Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research · Seek "Efficiency" and Actual Effect | General Secretary | Current Politics

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:55 PM

Effectiveness is the fundamental criterion for testing investigation and research.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the importance of seeking "effectiveness" in this way: "to measure whether the investigation and research is done well or not depends not on the scale and time of the investigation and research, nor on how well the research report is written. The key depends on the effectiveness of the investigation and research, the application of the research results, and whether the problem can be solved well."

The fundamental purpose of investigation and research is to solve problems and see real results. Striving for effectiveness is not only a requirement for investigation and research, but also the ultimate goal.

Research real problems and come up with practical solutions

In June, in Maoming, Guangdong, the scorching sun is like fire, and the red lychees are like clouds. Recently, good news has made lychee growers smile - lychees can be stored fresh for over 20 days, which means consumers around the world can eat fresh lychees from Maoming.

Several technicians are working in the park. The General Secretary started talking to them.

"What problems need to be solved in the next step of development?" the general secretary asked.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research · Seek "Efficiency" and Actual Effect | General Secretary | Current Politics

"The main issue is preservation. Previously, we used to use soil methods for preservation, but now we have a cold chain, but it can only be stored for 10 days. If it can reach 15 to 20 days, the whole world can eat our lychees."

"Litchi industry to develop, not to solve the problem of preservation." The general secretary said to the local responsible comrades, "The development of characteristic industries is an important way to realize the revitalization of the countryside. We must focus on the article of'local speciality' to promote the overall revitalization of the countryside through industrial revitalization."

Identify and solve the problem. The development of agricultural characteristic industries requires efficient integration of production, education, and research. According to the important instructions of General Secretary, relevant departments quickly organized and carried out technical research and development, and developed mobile equipment units for lychee preservation, greatly extending the storage period of lychee.

The inspection and research conducted by General Secretary has provided a vivid demonstration for the development of local specialties and has also produced practical results in solving problems.

△ On April 11 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with on-site technicians at the litchi plantation in Baiqiao Village, Genzi Town, Gaozhou City, Maoming, Guangdong.

Along the Yangtze River, there are vast expanses of blue waves and lush vegetation.Walking by the riverbank, visiting the homes of the people, and listening to the opinions of experts and scholars, it was proposed that "the restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River should be given an overwhelming position", "the ban on fishing in the Yangtze River is a major issue that affects the livelihoods of over 300000 fishermen, and the cost is not small, but it is still worth it compared to the ecological protection of the entire basin", "promoting high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt"... Based on in-depth investigation and research, a series of "good solutions" to solve key problems have been nurtured.

The actual results achieved through investigation and research are linked to true knowledge and action, information and decision-making, and the hearts of the Party and the people.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research · Seek "Efficiency" and Actual Effect | General Secretary | Current Politics

See if the villagers are laughing or crying

Lianjia boatmen are special fishermen living by the river and sea. They have no tiles on top and no land below, and their boats are their homes, drifting all day long.

After the issue of landing was resolved, he did not think it was over and went to visit the Lian family boatmen again.

Finally, the boatmen smiled and landed, calmed down, and settled down.

Investigation and research to achieve "efficiency" means doing a good job in handling the worries and troubles of the people, promoting new breakthroughs in various work, and enhancing the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

In June 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during a survey in Guizhou: "Whether the Party Central Committee's policy is good or not depends on whether the villagers laugh or cry. If the villagers laugh, this is a good policy and we must adhere to it; if someone cries, it means that the policy needs to be improved and adjusted."

The general secretary has been thinking about the people's affairs.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research · Seek "Efficiency" and Actual Effect | General Secretary | Current Politics

At that time, when jumping the queue in Liangjiahe, Xi Jinping asked the villagers, "what kind of life do you think is the best?"

Someone told him, "No more begging for food, you can have a full stomach." In his next life, "if you want to eat fine grains, you can eat fine grains, and you can also eat meat frequently.". Some people even thought hard and boldly said, "In the future, I will work in the mountains and carry a golden pole."!

△ On October 26, 2022, in Nangou Village, Gaoqiao Town, Yan'an, Shaanxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the orchard to learn about the apple harvest from the fruit growers who picked on the spot.

From local to central, he has led his fellow villagers to strive for a better life, constantly exploring the path of modernization of Chinese characteristic agriculture in practice.

To test the effectiveness of all our work, it ultimately depends on whether the people have truly benefited, whether their lives have truly improved, and whether their rights and interests have truly been protected.

Translate research results into practical results

In the "Work Plan for Promoting Investigation and Research throughout the Party", the requirement of "efficiency" runs through the entire article - "ensuring that every problem has practical and effective solutions", "strengthening supervision and research to check whether the work is truly implemented and whether the problem is truly solved", "closely integrating investigation and research work with central work and decision-making needs, better serving scientific decision-making, and improving the Party's governing ability and leadership level".

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research · Seek "Efficiency" and Actual Effect | General Secretary | Current Politics

The investigation and research of Daxing is not for the purpose of investigation, but rather the actual results achieved through the investigation and research. Check whether the research results have been applied, whether the problems have been solved, whether the work level has been improved, and whether the relationship with the masses has further deepened.

At present, the world's unprecedented great changes are accelerating, with an increase in uncertain and unpredictable factors. Domestic reform, development, and stability are facing many deep-seated contradictions. It is urgent to grasp the essence and laws of things through investigation and research, and find ways and paths to solve problems.

△ On June 7 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Central Industrial Park in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.

According to different stages, General Secretary provided a methodology for seeking "efficiency":

——After thorough research and relatively mature research results, they should be promptly escalated into decision-making deployments and transformed into specific measures.

——For research results that have not been thoroughly studied, it is necessary to listen to opinions more deeply and improve them before putting them into practice.

——For measures that have already been formed and implemented, timely tracking and evaluation should be carried out, and adjustments and optimizations should be made according to the situation.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study of Investigation and Research · Seek "Efficiency" and Actual Effect | General Secretary | Current Politics

From practice to practice. All conclusions arise at the end of the investigation, not at its beginning.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping said, investigation and research must focus on practical results, so that the process of investigation becomes a process of deepening the understanding of the party's innovative theory, a process of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the people, and a process of promoting career development.

Revitalizing the trend of investigation and research, striving for "efficiency", transforming "problem lists" into "achievement lists", truly transforming the results of investigation and research into practical results in promoting work, will undoubtedly promote the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and take a good step forward.

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