Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research | Seek "Real" Supervision | Deep "| General Secretary | Current Politics

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:08 PM

How to seek "truth" in investigation and research?

General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important expositions on many occasions--

In February 2018, when he went to Sichuan for investigation and research, the general secretary pointed out: "we should do more research, find out the truth, focus on and grasp to the end, advocate practical work, refrain from empty talk, and make accurate efforts, so as to let the tasks of reform, development and stability fall behind, and make all the work that benefits the people come true."

In December 2022, at the Democratic Life Conference of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary emphasized the need to create an environment and conditions, and encourage grassroots cadres and masses to speak the truth, speak the truth, and speak their hearts.


Go deep into the front line of the grass-roots level, listen to the truth, find out the truth, and do practical things. General Secretary Xi Jinping has put it into practice.

To be honest - "Never engage in formalism"

He also put forward four specific requirements, the first of which is "to go deep and solid, not to engage in formalism, to sincerely go deep into the masses, make friends with the masses, rather than going down to the grassroots for the sake of going down to the grassroots.".

The venue is located in the primary school, with a table and three chairs on the stage. The sheets on the table are brought from the villagers' homes.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research | Seek "Real" Supervision | Deep "| General Secretary | Current Politics

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that investigation and research must not engage in formalism.

In September 2013, General Secretary came to the land of Yanzhao to participate in the special democratic life meeting of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee. A month before the life meeting was held, he specifically listened to a report in Beijing and solemnly warned, "I did not attend the democratic life meeting of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee to listen to your lectures on singing and dancing. I must have genuine criticism and self-criticism."

At the special democratic life meeting, the standing committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee showed both nervousness and seriousness with red faces and sweating, as well as looseness and harmony with encouragement and encouragement.

It was also at this meeting that General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted Jiao Yulu as saying that "eating steamed buns chewed by others has no taste" and said that the purpose of investigation and research "is to master first-hand materials".

The general secretary pointedly pointed out: "Now investigation and research seems to have a'function', which is to let others know that I am investigating and researching, I am working selflessly, and I am contacting the masses." He criticized that such investigations and studies "have become secondary and even dispensable in their original purpose".

Be resolute in your words, and be sincere in your emotions.

Realizing the situation - "Having a thorough understanding of the situation makes one more confident in their heart."

He said, "Only by looking at areas with many difficulties and problems can we help them solve problems and make correct decisions. When we go, we should not inspire others, but rather be able to follow easily and delve deeper into certain areas."

On April 15, 2019, a special "spot check" was conducted deep in the mountains of Chongqing.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research | Seek "Real" Supervision | Deep "| General Secretary | Current Politics

Early this morning, General Secretary Xi Jinping departed from Beijing, arrived in Chongqing by plane, then changed trains and cars, and came to Huaxi Village, Zhongyi Township, Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County.

In the school to talk with teachers and students, into the canteen to learn about poor students meal subsidies and food safety and hygiene, to visit poor households, to see the natural environment, the appearance of the village ...... After the rain, along the slippery country road, the general secretary walked into the old party member, has been out of poverty Ma Peiqing home, is already five or six o'clock in the afternoon.

In the rural courtyard, there is a square table and several benches.

"I came specifically to visit my fellow villagers to see if the 'Two Worries and Three Guarantees' policy has truly been implemented and what other issues there are." He added with a smile, "This time when I'm coming to Chongqing, I'll randomly check on your one point."

Returning to Chongqing, it was already late at night. The General Secretary felt gratified by the achievements of poverty alleviation and said, "After seeing such a village, I have confidence in my heart."

For a day, from the capital to the province, city, county, and then to the township and village, we tirelessly push our feet all the way to the front line of poverty alleviation.

As he previously said, "Going to remote places, gathering with the masses, meeting and chatting, what's not good? In some places, staying for a day is also possible, understanding the situation thoroughly, and having a better understanding in one's heart. Going deeper is better than just skimming through the surface or taking a quick look at the flowers. The key is not to deceive."

Doing practical things - effectively carrying out the "Dream Fulfillment Project and People's Livelihood Project"

The fundamental purpose of investigation and research is to solve problems.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research | Seek "Real" Supervision | Deep "| General Secretary | Current Politics

On February 3, 2013, on the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, Yuangudui Village in Dingxi, Gansu, with an altitude of over 2400 meters, was particularly cold.

Around the nine bends and eighteen bends, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the dilapidated low adobe house of the villager Ma Gang's house.

There is a water tank at the root of the dark wall.

The taste of brackish water made him furrow his brow.

At that time, many villagers in Yuangudui Village were drinking water, relying on a mountain spring in the southwest corner of the village. Everyone knows that clear water is clear, but it lacks iodine. Most elderly people in the village suffer from diseases such as osteoarthritis.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said to the villagers: "The party and the government will care and help everyone. Let's work together to make the days more prosperous." Subsequently, the general secretary made a special trip to inspect the construction site of the water supply project in Yintao, and urged that "this dream realization project and people's livelihood project that benefits millions of people in Gansu should be effectively done, so that the people can drink clean and sweet Taohe River water as soon as possible".

Nowadays, the Taohe River reaches households in Yuangudui Village, and clear water gurgles into farmers and moistens the hearts of the people.

In Changting, Fujian, water also moistens the hearts of the villagers in Xiashe Village.

On a winter day 24 years ago, Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial CPC Committee, braved the severe cold to visit here.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research | Seek "Real" Supervision | Deep "| General Secretary | Current Politics

Village cadre Yang Nenggui mustered up the courage to reflect that the village has suffered from severe water shortages for decades, and the production and life of villagers have been greatly affected. "I, the small production team leader, didn't speak well. Please criticize and correct Secretary Xi and the leaders present."

Village officials and village representatives have made speeches and raised many issues that need to be supported and resolved.He attaches great importance to everyone's opinions and suggestions, and quickly instructed relevant departments to allocate special funds to repair the infrastructure such as the Xiashe Reservoir, roads, and electricity.

"We should not only 'get involved' in the grassroots, but also 'reach out to' the grassroots, listen to the truth, observe the truth, truly study problems, and research real problems. We cannot engage in show off style research, bonsai style research, or dragonfly style research. 'There is no intention of seeking truth from facts and a desire to attract attention from the public' is not acceptable!"

General Secretary Xi Jinping took the lead in setting an example for the whole party to attach importance to research, in-depth research, and be good at research.

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Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study on Investigation and Research, Seeking "Depth"

Producer | Geng Zhimin

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research | Seek "Real" Supervision | Deep "| General Secretary | Current Politics

Producer | Xinglai

Editor in Chief | Ning Lili

Written by Zhang Yanan

Visual | Jiang Yuhang

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