Current Politics Micro Observation | Dragon Boat Festival Roots Hunting Culture Long Fragrant Bag | Xuzhou | Current Politics

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:39 PM

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the four traditional festivals in China, which has been passed down for thousands of years to this day. As the first traditional Chinese festival to be selected as a World Intangible Cultural Heritage Site, the Dragon Boat Festival embodies a vast and profound traditional Chinese culture.

The Dragon Boat Festival vividly confirms that "excellent traditional Chinese culture has become the gene of the Chinese nation", and has become an important carrier for promoting national spirit and inspiring patriotic emotions, by holding dragon boat races amidst the sound of oars, waves, and drums, tasting soft and delicious fragrant zongzi, and hanging mugwort and calamus on the door.

Looking back at five thousand years of Chinese civilization and looking forward to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Chinese excellent traditional culture is the spiritual lifeline of the Chinese nation and an important source of cultivating the core values of socialism. It is also our firm foothold in the agitation of world culture. A solid foundation."

Remembering history is the key to opening up the future, and being good at inheritance is the key to innovation.

The Dragon Boat Festival custom has been passed down for thousands of years

On May 5th, during the Dragon Boat Festival, hang sachets and insert mugwort.

"Many places have the custom of hanging sachets during the Dragon Boat Festival. Wearing sachets around the waist and chest can ward off evil spirits and prevent heat." Before the Dragon Boat Festival, Wang Xiuying, in her 80s, carefully made small sachets by wrapping silk and thread. The sachet in Wang Xiuying's hand is a representative work of the national intangible cultural heritage project "Xuzhou sachet".

△ Wang Xiuying and granddaughter Sun Geyao showcase the craftsmanship of making "needle stick sachets".

Current Politics Micro Observation | Dragon Boat Festival Roots Hunting Culture Long Fragrant Bag | Xuzhou | Current Politics

Six years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Mazhuang Village, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, walked into the sachlet production room in the village, bought a Chinese medicine sachlet made by Wang Xiuying, and said with a smile, "I also want to support".

This touched Wang Xiuying very much: "The General Secretary's' support 'has inspired me and made me more confident. I am determined to pass on the legacy well."

Like the Xuzhou sachet, the Dragon Boat Festival custom has been passed down from generation to generation.

The sachet is square or round, the Zongzi is salty and sweet, and the dragon boat can be long or short... The customs of Dragon Boat Festival in different parts of China are different, but they all express people's good wishes to drive away evil spirits and avoid epidemics, pray for blessings and accept auspiciousness, carry people's sense of identity with the excellent traditional culture of China, and tell the story of a traditional festival culture with a long history of a thousand years of civilization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is with the inheritor of the "Manas" intangible cultural heritage at the Museum of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region on July 13, 2022.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage, emphasizing the need to do a solid job in the systematic protection of intangible cultural heritage, and promote Chinese culture to the world.

Entering a new era, the protection of intangible cultural heritage, including the Dragon Boat Festival, continues to strengthen. At present, China has 43 projects listed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List and Register, ranking first in the world.

In 2021, at the Tokyo Olympics, dragon boat made its debut on the Olympic field as a showcase event, marking the start of the entry process for dragon boat racing. Compared to traditional dragon boats, the carefully developed competitive dragon boat has a greater sense of design and speed. This year, as an official competition event, dragon boat will also make its debut at the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Dragon Boat Festival Roots Hunting Culture Long Fragrant Bag | Xuzhou | Current Politics

According to the rules of the ancients, open up one's own life. The cultural customs of the Dragon Boat Festival are constantly being inherited and innovatively developed.

Cultural genes rooted in the heart

On the Dragon Boat Festival, let's say "Dragon Boat Festival is healthy".

The ancients believed that the fifth month of the lunar calendar, when poisonous insects breed and plagues and miasma are prone to occur, is the crucial period for "eliminating diseases and preventing epidemics". There are records in Eastern Han literature about people's disease and epidemic prevention on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. The Dragon Boat Festival conveys people's strong desire for good weather and health, as well as their pursuit of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

The unity of heaven and humanity, and the coexistence of all things, reflect the ecological concept of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing, originated from the ancient ritual of dragon totem worship. From the initial prayer for blessings to now becoming a popular sports activity among the masses, its cultural connotations of unity, cooperation, and self-improvement have been passed down in one continuous line.

△ Recently, descendants of Qu's family from Changhua, Taiwan, China, met with descendants of Qu's family from the hometown of Qu Yuan in Zigui, Yichang, Hubei, to talk about the Dragon Boat Festival, sacrifice Qu Yuan and share their hometown feelings.

Not long ago, at a symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly expounded the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization and listed many important elements in Chinese excellent traditional culture--

Current Politics Micro Observation | Dragon Boat Festival Roots Hunting Culture Long Fragrant Bag | Xuzhou | Current Politics

The social ideal of serving the public and achieving universal harmony in the world, the governance philosophy of putting the people at the foundation of the country and governing with virtue, the tradition of unity that runs through the nine provinces and is diverse, the patriotism that is responsible for maintaining harmony and prosperity, the spiritual pursuit of carrying material wealth and promoting morality, the economic ethics of enriching the people and balancing righteousness and benefit, the ecological concept of harmony between heaven and humanity, and the harmonious development of all things, the philosophical thinking of seeking truth from facts and integrating knowledge and action, the thinking method of adhering to the principles of balance and maintaining harmony, and the way of communication that emphasizes faith, harmony, and kindness towards neighbors

The ideological concepts, humanistic spirit, and moral standards reflected in the millennium old Dragon Boat Festival have flowed in the blood of every Chinese nation, becoming a rich nourishment for the continuous growth and development of the Chinese nation.

"We are born Chinese. The most fundamental thing is that we have the unique spiritual world of the Chinese people and the values that the people use daily without realizing it." General Secretary Xi Jinping had such an affectionate confession.

The excellent traditional Chinese culture has become the gene of the Chinese nation, rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people, subtly influencing their ways of thinking and behavior, and injecting a source of vitality into the magnificent era.

The continuity of spiritual bloodline

The fragrance of zongzi leaves and the recitation of Qu Yuan are the long cultural heritage of the Dragon Boat Festival, as well as the strength accumulated to move forward in the nostalgia for eternal patriotism.

"At the beginning of ancient times, who spread the word? Without any form from top to bottom, how could it be tested?"

More than two thousand years ago, the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan issued a grand "inquiry". His patriotic spirit, enterprising spirit, and exploratory spirit have been constantly advancing with the passage of time and the changes of the times, and continue to do so.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Dragon Boat Festival Roots Hunting Culture Long Fragrant Bag | Xuzhou | Current Politics

Today's commemoration of Qu Yuan is to find the connection point between the ancient spirit and current needs, to trace the origin of national spirit, and to pave the way for keeping up with the times. Qu Yuan's spirit is used to "shape the hearts" of the people and "establish actions" for practice.

"There is a long way to go in Xiu Yuan. I will go up and down and look for it." General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly quoted qu Yuan's famous sentences to encourage and encourage the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to have the courage to change and innovate, and to move forward bravely, rain or shine.

△ On June 12, 2013, during the Dragon Boat Festival, the Shenzhou 10 astronauts ate delicious Zongzi in space.

"It is also the kindness of my heart. Although I have died, I still have no regrets." At the 19th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 14th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the General Secretary quoted Qu Yuan's words to inspire the vast number of scientific and technological workers across the country to have strong confidence and determination in innovation, neither to belittle themselves nor to be arrogant., Have the courage to overcome difficulties, pursue excellence, win victory, and actively seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological competition and future development.

For over a decade, "searching up and down" has been transformed into a vivid practice in China, constantly advancing towards deep reform areas, innovation and creation, and challenging difficulties. "Crossing mountains and crossing rivers to build bridges" has become a posture for people to move forward, while "daring to be the first" and "persevering" have honed the excellent character of the Chinese people.

The fragrant aroma of zongzi and its patriotic sentiment are infused into the spiritual bloodline of the Chinese nation, and also radiate new era values in the new era.

On the vast land of over 9.6 million square kilometers, the Chinese people are sucking on the cultural nutrients accumulated through the long struggle of the Chinese nation, persisting in their own path, with an immensely broad stage, an immensely profound historical heritage, and an immensely strong determination to move forward.

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