Daily Learning | Guarding the Cultural Roots with the Heart of the Red Child | Complete Collection of Song Paintings with Eternal Paintings and Digital Freshness | Project | Culture

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:35 AM

[Editor's note] "Chinese excellent traditional culture is the crystallization and essence of the wisdom of Chinese civilization, and the root and soul of the Chinese nation." Keeping the cultural roots and keeping the soul of the nation has always been the thinking and doing of General Secretary Xi Jinping. The "Learning Every Day" column of CCTV specially planned a series of manuscripts entitled "the Heart of a Childlike son guarding the Cultural Roots" to feel with you the heart of the General Secretary in inheriting Chinese civilization and guarding the cultural roots.

Learn from the prosperous times every day and continue the cultural context. Chinese painting throughout history is a treasure of excellent traditional Chinese culture. In September 2022, the exhibition of the achievements of the "Shengshi Xiudian - 'A Series of Chinese Painting Throughout the Ages'" was unveiled at the National Museum of China, which was breathtaking.

Domestic collections and ancient Chinese painting treasures scattered around the world are gathered together through high-definition sample images. More than 1700 national treasure level painting classics from various dynasties, such as "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", "Hairpin Flower Maid", "Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain", etc., have emerged from history and come to life in light and shadow

For more than ten years, under the personal promotion and support of Xi Jinping, the "Chinese Painting Series of Past Dynasties" has been compiled and published, and the eternal Danqing has regained its digital rebirth and once again shines in front of the world.

This large-scale, historical, and national-level major cultural project is not only a major landmark achievement of cultural construction in the new era, but also a vivid practice of General Secretary Xi Jinping's integrity, innovation, self-confidence and self-improvement of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

"This idea is great and worth striving for."

In July 2005, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, gave instructions on the proposal report on the compilation and publication of the collection of Song paintings in the Palace Museum on both sides of the strait, and arranged for special personnel to study and put forward a realizable plan.

The project was ultimately determined as the Complete Collection of Song Paintings and included in the Zhejiang Cultural Research Project.

The major series of Chinese painting throughout history originated from this.

Daily Learning | Guarding the Cultural Roots with the Heart of the Red Child | Complete Collection of Song Paintings with Eternal Paintings and Digital Freshness | Project | Culture

Every civilization continues the spiritual bloodline of a country and nation, which requires not only passing on the torch and generations of protection, but also keeping up with the times and being brave in innovation.

The Song Dynasty reached its heyday in the development history of Chinese painting, and Hangzhou, which was once the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, witnessed the cultural prosperity of that time. However, in the limited level of science and technology at that time, paintings were difficult to preserve or replicate. Women and children could recite Song poetry, but few common people saw Song paintings.

Due to its long history, Song paintings are rare and widely circulated. Today, the complete and high-quality publication of Song Dynasty painting collections through digital technology and advanced printing techniques is an inevitable choice for the progress of the times and a practical requirement for improving the spiritual and cultural life of the public.

Zhang Xi, then head of the "Complete Works of Song Paintings" project and secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University, recalled that in March 2007, on the eve of his new job in Shanghai, Xi Jinping repeatedly encouraged everyone to ensure the quality of the "Complete Works of Song Paintings" project.

In July 2008, the Zhejiang University project team rushed out a sample manuscript of "The Complete Works of Song Paintings", which was reported in writing to Xi Jinping, and submitted a preface to him for approval.

Xi Jinping reviewed the preface and gave instructions: "The compilation of the Complete Works of Song Paintings has been carried out very well, and I congratulate you! I hope to make persistent efforts, start and finish well, and complete this glorious historical task."

On December 28, 2008, the first eight volumes of the Complete Collection of Song Paintings were officially published.

Many experts, scholars, and readers believe that the Complete Collection of Song Paintings is the most complete and authoritative collection of Song Dynasty paintings to date, and a successful compilation and integration of Chinese image literature. Some readers also exclaimed, "The publication of this set of books has fulfilled the Chinese dream of countless generations of artists!"

On July 1, 2023, the audience visited the "Shengshi Xiudian - Exhibition of the Achievements of the" Chinese Painting Series "- Ningbo Special Exhibition" at the Ningbo Art Museum in Zhejiang Province.

Daily Learning | Guarding the Cultural Roots with the Heart of the Red Child | Complete Collection of Song Paintings with Eternal Paintings and Digital Freshness | Project | Culture

Upon learning that the project team's next plan is to publish the "Chinese Painting Series", he further instructed, "The plan for the" Chinese Painting Series "is very good. We can actively report to relevant departments and seek support from all parties. We hope that you will continue to work hard to promote excellent traditional Chinese culture and make new and greater contributions to the construction of Zhejiang as a cultural province."

At a critical moment, this important instruction once again pointed the way for the project team.

On the evening of the 26th, he took the time out of his busy schedule to meet with Zhang Xi, the project leader of the "Chinese Painting Series of All Dynasties", carefully read the sample book of the "Chinese Painting Series of All Dynasties", and listened to the relevant work reports in detail.

"The next afternoon, at the work report meeting of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Government, he once again affirmed the significance of this project," Zhang Xi recalled.

From the first approval of the "Complete Collection of Song Paintings" project to personally promoting the compilation and publication of the "major series of Chinese painting throughout history", General Secretary has devoted a lot of effort and earnest expectations to every key node and period of the project.

Chinese art is an important carrier of Chinese culture and a visual record of the progress of Chinese civilization. The compilation and sorting of the "Major Series of Painting in Chinese History" focuses on the past, links to the present, and faces the future.

Experts have pointed out that the "major series of Chinese painting throughout history" fully restores the evolution of ancient Chinese painting and deeply presents the cultural context of the Chinese nation. Some experts also believe that in order to achieve integrity and innovation, it is necessary to pass on the "true scriptures" to the next generation, and the "major series of Chinese painting throughout history" can be said to have made great contributions.

In September 2022, the "Shengshi Xiudian - 'Chinese Painting Series of All Dynasties'" was held at the National Museum of China, with an average of over 15000 visitors per day, making it a phenomenal cultural feast for the whole nation. As early as June of the same year, at the Jiaxing Special Exhibition, among the 120000 visitors in just over two months, the proportion of people born between "80" and "00" reached 78%.

Visitors are watching the Jiaxing Special Exhibition of "Shengshi Xiudian - 'Chinese Painting Series of All Dynasties'" at the Jiaxing Cultural and Art Center in Zhejiang Province.

Daily Learning | Guarding the Cultural Roots with the Heart of the Red Child | Complete Collection of Song Paintings with Eternal Paintings and Digital Freshness | Project | Culture

To promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and to continue to inherit the only uninterrupted civilization in the world, the General Secretary has always been mindful and personally.

At the Wenhua Hall, a set of "Complete Works of Song Paintings" once again caught his attention.

"This is a project that Zhang Xi from Zhejiang University was responsible for when I was working in Zhejiang. First, I compiled the" Complete Collection of Song Paintings ", and later expanded it to the" Major Department of Chinese Painting Throughout the Ages ". Not only in Zhejiang, but also in extensive cooperation with both domestic and international partners."

After more than ten years, the General Secretary's attention has remained consistent.

"In a prosperous era, our country is prosperous, society is safe and stable, and we have the willingness and ability to inherit national culture. We must accomplish this great task well," said General Secretary.

The rebirth of ancient Chinese painting in the digital world is not only the inheritance and continuation of history, but also the greatest contribution of excellent traditional Chinese culture in the new era to the inheritance of human civilization.

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Daily Learning | Guarding the Cultural Roots with the Heart of the Red Child | Complete Collection of Song Paintings with Eternal Paintings and Digital Freshness | Project | Culture

Planning Li Shanshan

Editor | Sun Xiaoyuan

Visual | Hao Fenglin

Proofreading Li Dan Sun Jie Liang Yaqin Lou Hao

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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