Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:04 PM

"Youth is like early spring, like the morning sun, like the sprouting of a hundred flowers, like the fresh breath of a sharp blade, the most precious period of life."

Over a hundred years ago, Youth Magazine was founded and later renamed New Youth, with a profound impact. In that stormy era, a group of new young people held high the torch of Marxist thought and painstakingly explored the future of national rejuvenation.

For over a hundred years, China has never stopped exploring the path of modernization.

On June 22nd, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China successfully concluded. The conference mobilized and led the youth members of the Communist Youth League to unite and strive for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

From now until the middle of this century, achieving the second centenary goal is a matter of one or two generations.

What kind of young people can shoulder such a great responsibility? What would they look like if they were to paint portraits of the new era and young people?

——The appearance of striving for excellence

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

"Youth is like early spring, like the morning sun, like the sprouting of a hundred flowers, like the fresh breath of a sharp blade, the most precious period of life."

Over a hundred years ago, Youth Magazine was founded and later renamed New Youth, with a profound impact. In that stormy era, a group of new young people held high the torch of Marxist thought and painstakingly explored the future of national rejuvenation.

For over a hundred years, China has never stopped exploring the path of modernization.

On June 22nd, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China successfully concluded. The conference mobilized and led the youth members of the Communist Youth League to unite and strive for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

From now until the middle of this century, achieving the second centenary goal is a matter of one or two generations.

What kind of young people can shoulder such a great responsibility? What would they look like if they were to paint portraits of the new era and young people?

——The appearance of striving for excellence

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

On June 19, 2023, local time, UNESCO held the first "Alfonsan Award" ceremony at its headquarters in Paris, and Chinese scientist Fu Qiaomei was awarded the award.

On June 19, Fu Qiaomei, a researcher of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was awarded the UNESCO Alfozan International Award for Outstanding Young Scientists in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at the headquarters of UNESCO.

Fu Qiaomei has been engaged in paleogenetics research for a long time, mainly exploring important scientific issues related to the origin and evolution of human beings through ancient DNA. As one of the leading scientists in the field of international paleogenetics, Fu Qiaomei stood out from 2500 global candidates and became the first Chinese scientist to receive this award.

△ On September 11, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping listened to the speeches of 7 representatives of scientists including Fu Qiaomei at the scientist symposium.

"People often ask, 'What's the use of your research? 'I 've thought about doing hot research when it was hard to maintain a lab." In September 2020, during a discussion with General Secretary Xi Jinping, Fu Qiaomei expressed her confusion.

The General Secretary said, "What do you think of unpopular people? According to general concepts, some unpopular things are useless. This understanding may delay the development of a field. When evaluating scientific research, one must have a long-term perspective, a global perspective, and a scientific perspective."

Fu Qiaomei was deeply inspired. She led a young team to constantly make breakthroughs in research, pushing China's ancient DNA research to the forefront of the world.

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

Each generation has its own destiny, and each generation of youth has its own mission.

On May 4, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the China Academy of Space Technology of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation to participate in the theme group day activities.

Pei Xianfeng, born in the 1990s, became a skilled welding technician through hard work and practice in just a few years. He won a silver medal in the welding project in the World Skills Competition, achieving a breakthrough of zero medals for Chinese people in this competition.

The General Secretary praised, "The youth cause you have achieved through hard work is highly compatible with the cause of the Party, the country, and the people. This way, the spectrum of your cause will be broader and the energy will be stronger."

At 13:30 on June 15, 2023, the Long March-2D carrier rocket successfully launched 41 satellites, including Jilin-1 High Resolution 06A, into the designated orbit, setting a new record for China's highest number of satellites with one rocket.

"Mozi," "Tianwen," and "Chang'e," all these undertakings that embody the dream of national rejuvenation, can be seen everywhere with the presence of young scientific and technological talents - the average age of core personnel in the Beidou satellite team is 36 years old, the average age of the quantum science team is 35 years old, and the average age of the Chinese Tianyan FAST R&D team is only 30 years old... "

General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged: "We must look at the innovation and creation of young people with appreciation and praise, actively support them to shine in life, and praise and applaud the achievements and achievements of young people."

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

——Not afraid of hardship

Should I choose a stable life in Beijing or go back to the countryside to endure hardship?

Wei Qiao, a post-80s youth, gave her own answer: she was once an assistant researcher in the Institute of Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Six years ago, she and her husband both quit their jobs in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University, returned to their hometown in Jiangsu to plant more than 20000 mu of rice. Through digital management, the yield per mu reached 1100 jin, effectively driving the surrounding farmers to become rich.

△ On March 5, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation at the first meeting of the 14th National People's Congress.

Wei Qiao delivered a speech at the plenary session of the Jiangsu Provincial Delegation at the first session of the 14th National People's Congress.

During the National Two Sessions this year, Wei Qiao told General Secretary Xi Jinping about his experience. After hearing this, the general secretary appreciated very much: "it's good for comrades like Wei Qiao to go to the countryside!"

In Liangjiahe, Shaanxi, he has done almost every job including farming, coal transportation, dam construction, and manure picking. Looking back on those days, he wrote in "I am the Son of the Loess Land", "Difficulties and hardships can temper a person's will. The seven years of hard life in the mountains and countryside have greatly trained me. Later, when I encountered difficulties, I remembered how I could still do things under such difficult conditions. Why not do it now?"

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

In Zhengding, Hebei, he rode his bicycle to every village in the county, gaining a solid and detailed understanding of the county situation, identifying problems, and collecting public opinion. He said he was prepared to enter the "sea of hardship"; In Xiamen, he took the initiative to take charge of the work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, and fully utilized various forces to promote the development of poverty-stricken areas

Today, the youth of China in the new era are at the best stage of the development of the Chinese nation, facing both rare opportunities to make contributions and achievements in life, as well as the mission of the times that "heaven will bestow great responsibilities on us".

In youth, choosing to endure hardship means choosing to reap rewards, and choosing to dedicate means choosing nobility.

During the inspection of the Youth Cave in Hongqiqu, Anyang, Henan, the General Secretary emphasized: "The younger generation should inherit and carry forward the spirit of hard work, self-reliance, and hard struggle, abandon arrogance and coquettishness, and like our ancestors, engrave the passion of youth on the monument of history."

In his reply to the students at the Science and Technology Academy of China Agricultural University, the General Secretary encouraged everyone, "You said in the letter that only by entering the depths of rural China can you deeply understand what it is to seek truth from facts and how to connect with the masses. Young people should 'seek hardship for themselves', which is very good. The new generation of Chinese youth should have this spirit and spirit."

As ten years ago, when discussing with outstanding youth representatives from all walks of life, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Experiencing more wrestling, setbacks, and tests in youth is conducive to a good life."

——An ambitious appearance

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

On February 15, 2022, Chinese team player Su Yiming won the men's ski jump championship in snowboarding at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Su Yiming, who won the Beijing Winter Olympics, wrote a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping after the match.

Quickly, he received a reply from the General Secretary, saying, "I hope you have a heart for your country, lofty aspirations, down-to-earth work, and strive to create a wonderful life, contributing your youth and strength to the country and the people."

Paper is short, love is long, hope is infinite. The ideals and beliefs of young people are related to the future of the nation.

At that moment, her heart pounded with excitement and she said, "I am a college student village official. Four years ago, I graduated from Guangdong University of Finance and Economics and had always wanted to do something for the border, so I came to work in Linzhi."

The general secretary asked with concern: "Will you stay here in the future?"

Huang Haifen said shyly, "Stay! Settle down. His wife is in the next village. They also came to Xizang together."

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

The general secretary encouraged her: "From the coast to the plateau, people are needed here. You can do a good job here."

Hearing the General Secretary's words, Huang Haifen nodded with tears in his eyes.

A life with faith, dreams, struggle, and dedication is a meaningful one. Generation after generation of young people have integrated their small life goals into the "big blueprint" of the Party and the country's cause.

"In the new era, Chinese youth must establish their belief in Marxism, their belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and their confidence in the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, go to the people, go to the new era and new world, and let their ideals and beliefs be in entrepreneurship. Sublimation in struggle, let youth shine in innovation and creation!" This is General Secretary Xi Jinping's ardent expectation for contemporary youth at the commemoration of the 100 anniversary of the May Fourth Movement.

——You look quite responsible

The Central Propaganda Department announced to the whole society the advanced deeds of the second squadron of the Air Force Aviation Corps, and awarded them the title of "Model of the Times".

Recently, the Air Force Aviation Corps Flight Second Brigade, with an average age of only 29 years old, was awarded the honorary title of "Model of the Times".

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

More than 70 years ago, this People's Air Force was one of the first bombing aviation squadrons to be formed, participated in the war, and made the first military achievements. They conducted aerial bombing over the island of Yamato, pioneering the People's Air Force's aviation bombing combat style.

More than 70 years later, this unit bravely undertakes missions such as patrolling the South China Sea, advancing through the island chain, and flying around Taiwan, and is known as the "iron fist in the air for flying in the new era.".

"I am in the arms of a fighter jet, and my motherland is in my heart," said Mutfa Aili, a pilot from the foot of the Tianshan Mountains. Every time I cruise, as the land gets farther and there is only a clear blue in front of me, the word "motherland" rises in my heart and becomes clearer.

"Clear love, only for China."

This is the battle slogan written by Martyr Chen Xiangrong during his lifetime. Defending the peaceful border, this young soldier defended the dignity of his country with his life.

The heroic deeds of defending the country and defending the border were exhibited at the "Leading the Strong Army towards Revival - Achievements in National Defense and Military Construction in the New Era Exhibition".

On May 10, 2022, at the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Youth League, General Secretary Xi Jinping said affectionately: "'Clear love, only for China' has become the strongest voice of contemporary Chinese youth from the heart."

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

They are the Huang Wenxiu soldiers on the battlefield of the decisive battle against poverty, taking the initiative to take root in the mountains and composing the regretless song of youth; They are Xie Xiaoyu on the front line of the epidemic prevention and control, who, despite their childishness, have stepped forward to become famous volunteers in the fight against the epidemic; They are technical workers in the factory workshop, practicing their skills, striving for excellence, and working diligently

"The prosperity of the youth means the prosperity of the country, and China's development depends on the young people's commitment. Youth is full of vigor and vitality, and youth breeds hope. The young people should cultivate their feelings of home and country, cultivate their enterprising character, and promote their youth with a struggling attitude, so as to live up to the times and the Chinese New Year." President Xi Jinping's message to hundreds of millions of young people in his New Year's message in 2003 carried unlimited expectations.

Tomorrow's China, I hope to send it to the youth.

△ On April 25, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected and investigated at Renmin University of China.

At the meeting celebrating the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China and in the report of the 20th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward four requirements for good young people in the new era -- having ideals, daring to take responsibility, being able to bear hardships, and willing to struggle.

Brave to take the lead, not afraid of hardship, with lofty aspirations and a strong sense of responsibility, the young people of China in the new era have stirred up the surging spring tide of national rejuvenation with the energy and creativity of their youth, and worked hard to create a better China with the wisdom and sweat of their youth.

The future of a country lies in its youth.

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

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Producer | Geng Zhimin

Producer | Xinglai

Editor in Chief | Ning Lili

Writing by Yang Caiyun

Current Politics Micro Observation | The Future of a Country in the Blade of Youth | Life | Youth

Visual | Jiang Yuhang

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