Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:12 AM

CCTV News: Common prosperity lies not only in common prosperity, but also in common difficulties. We must cover all the people, not one less, but also the entire region, and not one less.

From a national perspective, Zhejiang is relatively affluent. Last year, the per capita disposable income exceeded 60000 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of urban residents ranked first in the country for 22 consecutive years. The per capita disposable income of rural residents also ranked first in the country for 38 consecutive years.

But within Zhejiang Province, there is also an issue of uneven development. We say that Zhejiang is divided into seven mountains, one water, and two fields, with the terrain tilting from southwest to northeast. This line is called the "Qingda Line", which starts from Qingliangfeng Town in Lin'an District, Hangzhou City in the north and ends at Dayu Town in Cangnan County, Wenzhou City in the south. It is also a dividing line for the development level of Zhejiang, as on both sides of the line, it faces the sea to the northeast and mountains to the southwest. The 26 mountainous counties account for 45% of the area of Zhejiang Province, but only create less than 10% of the gross domestic product. This gap is summarized by Zhejiang as the "mountain sea" gap.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

Common prosperity requires both high-quality development and high-level balance, and filling the gaps in 26 mountainous counties is the breakthrough and key point for Zhejiang.How to combine the resources of "mountains" with the advantages of "sea"? In recent years, Zhejiang has formed a group of mountain sea cooperation experiences from the front line, among which building an "enclave" platform is the most representative.

Creating an industrial enclave and reciting the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" of the new era

"Enclave" refers to two or more regions that are not administratively subordinate to each other, breaking the boundaries of administrative divisions and cooperating in the construction and development of various industrial parks in specific areas. Specifically, in Zhejiang, how does the "enclave" model operate and what are its effects? What has the enclave economy gone through from its birth to becoming increasingly mature?

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

A week ago, the company located in Ningbo moved into a new factory building. Now, the new equipment has been debugged and officially put into operation. The relocation road from the old factory to the new factory is only 5 kilometers, but it is a "hand in hand" crossing over 300 kilometers at once. Because although the new factory is located in Ningbo, this area is jointly owned by Yinzhou District of Ningbo City and Qujiang District of Quzhou City. This "co ownership" is exactly the "industrial enclave" model implemented in Zhejiang. In order to promote the development of 26 counties in mountainous areas, Zhejiang requires that the "sea" party in the "mountain sea cooperation" must take out a piece of land with a better location as the "enclave" of the mountainous area, and both parties can operate and benefit together. The location of Yitian Jinggong's new factory is part of the 1501 acre "industrial enclave" in Yinzhou District and Qujiang District.

This enterprise engaged in high-end equipment manufacturing has been renting a small factory building for 5 years since its establishment. As the order volume continues to increase, expanding production scale has become increasingly urgent.

Tang Jianguo: Land cannot be found in the Ningbo area, and rented factories cannot be found either. We also have high requirements for the factory building, with a floor height of 27 meters and a crane weighing 150 tons. Because production capacity needs to be expanded and orders are increasing, it's very urgent.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

The predicament of the enterprise has taken a turn in 2019. At that time, staff from the Ningbo Yinzhou Economic Development Zone Management Committee came to the enterprise to promote the "enclave" policy. According to the policy of "industrial enclave", land will be provided by Ningbo Yinzhou and land indicators will be provided by Quzhou Qujiang. Both parties will jointly invest 100 million yuan to establish a joint venture company responsible for the operation of the "enclave". Among them, investment from Yinzhou accounts for 49% of the shares and investment from Qujiang accounts for 51%. After the landing project enterprise operates normally, both parties will redistribute taxes according to the agreed proportion, with Yinzhou receiving 35% and Qujiang receiving 65%, and the profits will be tilted towards Qujiang again. With this industrial enclave, Ningbo, which has developed industries and limited land supply, can retain enterprises. Meanwhile, the investment attraction in Yinzhou has also become easier.

Tang Jianguo: The benefits of this policy have greatly improved our business. The annual output value has increased from 100 million yuan to 300 million yuan, from 300 million yuan to 500 million yuan, thus expanding production capacity.

As the production capacity increases, the efficiency of the enterprise naturally also increases.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

Another new energy vehicle parts production enterprise in the park was recruited from Yinzhou, Ningbo to this "enclave" in 2022. After a year of operation, there was nearly 50 million output value in the first four months of this year, and the annual sales output value is expected to reach 400 million, accounting for one-fifth of the parent company's annual output value. According to the current cooperation model between both parties, Li Yong, Deputy Director of the Yinzhou Economic Development Zone Management Committee in Ningbo, has calculated an account for us.

Li Yong, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Yinzhou Economic Development Zone in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province: We calculate the output value of 400 million yuan based on a corporate tax rate of 5 points, with a tax revenue of about 20 million yuan. Our district income in Yinzhou District is about 5 million yuan. According to our cooperation model, Qujiang can receive more than 3 million yuan.

After more than 10 years of development, in 2021, Zhejiang proposed to "recite the 'Mountains and Seas Classic' of the new era" and use the 'enclave' economy as a carrier of innovative development. Nowadays, both "mountains" and "seas" enjoy the development and benefits brought by "enclaves". However, as the first "enclave" model in Zhejiang, the initial implementation of policies was not so easy.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

Li Yong, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Yinzhou Economic Development Zone in Ningbo City, said: At that time, there were a lot of issues in front of us regarding the subsequent profit sharing, investment ratio, and personnel allocation. Some functional departments must have differences, such as the economic department, which values the implementation of projects and the output of economic indicators; For example, the finance department must calculate how to recover this cost. Each functional department will definitely have their own opinions, which makes it difficult for us to advance this project from the beginning.

Although difficult, both the "mountain" and "sea" believe that cooperation is the correct direction towards "common prosperity". After continuous adjustment by both governments, the "enclave" business model has been continuously improved in practice, allowing both the mountain and the sea sides to gradually taste the "sweetness" of cooperation.

Li Yong, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Yinzhou Economic Development Zone in Ningbo City: This "enclave" is very beneficial for our enterprises in Yinzhou and even Ningbo. It means that I have 1500 acres of land available for development and construction, laying a good foundation for the development and investment attraction of local enterprises in Ningbo. For Qujiang, the most crucial thing they see is the subsequent returns. Once the project is completed, they can immediately generate returns. After 5 years, the return rate is still quite considerable.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

Innovative development of three enclave models to enrich the people and strengthen villages

An industrial enclave that integrates the advantageous resources of the two regions. In addition to the cooperation we just saw between Ningbo Yinzhou and Quzhou Qujiang, in order to enhance the effectiveness of mountain sea cooperation, Zhejiang has also established a city level collaborative pairing relationship. For example, Hangzhou and Shaoxing support Quzhou, while Ningbo, Huzhou, and Jiaxing jointly support Lishui. At present, there are 78 such enclaves in Zhejiang Province, with the mountain side called "Feichudi" and the sea side called "Feichudi".

In terms of models, Zhejiang has now explored three main "enclave" models: industry, science and technology innovation, and thin consumption.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

The "industrial enclave" is mainly composed of advanced manufacturing industries, arranged by Zhejiang Province, and provided by relevant industrial development platforms such as the Greater Bay Area New Area and provincial-level high-energy platforms in Zhejiang Province. It provides a piece of land of no less than 1 square kilometer for 26 mountainous counties, and the construction land indicators of the "enclave" are guaranteed by the enclave.

"Science and technology innovation enclaves" also encourage joint construction between fly in and fly out areas. The settled enterprises are mainly technology startups, incubated in fly in areas, and industrialized in fly out areas.

"Eliminating thin enclaves", as the name suggests, means eliminating weak villages. The direction is more clear, which is to strengthen the collective economy of villages that fly out of the land and promote the increase of farmers' income. It mainly focuses on developing rapid and effective projects such as property economy and building economy.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

The "enclave economy" has provided a source of fresh water for economically weak areas in Zhejiang. Zhejiang also has its own ways to continue their development and growth.

How can economically weak villages achieve three-year leapfrog catch-up?

Yong'an Village in Yuhang District, Hangzhou City was once an economically weak village. However, in just over two years, the collective operating income of Yong'an Village has increased from 730000 yuan in 2019 to 5.05 million yuan in 2022, and the income per mu of farmland has increased from 555 yuan to 5800 yuan. These changes are closely related to one person, who is the newly appointed "CEO" in the village in the past two years. What does the CEO in the village do and how did he bring about such a significant change in the village over the past three years? Let's get to know this rural CEO - Liu Song.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

Liu Song, Rural Professional Manager of Yong'an Village, Yuhang Street, Yuhang District: My name is Liu Song, and I come from Wuhu, Anhui. I studied agricultural technology promotion at Zhejiang University. I hope to apply my professional knowledge to rural areas and contribute to rural revitalization.

Why is there a CEO in the countryside? This comes from an innovative initiative in Yuhang District, Hangzhou City.

In recent years, many strong village companies have been established in rural areas of Zhejiang to promote the development and growth of village collective economy and increase farmers' income. But many village officials are not good at management, and even strong village companies cannot open up the market. Yuhang District has started to widely distribute hero posts, recruiting professional managers for rural areas, hoping that these business oriented individuals can help the rural collective economy, enrich the people, and strengthen the village.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

Zhang Shuibao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yong'an Village, Yuhang Street, Yuhang District: Previously, our village had the lowest collective income in Yuhang Street Village, with only 285000 yuan.

The applicants for recruitment are all from economically weak villages like Yong'an Village. Zhang Shuibao said that he is already at the bottom of his mind, so he might as well try to see if foreign monks can recite scriptures well. In October 2020, Liu Song, a top student from Zhejiang University in Anhui, successfully applied and became the first CEO of Yong'an Village based on years of experience in operating agricultural product enterprises. At that time, the collective economic income of Yong'an Village ranked last in Yuhang Street, and the village had almost no other economic income except for farming.

Liu Song, a rural professional manager in Yong'an Village, Yuhang Street, Yuhang District: The comprehensive cost of grain cultivation is 2200 yuan per mu, and the comprehensive income is 2755 yuan per mu. Therefore, the actual income per mu of land is only 555 yuan. In places like ours, 97% are protected by permanent basic farmland, which greatly restricts our ability to engage in other diversified businesses.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

What should we do if the land in Yong'an Village can only be used for grain cultivation? How to deal with a single industry?

Liu Song combined the actual situation in the village with the current green lifestyle that people like, and encouraged urban residents and businesses to recognize and cultivate land. The village provides planting and breeding services, and the rice and derivatives produced belong to the users. Users can see the growth of their rice fields at any time through the mini program. In order to expand his influence, Liu Song also organized a special "opening sickle festival". On the day of the Kaisickle Festival in 2021, more than 40000 tourists came to Yong'an Village, and over 800 acres of designated farmland were cleared on the same day.

Liu Song once again calculated that the comprehensive income per acre of land in Yong'an Village has increased from 2755 yuan for selling grain in the past to 8000 yuan. Excluding the cost of grain cultivation, the income per mu of farmland has increased from 555 yuan to 5800 yuan, and the collective operating income of the village has increased from 730000 yuan in 2019 to 5.05 million yuan in 2022. In just over two years, Yong'an Village has gone from being the last to last place in Yuhang Street to the top in positive numbers.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

Liu Song, Rural Professional Manager of Yong'an Village, Yuhang Street, Yuhang District: This place was originally an irrigation water source. We have made some minor renovations, and after creating the surrounding environment, we have turned it into a small camping site to attract parent-child families. There are two benefits to this. One is that they provide us with venue fees, planning fees, and activity consulting fees, which are all deposited into the village collective's account and can increase the village collective's income. The second one is that after they come here, all aspects of their food consumption are included in our farmhouse entertainment. After a meal, they buy some local specialties to bring back, which is the increase in income for the villagers.

Seeing the changes in their hometown, young people working outside Yong'an Village have gradually returned to the village over the years. Some have run research classes, some have started rural leisure and homestays, and some have picked up the intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship in the village and started intangible cultural heritage workshops. Nowadays, more and more new business models are sprouting here in Yong'an Village.

The success of Yong'an Village has shown the benefits of this operating model to the other seven villages in Yuhang Street. In order to achieve the development of eight villages together, Yuhang Street has led Yong'an Village to establish a strong town company. Liu Song also transitioned from the CEO of Qiangcun Company to the CEO of Qiangzhen Company. The backbone of Qiangcun Company also took up positions in other villages, and Liu Song gave them a more poetic name - "Rural Dream Maker".

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas

Liu Song, Rural Professional Manager of Yong'an Village, Yuhang Street, Yuhang District: In fact, our country not only has Yong'an, there are countless Yong'an in the country, all of which require young people with abilities, ideas, and dreams to come over. Through your two-way communication with the countryside, you can achieve your ideals and achieve rural development.

Expert interpretation: How to see the efforts made by Zhejiang in "common"?

What kind of inspiration does Zhejiang give us in promoting coordinated development between urban and rural areas and exploring the process of common prosperity? Mr. Hao Dong, Associate Professor of the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China, brings an interpretation.

Chinese path to modernization | Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the New Era Yinzhou | Enclave | Classic of Mountains and Seas
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