and modern service industries, becoming young forces supporting the transformation and upgrading of the national industrial structure, and promoting the improvement of China's manufacturing and service levels.

Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Education with Quality to Strengthen General Secretary | Needs | Education

Today, China has built the world's largest education system, transforming spring into rain, strengthening the foundation and nurturing the foundation, implementing precise policies, and striving for strength with quality. The high-quality development of education is not only related to the improvement of population quality, but also an important driving force for the high-quality development of the country's economy and society.

Inheriting and promoting the fine tradition of valuing learning and promoting education, taking a big step from "learning with education" to "learning with excellent education", is not only for people's livelihood, but also for the national strategy; Merit is present, but it is more beneficial in the future.

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Education with Quality to Strengthen General Secretary | Needs | Education

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Planning by Liu Zhen

Editor Lu Yang

Visual | Hao Fenglin

Proofreading | Cai Chunlin, Li Danfan, Lijun, Yan Tiantian

Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior for the People | Education with Quality to Strengthen General Secretary | Needs | Education

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

Guiding the right direction for promoting the development of the international human rights cause -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance triggered a warm response to the high-end forum on global human rights governance
Guiding the right direction for promoting the development of the international human rights cause -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance triggered a warm response to the high-end forum on global human rights governance

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The overall stable operation of domestic prices - Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data month | year-on-year | Overall
The overall stable operation of domestic prices - Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data month | year-on-year | Overall

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 9th (Xinhua) -- The overall stability of domestic prices -- Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data. Xinhua News Agency reporters Wei Yukun and Han Jianuo released data on June 9th, showing that consumer demand continued to recover in May, with the national consumer price index rising by 0.2% year-on-year, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month; Excluding food and energy prices, the core CPI increased by 0.6% year-on-year, and the overall operation of domestic prices remained stable. In China's CPI basket of goods, food accounts for a relatively high proportion. In May, food prices increased by 1% year-on-year, an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to the previous month. Among them, the prices of poultry, edible oil, and fresh fruits have increased by 5.6%, 3.6%, and 3.4% respectively, with all increases falling back; The price of pork has decreased from a 4% increase last month

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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The National Version Museum of China has undergone three years of construction and was completed on July 23, 2022