[Daily Learning, Beauty of Villages] Put Industrial Development to Promote Farmers' Income Increase Farmers | Villages | Learning

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:34 AM

Xi Jinping: We must promote the revitalization of rural industries, focus on the development of modern agriculture, focus on the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries, build a rural industrial system, realize industrial prosperity, and focus industrial development on promoting farmers' income.

This passage comes from the speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping during the deliberation of the Shandong delegation at the first session of the 13th National people's Congress on March 8, 2018.

Rural areas must be revitalized, and industries must be revitalized. With industries in rural areas, farmers can have more opportunities to achieve on-site employment, increase income, and improve their lives, which is an important guarantee. Only with the development and growth of rural industries can rural areas accumulate a rich material foundation, thereby better promoting the coordinated development and comprehensive revitalization of rural talents, culture, ecology, organization, and other areas.

From the characteristic agricultural products and rural tourism of Qiang ethnic villages, to the professional lychee cooperatives in the "hometown of lychees", and to the deep processing of agricultural and livestock products in agricultural and pastoral areas... General Secretary has always encouraged, guided, and supported villagers to rely on local natural resources to develop characteristic industries better, improve production and operation levels, and make everyone's lives better.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with China continuously increasing its support for the development of rural industries, more and more production factors such as funds, loans, technology, and talents have entered rural areas, injecting momentum into the revitalization of rural industries. Rural areas in various regions focus on cultivating and developing characteristic industries that are suitable for the local area, taking into account their natural resource endowments, historical and cultural heritage, and other characteristics. For example, some village collectives actively transfer idle land, establish professional cooperatives, and drive local villagers to jointly plant characteristic agricultural products. By finely processing and increasing the added value of agricultural products, they rely on e-commerce platforms, live streaming and sales to expand their sales channels, making high-quality local specialties known to local people become good products sold throughout the country; Some actively develop rural tourism, intangible cultural heritage workshops, photovoltaic power generation, etc., effectively promoting the integration and development of rural primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and extending the industrial chain. Data shows that in 2022, 40 advantageous characteristic industrial clusters, 50 national modern agricultural industrial parks, and 200 strong agricultural industry towns will be built nationwide; The local employment rate of farmers nationwide exceeds 90%, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents exceeds 20000 yuan, gradually narrowing the income gap with urban residents.

The most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. Today, we are comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. We need to make efforts to promote high-quality development of rural industries in various regions, actively guide and assist local villages to deeply analyze the development of relevant industries in the local, regional, and national areas, summarize and apply advanced experience in development, focus on solving problems such as homogenization and primary development of industries, further tap into the advantages and characteristics of industries, effectively improve the level of high-quality development of industries, and involve more farmers in it, so that the achievements of rural industrial development can benefit farmers more and more fairly.

Interpretation of this issue: Chen Ruihai, commentator of CCTV

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