Contributing to the Construction of a Strong Country and the Revival of the Nation by the Overseas Chinese Community - A Review of the Five Year Work of the Chinese Overseas Chinese Federation | Socialism | Contribution

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 00:50 AM

Beijing, August 30th, Xinhua News Agency - Title: Contributing Overseas Chinese Power to the Construction of a Strong Country and National Revival - A Review of the Five Year Work of the China Federation of Overseas Chinese

Xinhua News Agency reporter Fan Sixiang

Deeply rooted in the Chinese sentiment, tirelessly pursuing the Chinese Dream. The 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members will open in Beijing on August 31st, and the vast number of returned overseas Chinese and their family members will welcome their own grand event.

Strengthening ideological and political guidance, further consolidating the ideological foundation

The song "Speak Out for Love" to welcome the Asian Games ignited the opening enthusiasm, and the song "Me and My Motherland" ignited the passionate emotions of overseas Chinese... In February of this year, the "Love for China, One Heart in the River" cultural "light cavalry" of the Overseas Chinese Federation performed in multiple overseas Chinese towns in Zhejiang, delivering the cultural "feast" to the doorstep of overseas Chinese homes. The wonderful performance left the audience lingering.

As one of the brand activities of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese, this "Family Love China" visit to the hometown of overseas Chinese is a vivid practice organized by the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese to promote the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and unite the overseas Chinese community through cultural performances.

Over the past five years, the Chinese Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese has continuously maintained and strengthened its political, progressiveness and mass character, and strengthened its ideological and political guidance to the masses of overseas Chinese——

Launching documentaries such as "Overseas Chinese and the Republic" and "A Hundred Years of Red Heart", vividly showcasing the important contributions made by the overseas Chinese community to the cause of the Party and the people under the leadership of the Party;

Continuously holding short video competitions for overseas Chinese, the online topic activity "Celebrating the Winter Olympics Together" has received 2.9 billion views

Each activity and brand has become an important lever for the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese to widely carry out ideological and political guidance in the overseas Chinese community. It not only highlights the characteristics of overseas Chinese culture, but also demonstrates the love for the Party and the country, continuously building a solid ideological foundation.

Utilize the unique advantages of overseas Chinese to serve the overall interests of the Party and the country

In the "Winter Olympics Small City" of Chongli City, Hebei Province, a undulating mountain shaped building is particularly eye-catching. This is the Overseas Chinese Ice and Snow Museum, which was proposed by the Chinese Overseas Chinese Federation to donate to overseas Chinese around the world. It witnesses the deep feelings of overseas Chinese for their hometown and patriotism.

State affairs require overseas Chinese to take action. Over the past five years, under the active guidance of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese and various levels of overseas Chinese organizations, the strength of the overseas Chinese community has continuously gathered, and the unique advantages of overseas Chinese have been fully utilized——

On the battlefield of poverty alleviation, the All China Federation of Overseas Chinese launched a three-year campaign to assist in poverty alleviation, investing 1.629 billion yuan to help 58000 people achieve poverty alleviation; Assisting in the hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics, overseas Chinese and overseas business enterprises from 53 countries and regions donated 160 million yuan; When the COVID-19 hit, the vast number of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese and their families took active action, and donated 2.278 billion yuan worth of goods and materials; The overseas community's public welfare and charity continue to develop, and the brand of "Overseas Chinese Love Project" is further polished.

The total investment project amount is 658.2 billion yuan, and the total trade project amount is 968.8 billion yuan... In February of this year, the China Overseas Chinese Investment Conference was held in Guangzhou, Guangdong, where more than 400 representatives of overseas Chinese businessmen, overseas Chinese enterprise leaders, and overseas Chinese professionals gathered to seek business opportunities and discuss cooperation.

From establishing the brand of the China Overseas Chinese Investment Conference, hosting the World Overseas Chinese Hainan Tour and Entrepreneurship China · Overseas Chinese Forum, to continuously holding the "Entrepreneurship China · Holding Hands with Beijing Tianjin Hebei" overseas Chinese high-level talents to serve the country, these are the epitomes of the China Overseas Chinese Federation's major development strategy and proactive actions in serving the country.

Over the past five years, by expanding the "Entrepreneurial China" brand, the China Federation of Overseas Chinese has leveraged the advantages of the overseas Chinese community in terms of funding, technology, information, management, etc., organizing more than 100 events covering more than 20 provinces, signing cooperation agreements, and strengthening provincial and ministerial cooperation; Focusing on innovation, technology, and talent, the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese organizes a national exchange activity for new overseas Chinese innovation and entrepreneurship achievements, leveraging the role of platforms such as the Special Expert Committee and Overseas Chinese Innovation Base, encouraging and supporting overseas Chinese talents to serve the "four aspects" and high-quality development, and continuously writing a new chapter in overseas Chinese service to the country.

Solidly carry out services for overseas Chinese, warm and benefit overseas Chinese, and unite people's hearts

Drawing theatrical masks, learning to bow and bow, and hand drawing the Wild Goose Pagoda... The 2023 "Family China · Telling You Stories" online Shaanxi Xi'an Camp has attracted hundreds of overseas Chinese youth to participate. Under the guidance of the teacher, interactive and fun activities are carried out to help Chinese teenagers deepen their understanding and recognition of Chinese culture.

Over the past five years, focusing on promoting Chinese culture, strengthening social connections, and safeguarding the interests of overseas Chinese in accordance with the law, the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese has been deeply and solidly serving overseas Chinese, playing the role of a bridge and link, and continuously enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the overseas Chinese community.

——Establishing 534 international cultural exchange bases for Chinese overseas Chinese throughout the country to better serve the "going global" of Chinese culture; Launch online cultural activities and cultural products such as cloud based Spring Festival Gala, to achieve cloud based gathering of overseas Chinese, online networking of overseas Chinese, and cultural exchange of overseas Chinese.

——We will carefully build the "Overseas Chinese Connect Five Continents" brand, leverage the role of overseas consultants and committee members, and hold themed activities such as the "Forum on Overseas Chinese Assisting the Development of BRICS Countries" to consolidate and strengthen our patriotic and hometown loving forces.

——Strengthen cooperation with judicial authorities, vigorously promote the construction of cooperation mechanisms such as the "Home for Prosecutors and Overseas Chinese", carry out the "Connect Overseas Chinese - Safeguard Overseas Chinese Interests" project, establish a research base for the protection of overseas Chinese interests, and organize the legal protection of overseas Chinese interests. The brand and carrier of overseas Chinese interests work are becoming increasingly rich.

——Cooperate with the implementation of the "Spring Seedling Action", donate "Overseas Chinese Love and Health Kits" to more than 50 countries and regions, and normalize the "Warm Overseas Chinese Online" cloud connection to overseas advisors and members of the Overseas Chinese Federation, conveying the country's care and concern for overseas Chinese.

Over the past five years, overseas Chinese organizations at all levels across the country have actively fulfilled their functions of participating in politics and providing more than 200 proposals and suggestions to the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, promoting the coordinated resolution of issues related to the vital interests of the overseas Chinese community.

Continuously strengthening self construction and deepening the reform of the Overseas Chinese Federation

In July 2021, the "Development Plan for the Undertaking of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese" was officially released - this is the first time that the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese has formulated a five-year plan, and it has also laid a solid foundation for promoting the deepening reform of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese system.

In line with the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and to adapt to changes in overseas Chinese situations, the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese has continuously made efforts in establishing mechanisms, strengthening foundations, and focusing on grassroots work over the past five years, promoting the extension of reforms to grassroots levels and forming a unified platform for national overseas Chinese connections. The coverage and influence of the organization and work of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese have continued to expand.

Strictly and practically carry out the party building work of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese, implement the three-year action plan to improve the quality of grassroots party organization construction, establish a party building reporting mechanism, and create "four strong" party branches... Continuously strengthening party building, the organizational strength and combat effectiveness of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese have significantly enhanced.

Establish the concept of overseas Chinese affairs and form a joint force in overseas Chinese work. In the past five years, the number of overseas Chinese federations at all levels in China has increased to 28700, with a coverage rate of 70% at the county level. The number of "overseas Chinese homes" nationwide has increased to 11000, and 12000 grassroots backbone members have been trained. The vitality and service capabilities of grassroots organizations have been enhanced.

It is an important task of the Party and the state to closely unite the vast number of overseas Chinese and the families of returning overseas Chinese, and to play their positive role in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

On the new journey, the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese and various levels of overseas Chinese organizations will keep in mind their instructions, actively take on their responsibilities, unite and lead the vast number of returned overseas Chinese and their families, draw the largest concentric circle of the overseas Chinese community, write a new chapter of high-quality development, and contribute the strength of the overseas Chinese community to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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