Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:48 AM

CCTV News: How to handle the relationship between humans and nature in the process of achieving common prosperity? The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that Chinese path to modernization is a modernization in which man and nature coexist in harmony. Solidly promoting common prosperity not only requires achieving material prosperity, but also spiritual prosperity and ecological beauty.

Over the years, Zhejiang has carried out many innovative explorations around keywords such as ecology and green. How does Zhejiang practice this concept while exploring the path of common prosperity?

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

What innovative explorations does Zhejiang have in practicing the principle of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver"? Let's take a look at a key indicator: "GEP". We are very familiar with GDP, which is an indicator of gross domestic product, and in the GEP indicator, this "E" refers to the ecosystem. So GEP reflects the gross ecosystem product of a region. In October 2020, Zhejiang released the first provincial-level "GEP Accounting Standard" in China. GEP is the Gross Ecosystem Product, also known as the Gross Ecosystem Product, which refers to the sum of the values of all ecological products provided by various ecosystems within a certain area. It mainly includes three categories: material products provided by ecosystems, regulatory services, and cultural services. For example, water quality purification and air purification belong to regulatory services; High quality vegetables and fruits grown from good mountains and good water belong to material products; The tourism, sightseeing, leisure and entertainment brought by good mountains and water belong to cultural services.

The publication of this accounting standard also provides an accurate scale for measuring the quality of regional ecosystems. So, how to measure it specifically?

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Setting a Price for Green Waters and Green Mountains and Embarking on the Road of Ecological Co prosperity

The staff is testing the water quality of the stream and collecting data for the "water purification" indicator in GEP.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Zhang Sihai, Director of the Institute of Ecological Product Value Transformation at China Liangshan University, said that water quality purification ability reflects the purification ability of the effluent ecosystem for total nitrogen and total phosphorus. If we use our artificial system, there will be a certain cost, but in our ecosystem, it has the ability to self purify, which is equivalent to saving this part of the cost.

The value of water quality purification in Dajun Township is calculated using the alternative cost method. That is to say, if an artificial system is used to purify the water quality here, it would cost 176000 yuan. So, the creek in front of me is now clear enough to save this money, which means that GEP calculation can be worth this price.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Let's talk about whether the ecology is good or not based on data

Let's take a look at a report, which is the 2019 GEP accounting report for Dajun Township, Jingning County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province. The total value of GEP is 1.879 billion yuan, of which 93.7% are regulation services, 938 million yuan are climate regulation, 618 million yuan are water conservation, 150 million yuan are soil conservation, and some other indicators. It can be said that with it, there is a pricing table for mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes, grass, and sand. What kind of benefits can ecological value bring to the people? Let's follow the reporter to take a look together.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Green waters and green mountains are valuable, good ecology brings good days

Whether the ecology is good or not can be determined by calculation. After calculation, the GEP value of Dazhe Village in Suichang County, Lishui City is 160 million yuan, which provides accurate digital support and objective evaluation basis for the good ecology of Dazhe Village. In recent years, many tea merchants, tea enterprises, and tourists have come to promote the upgrading of the tea industry in the village, and achieve the integration of agriculture, culture, and tourism development. The digital tea industry entrepreneurship park opened this year, and the future annual output value will reach 350 million yuan.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Cheng Shengping, a villager from Datian Village, Dazhe Town, Suichang County, Zhejiang Province: After the GEP report was released, the reputation of our Datian Village has increased. Many customers, knowing that our mountain and water environment is relatively good, will purchase tea from our village at designated locations. The satisfaction of our customers is still quite high.

Coincidentally, due to GEP accounting, the public has gained a more intuitive understanding of the "good ecology" of Lishui. The high-altitude vegetables planted in Zhou'an Village, the "highest altitude village" in Songyang County, Lishui, are now sold at higher prices in fresh supermarkets and agricultural products such as tomatoes directly supplied to Hangzhou. Last year, the average income of tomato planting households in Zhou'an Village increased by 70000 yuan.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Wu Songfa, Secretary of the Party Branch of Zhou'an Village, Yuyan Town, Songyang County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province: Due to high altitude, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and no air pollution, the environment has a relatively large temperature difference. The tomatoes grown are of good quality, sour and sweet. We used to sell for around 3.5 yuan per kilogram, but now we sell for 5 to 6 yuan per kilogram.

What is the use of GEP accounting? Lishui City has launched products such as "ecological loans" linked to GEP accounting, and has also established a special mechanism for guiding ecological environment protection interests. Ecological management, green living, and ecological protection will receive higher ecological credit points, thereby obtaining higher credit limits and lower loan interest rates.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

In Dajun Township, Jingning, Luo Jian, who runs a homestay, has done a good job in ecological management and protection, so his personal ecological credit has received a five-star rating. Recently, he used this ecological credit to obtain an "ecological loan".

Luo Jian, a homestay operator in Dajun Township, Jingning She Autonomous County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province: Based on my personal rating, I have a five-star rating and can get a loan of 300000 yuan. Moreover, I understand the annual interest rate, which is 3.85%, which is the lowest, so I decided to take out a loan.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

After obtaining a loan, Luo Jian renovated his own homestay, which is now more attractive.

As of the end of 2022, the balance of "ecological loans" in Lishui City was nearly 3 billion yuan, covering 32 banking and financial institutions. More and more people are starting their doorstep business through "ecological loans", and the variety of businesses in the village is becoming more diverse, which has promoted the development of local tourism industry. More and more people are coming to the surrounding villages for vacation, which also provides more employment opportunities for local villagers.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Zhong Weifen, a villager from Fuye Village, Dajun Township, Jingning She Autonomous County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province: In the past, he could only grow vegetables and do household chores at home, and could not earn any other money. Now, he is at his doorstep. All the waiters here are from our village. They are fifty or sixty years old and no one wants them to work outside. Working as waiters here can earn 3000 yuan per month, which is also very good.

Zhang Chungen, Deputy Director of the Development and Reform Commission of Lishui City, Zhejiang Province: In the past, the common people could not achieve prosperity while guarding green mountains and clear waters. Through GEP accounting, ecological assets can be accounted for, achieving synchronous and coordinated development of GEP and GDP. The local economy has achieved high-quality development, and the lives of the common people have become more prosperous.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Green is the background color of Zhejiang. Through GEP calculation, not only is this background color brighter, but it also further expands the space for green development. As the first pilot city for the realization mechanism of ecological product value in the country, Lishui has completed GEP accounting at the city, county, township, and village levels. Since 2021, Lishui has become the only city in the country with water and air environmental quality entering the top ten simultaneously, and the growth rate of farmers' income and low-income farmers' income has also ranked first in the province for two consecutive years.

Exploring the "Fengqiao Experience" in the New Era to Promote the Improvement of Grassroots Governance

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

To achieve common prosperity, we not only need natural ecological beauty, but also social ecological harmony. How to create a harmonious social ecology is a major issue related to the innovation and improvement of grassroots governance capabilities.

As the birthplace of the "Fengqiao Experience", Zhejiang has also been exploring new connotations of the "Fengqiao Experience".

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Resolving Contradictions and Smoothing People's Hearts with "Auntie and Village Judges"

Nowadays, many places in Zhejiang have established grassroots mechanisms for resolving conflicts and disputes, striving to achieve the goal of "not leaving the village for small matters, not leaving the town for major matters, not leaving the county for difficult matters, and not submitting conflicts". Next, we will get to know a village conflict mediator who is affectionately referred to as the "old lady's uncle" by the villagers.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

At noon that day, Tang Zhenhua, the mediator of Dazhuyuan Village in Anji County, received a complaint phone call from the villagers. Originally, the evening before yesterday, a villager broke into Mr. Wang's homestay and said that the smoke from his homestay barbecue had blown into his own house.

Recently, Mr. Wang's homestay business has been getting better and better, but the smell of barbecue smoke and the sound of music at night have affected the normal life of Miss Zhu across from him, and the conflict between the two has gradually intensified. In order to prevent the escalation of conflicts between the two sides as much as possible, Tang Zhenhua decided to adopt a "unilateral mediation" method, using emotions and reasoning to calm the emotions of both sides.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

After understanding Mr. Wang's demands, Tang Zhenhua rushed to Miss Zhu's house for mediation.

In order to better resolve the conflict between the two parties, the next afternoon, Tang Zhenhua contacted the homestay operation company and the police station, and the three parties came together to convey each other's demands. After some reasonable persuasion, Sister Zhu's emotions eased and she also realized that her behavior was impulsive and extreme; Mr. Wang also agreed to abide by the village rules and regulations, move the barbecue area outside the residential area, and no longer provide karaoke services after 9 pm.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Tang Zhenhua: Actually, things in the village are not that big of a big deal. They are just minor matters at home. We usually go to each other's families as soon as possible to get to know each other, talk about emotions, and calm them down. After reaching a certain level of discussion, we clarify the situation clearly, and then we can solve the problem according to the specific situation.

Tang Zhenhua told reporters that he is like an "old lady's uncle" in the village, and everyone wants him to come and evaluate. The trivial matters such as the villagers' pigs running out and digging up cabbage, dogs biting neighbor pets and rabbits, and septic tank sewage causing tree seedlings to die are all the contents of his daily mediation. Over the years, he has mediated a total of 731 village conflicts, of which 85% of cases have been successfully resolved within the village.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

Tang Zhenhua: Some conflicts may escalate. If we encounter difficulties, we will seek help from relevant departments, including our urban management, public security, and spear investigation center.

The "Spear Mediation Center" referred to by Tang Zhenhua is the first social conflict and dispute resolution center established in Zhejiang in 2019 nationwide. In 2020, the Spear Investigation Center also introduced a shared court. Liu Fang is the president of Lingfeng Court in Anji County and also a resident judge of the shared court. He goes to the village twice a week on average. In the past two days, the village where Liu Fang is stationed has experienced cracks in the wall of a villager's house on the roadside due to road construction. Due to the difficulty in reaching an agreement on the compensation amount between the construction party and the villagers, conflicts and disputes arose. So the village committee sought help from the resident judge to the scene for professional mediation.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

This is Liu Fang's second time in the village to participate in the mediation of this dispute. This time, he invited experts from the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau to conduct a preliminary assessment of the damage to the house.

At present, both parties are conducting a house safety appraisal and seeking further mediation once the results are available.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

There are a total of 120 resident judges like Liu Fang in Anji County. In addition to mediating in the village, they also regularly carry out legal education and provide answers to difficulties encountered by their uncles in mediation work, making their mediation at the grassroots level more effective.

Wang Zhong, Deputy Director of the Social Governance Center in Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province: Through hierarchical acceptance, we have achieved 90% of conflicts to be resolved at the township and village levels, and 10% of difficult and complex problems to be resolved at the county level center. We have basically achieved the work goal of "not leaving the village for small matters, not leaving the town for major events, not leaving the county for difficult matters, and not handing over conflicts", promoting a more harmonious society.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China

How effective is the "old lady's uncle style" mediation?

Resolve conflicts and disputes at the grassroots level and in their early stages. The down-to-earth "old lady uncle" mediation has formed a working mechanism, and we will use a set of data to see how effective the work is. Since 2020, the Anji County Social Governance Center, formerly known as the Anji County Social Contradiction and Dispute Resolution Center, has handled a total of 29700 various consulting disputes, with an immediate resolution rate of 97.8%. The efficiency of resolving individual conflicts and disputes has increased by 44.2%, and the satisfaction rate of the public has reached 99.8%. Truly enabling the common people to have a place around them to "seek advice" when encountering problems not only resolves conflicts but also helps to smooth the hearts of the people.

Chinese path to modernization | Holding this "Green" to jointly paint the mediation of rich and beautiful mountain houses | Man and nature | China
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