Current Politics Micro Observation | Shared Development and Building a Better World Global | Development | A Better World

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:48 AM

"Development is the eternal theme of human society. Shared development is an important path to building a better world."

On July 10, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the first high-level meeting of the Global Shared Development Action Forum.

On that day, the first high-level meeting of the Global Forum for Shared Development Action was held in Beijing. The forum is themed "China's Initiative, Global Action", and guests from various countries engage in dialogue on topics such as deepening South South cooperation and promoting global common development.

Development is the ultimate key to solving all problems. Looking around the world, the global sustainable development cause is facing unprecedented and severe challenges.

According to data released by the United Nations, since 2021, the Human Development Index has declined for the first time in 32 years for two consecutive years and has fallen to 2016 levels. Poverty and hunger are intensifying, and inequality in development is also widening.

In the process of global development, some countries speak more than do, while China has always adhered to the concept of unity, cooperation, and common development, and has truly taken the path of co construction, sharing, and win-win.

China's contributions at critical moments

Current Politics Micro Observation | Shared Development and Building a Better World Global | Development | A Better World

Each country should actively promote the common development of other countries while seeking its own development.

At the beginning of the 2017 New Year, Switzerland, known as the "Roof of Europe," entered Davos Time.To achieve more balanced development, equal development opportunities, and shared development outcomes, it is necessary to improve development concepts and models, enhance development fairness, effectiveness, and synergy.

△ On June 24, 2022, President Xi Jinping hosted the Global Development High-level Dialogue in Beijing by video and delivered an important speech entitled "Building a High-quality Partnership to Create a New Era of Global Development.

The COVID-19 epidemic, which lasted for several years, swallowed up many years of global development achievements, and the cause of global development suffered a serious impact. According to a data released by WHO this year, only 28.7% of the population in Africa has completed two doses of COVID-19 vaccine, and the vaccine coverage rate is far lower than the global goal of reaching 70% by the end of 2022. This is a microcosm of global development imbalance.

In September 2021, President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative, calling for development to be placed in a prominent position in the global macro policy framework and jointly promote global development to a new stage of balance, coordination and inclusiveness. In June 2022, President Xi Jinping presided over the high-level dialogue on global development, and further proposed to create a development pattern of inclusive balance, coordination and inclusiveness, win-win cooperation and common prosperity.

At every critical moment that is crucial to the development of human society, there is always China's proposition of insight into the changes of the times, constantly providing wisdom and injecting strength for the common and shared development of countries around the world.

Promoting shared development among countries around the world, China has always been committed to it

Current Politics Micro Observation | Shared Development and Building a Better World Global | Development | A Better World

Not only does it provide guidance for global development, but China also insists on taking action to promote common development and prosperity of the world economy through practical actions.

△ Butuka Academy

In Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, the Butuka School Park, built with Chinese aid, has become the largest, most fully functional, and most advanced school in the South Pacific region; In Pakistan, the Karot hydropower station built by Chinese companies has become a "green pearl" on the Jehelum River; With the help of China, Kenya has built its first modern railway, and Maldives has built its first cross sea bridge

Infrastructure construction is an important support for a country's economic and social development. The infrastructure projects such as transportation, communication, and electricity that China has helped other developing countries build have played an important role in promoting local economic development and improving people's livelihoods.

The letter states that the world's most advanced railway, connecting China to Laos, has also entered the hearts of each and every one of us.

The China Laos railway not only brings convenience and welfare to the local people, but also Chinese technology is injecting vitality into the economic and social development of the areas along the line. This is the Chinese action of "teaching people to fish" and "teaching people to fish".

China assists Grenada in formulating a national development strategic plan and provides policy advice for Zimbabwe on special economic zones and state-owned enterprise reforms; China launches the world's first scientific satellite dedicated to serving the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and provides open data services to the world; 32 civil society organizations from China and abroad jointly initiated the establishment of the "International Civil Poverty Reduction Cooperation Network" at the initiative of China

Current Politics Micro Observation | Shared Development and Building a Better World Global | Development | A Better World

Ugandan exhibitor Samsung has participated in the CIIE for five consecutive years. At the CIIE, Samsung and its partners encountered business opportunities and also met more willing partners to trade with Uganda.

Five years ago, at the opening ceremony of the first China International Import Expo, President Xi Jinping solemnly pointed out that we should promote economic globalization in a more open, inclusive, inclusive, balanced and win-win direction, so that people of all countries can share the fruits of economic globalization and world economic growth.

In order to allow more countries to share the dividends of China's development, special booths are pre-set at each CIIE, which are free booths provided for exhibitors from the least developed countries. This has opened a window for many countries to share development.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the initiative of jointly building the "the Belt and Road". Over the past decade, China has achieved fruitful results in promoting common development among countries, from infrastructure construction, technological exchange to economic and trade cooperation.

Global development initiatives are showing vigorous vitality

"I am pleased to see that with the joint participation of all parties, the cooperation of global development initiatives has achieved important early gains, and many developing countries have benefited from it." President Xi Jinping wrote in a congratulatory letter to the first high-level meeting of the Global Action Forum for Shared Development.

The Global Development Initiative is an important public good provided by China to the international community in the new era, and an important practice of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind in the field of global development.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Shared Development and Building a Better World Global | Development | A Better World

The Progress Report on the Implementation of Global Development Initiatives was recently released, which is the first progress report on global development initiatives. The report states that since China proposed the Global Development Initiative in September 2021, the concept and connotation of the initiative have been continuously enriched, the implementation mechanism has been continuously improved, the promotion path has been clearer, and practical cooperation has gradually been implemented.

In July 2022, the 76th United Nations General Assembly held a high-level special session. The Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative elaborates on the common position of its members on food security issues.

Nowadays, more than 100 countries and international organizations have supported the initiative, and nearly 70 countries have participated in the Global Development Initiative Group of Friends. The initiative has shown vigorous vitality and strong appeal.

Last September, the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative held a ministerial meeting at the United Nations headquarters in New York, during which China proposed seven major measures to strengthen practical cooperation.

The global development initiative is continuously injecting wisdom and momentum into the common development of the world.

In November 2022, in Bandung, Indonesia, the builders and local residents of the Jakarta Bandung high-speed railway observed the comprehensive inspection vehicle of the high-speed railway running on the trial section of the Jakarta Bandung high-speed railway.

As President Xi Jinping emphasized in his congratulatory letter: "As the largest developing country, China has always placed its own development in the coordinate system of human development and used its own development to create new opportunities for world development."

Current Politics Micro Observation | Shared Development and Building a Better World Global | Development | A Better World

No matter how the international situation changes, China always insists on promoting global common development and sharing opportunities with developing countries. This is the responsibility of a great country that speaks and acts, and the power of a great country that acts.

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Producer | Geng Zhimin

Producer | Xinglai

Current Politics Micro Observation | Shared Development and Building a Better World Global | Development | A Better World

Editor in Chief | Ning Lili

Writing by Cheng Yu

Visual | Jiang Yuhang

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