Creating New Achievements in the Era - Written on the occasion of the Sixth Chinese Physician's Day, Xinhua All Media+| Bravely Undertake the Health Mission Patients | Critical Illness | Physician's Day

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 00:57 AM

Under the shadowless light, one stop lasts for several hours; In the mountains and valleys, once you dig it down, it will be half a lifetime; Relay aid to foreign countries has become a lifelong choice for Chinese doctors.

"The vast number of medical workers are guardians of people's lives and health." For a long time, Chinese medical workers have wholeheartedly served the people's health and demonstrated their compassion through practical actions.

On August 19th, the sixth Chinese Physician's Day.

Building a Health Barrier to Save Lives

On the early morning of August 2nd, after hiking for nearly 5 hours to reach Luopo Ridge, Liu Zhan, the director of pediatrics at Mentougou District Hospital in Beijing, and his companions ignored rest and immediately began treating the patient.

At the end of July, rainstorm poured into Beijing, trapping many people. More than 20 medical rescue teams quickly gathered and rushed to multiple villages and towns in Mentougou District.

Hiking 10 kilometers, walking 7 villages in a row, crossing mountains and rivers, and treating injuries all the way - the high-intensity physical exertion left 52 year old head nurse Du Chunxue exhausted. But she didn't complain: "As long as there are patients waiting, we must set off like soldiers."

On August 1, 2023, at the temporary resettlement site of Miaofengshan Ethnic School in Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, staff from the Beijing Emergency Center were transporting an injured villager. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Through wind and rain, only to bless life. At the scene of the disaster, in the emergency room, in front of the operating table... the white clad soldiers rushed to the front line of saving lives and helping the injured without hesitation.

"Where the patient is, my battlefield is." As an expert in the treatment of emerging infectious diseases, Zhang Zhongde, president of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has gone to the front line to fight against the COVID-19 more than ten times.

In the eyes of patients, the handwritten "Guangdong De Shu" on the protective clothing is their "reassuring pill".

Creating New Achievements in the Era - Written on the occasion of the Sixth Chinese Physician's Day, Xinhua All Media+| Bravely Undertake the Health Mission Patients | Critical Illness | Physician's Day

Faced with the threat of major infectious diseases and the fight against major natural disasters, the vast number of health and wellness workers have won the praise of the whole society for their fearlessness, unwavering determination, courage to move forward, and selflessness in saving lives.

The guardians of people's lives and health, more than 1.4 billion people will never forget.

In recent years, relevant departments have successively issued documents such as the Guiding Opinions on Establishing a Long term Mechanism for Protecting, Caring for, and Caring for Medical Personnel, actively ensuring the life, psychology, and safety of medical personnel.

Over the past 28 years of medical practice, Li Yanming, the director of the Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Department at Beijing Hospital, has devoted all his time and energy to the clinical treatment of lung infections and critical illnesses that endanger the lives of elderly patients, saving the health and lives of more than 15000 patients.

In the respiratory intensive care unit, there is a constant "life and death rush", and medical staff are ready to fight 24 hours a day. "The most beautiful doctor," said Li Yanming, "snatching back life from the hand of death is the greatest comfort for us."

Sacrifice oneself and forget oneself, bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities, and spare no effort in treating patients. The vast number of medical workers have built a strong barrier to protect people's lives and health.

Strive for "One Technology" to Benefit the World with Better Quality and Efficiency in Health Services

Chinese doctors have never stopped exploring and innovating as they bravely venture into the "no man's land" of medicine.

The lack of appropriate bone marrow matching has led to the death of many blood tumor patients who urgently need bone marrow transplantation in the long wait. 31 years ago, Huang Xiaojun, who had just graduated and become a clinical doctor in the field of hematology, made a secret determination to do some work for leukemia patients.

In 2000, Huang Xiaojun led a team to successfully break through the "forbidden zone" of transplantation and complete the first semi matched bone marrow transplant. After more than 20 years of continuous efforts, based on more than 10000 clinical transplants, the internationally recognized "Beijing Plan" for bone marrow transplantation was formed, solving the global medical problem of a shortage of donor sources.

Now, Huang Xiaojun, who has become the director of the Institute of Hematology at Peking University, has turned his attention to the diagnosis and treatment of infections in blood disease patients: "No matter which direction of medicine we specialize in, we must take patient safety, national medical progress, and ensuring people's physical health as our own responsibility."

Creating New Achievements in the Era - Written on the occasion of the Sixth Chinese Physician's Day, Xinhua All Media+| Bravely Undertake the Health Mission Patients | Critical Illness | Physician's Day

On July 6, 2023, Huang Xiaojun collected bone marrow stem cells from donors in the operating room of Peking University People's Hospital. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Yuwei

To excel in one skill and benefit the world, solely for providing patients with better treatment and more refined services.

Having been a doctor for over 70 years, Zhang Jinzhe, a renowned pediatrician, has treated tens of thousands of children with his rich clinical experience.

In the era of equipment shortage, Zhang Jinzhe personally created and improved over 50 types of pediatric disease diagnosis and treatment tools and surgical techniques, some of which were praised and used by international peers.

Every time he received a consultation, he stood up to greet the patient, and after seeing the patient off, he transformed toys from his pocket to soothe the crying child - all of this was for Zhang Jinzhe to say, "Children in the world are painless, and mothers are not sad.".

In the process of deepening medical reform, medical and health institutions and workers continue to explore and strive to provide the people with better and more efficient health services, including the launch of grassroots health and convenience services such as "appointment number source sinking to the grassroots", and the theme activities of "improving medical experience and enhancing patient experience", "comprehensive improvement of medical quality action", and "further improvement of nursing services action".

15000 medical consortia have been established nationwide, and more than 80% of county-level hospitals have met the basic standards of medical service capabilities. With the joint efforts of medical workers, more and more practical measures for people's health have been implemented, and the sense of access to medical care among the public continues to improve.

"One cannot be omitted" on the road to benefiting people's health with benevolence and benevolence

Having received 120000 patients and made over 10000 visits... Over the past 40 years, Liu Yongsheng, a rural doctor in Sijiaoying Village, Qindong Town, Tongguan County, Shaanxi Province, has been carrying a thick "health ledger" in his heart.

He has personally tried more than one hundred Chinese herbal medicines, and practiced himself to learn acupuncture and moxibustion... In Liu Yongsheng's opinion, "it's worth letting villagers not worry about seeing doctors!"

On the road to a healthy China, we cannot miss any of them.

Creating New Achievements in the Era - Written on the occasion of the Sixth Chinese Physician's Day, Xinhua All Media+| Bravely Undertake the Health Mission Patients | Critical Illness | Physician's Day

In order to enable grassroots people to enjoy high-level medical services, batches of medical personnel have focused on revolutionary old areas, remote areas, and other areas, actively carrying out free consultations, health science popularization, teaching and ward rounds, and exploring the establishment of long-term targeted assistance mechanisms with grassroots medical and health institutions, improving the ability and level of grassroots services, and making the people more reliable at the grassroots level.

This is a photo taken on March 14, 2023 in Saida, Algeria, of the former site of the Saida Provincial Hospital, where the first Chinese medical support team worked. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Tianyu

From the southwestern border of our motherland to the rural areas of Northeast China, from neighboring Southeast Asia to the African continent thousands of miles away, the Chinese doctors have always maintained a sense of compassion for the world.

The Algerian small town of Saida has a dry climate and frequent sandstorms. In 1965, when Hubei doctor Xue Jin joined the medical team to aid Afghanistan and came to Saida, there was only one doctor and one nurse here.

Under such conditions, during the three years of aid to Afghanistan, Xue Jin and his colleagues successfully performed thousands of surgeries, gaining the trust and gratitude of local patients.

Over 290 million patients have been diagnosed and treated, and more than 100000 medical personnel have been trained. Over the past 60 years, generations of Chinese angels in white have been helping Africa and other regions improve their medical and health standards with Chinese experience, leaving behind a "medical team that cannot be taken away.".

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