Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:30 AM

On July 10, 2003, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 11th Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee was held.

Over the past 20 years, the "88 Strategy" has driven a systematic and comprehensive transformation in the land of Zhijiang. What important inspirations does its rooting, flowering, and fruiting, as well as its enormous theoretical and practical strength, bring to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country today?

At the beginning of the 21st century, with sustained high growth, high consumption of resources, and low fragmentation of industries, various institutional quality bottlenecks began to emerge, and Zhejiang faced the "growing troubles". In addition, the inherent shortage of resources has brought Zhejiang's development to a historic juncture.

He traveled, watched, listened, and pondered all the way, spending 10 months traveling across 11 cities, 69 counties, and most provincial departments in the province, asking questions at the grassroots level and among the masses.

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

△ In August 2003, Xi Jinping inspected the provincial forestry characteristic base of Zhonghewan in Yunhe County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province.

For example, when studying the topic of "how to transform and upgrade the blocky economy", he affirmed the blocky characteristics of the low-voltage electrical industry in Leqing, Wenzhou and the pen making industry in Tonglu, Hangzhou. At the same time, the quality and structural contradictions in the blocky economy have also sparked his thinking.

For example, during his research in Yiwu, he was inspired by the upscale construction and rapid market development of Yiwu Commercial City. At the same time, he was keenly aware of the institutional obstacles in financing, import and export clearance, and other aspects in the local area.

It is in the investigation that Xi Jinping has more perceptual knowledge and more accurate grasp of the advantages and disadvantages, experiences and problems of various fields in various regions and fields in Zhejiang, and the "August 8 strategy" has gradually taken shape in his mind.

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

△ In May 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an investigation in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province.

In May 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping said during a visit to Zhejiang, "When I was working in Zhejiang, the provincial party committee put forward the 'eight-eight strategy'. This is not a product of brain-beating, but a development strategy put forward after a lot of investigation and research, focusing on the two key issues of how to give full play to the advantages and how to make up for the shortcomings."

Adhering to the "investigation and opening the way", since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has been walking non-stop, discovering problems, understanding national conditions, seeking laws, and putting forward many new ideas, new ideas and new strategies.

Currently, China's development is in a new historical direction, with earth shaking changes occurring in various fields. The tasks of reform, development, and stability are numerous, and the domestic and international environment is undergoing profound and complex changes.

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

When the "88 Strategy" was first proposed, some people expressed a lack of understanding.

Generally speaking, only one or two strategies are mentioned, and at most three or four strategies are mentioned. However, is it too much for Xi Jinping to put forward the "August 8 strategy?

In Xi Jinping's view, "those who do not seek the world are not enough for a while; those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain".

A few years later, with the implementation and effectiveness of each strategy, we finally understand that Secretary Xi has played a big game for the development of Zhejiang in the new century, organically linking Zhejiang's past, present and future, economy, politics, culture, society, ecology and Party building.

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

"Comrade Xi Jinping has said many times that in all our work, we must take into account the current and long-term relationships. We emphasize seeking practical results and seeking long-term results, seeking not only temporary results, but also long-term results." Guo Zhanheng, a former deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, recalled.

Under the guidance of the "88 Strategy", the gross domestic product of Zhejiang Province has jumped from 800 billion yuan in 2002 to 7.77 trillion yuan in 2022, establishing its position as a major economic province in China; The cargo throughput of Ningbo Zhoushan Port has ranked first in the world for 14 consecutive years. Nowadays, Zhejiang has become one of the provinces where the people feel the most secure and the judicial civilization index is the highest, creating two miracles of rapid economic development and social security and stability at the provincial level.

On March 31, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

From "Beautiful Zhejiang" to "Beautiful China", from "Rule of Law Zhejiang" to "Rule of Law China", from "Safe Zhejiang" to "Safe China", from "Ocean Power Province" to "Ocean Power" ...... The "88 Strategy" is in line with General Secretary Xi Jinping's new philosophy, new thinking and new strategy for governing the country, and is in line with the "five-in-one" overall layout, the "four comprehensive" strategic layout and the new development concept, and contributed a wealth of zhejiang practice to socialism with chinese characteristics.

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

"The 'eight-eight strategy' and the 'four comprehensive' are spiritually compatible." In May 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping expounded the internal relationship between the two in public for the first time during his inspection tour in Zhejiang.

On the land of Zhijiang, the "88 Strategy" is a shining beacon that guides Zhejiang's path towards building a socialist modernization leading province;

Zhejiang has taken the lead in completing the poverty alleviation task nationwide, has been ranked first in per capita disposable income of rural residents for 38 consecutive years, and is one of the provinces with the smallest income gap between urban and rural residents. It has explored the way for the country to achieve common prosperity, and this "resume" is truly beautiful.

From a moderately prosperous society to exploring common prosperity, Zhejiang has taken an unusual path.

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

In September 2000, Zhejiang launched the "Hundred Towns Poverty Alleviation Plan". At the end of 2002, the plan was completed as scheduled, and Zhejiang became the first province in China to have no impoverished townships.

But the imbalance under the average is thought-provoking.

△ On September 21, 2006, Xi Jinping visited local fishermen in Dongji Town, Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province.

In January 2003, he pointed out at the provincial rural work conference that modernization construction should not leave blind spots or blind spots, achieve comprehensive prosperity, and no township or individual should fall behind.

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

In the journey towards modernization, various issues between urban and rural areas are another hurdle that must be overcome. In 2002, the income ratio of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang was 2.37-1. In 2003, this ratio reached 2.43:1. This means that the gap between the income level and quality of life of farmers and urban residents is widening.

Therefore, the "88 Strategy" solves the problem of "accelerating the integration of urban and rural areas". With the promotion of projects such as "thousand village demonstration, ten thousand village rectification" and "mountain sea cooperation", Zhejiang is steadily achieving comprehensive prosperity in coordinated development.

"In those days, the '8-8 Strategy' was put forward for Zhejiang to achieve an all-round well-off society. Around the goal of 'all-round well-off', Comrade Xi Jinping put forward a series of development requirements such as 'cultural province, 'safe Zhejiang,' rule of law Zhejiang, ''talent province,' and so on, which also reflects the comprehensiveness of the construction of a well-off society." Lv Zushan, former deputy secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, recalled.

In the past 20 years, the per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of Zhejiang Province has increased from $2000 to $17600, a nearly 8-fold increase. The income gap between urban and rural residents in the province has narrowed from 2.37 to 1.9, and the minimum living guarantee standard ranks first among all provinces and regions. The main health indicators of residents are close to the level of high-income economies, leading the way to explore common prosperity.

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

"GDP, fiscal revenue, residents' income, etc. are some important indicators, but they are not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to promote the all-round development of people." On December 27, 2004, Xi Jinping wrote in Zhijiang Xinyu.

In October 2022, "Promoting the Comprehensive Enrichment of Things and the Comprehensive Development of People" was included in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

On the way forward, General Secretary Xi Jinping demanded that we must persist in development for the people, constantly improve people's livelihood and well-being by making the "cake" bigger, and strive to solve the urgent and anxious problems of the people. to do the work of benefiting the people's livelihood, warming the hearts of the people, and obeying public will.

On March 28, 2023, in Xiajiang Village, Chun'an County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the land was covered with vibrant spring colors, creating a beautiful rural landscape.

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

"The'August 8 Strategy' comes from a large number of investigations and studies, reflects the combination of the spirit of the central government and the reality of Zhejiang, and is effective in the common struggle of the broad masses of party members, cadres and the masses in Zhejiang." This is an important instruction given by General Secretary Xi Jinping five years ago in the report of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee on the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the "August 8 Strategy.

General Secretary also pointed out, "I am pleased to see that under the guidance of the '88 Strategy', over the past 15 years, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee has adhered to a blueprint, one after another, and achieved historic achievements in promoting economic and social development."

One term after another is a sentence that General Secretary Xi Jinping often talks about.

"When the '88 Strategy' was proposed, he said in an interview with CCTV, 'We are currently working on the shoulders of our predecessors. Many careers are carried out one after another, and it requires perseverance and consistency to achieve.'"

Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary of the Long term Merit for the "88 Strategy" | Zhejiang | Strategy

Today, we are carrying out the Chinese path to modernization to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which is an unprecedented pioneering cause. It also needs to be carried out consistently and for a long time, step by step.

Although the road is far, the journey is approaching; Although things are difficult, they must be done.

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