Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:12 AM

In May 2018, the CPC Central Committee held a national ecological environment protection conference, formally establishing Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. In July this year, five years later, the National Conference on ecological and environmental protection was held again. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.

Ecological environment protection is not only a matter of national importance, but also closely related to everyone. How to understand the current situation, how to grasp major relationships, and how to deploy key tasks? General Secretary gave a comprehensive explanation, and "Political News Eye" will interpret it for you.


How to view the current situation?

"I have always attached great importance to ecological environment work."

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

He emphasized, "The construction of ecological civilization is the fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation."

Inner Mongolia Wuliangsuhai is the largest lake and wetland in the Yellow River Basin.

With profound contemplation, one can achieve remarkable results.

A significant symbol represents the ten-year contribution of ecological civilization construction.

In his speech, the General Secretary summed up the four "major changes" achieved in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era: from key rectification to systematic governance, from passive response to active action, from participants in global environmental governance to leaders, and from practical exploration to scientific theoretical guidance.

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

△ Chongchuan District, Nantong, Jiangsu. We will carry out ecological restoration and protection work along the Yangtze River in the local area, and create a riverside city that faces the Yangtze River with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

Although the achievements are extraordinary, the understanding is also very clear.

In April 2021, when presiding over the 29th collective study of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the General Secretary said: "at present, the construction of ecological civilization in China is still facing many contradictions and challenges, and the foundation for the stability and improvement of the ecological environment is not stable." the inflection point from quantitative change to qualitative change has not yet arrived."

At this year's conference, the general secretary made a conclusion: "the structural, root and trend pressure of China's ecological and environmental protection has not been fundamentally alleviated."

The wetlands of the Yellow River Delta are swaying with reeds.

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

At the 2018 National Conference on ecological environment protection, the general secretary said that the construction of ecological civilization is in a critical period of pressure superposition and heavy load.

At this year's conference, General Secretary pointed out that China's ecological civilization construction is still in this critical period, and "we must plan and promote the new journey of ecological environment protection with a higher position, broader vision, and greater efforts.".

This is also one of the important reasons for holding the conference with the highest standards again this year.

△ Lotus Pond in Yongfeng Village, Meishan, Sichuan.


Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

How to grasp significant relationships?

At the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference in 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping expounded six important principles that must be adhered to to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization: adhere to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, green water and green mountains are Jinshan and Yinshan, and a good ecological environment is the most inclusive people's livelihood and well-being, mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses are the community of life, protect the ecological environment with the strictest system and strictest rule of law, and conspire the construction of global ecological civilization.

Yucun, Zhejiang.

At this year's conference, the General Secretary identified five important relationships that need to be properly addressed, including high-quality development and high-level protection, key challenges and coordinated governance, natural restoration and artificial restoration, external constraints and endogenous dynamics, and "double carbon" commitments and autonomous actions.

Hebei Saihanba.

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

For example, handling the relationship between high-quality development and high-level protection.

Ecological environment protection and economic development are dialectically unified and mutually reinforcing. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is a key link in achieving high-quality development.

At the National Conference on Ecological Environment Protection, General Secretary emphasized the need to support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment.

Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park is the first national wetland park in China.

For example, handling the relationship between "dual carbon" commitments and independent actions.

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

The General Secretary has repeatedly emphasized that achieving the "dual carbon" goals is not something others ask us to do, but something we must do ourselves. We must first establish and then break through, and plan comprehensively.

At this year's conference, the General Secretary said that the "double carbon" goal we promised is unshakable, but the path, method, rhythm and intensity of achieving this goal should and must be decided by ourselves and will never be influenced by others.


How to deploy key tasks?

Last October, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made important arrangements for the construction of ecological civilization, mainly including accelerating the green transformation of development methods, deepening the prevention and control of environmental pollution, enhancing the diversity, stability, and sustainability of ecosystems, and actively and steadily promoting carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

△ Pengyang County, Ningxia. Marigold and Gesang flowers bloom on the scattered mountain terraces.

At this year's National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically deployed strategic tasks and major measures to comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful China, including: continuing to fight pollution prevention and control, accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of development methods, and focusing on Improve the diversity, stability, and sustainability of the ecosystem, actively and steadily promote carbon peaks and carbon neutrality, and keep the bottom line of building a beautiful China.

Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is one of the first five national parks in China.

These important deployments are both consistent and have new interpretations.

For example, when talking about accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of development methods, General Secretary emphasized that green and low-carbon development should be regarded as the fundamental solution to ecological and environmental problems.

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

For example, emphasizing the need to firmly adhere to the safety bottom line of building a beautiful China. The General Secretary pointed out that we should actively and effectively respond to various risks and challenges, and effectively maintain ecological security, nuclear and radiation safety, etc.

△ Danjiangkou Reservoir, staff are collecting water samples.

At the National Conference on Ecological Environment Protection five years ago, General Secretary emphasized that environmental governance is a systematic project that requires the comprehensive use of various means such as administration, market, rule of law, and technology.

At this year's conference, General Secretary emphasized the need to improve the guarantee system for building a beautiful China. He pointed out that we should coordinate resources in various fields, gather forces from all sides, and strike a combination of the rule of law, market, technology, and policy.


Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

These important pieces of information are worth paying attention to

At this important meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping said that the Party Central Committee and the State Council will make systematic arrangements for comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China in the near future.

It is worth mentioning that at the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference five years ago, the General Secretary once said, "The Party Central Committee and the State Council issued the" Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Ecological Environmental Protection and Resolutely Fighting Pollution Prevention and Control ". Make comprehensive arrangements for the battle against pollution." More than a month after the end of the conference, this blockbuster document was released to the public.

The national surface water assessment section of the Lijiang River Basin has maintained Class II water quality for six consecutive years. In 2022, the Lijiang River was selected as one of the first batch of national beautiful river and lake cases.

At this year's conference, the General Secretary made arrangements for "actively and steadily promoting carbon neutrality.

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

On the 11th of this month, the second meeting of the Central Committee for Deepening Reform approved the Opinions on Promoting the Gradual Shift from Energy Consumption Dual Control to Carbon Emission Dual Control. General Secretary pointed out that China's ecological civilization construction has entered a critical period with carbon reduction as the key strategic direction, and we need to improve the regulation of total energy consumption and intensity, gradually shifting towards a dual control system of total carbon emissions and intensity.

△ In April this year, Xi Jinping inspected GAC E'an New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. to understand the company's promotion of high-end, intelligent, and green manufacturing.

In his speech, General Secretary pointed out the need to continue to play the role of the central ecological and environmental protection inspection.

At the conference five years ago, General Secretary praised, "The central environmental protection inspection system has been well established and used, daring to take action seriously, not afraid of offending people, and has become a hard call to promote local party committees, governments, and related departments to implement ecological and environmental protection responsibilities."

Chinese path to modernization is a modernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously.

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

At this National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to put the construction of a beautiful China in a prominent position in the construction of a powerful country and national rejuvenation, and accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

The sky is bluer, the earth is greener, the water is clearer, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are more colorful. Let's take action together and paint an updated picture of a beautiful China.

Producer | Shen Yong

Editor in Chief | Gong Xuehui and Yu Zhenyi

Visual | Chen Kuo and Zhang Jing

Current affairs news | National Ecological Environment Protection Conference reconvenes for construction | China | Ecological Environment

Editor | Wang Zun

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